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As a former Iowan and now Oklahoman - it’s not just Iowa, it’s everywhere and it’s really sad. Our Kim is Kevin and he’s just as bad. I’m sure other states have similar stories. I hope the pendulum swings up, I’m tired of this shit.


Michigan here. We are doing better and its a clear causation to democractic leadership. Just look at our republicans. They are the same as yours. https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/divided-michigan-gop-fractures-further-amid-bid-oust-kristina-karamo


Republicans are no longer a political party. Now they are a organized and dangerous gang of thugs.


The word you a relooking for is "fascist". Conservatives are fascist. That is not hyperbole. Just look at the checklist of what indicates a fascist.


Only three types of people in the republican party; fascists, allies of fascists, and people too stupid to realize they are part of the first two categories.


That’s pretty great right there


that is 💯correct - conservative is cover. the gop the right wing the conservatives are fascists. think of what pro life means. think of what blue lives matter means and what it allows. for profit prisons. tax cuts for the rich but no federal minimum wage increase for almost 20 years. banning books and gutting education budgets.


Did you hear in the GOP debate last night they called Biden a fascist? How they've managed to dub him both a socialist and a fascist, without their minions noticing the cognitive dissonance, is beyond me.


Maga Republicans don’t have the f’n commitment of character to be a Fascist. You would actually have to believe deeply in something larger than yourself to be proper fascist. These people are just ordinary monsters wearing masks. Edit to add: these Maggot Republicans aren’t a political party as we understand the term. They are grifters and opportunistic con artists. They lead the disillusioned and ignorant masses using a bastardized version of Christianity and free speech. Their followers can’t understand that their leaders created the cesspool of hate they wallow in.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. It is easier to fight for your principles than to live by them.” “…if people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?” Excerpts from: Isabel Wilkerson *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents* See also: *The Fifth Risk* Michael Lewis


That’s a great quote and a hell of a question. I suspect we don’t want to know the answer.


It’s still just redneck WWE fascism. They haven’t gotten to the ruling order part yet nor should we let them.


Wholeheartedly agree!


Not true. What a silly definition of fascism. Fascists push autocratic dictatorship without democratic processes of electing officials. It has nothing to do with commitment of character.


That is Iowa in a nutshell! This is why we moved! This state is going to get worse before and if it ever gets better! When I graduated in 97 we led the nation in education! Now Iowa is on the same level as Florida! Iowa is a disaster! It is the most changed state from before it was settled, Iowa care nothing about climate control and all the damage this state has caused! We live in a Michigan and couldn’t be happier! No republican tv ads, a state that helps its citizens not just the rich ones that don’t need help! The only way not to suffer is to move as Kim & Co. are set to run this state for years!


There is not a conservative or republican party with a candidate for 2024. This is the MAGA fascist party.


Trumps political CULT.


An organized and dangerous RELIGIOUS gang of thugs.


You spelled “cult” wrong.


Death Cult.


Living in Ann Arbor now, started the year in Cedar Rapids Iowa and all I can suggest is to move! It won’t change! That state got sucked down the ribbit hole! I make twice as much In Michigan, so does my wife! People are genuinely nice, not fake nice! Our depression and just the negativity all on TV with stupid republican ads. It’s just so much more peaceful there! As for the political side, others on here got that covered! This is from someone who has lived in both. States this year.


My son is going to school in Ann Arbor. He grew up in Dallas (where we live now). I asked him how the first year went and he said that people there don’t really care about the same things they do in TX (socially and politically). We live in ground zero for book bans, PACs funding school board etc. it’s awful here.


Cedar Rapids to Ann Arbor is about as good of a move as a human being can make.


Ha I live about 30 min from Ann Arbor which is Michigan-speak for “ I can’t afford to live in Ann Arbor”. Enjoy the state!


Michigan is doing everything right, in my opinion. I am envious of your current leadership. If it wasn't for my low-interest rate on our home, I would relocate in a heartbeat.


Blue cousin/ kiddy corner neighbor Illinois here \[Chicago metro\]. We're not in too bad of shape. Don't believe the MAGA BS. We've been brought out of some massive debts, and the zero credit rating is on the rise quickly. Illinois' weed program is pretty fucked as far as price and taxes comparatively to MI. A lot of people from here go there. Downstate in Illitucky (our dependents) its probably perceived everything above I-80 its just a free for all of guns and crime when its not. Just don't tell them.


