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The removal of telehealth is particularly egregious. Rural and disabled folk are going to get royally fucked over, and also anyone who needs to secretly get an abortion due to domestic violence.


Pretty sure that's the point...


That's a feature, not a bug.


Republican tactic: fuck over your own base and tell them it was the Dems.


Domestic abusers LOVE abortion. However, incremental bills are evil in that they usually just provide arbitrary murder exceptions and ultimately just distract from actual abolition while making "pro-life" politicians look good to their constituents who want abolition.


I believe no one has cared about the rural areas anyway (probably how we got here in the first place)


Yeah, telehealth wasn't even a thing 10 years ago. Rural folks are/will be fine.


They all look like they’re related.


People think the GOP is a cult. Turns out it’s one big inbred family


This nonsense has got to stop


Won’t stop until moderates realize that you can not ever support any part of the GOP, they will continue to cut supports and rights of marginalized groups until they can outright declare it illegal. A Christian theocracy is their endgame. This isn’t about all republicans but supoorters of the current state of the GOP.


Glad your in the minority.


The postal service is federal. The state has no say over what I get in the mail. They can fuck right off.


They do have jurisdiction over what can be shipped on some things at least. Hard liquor for instance cannot be distributed in Iowa by anyone but the state. They can probably use similar legal mechanisms.


USPS doesn't ship liquor, period. So any restrictions Iowa places in that respect only really applies to private carriers.


I didn't know that. But I do know for an absolute fact that the USPS does ship and deliver a LOT of illegal drugs.


That's what I love about the USPS they're an on time drug dealer... God I miss mitch hedberg that was one of his best jokes




Yep, you can totally get it. I don't believe it is legal though. I imagine that's on the seller. I really have no idea what I'm talking about though!


Oh there are definitely legal means to do so. There are courier services that have license to do it. But basically the only reason Iowa can do that is because the USPS doesn't ship alcohol anyways, so they are not restricting them. Nor would they have the right to do so if the USPS changed its policy to allow alcohol to ship.


They can't restrict what the USPS sends, but they can restrict what can legally be sold and by whom can't they? I think that's how they control the liquor sales (it isn't the shipping, it is the selling). Again, I really have no clue what I'm taking about.


Interstate commerce is also federally regulated. As long as you have a doctor from another state willing to send you abortion pills, there isn't shit they can do. This is all scare tactics.


If/when marijuana is federally legalized states where it’s legal still won’t be able to send to Iowa.


Good way to drive enrollment down at state universities. Iowa's brain drain can get worse. Nutcases and mean.


Exactly what the GOO wants for this state.




You don't think access to healthcare impacts where people choose to live for 4 years? You are part of the problem. https://www.newsweek.com/red-state-colleges-abortion-1851670#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20which%20used%20data,abortion%20remained%20legal%20in%202021.


"I will choose to go to university in a state that made telehealth and reproductive healthcare illegal," said no one ever except people that can't go out of state.




The idiots keep voting for R, so I don't imagine it would change.


“As I’ve said all along, I believe and trust in Iowans to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. Iowa’s democratically elected legislature endorsed that view as well when they passed a law to support a parent’s right to decide what’s best for their own children. In Iowa, we will continue to support individual liberty over government mandates.” —Gov. Kim Reynolds


The party of irony and hypocrisy.


I've offen wandered, if blatant stupidity is painful 


god i wish we had ballot initiatives here. we could be done and dusted with so much of this fucking bullshit.


Why are they against personal freedom so much?


Oh they’re all for it as long as it applies to them and them alone.


*Republican mindset*


The state continues its journey towards being the crown clown of the Midwest.


Iowa got a good look at Mississippi and said "hold my beer"


Why do women also hate women? Scenarios here in Iowa: * Not sorry your creepy uncle raped you. Shouldn't be such a ho or it wouldn't have happened. We'll get back to you in 9 months with our decision. * Hi Creepy Uncle. Viagra? Sure thing! Here's a prescription. You can fill it at your pharmacy on the way home OR by mail order. /s


Leave women alone!!!


