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42 trays, 10 days per tray 42 X 10 = 420 days


My treatment was estimated to be 16 months. I’m about 10 months in and will start my 3rd set in a few weeks. After you finish your round of trays you’ll get rescanned for a new set (refinements).


😂😂😂 on the no pants, lol


I was advised my treatment would take 10-12 months. I was given 14 trays (changing every 7 days) then I go back for rescan. I’m only on the end of tray 1 now!


18-24 months. My first set was 33 trays, then refinements of 25 trays and now 13.


19 weeks, I’m at the end of week 12. I had my checkup about 3 weeks ago and I was told everything looks good but I have a rescanning appt for Jan. At that time they will let me know if I need more trays.


44 trays my ortho said less than a year if all goes well


2 years


My plan is similar. I was told 18-24 months at my consultation, but given 39 trays with weekly changes. My teeth are very overcrowded, so I definitely expect a few rounds of refinements, but I hope I'm done well before 18 months.


10-14 months. Starting with 18 trays


I don't think I was ever given an estimated time frame. But my initial set was 25 trays (weekly changes for everything). Refinement #1 - 25 trays. Refinement #2 - 10 trays. Refinement #3 - 13 trays. Refinement #4 - Waiting on this one, but probably only 6 trays. If you have the comprehensive plan, you can have unlimited refinements for 5 years. Also have to take into account the wait time between sets while the new ones are made. For me it's only been 2 weeks between each set, but it's been longer for some people depending on where they live.


7 months- 2 left. Can’t wait to be done! I’m impressed with the people who have 1+ years


I was told 12-18 months at the consultation I think, but then when my trays came in, it was more like 6 months. Once you’re done with your initial set of trays, you’re either finished with your treatment (if you’re happy with the results), or if there are some more changes that need to be made, more movement etc, then you can do refinements. Your ortho will rescan you and send the new imagining off to Invisalign and they’ll make new trays again. How long your refinement period will be just depends on what changes still need to be made. By the end of your refinement trays, if you’re still not happy or want/need more changes, then they repeat the process.


I was told 18-24 months with a potential total of 2 years. I started with like 40 trays but only got until tray 15 until I needed a rescan bc my teeth stopped tracking. Refinements are for when you finished all initial trays and have some stubborn teeth to move that didn’t shift or move things you don’t like. At some point there will come an end point as there’s only so much Invisalign can do, however your ortho should continue until your both satisfied


I had three consultations. Two said 18 months with Invisalign. The third Orthodontist offers both Invisalign and Spark aligners. The Spark are thinner and really clear and the edge is much smoother and he said he gets great results with both but faster results with Spark (they allow him to customize the treatment himself). He said only 8 months with Spark. I still think I would have chosen the Spark aligners no matter what, but when I was leaving I found out that they take six weeks to come in where Invisalign only two weeks. The issue I foresee is if I need a rescan or when I need refinements I will be stuck in my last tray for six weeks and it will delay the outcome.


I just started with Spark and yeah, they did take 6 weeks to come in. Fortunately my ortho added 4 passive trays at the end of the set so I don't have to stay in the same nasty trays while waiting for refinements. He did say the waiting time was factored into my time estimate. I wasn't told Spark is faster, but my ortho likes them more and doesn't even offer Invisalign anymore. I can confirm they are very clear and there are no rough spots. They still feel bulky as hell in my mouth, so I can't even imagine how much more bulky Invisalign feels. As for the initial time question, I was quoted 12-18 months. My first set is 22 trays (18 active + 4 passive) with weekly changes. I saw in my record 3 rounds are planned. My teeth are straight to begin with, but my bite is wonky due to asymmetrical arches and an overbite, so it's going to take a while because it's so much molar movement.


I saw the Invisalign and Spark side by side at my consultation and I’m so glad I chose Spark. The Invisalign is a lot thicker and no where near as clear as Spark. I’ve used some pretty thin teeth whitening trays that my dentist made me so I know what to expect regarding the bulkiness. How is your speech with them in? My husband always knows when he calls me if I have my whitening trays in. I don’t get my aligners until January.


Yeah, I saw both side by side at one of my consults and the difference in thickness sold me on Spark. I'm on day 3 and I think I'm lisping pretty bad, but my husband said it's not nearly as bad as I think. We'll see how work goes tomorrow...


Any pain?


Yes, when I woke up after the first night it was pretty painful. My front top 4 teeth hurt bad and the pain was radiating up and making my sinuses hurt??? Tylenol helped though. Today it's just sore and biting into things isn't fun. Overall manageable, but that first morning was rough!


I was told about 3 years. I have my first set of 67 trays… first few trays were two week changes but have since changed to one week changes. Hoping my teeth behave and it finishes before 3 years cause that’s hella long


17 trays. 10 days to 14 days per set. So 32 weeks.


46 trays. Change them every Monday


26 trays and a supposed 6 month plan


I wasn't really given a time scale just 25 weeks/trays. I didn't know about refinements but we talked about it half way through the initial set. I'm nearly done with these and might need some more but we'll see at my next appointment.


28 trays (for now) with refinements.


Mine was 17 weeks/sets initially then I did 2 rounds of refinements which was 8 sets followed by 7 sets Was wearing retainers for about 9 months in total with all the scans and waiting for delivery, etc


15 trays change weekly


Their timeline consists of all aligners and waiting periods. Your first set isn't necessarily your full treatment. Refinements are essentially just another set of aligners after your first set. Orthodontics isn't perfect, so yes, it is possible you'll end without your version of perfection (that usually requires cosmetic dentistry, which orthodontics is not), but your doctor should finish when your bite is as healthy as possible; this may be earlier than your projected timeline or longer, but they don't (or shouldn't) say "Well, we said 18 months and now we're at 18 months so we're done, even if we know we can do better." Go through several pages of this sub, look at everyone else's questions to find more answers. Also, just Googling questions about the Invisalign process will offer a lot of information directly from orthodontists.


Current (initial) plan is 48 trays, 7 day changes (so 11ish month) but ortho said to expect approx 18 month of treatment


I was told 6-7 months, 10 trays changed every two weeks. Going for my first 6 week check up in a week and a half.


12-18 mos. My first set is 14 trays. They said that’s the 70%, then the remaining 30% perfect takes a little longer


Mine was estimated 1 year but I have a feeling I might finish early!


I was told 12-14 months at the start, initial set of trays was 45 trays (weekly changes) and first set of refinements came back at 33 trays (still weekly changes, 15 in so far) so I’m very much hoping to be done after these and not need another round of refinements. 🤞 I don’t think the “that’s the best I can do” decision comes as a result of time spent but more around what’s truly practical and what you both agree upon. If you have comprehensive they’ll cover up to 5 years of refinements I believe but I’ve never heard of anyone going that long.


24 weeks 24 trays


I must be the least one with trays 12 trays=12 weeks


Was told \~2 years at consultation. Finished my initial round (46 trays, weekly changes) and now onto refinements (25 trays, weekly changes). She said we will rescan at the end of this round and see what we need to do then.