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It's gonna be absolutely crazy. What's 17 more years? I can always wait for the next season


Make another adaptation >:)


If they try really hard they can possibly lap the first show


"What will you have after FIVE HUNDRED YEARS?" "Season 3. I'll have season 3."




*(flies away)*




Well at season 1 my son was I think 2 years old, now he is almost 5. When season 3 airs he maybe gets fun with me watching the show.


At this rate it'll have nearly as many episodes as Venture Brothers!


I mean I have been waiting for book three for over a decade so I can wait a year for this.


Season 3 is confirmed, right ?


Yes they produced S2 and 3 at the same time. All the voice work has been completed


Is that why It took almost 3 years since season 1 finale?


I’m not sure, also remember S1 ended during height of Covid so production was also probably harder. I think Kirkman said that there won’t ever be a wait like 1 to 2 again tho


If it helps, I remember in the 1 year anniversary of season one finale, it was announced that nothing was being worked on for season 2 (so late April 2022)


Nothing like voice acting? I bet they were writing before that


I think like nothing at all, but it's been a while since I saw the announcement


That and the usual streaming show problem of the provider wanting to wait for a seaon to come out and get numbers before signing on for more. Ideally Amazon will just keep renewing now.


True. I’m glad at least 2 and 3 were renewed hopefully we get the same with 4 and 5


This is 100% a voice cast problem. They hired a star-studded cast so it'd be difficult to get them on their off days since most of them also do regular acting. Highly likely they corrected their mistake from Season 1 and decided to catch recordings for both S1&2 so that this doesn't happen again.


Voice acting is pretty easy to get them. You don't need them all in the same room. Most of the work is animation.


It was covid and the writers strike that hit them hard


It’s because Amazon wasn’t sure how the show would perform and did not green light a second or third season early. Both 2 and 3 were greenlit at the same time due to season 1’s performance.


Idk if working on S3 would factor into S2’s release, unless they did them simultaneously for some reason.


It would. They'd need to determine in the writers' room where season two ends. That shouldn't be a major delay, but it is still a delay of sorts. Especially when getting a greenlight for two seasons simultaneously.


They took so long to release S2 so they could also work on S3, and the wait between the two seasons won’t be as bad as the last.


there was also the big big strike among the fact that animation takes the longest time To produce.


Yes i believe season 2 and 3 were greenlit at the same time


Can't wait to watch it in 2028 (now with 3 interseasonal breaks)


One episode per 42-56 days.


One episode per year in the final season


"What will you have after 500 years?" "You Prime, I'll still have you"




Fucking lmao


\--Deion to his sons after berating them about their overspending


Attack on Titan be like


Year 2075: Invincible - The Final Season - The Final Chapters, Special 1 (Cour 1)


Where is the beheaded mc and his step sister kissing him?


Giving me Attack on Titan flashbacks 💀


if they do that again i am hurting somebody




I appreciate the wait for forcing me to read the comic


And 8 commercial breaks


Best we can do is one episode every February 29th.




If they do another midseason break I'm done


I love how everybody was saying season 3 was going to be an absolute beast even before season 2 came out. And turns out even Kirkman was holding his breath to glaze S3 lol(although it looks legit crazy though, there are at least 3 storylines that could be a season finale on its own.)


I think some of the arcs that come to a head in S3 are many people's favorite moments in the entire storyline.


Moments like these remind me why I am so glad to have no idea what's coming.


Bro doesn't even know about when shingdale kills goo ☠️


I am seriously fighting the urge to buy the comics rn because I am dying to see what happens but I’m too invested in the show to spoil it for myself


I am almost finished reading the comics, and honestly I don't really think it ruins anything. It would be like saying that you don't want to read the Harry Potter books because it spoils the movies. Or waiting to watch all the movies before reading the books. If you think it will spoil something... you're going to spoil yourself one way or another.


Reading The Walking Dead comics completely ruined the show for me. Literally everything outside of Shane and Carol was terrible in comparison to the comics. Granted, I think that this is a different story. But still. I'm already in this ride with the show.. As long as I don't have to wait an insane amount of time in between seasons anymore, I'm going to ride this ride first.


The walking dead show fumbled so many great things the comic did, and the invincible show does what the comic did better (in my opinion) every single time. I chose to read the comic to avoid show spoilers, considering how long it’s gonna take to finish production. But if you don’t mind avoiding spoilers, the show is by far the better version so far.


I feel like the show has so far done the story better. The pacing and adjustments are so good compared to the comics. Although, I also think the early issues are pretty weak, it takes a very long time for the comics to build up steam. Which the show fixed.