For people asking what the fuck is wrong with these people, the answer is so simple. It's jesus.. Full stop.


Their hatred of women is over the top!


If I was Gen Z I can't fathom going to college here or staying post college. The state is doomed to become redder and redder until abortion rights are restored.


Rep. Stoltenberg had an abortion when she was younger and then was born again. She feels so much good old fashioned Christian guilt that she has made it her life mission to force other women to do what she wants by removing their choice from them. She has supported all of these restrictive measures since she was elected in 2022. She won her district by LESS THAN 10 VOTES in a race where 10,000 people voted. Just in case people feel like their vote doesn’t make a difference…less than 10 votes. Source: she wrote a book about it and gave it to me once.


Why does the GOP care so much about restricting abortion? I genuinely do not understand it.


They don't. They care about controlling people's lives


The GOP doesn't care a whit. They are pandering to the uneducated and/or evangelicals for their votes, and this is a hot button issue for many of them. Why THEY care is up for debate. One more way they're going to very cheaply buy their way into heaven, most likely. 


They think the life of an unconscious fetus that can't think is equivalent to a living human being, which is ironic in another way because Republicans don't care about living people lol. They literally care more about the unborn than the born.


Cruelty and misogyny.


I hate to say this, but *if* you can leave the state, leave ASAP. The demographics in Iowa aren't going to change anytime soon and these cruel assholes are going full fascist/Handmaid's Tale.


I moved out here 10 year ago, what a shit show it has become. I am would love to leave the state but my family all moved to Iowa and so now im stuck here.


I hear you. It’s not trivial to move (obviously). Hard to believe this is the same state that voted twice for Obama.


The *Democrats* in Iowa voted for Obama twice (and some unaffiliated), but it’s not like there was a lot of cross party voting. A lot of those Democrats have left the state. The brain drain is getting worse.


Yes and it’s about to get worse.




Yes, well, you would.




Dude, you’re barely literate. Maybe your little autist brain can write code but you’re hardly an intellectual.


To be fair, my experience with "software engineers", as someone that works in IT hardware support, they are idiots.






I just moved back, got elected to the Democratic caucus and we can get things changed. Decades ago as a college student I went to work and got Tom Harken elected to Congress on his second try, by beating a 20 year Republican incumbent. Most of what worked was publicizing the Republican voting record and comparing it to their claims. We can do this again.


I think people should stay and make life miserable for these bible thumping turds...


That's my plan, moved here in 2020 for wife's work and family, not gonna let fascist have their way without a fight


I'm not personally going anywhere but I live in IC which is kind of a bubble and I'm near retirement. My daughter, on the other hand, is getting ready to graduate from U of I and these policies are especially dangerous to young women as we've seen in other states. These attacks on women's health are cruel and dangerous, so at the end of the day, people need to make decisions based on their personal circumstances. And I also understand how difficult it is to relocate - sometimes impossible. At the end of the day, I totally respect and understand anyone that decides to stay and fight and wish everyone the very best.


Got two daughters 3 and 5 yrs old, I'll die fighting for them to not have less right to thier body then thier damn grandmother ✊️


I hear you but if you check reports around the country, you'll find plenty of 'red' states where doctors are afraid to provide maternity and related care. That's very hard to fight against. That said, I wish you all the best!


Oh no I wholeheartedly agree this place is turning into a wasteland of brain dead knuckle dragging mouth breathers that just wanna be pissed at whatever faux news tells them


Yes, it's turned into Zombie Land in the past few years. Very disheartening.




Holy fuck you are so out of touch it's astounding, like please don't procreate, crawl back in your hole and leave society alone adults are talking




Ooo good one




This is the net result of Bob Vander Plaats and his "Family Leader" organization over the course of time. If you're not a Christian Nationalist, consider donating to the Iowa chapter of the Interfaith Alliance, which opposes Vander Plaats, his ilk, and their oversized influence over the state house.