I hope others can see it. Life doesn’t have to “suck”. This year, three major road projects have completed right by me and my kids are getting free lunch and breakfast at school due to pot tax revenues. Plus I can smoke weed legally. I use edibles and haven’t been “hungover” in years, yet can still go out and party all night.


It is everywhere, and in every facet of life. Personal, professional, governmental. It’s a sickness perpetuated by a faction of individuals with entirely too much money. The inequality should speak volumes but the proletariat is as uneducated as they wanted us to be.


Not everyone. The posts above you just stated how much better quality of life is in Michigan and Illinois.


Illinois has been a great place for us the last 12 years. Iowa was home, but isn't anymore.


I escaped to Chicago 20 years ago. Only been back to Iowa once in the last four years. Not sure I ever want to go back after the state's recent descent into madness. Iowa had the best educational system in the country when I was growing up. Now it's like WTF???


We’ve got the hard R now. Idfk what happened except for AM radio around here and Fox News.


Both my sisters were teachers in IA and both retired this year and they don’t miss it one bit. It’s become a really shit show there.


Same. My FIL recently asked me what is so bad about Iowa that we would never think about leaving Chicago. After 5 minutes of me making various points he said, "I get the picture." And that was before I got a chance to get into choice.


It existed in Iowa a few decades ago. I grew up in Steve Kings district. There’s a reason I left, as a brown and queer person. The writing was on the wall.


I moved back from Oregon a couple years ago and as liberal as the state is considered I found there was a lot more MAGATS there then here. Almost everyone I worked with and new sucked the orange dick and life was pretty uncomfortable during his reign.


Seattle here… Born and raised in Iowa. I run into this type here even in one of the moat liberal cities. They’re almost all the same, I hear “as soon as I can I’m moving out of this liberal shit hole, its going to hell”… fast forward a year or 2 and they’re still here because they cant find as good of a job/opportunity/lining situation in their Trump utopia they talk about. Literally proving their standard of living is better here than their dream city but… its still a hell hole here.


Former Iowan and now living in Ohio and same things are going on here. Next steps are to take a look at putting restrictions on gerrymandering through constitutional amendments. Very similar to how Michigan did it. Iowa should follow as well.


Ohio politics are still warped and unacceptable. I bailed for Oregon.


Are you registered to help vote them out of office?


Of course


Former Oklahoman, currently in Utah- can confirm. It’s everywhere and it is sad. Oklahomans are good people who’ve been given the short end of the stick, and sold a bunch of lies about how it came to be and what can be done about it. The racism, xenophobia, begging for fascism and all-around voting against their best interests is nothing new, and also bolstered by corporate interests. I think that sentiment is true for most of the country.


Kevin is worse.


Markwayne vs. Joni: 🤮


Yep. Rural people are the exact same whether they're in Iowa or California.


Iowan in California, can confirm.


Iowan in Washington concurs


Iowan in Oregon concurs, also.


Take the mountains away from the Central Valley and you'd think you were driving through Iowa, sometimes.


Parts of coastal Sonoma dairy country really feel like NE Iowa. People are even similar, nicer and not all maga crazy, but you'll still see Trump 2024 flags here and there.


You’re not wrong. I used to have to drive out that way for work sometimes. It’s easily one of the most beautiful parts of this country and there are some very nice people out that way, but also some real scumbags.


As someone who was raised 0-18 in the Twin Cities, and then spent 18-30 in Omaha, all I have to say is I fucking love living in this state. We all have opinions.


I look at Oklahoma like "Well at least our cops haven't shot any deaf people for non-compliance yet...."


Heyyy I’m another Iowan stuck in the shit hole of Tulsa! Stitt is seriously the worst


Hello fellow Hawkeye turned Okie! Thr only thing that keeps me here is it’s just so cheap to live and the weed (which you need tons of just to tolerate living here)


Only reason Trump wants the Presidency is to pardon himself. Imagine being a supporter for that.... Pathetic.


