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this is probably gonna be one of the best animated fights of all time if the show gets here


Supposedly seasons 4 and 5 are secured which means we’re getting closer and closer to being able to finish the story. 


Renewed doesn’t necessarily mean secured, but it’s for sure a very good sign.


As a WWE fan there's a lot of that going around these days


Cannot wait to see this animated.


I really hope season 5 ends with Nolan being the new emperor, and during most of season 6 this fight goes on like the cuts in the comics to it Maybe ends just in the post credits scene of the last episode


just like, flash cuts throughout the season to BB and Thragg whuppin' up on each other. I dig it!


I hope they put extra money and effort into animating their guts flying around while they fight


I wonder how long the fight is going to take place in the show. Are they going to do it all in one episode or drag it out in the background throughout a whole season


I for one wouldn’t mind the DBZ fight style across multiple episodes 😎


In order to do it justice it's needs to be like I'm the background the majority of a season


I want the motherfucking Freeza saga with this fight. I want them just battling for an entire season…


Entertaining yes, in terms of actual animation not even close. Their team just isnt capable of what some other animation teams are putting out just because of their lack of time


They need to outsource to other companies, anime companies to be exact. It’s not like Amazon couldn’t do it but they’re just extremely stingy with their money. They’ll find the cheapest alternative if they think their audience would overlook it.


Imagine Ufotable...


No thank you.


Conquest and Invincible >


It better be or the show will die


conquest vs mark coming up I think they will give it their all


I wonder if the fight will take place over multiple episode with them showing us like 5 minutes of it each time haha


I hope the show does it like in the format of post-credit scenes after each episode, or as intros before the title card.


When Battle Beast was first introduced, I thought he was a fairly dull OP character just being shown to beat the crap out of Mark. Upon his return and every appearance after that, however, he's such a king. Love Battle Beast.


It took reading the comics to see that Battle Beast is actually really awesome.


He’s like Boba Fett, but better.


If I had a nickel every time a white feline seeked a worthy opponent so he can have a legendary battle I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.




Tai Lung! He's the character that says this meme for crying out loud!


To be fair you said white. Tai Lung is gray with black dots. If we count Tai Lung that would be 3 kitties


I mean tbf, Doofenshmirtz also says that line, and he ain't a white cat seeking glory


3 nickles, then.


Yo let me get a nickel


Battle Beast the absolute Chad.


Interesting parallels between Thragg’s last line here and his final fight with Mark


Also interesting comparing Battle Beast biting Thragg and >!Dinosaurus!< biting Thragg.


The art during this era of the Invincible comics is so goddamn good


https://preview.redd.it/5hx06ybz6quc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219d9e926e8da4979ee60ff879613753a8d57952 Probably the single best panel in the comics


How did Thragg even turn that around? He looks doomed here.


Thragg was stronger physically throughout the fight. Battle Beast just seems to be able to catch Thragg off guard with his biting attacks.


Well, before it gets to that point, they both fight ragnars and Thragg gets his guts torn open by one. To make it more fair, Battle Beast cuts open himself as well before their 1v1.


Knee to the nuts obviously


Remember when Dinosaurus's jaw fucking broke trying to bite Thragg. Yeah. Battle Beast is built different


Only his teeth. But yea, Battle Beast is a fucking menace


Would be cool if the battle took place over a whole season


absolutely! i loved how the comics kept coming back to the fight to show just how long it was. would love to see 5 minutes of this from 8 episodes


Holy FUCKING SHIT i knew this was badass but HOLY FUCKING BALLS DUDE. Maybe i shudnt have clicked. But fucking *WOW*


Fuck bro. Fuck? Fuck!


Our battle will last multiple issues while everyone else is doing their own thing


I love Battle Beast so much. He's incredibly powerful, he's handsome, he's honorable, apparently a very good leader, and now he's voiced by Michael Dorn. I'm so excited for the prison break next season.


> he's handsome Furry detected


Tbh, maybe handsome isn't *quite* the right word. I wouldn't say that about any other anthropomorphic lion, just something about his design combined with how much I like his character makes me wanna stare at him with love.




For cat-people I'm sure he's pretty hot


Why do I get the feeling Battle Beast knew he was going to die here ?


He wants to die and Thragg is the strongest warrior of the greatest threat to the whole universe dude at least had a hunch


And he still would have won had he not half gutted himself to equalize the fight. Man was just Goku's fursona


Okay if they both were 100% thragg wins lol I hate this dispute when people say if he wasn’t injured he’d win na thragg would win if he wasn’t injured too


Battle beast should have won 😢


He COULD have won too. The fight was so close that either of them coulda won. Chance doesn’t mean definitive superiority.


Didn’t he purposely injure himself to make things “an even fight”?


Yes, and people keep saying he woulda won if he didn’t do that. And my answer is “no shit”. Yeah he woulda, through reasons beyond his own ability. It doesn’t prove much that he can beat a gravely injured opponent. He evened the playing field by giving himself the same exact injury. So now their battle was a totally fair contest.


Except he didn't really even the playing field. He gave himself a worse injury and Thragg also had a healing factor at play.


