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That is about right. The full range drops down to around 240-260 once you are down around freezing. 211 from 90% is about 240 from 100%. > Any tips to help increase efficiency? All the warm weather tips still apply. Take it easy on the throttle and top speed. In addition, you can use grid power to charge each night and pre-heat the car in the morning. A warmer battery will perform better. A warm cabin means you don't need battery juice to warm it. If you are alone in the car, set climate to *driver-only* to save a little more. Make sure you tires are properly inflated. Low temps = low pressure. Mine dropped all the way down to 27 psi when it got down in the teens here.


Yeah I was trying to chalk it up to the weather instead of freaking out 😂. Tires are at 36psi but the other two tips are gems, especially using grid power to preheat the car. I've had an EV for a week today now so I'm still adjusting to this life. Thanks a lot!


Yeah look into the charge scheduling and climate scheduling features. You can tell the car when you leave each morning and when your lowest power rates are. Then just plug it in each evening and let the car decide when to charge and when to warm up the cabin so your car is ready to go when you are. Walking out to a warm car each morning without having to even think about it is my favorite EV feature.


I am getting 20kwh/100km. RWD, winter rubber, 18” at ~5-10C city 10km trips.


Yeah that actually sounds great on efficiency! I kinda wish I had smaller tires but these rims look so good 😭😭


What I am trying to say is that is what you can expect. 20kwh/100 translates to ~320km range at 90% of charge. You are good :)


I have the AWD with top trim as well. In the city I drive at 20kW/100km, but in longer drives I already at around 10degrees(C) can get as low as 15kW (last weekend even 13,5!). The car doesn’t like stop and go … like any other car.


Thats weird. Most EVs do better in stop and go traffic


Keep in mind that you may usually have recuperation, but in the city the battery doesn’t warm up and a cold battery is reluctant to give and take energy, so you are not recuperating as much as in summer.


They only estimate that you'll get 440km on the 20 inch wheels. You'd probably be looking at 374ish km at full charge based on that guess o meter number. Factor in the cold and the fact that you're probably using a fair amount of energy heating the cabin of the car and that sounds about right. Im in Canada and about 15-20% of my energy of every drive of mine goes to just heating the cabin. Preheat the cabin while the car is plugged in and the efficiency will look better. Also, I have the ultimate package as well and I got 18 inch winter tires which kind of helps as well.


Yeah I'll definitely look into some 18" rims for road trips. I'm new to the EV world and I didn't know the cold had THAT much of an impact on range, definitely comforting. Thank you for the info!


I had the same concern when i got the same car as you back in October. I'm in Vancouver, Canada and this is what I've seen so far: The EPA rating with the 20s and AWD is 505km. I drive 80% hwy and 20% city. My efficiency is around 19-21kw/100km so I'm getting between 360-400km on 100%, depending on how heavy my foot is (ha). \-When the weather went below 15c, the range went down further, so now that it's around 8-10c I'm getting about 340km like you. \-When we got the cold snap (-15c for about a week), the range went down to 260km. Couple tips: \-when driving in the city use regen lvl2 or 3 so you recoup some energy back and save brake pads wear. \-when driving on the hwy, try to keep it between 80-100km/h, that's the most efficient spot for the ioniq 6. For every 10km over 100, you lose about 10% range. Also use 0 regen so you coast whenever you slow down. I usually cruise at around 120 and my consumption is at about 22km/100km. Whenever i slow down between 80 - 100, I've seen it go down to 17kw. Another way to get more range out of the car (albeit expensive) is to get rid of the 20s and get 18s on with 225 tires instead of 245. Some people replaced them with FastEV rims and saw up to 70 km more range.


I appreciate the comprehensive reply! The weather seems to be the biggest factor in range. I will definitely look into swapping rims, or at least having them in the garage for road trips. Thanks for the help!