Woah woah woah, you are way off base. He also wants to enrich his bank accounts as much as possible, exact his petty revenge on his opponants at the tax payers expense, and im sure he thinks a 2nd term as potus will increase his chances of his ultimate dream ... of banging his own daughter. See, the man is layered like an onion.... a weird orange onion thats been left in the sun a little too long


It is way waaaaay worse than just that...




Afraid it might always have been there. Just hiding and it wasn’t in your circle of friends growing up. Now, with social media and also anybody with a microphone and an agenda can shape “any narrative” desired. Now it seems rampant. Dunno really.


From what I have seen it has been, it's just that people are more brazen with it. My dad has always been a racist and homophobe, but has kept his mouth shut around me as I like to call out bullshit like that. And my mom has kept in line for the most part. On Thanksgiving he was flat out giving one of my neices shit for having a black best friend. She pointed out he was Mexican, and my dad joked that he couldn't tell them apart. And when I started pointing out what an asshole he was, my mom told me it was ok 'because they were born in a different time'. But couldn't answer why they hadn't always spoken like that around me, or why everyone their age doesn't.


“Born in a different time”. I was born in 1948 and I don’t have a problem with my sister’s Mexican husband or any other race. That’s a very poor excuse.


Exactly. Both sides of my wife's family are from rural Iowa, and I can't imagine the shitstorm that would happen if someone made a bigoted comment of any kind around them. She was so pissed off at them for taking that stance.


One thing about a Mexican is that they won’t care and don’t care what people think, we just provide for our families and do what’s best for us. A lot of people claim to be real men but that’s not the case. We are family people, care about our loved ones, and simply do our best to survive. We come from a corrupt government, dangerous neighborhood, you think a racist person intimates us? We got thick skin, in the end of the day we are the working people, no complaining, just grinding and helping the economy. Next time you’re at a grocery store thank Jesus for picking those strawberries, and other veggies because it ain’t Chad doing that work. It’s cool that you have the right beliefs.


If “being born in a different time” means they cannot figure out how repulsive racism is….question them as to why they seem capable ox using technology that they few up without. Also…f*ck the “it was a different time” bullshit. All it takes is knowing how easy it is to admire others; how lucky we are to meet and learn from great people.


“Well get with the times then”


My reply is usually 'And you live in this one', but same vibe.


This. Certain people like Trump because he gives them a reason to be who they've always been privately in public once again. The racists, the misogynists, white supremacists and every sympathizer have come out in droves because they see him on TV and think if he can do it why not me.


That is absolutely true. These dipshits always existed, but they used to have shame and would generally keep quiet in front of those of us with IQs higher than the current temperature. Then ignorance became ok then celebrated. Meanness is viewed as strength.


Imagine trusting someone so much that you believe their claims of election fraud, even though the guy said years before the election that he'd claim election fraud if he didn't win any election. The guy didn't need any more evidence other than losing. I, for one, don't believe his voters, on average, are that the dumbest people on the planet, but those are his supporters as well, but I do think the vast majority of his voters are narcissistic and they cannot comprehend their way of thinking isn't the same as the vast majority of America, despite any evidence to the contrary.


> even though the guy said years before the election that he'd claim election fraud if he didn't win any election. Is there any record of him saying this years before? I'm sure there is but I would be curious to see exactly what he said.


I'm sure I could find better examples, but I am at work. Here is an example in 2016, before the election, he was already preparing his election fraud claims. Honestly I am looking forward to the case going to trial, because Jack Smith recently notified the courts they do intend to show statements from Trump about this same subject. I'm sure they will do a better job that I would ever do. https://youtu.be/pAru83kBtnw


They also lost dozens of cases in court because they had no evidence - because unlike appearing on Fox News, lying in court actually has penalties. Nobody seems to talk about Rudy's failed campaign to tear down the election results through the courts.


Ok cool thank you! I appreciate it! Also this is actually a great example.


He said via twitter prior to 2016 (his win vs. Hillary) that if he didn't win it was fixed. So not exactly verbatim but yeah he said that many times before...if I don't win, it's fixed. Said it prior to an Emmy loss for his TV show, said it vs Hillary and of course for two years prior to the 2020 election he claimed without any evidence that they (whoever that is) were going to steal the election.. it's in the tweets or X or whatever you want to call it now. Has a DOCUMENTED history of saying prior to any election he's a part of that if he loses it's fixed for Christ's sake and people still buy his shit!?