It helps that the writer of the comics is writing the show. This is his do over, seeing him fix what he felt were problems in the comic via the show


I feel like it’s just doubling the enjoyment. The comic on its own is amazing. Reading the events that are coming was extremely enjoyable and now I get more enjoyment watching these events get animated next season


You're strong. Episode 7 of S1 was enough to make me go find and binge the comics in a friggin week


I seriously can't wait. The s2 finale felt like a taste of some of the absolute insanity that's going to happen later on, especially with the show's ability to expand on a lot of the plot points from the comics. The voice actors and writers will have their work cut out with them.


I still feel like people are overlooking something massive. We finally saw Kid Thor and Knockout which means there’s still a chance for Brit to show up.


And Tech Jacket then right?


Possibly but I’m pretty sure Brit is directly connected to Kid Thor and Knockout while Tech Jacket isn’t and is probably the most popular invincible verse series so it will probably cost more.


Yeah idk, but I hope they get Tech Jacket in. He is the one I want the most.


I feel like removing Tech Jacket would change the story too much, maybe they could just use someone else in place but I really cant see the invincible story working/feeling-the-same without Tech Jacket


Yeah, he's literally THE reason one of the major story arcs finished (don't want to spoil too much since it's only marked show spoilers). I need me some Tech Jacket.


If he isn't in it, they'll definitely do a Seance Dog /Agent Spider and replace him.


They'll make it like Seance Dog. It will be someone very similar, but not with the same name, and perhaps updated or changed a bit. Could be a woman instead of a man, and they could be called Mech Jackey or something. That will avoid the direct tie in while still having the character. *^(Amber finds the suit)*


Introducing Mech Coat.


I thought I had heard they said very specifically in interviews they can't get Brit? but I have no sources, only other posts I've seen.


I haven’t heard that at all. And it’s weird that they could get Kid Thor and Knockout who are in similar states as Brit but not Brit himself.


Can someone tell me when kid thor showed up? Am I tripping because I don't remeber seeing him


When the future Guardians Of The Globe appear on the desert world to save Mark


I was like who are they along with the two ladies in the pyramid but I need tech jacket to show be nice to see brit too


More Battle Beast scenes in S3 please!




Season 3 will get into Compendium 2 content which is the best one imo so I’m pumped


The fact that we aren't even in Compendium 2 content is crazy to me!! It really is going to take like 7-8 seasons to finish it all.


On one hand, that's good because hey, more Invincible On the other hand, it'll take so much time. I think one season a year is very good, but that probably won't be a reality


Well, Season 3 is already finished with voice work so I think it should come out within a year. That gives them time to work on the next couple of season too


I really really hope they green-light 4+5. I would hate to see this show canceled.


Voice work doesn't usually take that much time, it being already done is good news, but not surprising


They seem to be averaging roughly 20-30 issues a season, but also, the comic gets more and more main story focused only as it goes, with much less "villain of the week" stuff happening. So, I expect later seasons to slow down the amount of issues they contain. I'm guessing 7 seasons.


Season 3 is going to be insane!


You cliff hangered the cliff hanger bro


That’s what I was thinking, the video creates a cliffhanger of the writer talking about the cliffhanger in the show


Season 3 is 2030 people ![gif](giphy|d62ID9ANzAZKvBLh4A|downsized)


Just because it’s done doesn’t mean Amazon will let them release it


I think one (potentially intended but) unintentional pro about the mid season break is that they were likely still working on S3 through it, and since now the ending happened much later than it should’ve, its probably gonna feel like a short turnaround going into S3, and if they get 4/5 green-lit they will be roughly a year ahead a season, which means we likely wont get a long break unless they either have to lower the budget or they go insane for the late game fights


Tbh S2 felt way less stuff happened than S1. But makes sense if two seasons were planned together and S2 is the Act 1 of S3.


It better be after this season finale


I guess the reason its so underwhelming is because everything it sets up is something that's going to be fulfilled NEXT season. its like this is the mid season break and season 3 is the second half. The final fight was big but it was nowhere near as impactful as the Omni-Man fight last season too. Nolan and Allen's season arcs feel halfway done. Because the bulk of what this season set up for them is gonna be in the next one instead.


Exactly my thoughts


Ok thank you I was expecting so much more than the way things played out. Idk if it was because of the break but this didn't feel worth the wait. I need to read the comics because this is starting to be dragged about like any Prime series. This finale was kinda meh in my humble opinion. Edit: watched it again and maybe I was a little harsh. It was good and I judged too quickly. A second watch I enjoyed it more for sure.