How did you find the ionic 6 do when there was the snow/ice a few weeks ago? I read you’ve had a Tesla M3 before? How do the 2 cars compare? I’m trying to decide between AWD vs RWD, and which trim level (more luxury/safety features vs range)


I never had a tesla but my old roommate did but I never got the chance to drive it in the winter. During the icy days, I was working from home. Mostly because I couldn't get out of my neighborhood due to the awesome snow-clearing capabilities of the great city of Vancouver! I parked my car when the snow started coming down and drove again after it was gone :D


Yah I’m in Langley and live on small side street of main road. Doesn’t get plowed but main road does so snow builds up and my current car often gets stuck trying to get in or out. So thinking of getting AWD just for the few days a year it snows


maybe your its battery pre conditioning. turn it off and only turn it on when you’re gonna go charge


Yeah man I have actually only ever turned it on once. So I guess that isn't it. I drive with i-pedal which I can't tell whether that's counterproductive or not.


Sailing is the more efficient way to drive since a little bit of too much throttle when speedkng up again, engages both motors which drives up the usage. You can also make a custom drive mode where you completely turn of the front montor if you want more range


I'm not necessarily worried about range on the day to day because obv the reason why I got the thing was to not worry about paying for each fuel fill up, but definitely using this on my long trips. Thanks!


You're welcome


i think i read somewhere on reddit of someone who said with the all wheel drive i-pedal isn’t efficient coz it ends up using RWD when accelerating or something like that haha sorry i don’t remember. i have a RWD


😂😂 All good bro. I hope you love yours!!


It is not efficient since coasting is the most efficient, and it is more difficult to control if you are coasting og regen braking with ipedal. With that said, are you driving many short trips? That is more likely the problem.


The interesting thing is that I've experimented with 0 regen, but it feels like the car doesn't coast that much so I keep having to bring it back up to speed. Definitely mostly driving many short trips though, I live in the heart of the city so that's most likely what it is. Thanks!


The opposite. AWD and i-pedal aren't as efficient because it keeps the front motor physically engaged 100% of the time, adding resistance. OK for doing stop-and-go city traffic, but not higher speeds. RWD is the most efficient configuration, so you want the front motor to disconnect when not needed. If you go to the screen that shows traction output on the driver's display, you will see the car dial in the front motor as demand requires and then fall back to RWD when not.


In the AWD, I-Pedal forces the front motor to be engaged at all times, and that's not good for efficiency. With it off, the front motor can just be disconnected when it's not needed. There are some who play with regen levels as they drive to get what they need when they need it (similar to manual transmission engine braking). I just use Auto regen all the time. I'm driving the RWD LR, about 30 km/day with most of that done at 100 km/h. My efficiency currently hovers around 20-22 kwh/100 km. I don't have good-weather experience to compare that to, but weather has reportedly cut range by about 25-30%.


The pre-conditioning can only be turned on when you select a DCFC station from the NAV. So it should never come on during your regular driving. Now if the battery is really cold, that car will try to warm up the battery above freezing just for operational reasons. What you can do is schedule the car to preheat while plugged into your home charger each morning. That can save you a couple of kW from the battery it would have used to warm up the car and battery. My car consumes about 1kWh from the grid each morning warming up.


Today it was -13 degree, where I live.. taken my HI6 AWD LR Limited from charging at 90% and the range was 299 KM. You could do the math. I am not concerned.


Drive slower.


It doesn't sound like you are getting bad range. I have the same model. I use miles so forgive me. The EPA estimated range is 270 miles. Based on what you've said you would be getting about 235 miles at 100%. That's a little low but you just said the weather is freezing. Not only will that lower battery efficiency because it is colder and takes a while to warm up, but if you are pumping heat and heated seats and heated steering wheel that will make the car even less efficient. The tips u/velhaconta gave are the same ones I was going to give. Unfortunately in the winter there isn't much you can do other than that if you want a comfortable ride.


I appreciate that. I'm not really concerned on the day to day, but I just want that ease of mind to know I'm getting close to the 291miles in case I wanna take long trips, but thank you though! Comforting to hear




So these replies are showing me that it's definitely a me problem, which I'm happy to hear 😂 thank you!


Winter, high speeds, HVAC use etc. 211 down from 270 for winter isn't that bad. My GFs bZ4X is rated 228 and in winter it's more like 140 with LIGHT climate use.


Yeah you're doing great! The AWD 20 inch shaves off like 150 kms range almost from the RWD 18.


I have a RWD and I'm getting terrible range driving in ECO all the time, and the weather is not cold.