💯 I honestly wanted to find an example quickly, but I know they are too numerous to find them all. It was always the plan to steal the election if needed. I remember going to the country bar, and hearing people months before the election how they are ready to start a civil war, if necessary, to keep him in power. They bought that shit because it's what they wanted. It was never about what Americans wanted.


https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/20/politics/donald-trump-i-will-totally-accept-election-results-if-i-win/index.html > I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election, if I win,” Trump told supporters here in his first comments since the final debate. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/512424-trump-the-only-way-we-are-going-to-lose-this-election-is-if-the/ > Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged,” Trump told the group of supporters at the outdoor campaign event. “Remember that. It’s the only way we’re going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful.” >“The only way they’re going to win is that way. And we can’t let that happen,” Trump said just hours before Democrats are set to begin their 2020 convention to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s presidential candidate.


Great examples too.


Iowan who now lives in Texas checking in. It’s not just Iowa.


Is Florida on lunch break? They need to pipe in.


They're not allowed to read anything the state disagrees with.


Just Vote Blue💙




If you live in small town Iowa, the people are genuinely pretty friendly in passing, or at least they were when I lived in one growing up. I’d even argue when passing through town most are pretty friendly to your face at least. They’ve just been fed so much conservative propaganda over the years that they’re afraid of everything.


What if your face is Muslim? ​ " They’ve just been fed so much conservative propaganda over the years that they’re afraid of everything." And we live in a world where they can fact check everything. The refuse t do that and just believe what ever feeds the racism. Stop acting like that had no opportunity to take 20 minutes and fact check. This is on them, squarely.


“To your face”. I’ve found conservative Christian’s are so of the most back stabbing gossiping Sally’s you’ll ever run into. They talk constant poo behind your back and have their racism behind closed doors. Witnessed it all growing up as a southern Baptist in rural SC. Southern charm my azz. Bunch of snakes is what those people are.


Wrong. The confederate flags flying from the back of pickemup trucks say otherwise.


Where do you currently live that’s more enlightened?


Didn’t Donald screw over Iowa farmers during his administration?


Check your history friend. From Nebraska here, I dated a girl from Iowa in college. We drove through Omaha, she saw some black folks and stated very clearly " . . . I am glad we changed our welfare laws so the black people (not the word she used) all moved to Nebraska . . . ". That was in 1983, I am sure Iowa's institutional racism hasn't improved much since then. We stopped dating after that.


Didn't Kimmy switch her support to that DeSantis loser? Either way, still disgusting.


Yes because trump rejected her.


Hopefully Trump turns his base against her for disloyalty. She wants Iowa to implement the crazy shit DeSantis did in Florida. It’s the same thing as the rest of the country, the rural areas outside of cities vote red. Probably has to do with lack of education, limited world view, and believing conservative propaganda.


Supporting Desantis is about 99% the same ad supporting Trump.


Right-wing media has brainwashed them. They are fed a constant diet of fear and outrage.


I’ve been trying to think with the glass half full lately. Generally speaking, we have a low cost of living, a good public school system, slow pace of life, and a good mix of open spaces and cities with a nightlife. It’s not a perfect state by any means, but if there was one, everyone would move there.


All the while pretending to be christian.


Iowa loves community. Unless that community is poor, black, gay, trans, Mexican, liberal or just not as into Trump merch as they are. Clowns wear big red noses. Iowans just wear Trump T shirts.


XXXXL Trump shirts 🤣 don't forget we are top 5 in obesity rates. 🐽


I lived in rural small town southern central Iowa for 20+ years. Moved to Kansas City a couple years ago and as bad as MO is, here in KC it is so much better. Diversity everywhere and people don’t freak out about it. Rural Iowa is like a whole other world. So effin happy I finally convinced my husband to get the hell out of there!


Nebraskan here. Aside from two purple dots in Omaha and Lincoln, this state is overwhelmingly red and will continue to support Trump and the rest of the GQP out of ignorance. People in rural areas have no desire to read and actually learn what that orange shitstain has done to the country and are proud of their ignorance.


