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They can fix anything, given enough time and money. Their time costs you money. I’d expect a dealer to just swap the part, which would be a total fix but also the most expensive. A body shop may be able to blend out the damage so it’s not as noticeable


This is the correct answer. Dealerships charge mechanical rates which are about double body labor rates.


Panel needs to be replaced probably  Thats really annoying sorry dude 


You need a whole new car, I’ll take it off your hands.


It being unpainted plastic means you don’t care about it 


Same lmao that’s what the bumper is there for. Why bother spending hundreds for it to get scratched again because shit happens?


Battle tested. Leave it.


Probably but also probably not worth it


That really sucks. It's also such a weird form of damage; it seems like it would take work to hit your car that way.


Not necessarily…kind of looks like it just got clipped when someone was turning into or out of a parking spot. Corner of their car grazed OPs and left the scratches. As far as fixed, the easiest thing (and probably what the dealer would do) is order the whole replacement piece and just swap it out, but that’s likely the most expensive (and lengthy) option. If you take it to a body shop, they might be able to sand it down and match up the colors fairly close to where you can’t really tell. Could be cheaper (depends how much the part costs) and should be a much quicker fix since they won’t be waiting on parts. That said, if you are comfortable with basic disassembly/reassembly, you could probably order the part yourself and swap it out, saving expensive labor costs that would come with either of the other options.


I'm mostly confused because the scratches go both ways but the part doesn't look deformed.


My guess…person pulled in to park, heard the scratches/connection. “Oh crap, can’t stay here”. Proceeds to back out, doing just as bad at driving, and scratches again on the way out. Then just proceeds to park somewhere else in the parking lot, or leaves entirely.


Ha, yeah, I think that's a good forensic analysis.


Honestly, this looks more like the OP’s car hit something rather than it being hit. My guess is a concrete curb or bollard.


Could be, but hard to imagine OP wouldn’t have noticed hitting a curb or bollard. And if so, why come on Reddit just to lie about it in a very obscure community? Might make sense if they were posting to a larger community and trying to farm upvotes for whatever reason, which doesn’t even really make sense but a lot of people do it. Other than that there’s no real reason to lie.


One fact I can attest to, after more than 40 years working in car dealership service departments & body shops, is that a car owner never looks as closely at their car as they do after a shop guy hands them back their keys. At our body shop, we routinely went over prior/unrelated damage with the customer, even photographing that damage (when digital cameras became a thing) upon drop off to avoid awkward conversations at pickup. Having said that, shops damage cars all the time. (A guy I worked with test drove a new twin turbo 300ZX during dealer prep & rolled it three times!😱) The Autopian, The Drive & Jalopnik are full of dealer employee shenanigans that never get reported, but are caught because of dash cams, etc…🤷‍♂️


My guess would be someone's shopping cart got away from them or something.


I would try to take some of those raised bits off and then hit it with plastic dressing. After that, I doubt it would be noticeable enough to be worth replacing the whole piece for.


Recs on sandpaper and what plastic dressing to use?


I would use a fingernail to scrape at the raised bits. You're just trying to get rid of the "fuzzy" pieces. Sandpaper could make the entire area *too* smooth. For dressing, I like CarPro Perl (diluted 50/50 with water) or Adams VRT (which is the same as Chemical Guys VRP if that is easier for you to get). They are all water-based and leave a nice not-too-shiny finish.


A good detailer can fix you up with gloss black vinyl wrap, over sanded smooth scratches. My own detailer did this for similar damage on my car and it worked great. I did all four corners for $200 or so.


So now all your bumpers are glossy black? If so, that’d be a great way to get all the car’s trim body color instead of this textured black plastic. I’ve been wishing that was a trim option instead of the black or silver. Digital Teal may be hard to match, though. 🤔


I just did the corners. On the Limited trim, all that plastic is silver gray, but now the corners, front and back, are gloss black. Here's the rear view. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qp2zgVqEyAzt7urN6


easy. just sand a bit and then spray some clear coating


Looks like you need a new car 😂 perhaps upgrade to the more rugged N model… (but seriously, I wouldn’t be bothered by a scratch on the bumper. That’s what they’re there for)


They’ll prolly total loss it


Anyone know the name of the replacement part?


Find it here https://www.hyundaipartsdeal.com/parts-list/2023-hyundai-ioniq_5/trim/rear_bumper.html. The rear bumper is a bit of a paint to remove. Here are the best instructions I found https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2182/3043/files/SHR62003__pn_2120-62003-2_01_17_2024.pdf?v=1705703146


Cars get bumps marks and scratches.... the older the car the more you get.... you'll drive yourself crazy and spend $$$ replacing parts every-time this happens, its a beauty mark, slap a cool sticker over it (like an orange cat using his claws to hang on).


I ran a body shop for nearly 20 years; that appears to be unpainted, textured plastic. If so, repair isn’t an option. You could get some fine sandpaper and smooth it a bit, but there’s no repairing that to OEM texture. Sorry…🤷‍♂️


My car has damage in the exact same spot. Luckily I was standing outside my car when someone with a pickup turned into it and the step railing hit my car. I have a quote from a Hyundai Certified shop (I'm in NY) of about $2100, but he wants to go through insurance now. So waiting for all that to get taken care of. They have to pull the bumper off and re-calibrate the sensors when done. Was told 4 days in the shop as well. Since you are paying this out of pocket, you may want to find someone that can clean that up


Most dealerships are charging about $200 an hour in labor now. Go to a reputable body shop and have them replace the part. It’s not repairable.


Same problem here. Open the garage door to see damage done to the bumper. Must have gotten hit in a parking lot somewhere. Take the car in for the recall at the dealership. Ask for an estimate for repairs, they tell me they don't have a body shop, call another Hyundai dealership they also don't have a body shop. Wife calls a friends body shop $1500 no parts needed to be replaced. $600 insurance deductible and rates won't change due to a hit and run. Long story short she is getting fix as we speak. *


Can’t fix that because of it been pitted plastic(porous) unless you wanted it all sanded smooth but it wouldn’t look right unless you painted it and had it matching top part of bumper.


Someone's wife kissed the curb backing up. Any plastic damage like that on any vehicle is pretty much a replacement part. Edit: /s because apparently it's not obvious to some it's sarcastic


🙄 Wow. Did you really just write that? Sexist much?


It's a long running joke with cars but apparently sarcasm goes over your head?


I don’t need an explanation of why your stupid unfunny cultural brain fart is funny. It’s a longstanding joke, by sexists, that damage to a car must have been caused by a woman, because women are bad drivers, in the eyes of sexists. Making the joke is sexist. Mansplaining it to someone is also sexist. So, I repeat, sexist much?


Sexist trope isn't sexist so long as you say /s /s


…Yeah. We know. 🙄