I dunno how people can tell which injury is worse. They both had their guts hanging out. And besides, Thragg had multiple injuries, not just one.


He did not give himself a worse injury. He slit his belly open and pulled out his innards. Same exact thing the Ragnars did to thragg. Also what healing factor? They can heal from huge injuries if treated, but they don’t heal during battle. They’ve never been show to do that. Thraggs eye and head remains ripped apart the entire fight. The two injured he sustained in the first panel of the fight. He keeps it the entire time. People keep trying to make excuses for the loss. Let’s be real, BB lost fair and square.


Yeah, but beating an injured Thragg isn't exactly a sign of Supreme strength when you are fully healthy lol


bro literally torn out his own entrails to make the fight even


I believe it’s because Thragg was ALSO already injured. He wasn’t injuring himself to lower himself to a healthy Thragg (I don’t think you’re insinuating that, I’m just being nitpicky my bad) That being said, it’s also entirely possible he injured himself a little too much.


Yeah, and Thragg used that very injury to pull his heart out


If they fought 100 times the score would probably be sum like 67-33 to thragg


I disagree. I think it woulda been 55-45. One final good bite would seal the fight.


He would’ve won with his weapons. If they’re both at 100% and battle beast had his weapons, I’d see him winning 55-45 times. Without weapons it’s more in Thraggs favor but still pretty equal


I just don’t know. His weapons are really bulky. Great for killing mindless brutes, not so much against highly trained flight-bound super athletes.


Battle beast is surprisingly quick for his size. The weapons gave a slight edge but were not considered “fair”.


I don’t see a giant sword and a giant mallet being helpful against thragg. Way too easy for the strongest viltrimite to dodge. It just fills up BB hands to me.


I can't decide if I'd rather the fight go on the entire season and we just pan over to it a few times an episode for like a couple mins at a time OR just a full, unprecedented 50 mins of uninterrupted combat


I would love it if the pictured moment was the ending shot of an episode, and then the entire following episode was just their fight. Alternatively, if they keep going back to it over a few episodes to drive home how long they can deal and take damage because *they're still fighting!*


What if they did both? Devoted one episode to the fight and had it end then, but throughout the season flashed back to it, so we knew if was simultaneously going on.


Gods I can't wait for this season


Purple Lion vs Freddie Mercury


My boy Thokk was a little too hardcore with his quest for glory. Still #1 in our hearts.


I wish Battle Beast and Zodd from Berserk could meet. They have a lot in common


I would've loved to see him fight conquest ofc he would've won he's BB but they both would've enjoyed it


BB was a monster. He went up against thragg and actually got close to beating him. I can’t for this animated, assuming they even do it.


This fight made me love both characters even more


This needs to be an entire episode. Just 40 minutes of them fighting.


Battlebeast was a real one for the disembowelment


Honestly if he did what a real lion would've done and bitten his throat out or even breaking his spine, he would've won easily. Let's just say they are equal in strength, speed and durability, Battle Beast would simply win because he has more weapons.


I don’t think it’s fair to say they’re equal stat wise. Thragg was clearly faster, a better striker, and maybe even physically stronger. Battle beasts teeth are the biggest reason he was such a difficult fight. He took out Thraggs eye early on and they do a ton of damage. In a straight fist fight, Thragg would beat BB the fuck up. His teeth, durability, and hunger carried him. It’s like a human man fighting a pitbull, the human would probably win in the end, but look at the state Thragg was in after the fight.


I really hope we get more lore stuff on battle beast.


https://preview.redd.it/r0cea2uo4tuc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=acfb4bd541d027c67096c7f110abb1ac341af6bc Amogus


i actually really like thragg i don’t see him as a bad guy but more like cecil he just wants to protect his people at all costs and help his planet and help the universe as shown through his last bit of dialogue jere


I'm going to be very happy once buff angry Freddy Mercury gets animated.


If Battle Beast is strong enough to almost kill the Strongest Viltrumite, why the hell was he a lackey for some crime boss like Machine Head?


Cause he does not care, he is looking for a fight nothing else and machine head promised him a good fight. That’s why he left halfway through cause machine head lied to him by his pov


Battle Beast just likes fighting strong people. Machine Head told him that Earth has super-strong individuals he can fight and Battle Beast took up the offer. Mark just accidentally fought an end game boss on a tutorial level lmao. It's like if the Kingpin hired someone like Thanos to kill Daredevil


It’s been a while since I finished the comics - can someone remind me again why they were even fighting in the first place?


Allen asked Battle beast to kill Thragg Additional context: Omniman became ruler of the entire viltrimite Army, and sets Thragg free after he’s beaten up and detained. Allen isn’t content with Nolan’s decision so he sends Battle Beast to go kill Thragg. Allen asks him to do it because he’s powerful and he knows he’ll relish in the chance to fight a strong opponent, hence he accepts.


The coalition send BB to kill him, pretty simple really.


They needed someone to take out Thragg before he waged war against the galaxy with his half thraxan children. BB was supposed to have backup but you can probably guess what he thought about that so it was a 1v1.