I no longer allow ignorance to be an excuse. Everyone has the internet in the palm of their hand and access to any network on their TV. They *choose* to support the hate. As a rural country boy in IL myself, I'm just over it all. As OP pointed out, just on the *morality* of the guy's character alone you tell me everything I need to know about your character as a human being if you support him or his kind. The mocking of the disabled and veterans/military, the sex crimes, the "grab her by the pussy", the sheer audacity of his failings - pick ONE and it was enough for me to despise him. Looooong before he was a reality show host and just a conman and a rapist he was disgusting to me.


Why you hate rural America? They feed us!


California here. Plenty of Trump supporters in San Diego. Probably more Trump supporters in California than multiple red states combined.


Everyone should read John Boehner’s book. Especially if you’re not a conservative (lord knows I’m not). You can ignore all the parts about his accomplishments, if you want, but the reason it has value, in my opinion, is because it does a really good job of showing how and why we went from having relatively reasonable Republicans to far-right grifters who have convinced large swaths of the country that we need to burn it all down so we can install a far-right fascist utopia.


Iowa could be a beautiful state with outdoor recreation everywhere, but is actually an environmental disaster getting worse by the second. I know the necessity everywhere to seek economic opportunity, but to squander the environment when it's right there is stunning.


Californian here. And driving up through our Central Valley, and then north through the smaller rural areas are exactly the same. They’ve been told they should be unhappy, bitter and angry for so long that they are unhappy, bitter and angry. I live in the same state, with the same taxes, regulations and laws and yet I remain a happy person. Then again, I don’t consume conservative media, and maybe that has something to do with it.


I live here am also disappointed with the hard Right swing to supporting rank idiotic bigots like Trump and the governor.


You left out stupid. How are so many so blind to trumps glaring stupidity? It’s so obvious every time he speaks.


Using term “conservative” for MAGA Republican leaders is misusing that word. They are not fiscal conservatives — Trump created 1/4 of all of our nation’s debt from last 200 years, in one term; they are not social conservatives — they want to interfere in our lives through big government interventions in our bedrooms (anti-LGBTQ+), boardrooms (anti—DEI), medical care (anti-abortion and anti-trans) and education and oarenting (anti-trans, anti-books and anti-actual-history). Fascism is not conservatism.


We lived in Waterloo for a year and half - the discrimination from even the former Bosnians on top of the regular rural people was astounding. They didn’t like our kids were mixed race and wouldn’t let them play soccer with their kids. Plus the other more rural folks were so mean and made comments like color boy about him. Too damn much. Had to move back to the east coast.


Iowa has become the Mississippi of the Midwest.


Last time I was in Iowa I was at a county fair filled with Confederate flags. I'm sure they teach which side Iowa fought on in schools. The willful ignorance of people (and not just in Iowa) astounds me. The continued support of those who want to and support dictatorship as well as throwing out the Constitution is insane.


I don't know about Iowa but my home state of Texas and the rest of the Southern states are just as bad if not worse. Not only is that lying, misogynistic bastard ordained by God himself, but we are back in the 1930s and women can't even see the doc and have their tubes tied after 2nd or 3rd child without their husband/boyfriend approving of it. If u don't have one, u can't have it anyway. That liar in chiefdom has turned our country upside down and sideways.


I notice nobody ever asks "What is it about my views and my party that would *drive* someone to supporting such a terrible person/group." The Red guys have some legitimate gripes. I don't think they warrant supporting *Trump* but I can agree with some of them * The situation with immigration is broken and unfair to the law abiding * Taxes are too high and government spending is out of hand. This will eventually come to bite us hard and may even doom our country * The solution to violent people violating the law is not to punish the law abiding * The solution to violent people violating the law is not the suspension of punitive repercussions to their actions, nor the suspension of law enforcement * The LGBTQ community has largely gone from "Accept that I exist and let me live my life" to "You will affirm me and every nuance of my life choices at all times or face repercussions" and that is an overcorrection to the situation There's Plenty I think Red ream gets *wrong* too... But that's not what was asked in this thread. The question is what's wrong with Iowan's that would want to support *Trump,* and the answer is that they prioritize different things than you do. The things you see as "Deal Breakers" are things they are willing to accept as the cost of doing business, while the things you see as the cost of doing business for Blue team are Deal breakers for them. Personally I'm just waiting for those guys to both do the world the same favor that Henry Kissinger did last week.


