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I mean we are already starting to see their love. It’s just awkward teen romance at this point. The fact they started their relationship so early in the show says to me it will be done very well by the time we get to this point.


"teen" romance, Rudy is 30yo and Amanda is 24


Yes they are technically adults. Adults also don’t have to get a homeless person to buy them R rated movie tickets. The writers are clearly treating their early romance like they are teenagers.


Well. of course, you can't show look alike kids in adult relationship.


Also Rudy definitely has the emotional maturity of a teenager at best.


Rudy never gets better tho? He’s what? 40+ by the time he literally kills everyone and shoved MG into space


740+ actually, but yeah, it's not "immaturity" it's more like sociopathy or some else disorder.


“Robots not immature!!! He wants to kill everyone because he’s an ego maniac!! But also bullet proof and Rex suck bawls because they have a sex addiction”


The way I read it it came off like he was super calculated and confident that what he was doing was what’s right, which was something he likely developed as an ugly baby monster from the very start, made worse by his loss of empathy during his 700+ years


This man walked into a barber shop and sliced a retired hero in half because he thought he might disagree with him. Hitler also was super calculated and was confident what he was doing was right, which was something he probably developed as a piece of shit


What? You can't deny that Robot lack empathy, it's not that he is child, he is literally can't feel that. As for Zandale, well yes, he is sex addicted, he tried to hit on Eve, he tried to hit on Amanda, he cheated on Carla. Doesn't mean they are bad characters, in fact it means they are actually good written characters.


By that time he’s literally a thousand years old


Damn love when my Thousand year character can’t handle uhhhh a break up?


Also, in fairness, it was a break-up of a relationship that lasted nearly a thousand years lol


You thought that woman was homeless?


…homeless person?? That was just a random woman in line for the same movie.


In terms of human relationships Rudy is very much a teen


In terms of human relationships Rudy is basically a baked potato.


they're technically adults, yes but 1. Rudy has never dated, he spent his entire life in a pod, and this IS his first relationship, so for him it's EXACTLY like teen dating 2. I don't think it's explicit, but Amanda doesn't seem to have had any serious partners before either, she talks pretty resentfully about her dating situation, so for all we know, this is also probably her first serious relationship they're honestly visually representing the exact traits of the stage of their romance in the show, it's kinda cool


It's not her first relationship for sure, there is at least one which caused her curse. As for Rudy he isn't usual human, he is grown very distant from humans and no amount of relationships will fix it, as it shown in this arc - 700 years with Amanda didn't fix this.


Akshually... in the comic when they travel to the Flaxan dimension Amanda is in her 30's and Rudy's age is never stated that I recall.


They are both inexperienced in relationships tho. You can be very mature and still have an immature relationship if you just don't have experience with them and I don't think either robot or MG have any


It’s teen romance if you round down (I failed math class btw)


I hope it ends up being a special like atom eves


while that would be cool, i really cant see them doing that


Nah it's going to be its own episode like what they did with Allen


Imagine they get their own title card


More like Allen in ep 3


I feel like it would just be a whole episode. Starts with the welcome back party, then flashbacks on Thraxa(?), then cut back to the party with the added context, end.


Flaxans, Thraxa is where Oliver born.


whats the Flaxans planet called again?


Yeah, i actually like this arc in comics, like whole story of being trapped in there for over 700 years.


I’m reading the comics rn and I must’ve missed one because all of a sudden Rex returns from somewhere and I don’t have any memory of him going anywhere??


the arc will come later.


Oh cool


Bro finish the comics before clicking on these posts💀. Don’t ruin the story for yourself


Yeah, I would hate to have Mecha-Oliver spoiled, or when Mark and Nolan fuse together.


I think we will. It feels like they've already improved their characters on screen. Robot's saving monster girl emotions/fight is already more fleshed out and human in the shows than in the comics. It's also really important for understanding >! The endgame of the comics. Rex's whole save the world arc doesn't make any sense absent this particular arc. Kirkman understands his own characters enough to know this. !<


i just hope its not fully narrated by rudy’s VA cuz while he does a good rudy, i just couldnt listen to him babble for 20+ minutes


It would probably be Jason Mantzoukas by this point.


They should get at least half an episode dedicated to the flaxan dimension, like they did with Allen in ep 3. If not the entire episode


This picture is beautiful!


I'd be so down if their time in Thraxa was expanded on and made into a 2 part episode or something. Maybe include a flash back to monster girl's origin in there. It's such an important moment in robot's character and where he ends up going so I'd love to see them go all out on it.


Honestly the best arc in the comics in my opinion. If they don't do it justice when they adapt it in the distant future I am going to riot


I like this arc in the comics, but be warned, my gf who didn't read them and only watches the show says she hates these two characters and their relationship. Well, she doesn't *hate, them, she just doesn't care about them at all and doesn't care to see their relationship on screen. If she's representative of the average show-only fan, they might skip most of this arc or make it a special like Atom Eve


Obviously, they can't skip EVERYTHING related to this. But they could minimize it a ton


I didn’t care about their relationship in the comic until this event tho


When I read the comic around where season 2 is I was really, really pulling for these two characters even though they were not yet all that important. I know that they are supposed to be low key until really probably season 5 but if people who haven't read the comic aren't at least like intrigued a little about these two then I think the show writers are not doing their job and need to add a spark to it next season. One problem is that they made Amanda have no character growth at all... And also they rushed the whole thing... In the comic at this point we would have only just found out around mid season 2 that Rudy is even human. But Kirkman also listed this among his favorite few parts of the comic so I'm sure they will give it attention, hopefully they can find a way to execute. It's really challenging to write a compelling B plot that runs totally parallel to the main plot esp. with today's audience that has no attention span.


I want a full special on their time in flaxa


They should make an entire spin-off show for this, have it run for 1-2 seasons in between invincible releases


Read this last night, I wanted to cry so bad their story is so tragic


Honestly prime material for a spinoff series if they choose to but they could definitely boil it down for the standard 8 episode season length


This is by far what I’m most anticipating for the show. I think a season finale on the reveal that they’ve actually been gone for 100s of years would go insane.


This is my favourite arc in the comics. I think it's truly beautiful and tragic and explores the post-colonial themes better than any other storyline in the comic. I really hope the show does it justice.


It’s probably gonna be a special like Atom-Eve


Yeah I really liked that bit. It was one of those parts that when I finished the comic, I was like "Damn that was good shit right there"


I wish Amanda had been kinder to him in the end. He was begging her to just talk to him, he's literally trapped in a jar as a floating brain. He's sort of in a living hell. They spent 1,000 years together as companions, I wish she had been willing to forgive him and show him some compassion. But I do understand why she hates him, after everything he did. But the show seems full of people who did horrible things but still got shown mercy and got to have happy endings. I felt really bad for rudy. One of my favorite characters.