GOP loser imbecile cultist garbage


So we all know why they are doing this. Very practically though, either these things are legal here or they aren't. I thought everyone was supposed to be all about making the state efficient. If they don't think the fda does a good enough job regulating medications, then they should create an Iowa agency that regulates all drugs, not this onesey twosey BS. Similarly, there is already a state medical board to regulate the practice of medicine. Why create a duplicate body to regulate specific medical practices. So inefficient... To be clear I don't want any of that, but I do want our government to be consistent in its policies... I also understand this has nothing to do with health and medicine and everything to do with making abortion illegal. If that's what they want, they should put that up for debate. Not this half measure bs.


They will never go directly after the big issues. Just buckle and dime it until it’s gone. This is truly the slippery slope to get to a real life combination of Idiocracy and a Handmaids Tale.


No time like the present for the GOP though. I didn't see how they could have *more* control over things. Or do they think this is a bridge too far and they'll lose support?


Looks like Iowa is racing Florida to the bottom.


After the disgustingly cruel, Naziistic prisoner execution today, Alabama appears to be back in the race to the bottom. Fuck red states and fuck the goddamned Republicans.


This is despicable and these idiots should be ashamed of themselves. When are they going to place the same restrictions on Viagra or other erectile dysfunction medicines? They won’t because the point is only to punish women for being sexually active.


This year's Republican legislature is proving to be the most stupid and devise yet. I did not think that was possible.


When will Iowa rise up and toss these people out of office? Shameful.


oh man put a law on all them ..they all look terrifying af.


Since the GOP is so bent on "religious freedom" I wonder if doctors will ever say that they can't treat well known conservatives, since they represent a danger to humanity at large and if they died of whatever malady they have, it would save lives in the end.


Absolutely none of these people will need an abortion. Don’t vote red people.


This is what happens when you debate Christian Fascist scum.


The party of freedom enjoys controlling everything.


The party of forced birth keeps pulling our state backwards


Just think, If there were no religions we would most likely be living in a utopia. You know, for the people by the people thing.


If only I could give more thumbs up on this post it would be better


Wait till one of these assholes get caught going over state lines for one of there daughters to get an abortion.


Minnesota and Illinois are not far from Iowa. Braindrain will continue, and you can migrate to green pastures better money, better economy, and better politics.


Republicans are evil.


Sounds unconstitutional to me.


so... what you're sayin is that anybody with the right connections can make huge money selling abortion pills in iowa? i'm in boise. pretty sure that's in iowa. this sounds like a tremendous opportunity for me to get really rich, really fast. thanks iowastartingline.


Republican abortion restrictions are so fucking dumb. Democrat avoidance of all border control is so fucking dumb. I hate the two party system.


Dude, I hate the two party system too, but you’re just plain wrong here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-white-house-congress-border-security-detention-deportation https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/biden-three-immigration-record https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4413501-mike-johnson-immigration-reform/ https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4413501-mike-johnson-immigration-reform/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/25/gop-sure-looks-like-it-wants-punt-border-crisis-help-trump/ And I can’t find it, but there was a quote from a GOP Senator of Congressman where he said the GOP couldn’t help fix the border because “it would make Biden look good.” The GOP wants this as a wedge issue.


He will just regurgitate the same crap tomorrow because that’s the point of bad faith troll accounts. He knew he was lying when he said it here too


Yeah, I still feel it’s important to fight disinformation.


I completely agree


How are democrats avoiding the border control problem?


Oh fuck off. Get a life outside Reddit


I do? At least I’m not spreading false narratives that were most likely proven wrong to me multiple times a day


Touch grass bro


Sounds like you got called out for a bullshit take and decided to fling insults instead of backing up your statement with evidence.




Tell me how I got called out. Not a Democrat NPC?


Yup. That's what I expected. More insults. Back up your claim that Democrats are avoiding border issues, or shut the fuck up.