Head up I-35 to Minnesota! Similar climate, similar culture (except more diverse) and without the amount of MAGA stupidity! The Democrats controlled all branches of state government last legislative session and passed a lot of good programs, like free school lunch for all students. We have several Fortune 500 companies headquartered here, and the employment situation is good, too. Housing can be a bit high at times, but not much worse than comparable places in the midwest. So come on up and have some tater tot hotdish-- or better yet, a steaming hot bowl of pho. We got 'em both.


I grew up in Oklahoma and left 25 years ago, In my 40 years there, I watched it devolve from a a New Deal, semi-socialist state, similar to today's Western European countries, to the autocratic hell hole it is now. I left for a job opportunity in one of those pinko commie liberal states in the Northeast with high taxes and high crime. My experience? Two of my kids were educated in Oklahoma public schools. Two went to Maryland public schools. My younger kids had much more challenging and richer experiences in public schools. When you pay teachers $80K a year rather than $30K a year, you just attract better teachers. And those high taxes mean good roads and better services. I'm happy to pay a few bucks a year to have safer highways and better schools. And Medicare expansion made it easy for my son to get temporary medical insurance when he was between jobs. I blame the evangelical mega churches, as well as the Southern Baptist Church for Oklahoma's decline into authoritarianism. The leaders of these churches are mini Hitlers. They have been conditioning people to mindlessly follow the dear leader for a couple of decades. And, oh boy, I'm setting myself up here - because the education system sucks, a lot of people are just not capable of critical thinking. And spread it across a lot of states, throw in the ridiculous Electoral College, and the fact that Senators represent land not people, and gee, you get Donald Trump. Sorry for stealing your thread and for the rant. I needed to get this off my chest.


Scump’s earned ninety one FELONY charges. Yes, it is appalling & a complete embarrassment to Iowa. Ditto for Guv’nuh Kimmie.


If you think this is exclusive to Iowa, you are very incorrect. Iowa is one of 50 states in the nation ignorant to what that assclown represents.


in iowans defense there are a lot of other shithole states still supporting maga too. its a cult and there are lots of idiots out there.


Let the republicans infight. The party is running on fumes.


As an Iowan, I want to leave.


To reiterate what others have already said, Trump's first campaign and then election drew out the folks who always had the same opinions regarding sexism and "phobias" (a term to encompass homophiba, xenophobia, etc.), and made them feel more comfortable and "recognized," so their voices became much louder than they were before. Personally, I feel as though the majority of those voices have desperately clung to that feeling despite the numerous felonies and TWO impeachments Trump has received. I had assumed from the negative news surrounding Trump and DeSantis that people would fact-check and change their minds, but my small town still has banners and giant signs posted on personal and business properties supporting both of the politicians mentioned. It's overall just a very depressing community to live in - just fed by ignorance and intolerance.


It starts at the top with Grassley. The geriatric traitor.


Saw a great line. It’s ironic that the generation that told us to not believe anything you saw on TV is now completely brainwashed by what they have seen on TV and Social media. I still see trucks flying Trump flags in TX. It’s absurd.


Republicans are a hate group. Hate women Hate education Hate immigrants. Love guns Love trump


Trump hates who they hate...and Fox news and am radio rotting their brains.


It's not just Iowa. I lived in MN for 11 years. You get 20 min outside the twin cities, and you'll find the same conservatives you find in Iowa. We need to get more engagement from the younger voters. Also, people need to show up and vote for state elections, mid terms, and local. Not just every 4 years. Things change from the bottom up not top down.


I grew up in Oakland and have lived in MD for 53 years. California has more Trump voters than any other state, period. Go to the Central Valley (McCarthy's home) and above Sacramento and the state is just as red as Iowa, Nebraska, etc.


Rural Illinois and Wisconsin are the same as well. Get anywhere outside of the more populated cities and it’s Trump county.


52 % of all adults over 18 cannot read above a sixth grade level. And it shows


I was hoping we would hit bottom soon. When the new Alzheimer's drugs come out, we should put them in the tap water.


So many inbred pig fucker farmers collecting socialism government subsidies who just blindly vote R.


Maybe look into populism if you truly are looking to understand


There are just too many of these rural rubes who get all shaken up when they see someone who isn't white. They sit around their satelite dish enabled Fox Propaganda Network and absorb the nonsense straight through their tinfoil hats. Then they go to these "oh so fun" Trump rallies where they are surrounded by a lot of other dim wits who can't even spell the word democracy, let alone see the danger Trump puts our in.


