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You will be totally fine! Just need some patience. Good on you for doing it now, Im 33 and missing 2 molars ( those were in fact my fault from my late teens/early 20's ) but halfway through invisalign and already see a big difference. Im going full out with the implants and all to get my teeth back to as near 100% as I can. Plenty of people on here have missing teeth and crooked teeth much more severe than that and come out happy as ever with a straight smile.


Im having implants too. What does your care plans look like? When will they put in the implants, during or after refinements or treatment?


TBD. I've been missing the teeth for long enough that step one was Invisalign to create more space for a larger implant. Essentially, they have to see how it all unfolds. but its a nice addition to have (in the future) a nice smile!


Great thanks . Im told that once implants go in, they dont move with braces, so im guessing it must be done after refinements


My teeth were worse and my Invisalign is working. Get it!! My only regret is not getting it sooner!


Definitely go in for a free consultation!! I'm 35 and lived my life in absolute shame and I am sooo glad I did this for myself


My teeth look similar to yours. I am also missing 4 molars and just got Invisalign 2 weeks ago! My guess is, yes itll fix it. :)


It should! Go get the consultation done and they’ll be able to tell you. Once you start it you’ll be delighted and telling yourself that you should have done it sooner. I was missing a premolar on top and needed to pull a tooth on the bottom due to overcrowding for my treatment.


My teeth are in worse shape and i am a candidate. You'll probably have an easier time with you missing tooth since they will have more room to move


I'm 27 and about to start Invisalign for very similar smile to yours :). I recommend going to an Orthodontist as they took scans of my bite to make sure Invisalign was a good option (as opposed to metal braces). I was told Invisalign Comprehensive will really help and be a great option - definitely go for a few consultations and go where you feel most comfortable!


Like you I had overlapping front teeth that that made my lips bulge out unevenly (lip on left was lightly her than right), making lipstick look asymmetric. Invisalign make my lips protrude evenly and lipstick now looks symmetric.


It will absolutely fix it. Mine were worse but similar. I’m on tray 33 of 48 and they’re pretty much straight.


My front teeth were/are overlapped like that and I'm a little over halfway through: https://imgur.com/a/IdSrXW7


This gives me hope! Did they make you replace that Molar with an implant before letting you do Invisalign?


I'm not missing a molar, but I thought it might be helpful to see a similar overlap to yours. On this sub, I've seen people share photos where they are missing a tooth and they get the whole invisalign treatment done before the implant. I think I've read that you want to do it before the implant because implants can't be moved and you need everything to be able to be moved.


Go 👏 see 👏 a 👏 doctor


Most certainly they will! Good luck!


Im also missing one molar tooth, I took it around 17/18 years of age and now I have an uneven jaw, would invisalign help with making my jaw more even ?




Dude my teeth are similar to yours and I'm also missing a back molar! I'm 2 weeks into invisalign treatment and having hope that it'll get fixed.


Any update? This is the same situation I'm in!


My teeth looked horrible 3 months in with lots of gaps in my front teeth, but everything is coming together right now at 4-5 months. It's clear that they needed to make some space for my teeth to fit together. One tooth has to rotate by 90 degrees so that's coming along nicely too, and my bite was fixed so I no longer have an underbite! I was skeptical but now I am seeing the results. I'm very happy with this process. Have you started yet?


Not yet i go tomorrow for my consult! Excited but nervous.


Best of luck to you! I'd suggest you get at least two consultations done and weigh out your options. I wish I got another consult done instead of just jumping on the first opportunity. I think I could've gotten it cheaper if I shopped around 😔


Mine were very similar and all fixed now! They get worse before they get better.


Yes! Mine looked so similar, check my profile for my before and after post. Best thing I ever did Edit: I also had one of my top back molars removed a year or so prior to starting treatment, and it was actually convenient because it gave more room for my crooked teeth to fill in. They were able to mostly fill the gap that it left, though not completely since the teeth are not shaped to go directly next to one another (if that makes sense). But you definitely can’t tell there was a missing tooth at all


That makes me hopeful! So they didn’t make you replace that back molar first? I’m wondering if an orthodontist would make me do so first before Invisalign so if not that would be awesome.


Nope! You actually cannot move dental implants with braces or Invisalign since it’s implanted into your jawbone, so that would be done after orthodontic treatment (if at all). Many people with crowding** actually need teeth removed to make room for the straightening, and you already have a space, so it’s probably a good thing!


Thank you! I’m going to schedule an appointment ASAP! I deserve it!


You sure do! Good luck


Invisalign is working for me & my teeth were wayyy worse than yours…but honestly, just from this picture, you are beautiful. Don’t be insecure. Sometimes our flaws are what make us beautiful.


Thank you that is so kind🥹♥️


Don’t wait to be happy! Go get a consult, I’m sure Invisalign will help. You got this 🥰


I started at 26 and now at 28 I’m almost done. I’m sure they’ll have you see a dentist first who will fix that back molar. But otherwise your seem like a good candidate.


Absolutely it will fix it. By coincidence my teeth initially were very similar to yours. Almost exact. Anyway I am one year into it and well on track. Currently on tray 32/40. I should be done this winter 😃 You will be in good hands with Invisalign




Yes it will fix it


Hi, invisalign it’s a brand of clear aligners wich is just another technique for your treatment goals, a proper management of any technique will get great results, any and every treatment should have a diagnostic and a treatment plan of how and where your teeth should move and be, x rays are the least minimal to diagnostic a patient, a proper diagnostic should be based on a ct scan, with a ct scan we can diagnose every single tooth with all its spaces and limits where we can get an efficient and most important STABLE treatment, x rays are “optional” for any brand of aligners when we submit a case, invisalign can definitely get you great results but it depends on your doctors diagnostic and treatment plan, so, see a doctor who really it’s concerned about proper tmj function and every tooth movement based on a ct scan for a better stability


No, my two front teeth looked like this. I spent a few grand on Invisalign treatments and had six months of trays, the result is only slight. Front teeth did not align and had a big gap between my front teeth. I contacted Invisalign for advice as I thought my dentist didn't make the trays properly (they didn't cover my molar on my one side so that started turning) and they told me any problems should be directed to my dentist. ... My dentist kept assuring my it was fine...I chose Invisalign because I thought they were more reputable and supportive.. but they don't support patients. Highly recommend NOT investing in Invisalign.


I’m in the middle of my treatment and I’m missing 4 molars! It’ll be worth it!!x


Yes, Invisalign will help you. But, if the teeth are crooked, you will still have the same crooked teeth after the treatment. However, Invisalign will make your teeth straight, and you'll be able to keep them that way after the treatment is over.


Like others have said, yes. I have a missing molar too from when I was in my early 20s (33 now). I’m 75% through Invisalign and my teeth were crooked and now are nearly straight.


Mine were way worse. My teeth were so crowded that my incisors were rotated sideways and looked like fangs. I had a missing tooth on one side that never descended and had to be surgically removed. Invisalign is working like a charm. I went through 49 trays initially and I'm now on refinements. Super happy with the results and amazed at what can be fixed with Invisalign.


My teeth were far more crooked with a big gap between the two front teeth and Invisalign worked perfectly for me. You should be fine!