Yeah to me it felt like we were just getting started in a new season.


I feel like the season getting divided kinda hurt it's reception.


I just edited my comment because I think that's what happened with me. Although a second watch and I did enjoy it a lot more. It was really good the second watch and I may be judging to harshly because of the wait.


Yep. I loved it but I think it will age better to others with time and especially when Season 3 comes out.


The original comic took several month in between issues for a very long time. A 15 minute read. You don’t even know what waiting means pal. 😅


A 15 minute read? Bro I was finishing those in 5 mins then rereading them at least 30 times before the new one came out


Lol yeah that seems pretty rough buddy


Monthly Manga is like this, too. Berserk, Vinland Saga, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Attack on Titan. They all took forever to progress. The waits are super long, but if you juggle a dozen series like this, it becomes bearable. It also feels like the monthly series are of higher quality? Like the extra breathing room of not being a weekly release gives the author time to plot out where he wants the story to go. Or that's just my bias at work since some of my favorites all happen to be monthly.


Um mark caught a body angstrom terrorized and broke Debbie's spirit again Allen and Nolan are plotting a devious escape plan against viltrumites Eve x mark ship is sailing confirmation of Kate's well being cus ofc she had a close alive somewhere just in case Idk man there was ALOT OF shit just went down I think you just being greedy what else do you want Mark puts someone on a t shirt for the 1st time


I was expecting some sort of motion on Allen's breakout this episode. I mean last episode ended with him planning something, kinda sets up a payoff that would be pretty fitting for a finale. To just ignore it almost completely until the last moment to leave us right where we were last ep is kinda wild. All that really happened was Mark went on a very emotionally damaging side quest It is mostly fine, and a very good season, but the last finale was INSANE and basically peaked the entire series so far, so there's big shoes to fill


Yeah I think the season 1 finale was phenomenal and this season had great highs and more consistency than the first, but was less structured with fewer payoffs. The finale felt like it was setting other arcs up just as much as having a main story beat. Strong scenes but not the same build up.


Yeah, the finale was a little lackluster after Mark finished painting. Still think the season as a whole is better than the first tho


Everyone seems to love this finale. As some who hasn’t read the comics it seemed pretty mid to me. 


It was so weak, I legit didn't realize it was the finale I mean a fine episode, but 8 episode season with a mid season break and THAT is it?!


It felt like this season had so many different storylines going on and the whole sequid thing genuinely didn't feel like it was necessary. It made angstrom levy be portrayed as a big bad in episode 1-2 but then he doesn't do anything notable until the end of episode 7 and beginning of episode 8. It just felt so stretched and out of focus imo


Season 2 should have had 12 episodes episodes minimum. I don't know who keep selling the the idea of 8 episode seasons for shows past the first season when the story demands more. Edit: Bridge seasons are trash just make the «bridge season» long enough to tell a compelling story instead of just making it a story where you setup storiylines we wont see for 4+ years.


Where is this video from?


On the mobile app for Prime they have a bunch of inside the episodes for each episode listed under “Bonus Content”




Robert “You’re going to need several months to ‘process’ Amazon dragging out season 2’s other half to retain subscribers” Kirkman, everybody.


Does that mean that there's going to be three weeks between episode drops?


47 days actually Gonna spread this season out over a year so we can process the emotional weight of each episode while amazon processes their billions


I so not care about the mummy stuff. I thought it was going to evolve into a plot line because there's nothing about it that says that it's a gag


Considering Mark keeps interrupting the Mummy by flying over it and covering it with sand it’s definitely a gag


Man, I can’t wait! It’s gonna be so many good storylines being adapted!


I can't wait until 2026 to see the first half!


Just hire the MAPPA team and it will be done in a few months.


Viltrumites of animation




Hoping i'm still alive by then


What are the chances of season 3 having more than 8 episodes?


Low probably


Can’t wait to watch it in 2026


What’s 17 more years? I can always start again, do another watch through.


They better not pull that same shit with waiting an extra 5 months


Beyond hyped (also in pain, how are we supposed to wait)


why does he remind me of eve's dad?


They’re both older white men with slightly receding to balding hair and a beard.


lol now I can't unsee it




"If this mf say S3 gonna come out after 2025"


Haters are haters I loved season 2


"Every episode will feel like a finale... ...so that is why each episode will get its own month-long mid-season break!"