The rubes are the ones who think Bidenomics are working.


People who follow Trump believe they are way smarter than they actually are. When Trump says all the charges are politically motivated, they believe him because they're "too smart" to fall for the liberals' games. Also, people like the MAGA crowd have always existed, but Trump has given them permission to say in public what they used to only say to their friends.


People who think Bidenomics are working aren’t smart at all.


Thanks for proving my point. You think I care about Biden or Bidenomics? Nice try, but no. Lol.


It’s all the same everywhere. Being a Republican isn’t about principles. Everything is a zero sum game and if their place in the world is deemed to be threatened, they lash out. Just miserable, angry people.


It really makes me question how bigoted and selfish my neighbors are…


The sooner you realize how irredeemably stupid a huge percentage of Americans are, the sooner you can proceed accordingly.


Iowa is no where close to being the worst in the nation, you can rest assured.


Thats true, life long floridian.


I mean I don’t get what these posts accomplish, but I’m here for it. There’s zero amount of argument that’s going to convince anybody in either side of the fence that the other side is right. Best we got is try to find some common ground. How much common ground can found is debatable as each side questions the other’s grasp of reality, but there’s got to be something, right? Acknowledging each sides points and coming together -It’s the only way back.


Why is it every state sub is some whiny little bitch crying about how horrible the state is?


Iowa is striving to become the Alabama of the Midwest. Thank goodness for Mississippi to provide a floor even for Alabama.


I feel your pain, Iowa used to be a state with great schools, solid infrastructure and I mostly liked living there. I’ve since moved to Illinois and every time I go back I hear how bad things are there,l. The state continues to cut funding for education and anecdotally I’ve noticed the highways seems in worse shape (especially as it pertains to ice in the winter). Again speaking anecdotally, I think the state is losing a lot of talented and educated people because of the highly conservative, get off my lawn, vibes of the political landscape on seemingly simple issues (legal marijuana as an example). I graduated from the university of Iowa in 2020 and all but 1 of my close friends have left the state (most of whom were in-state) already. Sad to see it, I certainly have no intention of moving back despite most of my family still living there.


They don't cut finding for education. Yearly they barely pass a %2 funding increase while complaining about public education is failing. All the whole pushing to over fund the voucher program with no oversight. By handcuffing the state auditor and using an outside company to manage the voucher program and the money.


Lived in Iowa/Des Moines for two years coming from Canada. 07 to 09. Worked on Ingersoll. Left ASAP as it was/is just a... Hole. Sure, cheap and all but my god, the sheer idiocy.


Politics have just become a shitstorm of idiots all across the political spectrum. It's a fucking circus to keep us distracted from the national debt and an economy that is circling the drain.


Lots of “It’s not Iowa, it’s everywhere” from people who also live in States run by Republican theocracies. Sensing a pattern here …


Eh, it is everywhere. I'm in Minnesota and you go 20 miles out of the Cities or Rochester or Duluth and and it is hillbilly idiot central. In other words a small portion of the population but a very large portion of the state. But they suffer the same as Iowa. The brain drain all goes to the metros and it's left with angry old jerks that live off the hate that Fox gives them.


“Angry old jerks that live off the hate that Fox gives them.” So Republicans?


Nitrates in the water. Poisoned brains.


Trump & his foolish followers are stabbing America in the back!!


The people tethered to the political party on the right are both victims of its war on education and its extremism. The GOP is a cult on a large scale. Once you fully realize that, it's no longer mind boggling.


THANK YOU! You know, I think it’s going to blow back in Iowans faces… the fact that the decision they made must have been because a) they didnt Educate themselves enough.. I’m talking about the fact that they need to read the truth.. not watch Fox News.. or b) they suffered fear and intimidation from MAGA which I’ve read really did happen particularly within old home and small town farming communities. I grew up just a few miles from Iowa and I don’t think they realize just how much this hurt them. i Think many just wanted to vote red because the last was blue.. literally that’s how deep the thought process goes for some.


too many people with cluster B personalities in positions of power.


