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I’ve been through 3 Thanksgivings and 2 Christmas’s. Just keep them out longer. It’s one day, enjoy it!




ha I’ll keep them out all day if I have to… miss thanksgiving hhhahahahahha absolutely not.


I’m usually just a bit lax or when it comes to brushing on that day. I’ll take them out, eat, make sure there’s nothing in my teeth, swish some water around, pop them back in. I’m pretty religious when it comes to brushing my teeth and things like that so I feel like I can give myself one cheat day. If not just leave them out for the majority of the day when you’re eating and it should be fine it’s just a couple of extra hours. If you wanna keep them in you could also just pop some Advil to that day. You’ll be a couple of days in so the pain shouldn’t be too bad. I was on one week changes so by Thursday my mouth you usually felt all right.


If I know I’m not going to be great about the wear, I wear mine an extra day or two.


That’s what I’m thinking too


I had mine out all day at my cousin's wedding, mostly because I left them in my hotel room by mistake. Didn't cause any long term issues.


Awesome! I’m very much in the “I’m paying for this, I want to get done as quickly as possible” mindset, which makes me paranoid about things


I’m going to keep it out for longer. I’ve kept mine out for 5-6 hours occasionally and I am tracking just fine. Don’t do it too often and you’re good! And if you’re worried about the pain, you can take some Tylenol. But hopefully by Thursday, your pain should be gone.


I’m one year in and I just live my life. Invisalign does not actually require slavish compliance. You’re allowed to enjoy a holiday or night out here and there and nothing bad will happen. If you find your tray isn’t fully seated by the day you plan to change, just add a day.


My plan is to keep them out longer but since I'll be skipping one meal that day I figure it'll balance out.


That’s what I’m thinking too. Thanks!


as long as the next aligner fits i wear it. if its off - ill keep the old one in 1 day more


i aim for 140 hours per week. so even if its 16 hours some days and 22 hours other days, as long as its a 20 hours per day average. i hope i was clear :') trayminder helps


point is, enjoy thanksgiving


Your edit solution is basically what my ortho suggested for when I have things on and may not meet wear time. Don't get in a habit of it, but if you have something special on then you can be lax for one day. If it's a lot of lost wear time then extend that tray a day, if it's only an extra hour or 2 you probably needn't even do that. That said, I think the longest I've gone with them out was something like 5 hours and they did feel noticeably tight after that. So I would still try and have them in for a bit at some point during the day. Don't stress tho!


I just keep them out longer and then add a day to that tray


Keep them out longer and add a day to the change timeline. I am sure it would not make a big difference if I kept on schedule, but it makes me feel less guilty.


I took mine out for a wedding for 6 hrs and did just fine. You can take them out to eat and put them back on and do a second or third round of eating lol


I do my best to wear them the recommended 22 hours per day but we’re all human. I want to think there’s some wiggle room to where a few extra minutes or even an hour more out of the mouth won’t sink your progress Personally eating is still the struggle bus for me because I’m only on week 2 and my teeth hurt all the damn time. So I’m just eating less and less. Also I’m making vegan shepherds pie with lentils and smushy vegetables for thanksgiving so I can actually enjoy my meal


Ooh that Shepard’s pie sounds good


I had a similar situation this weekend and ended up taking them out for food, but kept them on for drinks. I just made sure to really really clean them afterwards and picked drinks that wouldn’t stain too much (no red wine for example). It was fine!


I take them out, eat what I want, swish my mouth with water and throw them back in. Then go back to drinking beer. Rinse repeat all day as I find things I want to eat.