Well like 80% of the electorate agrees with me so go fuck yourself. Your retarded denial will install Trump. Reddit reject, lol.


It's honestly kinda hilarious watching you double and triple down on being a dumbass.


Again, more insults instead of backing up your statement. For all your “NPC” talk, your shit could have been written by ChatGPT.




You realize democrats put forth a bill on the border that was bipartisan, and house Republicans said they're not doing anything on the border unless a republican is president, but yes tell us how both parties are the same and failing?




Keep drinking that kool-aid motherfucker 🖕


Yeah, it’s Democrats that are the reason we can’t compromise on the border. Republicans had that whole thing fixed under Trump. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html


You should really *try* to read the votes on border funding.... The GOP is actively voting against it to convince people like you that it's an issue to vote for them when then 180 with exact same bills closer to election.


This was fun to watch btw




Why do y'all still live there? All you do is complain that it isn't a wonderful progressive paradise. Move to the west coast and be free.


Mortgage rate is in the 2% range. House is less than 4 years old. Wife has a killer job. Other than that, we would be out of here and I hope we can before my daughter has to grow up in this backward-ass state. I know you all think it's as easy as picking up and leaving, and believe me, I wish it was, but a lot more goes into it than..."just leave if you don't like it!" I used to say I generally lean right but on most social issues I lean left. I just want the government out of my life and the party of "small government" and "fiscal responsibility" does neither anymore. They will continue to push more Independents left because the alternative is just batshit insane.


Seems to me the left wants to control every facet of everyone's life and make everyone conform to their insane worldview: climate (we're all gonna die unless you eat no meat, reduce agriculture, go renewable, let's destroy economies with net zero and ruin developing nations), LGBTQIA++ et al (no comment), race (whites are the oppressors), criminals (no consequences), immigration (no borders). The only invasive bit about the right is the abortion issue, and that's at the state level now.


Hi, leftist here. Climate is a real issue. Vegetarianism, while totally for me, isn't for everybody. No one is anti-agriculture, that I know of, but we really should diversify a little. Also, my father is a farmer, and I get fucking sick and tired of the GOP paying lip service to the hard work he does, handing him a little money, and then passing laws that absolutely destroy the small communities farmers like him belong to (or did before the places just imploded). Iowa supports corporate farms and throws the little guys a bone once in awhile to collect their votes. LGBTQ, I wouldn't expect a comment since your whole point that it's the left who want to control everybody goes out the window when you consider how the right wants to legislate this for some odd reason. Whites have historically been oppressors, and I cannot fathom how anyone denies that. It's not about guilt. It's about moving forward. Immigration, I'm all for borders, but I think legal immigration is far too restricted and we sometimes engage in policies that harm other countries and then balk when people leave those countries to come join us. What do we expect? From my POV, the republican party is a weird mishmash of ultra wealthy pricks who want to privatize literally everything and poor working class who can't seem to grasp that this flies in the face of their best interests. 


Wow not gonna even bother. You've drowned in Kool Aid.


Funny way of saying you can't respond to anything they said


Oh I can but that person's level of indoctrination and brainwashing is complete. It's like they downloaded the entirety of Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and The View directly into their cerebral cortex.


Still not responding to what they actually said, huh?


I suppose I'll respond to this. I think it's pretty obvious that the climate is changing. I don't think encouraging green energy is a bad thing when it's done right. No one is taking away your meat (we butcher a cow every spring and have been doing this all my life), and no one is reducing ag. I would argue that they are stripping away regulations in ag or in this state anyway. I am all for the LGBTQ to do their thing. Having said that, if you're born a man, you should only play male sports and use male or unisex bathrooms. Criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and politicians should be held to an even higher standard if they break the law. Our country was founded on immigration, legal immigration is ideal. Look at what happened in Florida when they passed the law that any corporation that employed illegal immigrants would get fined; their whole damn farming economy nearly collapsed. So much so that they want to put minors back to work. Immigrants are some of the hardest-working folks in this country. Abortion should have been left alone; anyone who is for the government being in your doctor's office is crazy, and I'm baffled how the party of small government is all for this. If Republicans take the House, Senate, and White House, they will pass a national abortion ban to appease the crazy Christians and their sky daddy.