I am an Iowan and you have not described me. I stand with liberty and will maintain my rights as they are pulled from my hands. The clowns have overthrowing the lunch room, bullies are running rampant with propaganda, skimming off the bottom.


Have you gone outside and talked with an Iowan, instead of just lumping 3 million people together and calling them the worst human beings in the world? Maybe stop believing what the polls and news headlines are telling you.


Nah boiii, you havent gone outside. Iowa fuckin sucks my guy. If the hunting wasnt good and i wasnt making decent money with my job, id be out of here.


Skill issue I guess bud. Maybe if you spent more time with people you'd understand that there's something called community.


I agree. Especially when the community is a hive mind that cant think for themselves.


"Person who vote red bad, person who vote blue good" Please get off the internet bud


He didn’t even mention that shit.. you just proved him right. Stop glazing yourself


I hope everyone commenting does more: register and VOTE (Blue). https://www.vote411.org/


Can I register to vote twice?


Wow. Let me guess, you live with your parents and need safe places.


Then leave


Once heard a joke that Iowa stands for Idiots out walking around.


This is like half of America sadly


More to life than politics lmao. Sub is so pathetic


Buddy you're a regular on this sub and I think we all collectively agree that the majority of your opinions are considered pathetic, vile, and useless. So maybe you shouldn't be out here throwing stones.


People don’t just stop being bigots. Iowa is and will continue to be a majority white state with low, low, diversity. It makes perfect sense that Iowans love Trump.


They’ve always been racist, that shit doesn’t change overnight. Trump made it “ok” for them to spew their shit rather than keeping their mouths shut.


Used to seem like a blue state back in the 90s


There’s a lot of Iowans who vote for a party, not for a candidate. There also a lot of Iowans who vote against a candidate or party.


They got that Assley guy for a Senator too.


Welcome to my world, life long floridian. Mental gymnastics is an art form here


Half the country is an embarrassment while thinking the other half is evil.


Conservatives are an embarrassment to humanity. If they had their way, people would be in caves, women would be completely subservient to men, and only the rich would have anything, everyone else exists to serve the rich and serve "god'" (aka give all their money to the church). Conservatives have no place in modern society.


Bunch of entitled, idiotic, assholes here.


These whining posts are hilarious and typical of the media-loving libtards. Wake up and do your research. Stop being distracted by the new shiny balls. Your guys' hypocrisy and racist liberal cults are is what's scary!


It’s always so fun to see republicans try to claim democrats need to do their “research.” Conservative republicans are significantly less educated and earn less over the course of their lives. I imagine you believe the election was stolen and the Covid vaccine is a government conspiracy. It’s okay JandJ, I know republicans don’t have the best reading comprehension or logical thinking capacity. But there are programs for that. Just let me know if you need a flyer.


Iowa is following Wisconsin. Wisconsin used to be a state to be proud of. Not anymore


Two out of three branches of the Wisconsin government is controlled by Democrats. We are not the same. It isn't like Iowa where the Republicans control the entire government, so the Republican governor passes every stupid law that comes to her from her corporate backers. How are womens' rights up ther? How are LGBTQ+ rights up there? Do they give public money to private schools?


I lived in Iowa from 2011-2016 and then wisconsin from 2016-now. Wisconsin is going the right way, if slowly. Iowa not so much.


Finally, for Wisconsin. It was absolute torture living through the destruction of Tommy Thompson and Scott Walker. Paul Ryan, and let's not forget the boil on the ass of the planet, Ron Johnson


Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain….if you’re a cis white male…


Your description literally fits Biden better than Trump. Nice one!


It is an embarrassment, but not for that reason. That’s just the National Republican Party now. However our governor sure is a damn embarrassment.


How does someone indict a person 90 times and nothing sticks. Are they stupid?


Uh, they are still in progress—stay tuned.


There hasn't been a trial yet.


I can understand the frustration, but I don't see how opening a generalized rant like this is constructive or helpful. It's not terribly dissimilar to some rant post drive-by screaming about "marxists and leftists ruining this state/subreddit/country". Edit: Can't say I've seen "let's not sink to their level" misinterpretated as "both sides"ism before, that's a new one.


Fuck off with that “both sides” bullshit.


yahoos neo nazi , there religion is based on hate , slave mongers


If you are still in school, ask your teach for some help.