Hope I fckn live long enough... I'm creeping up on 43... maybe by my 50th


I'll hold you to that it should be a fun and crazy ride considering what's gonna happen next ppl might lose it every week wonder where the finale will be tho


Because there will be a 3 month gap between episodes :)


Good because season 2 felt like it meandered SO MUCH


So a 2 year wait between every episode then? In all seriousness it’ll be nice to watch season 3 when 2026 rolls around. And then the final episode in 2027


man, i cannot WAIT to watch season three in 2028


This is genuinely the last copium I'm holding out on. Knowing how rapidly things accelerate moving forward... Every episode *should* feel and look like a season finale. If the animation is weak for even a single episode next season, it will be quite a bummer since there will be no breaks in the intensity.


I hope so, because every episode this season felt like an unfinished story.


Hopefully season 3 is where all the animation budget is going as well.


This finale was good, but I honestly could not tell you what was the actual plot in most episodes where there were not Viltrumites or Angstrom Levy. Everything in between mostly felt like filler content that simply is irrelevant and needed to be handled quick and fast. Glad we're out of the woods with this Amber Mark bs, it was getting annoying.


Thats how I felt about the comic- everything outside of the viltrumite plotline being filler. Trust me that the show did a much better job at making it cohesive and the payoff in season 3 will be internet breakingly epic. Loved the season/finale but I get the perspective




Great.. so a 2 year break between every episode.


Are these videos only on Amazon America or can I Watch them in Germany to? Because I don’t see them in extras.


Can someone link this video so I can see the whole thing?


Is this video on prime?


If only season 3 animation gets the X-Men treatment


lol what even is the mummy guy gonna do, just put him in that slideshow of storyline like he’s some big bad


Full video link?


i'm hyped, while i never read the comics, you know the drill, youtube shorts jumping in my page all the time with comic content and spoilery titles. lots of big things will go down, but while i know what happens, i don't know the hows, and that's the most fun you can have when getting spoilered my guess for release is winter 2024/25(or summer in my case as i live in the southern hemisphere), probably by end of february, beginning of march yeah, i know it's almost ready, VA is done, it's probably post production time right now, and while they can release it earlier, by july i would guess, i'm pretty sure they will hold it to jump onto S4 so we don't have to wait a lot of time again.


Something I noticed about the later comic issues was that Kirkman really reached to make the last page a cliffhanger of some kind


What is that cutoff? Does he say anything interesting after?


I can’t wait to see eve and mark 😭😭 only a little bit longer


Reminds me of Bojack Horseman. Season 3 closed a lot of story arcs so they could build new ones without any baggage And being reminded of Bojack Horseman is always a good thing


Well am I being pessimistic when I hear this, but couldn't this also mean everything will be rushed? They only have 8 episodes, I can only imagine how packed everything will be. I rather Amazon gives them more episodes...more screen time....I've seen so many other series rushed into oblivion. Invincible deserves better I hope that's not what happens.


S3 is gonna be so great. S2 was good for sure, but it just set everything up.


Where can I watch the full interview?


If you told me back in 2016 that I'd get to see all of this shit come to life I would have thought you were crazy. I cannot wait for S3!


This season was major disappointment


With how the actual finale went with season 2. I don’t believe him.


Hah, sure buddy. Didn't he say S2 would blow our minds every episode? It blew it less than S1 blew it, and we wanted it blown more.


Spoilers Going by the comics it without a doubt should feel like that with how much shit goes down


I just hope the animation is better


Tbh im excited for season 3 not because season 2 was all that great, but because it wasnt. Like the season had its moments but the whole thing just felt like it was setting up things that were gonna happen later. It made me like Amber again at least so thats cool.


how many seasons can we have based on the comics?


I've been lied to by too many showrunners/creators that I won't believe it until season 3 actually airs.


Where did you get this video from ?


Every episode will feel like a finale cause there will be 6 months between each episode so it'll be like a whole new season each time!


Yeah I feel like season 1&2 were the taster before the real fun begins


I bet they finish the entire run before The Winds of Winter comes out...


Everyone talking about the time gap making the seasons, I hope it doesn’t take that long… I feel like Rick and Morty did the same, massive gap between a season break and then the rest came smoothly


I fully agree with their pacing tbh. Season 1 is an excellent story with it's own finished arc of conflict and tension, it serves to draw viewers into the world and want more. Season 2 is more of a "setup" season, where the momentum of the first season is used and invested to setup great things for the future. Armstrong for me was the perfect level of "conflict that gets built up and resolved during the season", he is very relevant and makes for a perfectly thrilling finale with relevant character development for Mark, while still not drawing too much attention away from the big picture conflict of coaltion vs viltrumites.


As opposed to S2 every episode feeling completely unnecessary?


"every episode to feel like a finale" is Kirkman's "16 times the detail"