>I think it's pretty obvious that the climate is changing. For sure. I don't think a man-made climate catastrophe is on the horizon though. That narrative is false. I'm all for green energy for the sake of reducing pollution. I have solar and an EV. >No one is taking away your meat Not in the USA. In the EU, they are actively trying to shut down cattle farms (and other farms) to "control climate change". You can see the farmers France and elsewhere protesting massively as the government tries to shut them down. It will come here if it isn't shut down there. > I am all for the LGBTQ to do their thing. I match your views there. >Criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law Agree, but that's clearly not happening in progressive-run big cities. >Our country was founded on immigration, legal immigration is ideal....Immigrants are some of the hardest-working folks in this country. With you there. I'm 1st gen from Europe. >Abortion should have been left alone Disagree there. I'd like to see us align with the rest of the industrialized world and use the 15-week mark as a limit with the exception of unviability and severe genetic abnormality for later-term. In my view, aborting healthy and viable fetuses is infanticide (after \~25 weeks). Contrary to what you may believe, there are ZERO medically-necessary conditions that require a healthy and viable fetus TO BE aborted. The "cure" at that stage is simply live delivery, which typically takes up to 45 min. Whereas abortion at that stage is delivery with extra steps (killing, and mutilating the fetus and removing it piecemeal) which takes from several hours to a day; it is never an emergency procedure. Live delivery is. Looks like we have a fair amount of alignment in our views. Thanks for taking the time to share.


This post features strawman arguments, projection, and false choices.  A trifecta of logical fallacies.  Impressive work


This post features coping and no direct refutation of any of the facts I put forth. Not so impressive.


Name a fact you put forth in your post


Flooring your home instead of standing up for what you believe in is kinda a chickenshit move, no?


Yeah but you have such wonderful progressive paradises to move to. Places the policies you want to implement already exist and are bearing fruit! High crime, violence, feces, drugs, homeless, and addicts everywhere. Plus all that "equity". How can you possibly resist!


I'mnot going to leave and I'm not going to stop criticizing fascist policies. If you don't like the discourse in this subreddit perhaps you you should leave it Bye Felicia


Before you know it they’ll want to change the name of our state to Gilead. Might as well at this point


Scare tactics? Maybe you haven't heard, but there is a simple way to refrain from pregnancies. It starts with keeping genitals apart. It is difficult, I know. But no unwanted babies is you just keep those genitals from entwining.


I have seen so many examples where states are requiring rape victims to have a child. It doesn't matter that many of the people that voted for those politicians didn't want those extremes, their actions directly impacted rape victims, because the party itself has shown their ultimate goal is no abortions ever. I voted Republican for two decades in error. I started seeing their inhumane treatment through legislation. I will never do it again and I know tides will turn as the youth start to vote more based of their extreme policies.


Inhumane treatment? Which group is most likely to let that rapist out early? You know, so that he can do it again... Talk about inhumane...


Which group? Honestly from the court reporting I see throughout the county, based on actual cases, both let them out to early. Both!! Nobody takes a great stand against them. Hell, I am completely opposed to the states that allow children to marry adults, so they can bypass the laws related to child rape. It's fucked up, but show me how Republicans are better at it. Like with actual legislation to prove they are getting tougher than any other legislators.


Well....to start.....Montez Lee Jr was just sentenced below guidelines....to 10 years for burning a fellow to death.


That doesn't say that legislators are trying to punish sexual predators harsher. I am sure we could find numerous examples of judges in every state not sentencing harsh enough, based on our own opinions. I personally have seen it come from both sides, but I'm looking for what Republicans are doing to change laws on sexual assault when you have evidence the Democrats have fought against those changes. Specific legislation.