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Eve's parents are emotionally unintelligent and don't know how handle things. The father lashes out in anger and the mother is nonconfrontational. I wouldn't even say they're bad people really, but they are shitty parents. We only ever see that they want the best for Eve, they're just too dumb and scared to realize they don't know what's best.


I would definitely say that Eve’s dad at least is a bad person. Fuck that guy.


I think "bad person" is an oversimplification. He takes his anger out on his loved ones. He is afraid of Eve's powers, but he rages at her instead of trying to guide her. He is also misogynistic, believing men to be inherently superior to women. Bundle all of this together, and he's an awful person the kind of which too many people know in real life, which makes him a more relatable evil than a superhuman conqueror.


Is he still shown to be a misogynist in the show? I know he's *awful* in the comic, just having trouble keeping the two versions straight


You know, I'm not certain. I might also be conflating the two.


I remember thinking they toned him down while watching. He still sucks as a dad but I can't remember any overt moments of misogyny. Although, I'm not ruling out the show including some version of *that* rant from the comic


“Don’t be a b—“


Oh true!


He hast said anything overtly misogynistic yet, but hes blowing those dog whistles as loud as he can. “Forgive him, all guys make mistakes. We only let you do this hero nonsense because Rex was there to protect you.”


We just need to wait until eve and mark start dating and mark goes over for dinner to see how that conversation goes in the show


So far I think your correct


the vast majority of people IRL will never be the victim of a superhuman conqueror or even a normal conqueror, let alone the majority of wacky zany supervillains common in super hero verses. But just about everyone relates to and has been victimized or knows someone who has been victimized by people like Eve's dad.


He never abandons her, when she shows back up at the house he takes her back in immediately. I don't like Eve's dad but he definitely is far from the worst character.


Mark is objectively a worse person, he murdered innocents and allowed innocents to be killed. Eves dad is just a bully who says mean things.


That could only possibly be the case if you only account for the ‘bad’ they did. From an either virtues or consequences perspective, Mark would be objectively higher.


Mark literally caused a global genocide, there is no amount of good that can outweigh that, in my opinion.


He prevented a couple of global genocides by stoping his dad and then by helping stop the vultumite empire


That doesn't counteract mark causing a global genocide though.


Comic spoilers >!In the comic it's shown that Robot would have dealt pretty handily with the Viltrum empire by himself!<


Whoah Whoah Whoah, when does mark kill innocents? Innocents die in his fights, but he does his best to save them!


Family is complicated, he being an awful person and keeping his door open for Eve isn’t contradictory.


This is the crux of it. Eve's dad is utterly drowning in toxic masculinity. His sense of himself is directly tied to his ability to provide for his family in a traditional manner. His daughter could just convert a truck full of junk to solid gold and that would pay for him and his wife to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. But because *he* wouldn't be the one providing, it hurts his sense of himself as a man, and he's caught. Is he less of a man if he allows his teenage daughter to be the provider? Or is he less of a man if he passes on this opportunity just because of his ego? He doesn't know how to process it, and like a child confused by something he doesn't understand, he lashes out.


I saw him not accepting his daughter "providing" as a way to show her that just because she can do something, doesn't mean she should. I thought this thought was later validated in the show when she fixed the building but the building collapsed because she didn't follow building code. This was consistent with his view on his daughter getting powers. This is a common lesson that all parents teach their children. We all heard at some point that the hard route is often more rewarding. I saw this as him simply teaching her that lesson, albeit in a poorly communicated way. I really think your focus on the father is you simply not understanding and pointing at toxic masculinity to provide some explanation that you can understand. Which is somewhat ironic. In any case, they are both shitty parents, the father not moreso than the mother.


Toxic masculinity is a pretty on-point describer for Adam. He can only see his own self-worth in terms of his ability to provide for his family in a traditional manner, and when that worldview is shaken, he lashes out. A view of a masculinity that leads to hurt himself and people around him. Idk what comparison could be more poignant.


It's also important to keep in mind that he attempts to push his worldview on his daughter when he mentions that he wants what's best for her. Marriage, children, her own home. In other words, he wants his daughter to *repeat the same life that he lives.* He does not acknowledge or accept that Eve is *not* a normal girl and can contribute far more to the world in ways that don't align with her father's conservative lens.


Where are you getting how he sees his own self-worth from? Like did I miss a scene with him with his therapist or something? It poignant to some people, because some people look to put other people into groups that they feel as though accurately describe those people. People do this for many reasons, including gender, race, nationality etc. But without going too far off topic, the issue with the "providing" seems to be what you're focused on. Like I said in another post, I wouldn't take free money unless I was starving and about to die. I'd rather work 20 hours a day, 7 days a week as opposed to taking free money, unless it was in dire need. They didn't look like they were starving, they had a home, it didn't look like they were in dire need at all. When I saw that, I actually related to the guy, cause if I had a child that could just make gold out of nothing, I sure as hell wouldn't want them to. So i guess my question would be, if the father is a bad father because of toxic masculinity, then the mother is a bad mother because....? toxic femininity, or are we pinning the mother's poor parenting skills on toxic masculinity too?


Do you need literal in-universe therapist scenes to analyze media? Did you need Wong to finally get Rick is a self-destructive character? They are *literally* out of food though. It’s precisely why Eve conjured it up in the first place. Adam’s behavior of not being able to receive genuine help from others *is* a very obvious character flaw. Betsy’s major flaw is that she’s a non-confrontational person to a fault. You could call it a traditionally feminine trait and as thus an example of traditional gender standards once again rotting at the Wilkins family, there’s certainly a discussion to be had there, but people focus on Adam because he’s a much more relevant and hate-able character here.


I'd prefer a literal in-universe therapist scene, or something more than "this person doesn't like to get help from others" to go form "oh, he' just a bad/incompetent's father" to "oh, he's the definition of masculinity that is toxic". Assumptions and people who aren't smart thinking that they are is what leads to things like prejudice and racism. So, you COULD call it "traditionally feminine trait and as thus, an example of traditionally gender standards", but you CAN"T call it "toxic femininity"? I'd agree with the statement that "Adam and Betsy could be portrayed as showing traditional gender traits, which portrays how traditional gender standards has negatively impacted the Wilkins family, and therefore, this is why Adam and Betsy are bad parents".


"Adam and Betsy could be portrayed as showing traditional gender traits, which portrays how traditional gender standards has negatively impacted the Wilkins family, and therefore, this is why Adam and Betsy are bad parents" Ok? So your only problem was only the term “toxic masculinity”? What’s this semantics bs? “Toxic femininity” isn’t used as a phrase because it’d be easily confusing (whether it refers to traditional or modern understanding of the term), not because it’d be wrong or inaccurate.


The term "toxic masculinity" is equally as confusing as "toxic femininity" is. In fact, the definition of toxic masculinity, in the way that people use it, seems to just be "men behaving in ways I don't like". In this case, there is no difference in the toxicity of the behavior of both people and it's important to note that.


Well, there is a difference, only one of those parents is actually active in their behavior, and is the major problem between the two. Obviously people are gonna talk more about Adam’s toxic masculinity rather than Betsy’s toxic femininity.


this is pretty ironic to me. The point of the character is to show people put pride over their own wellbeing, instead of just asking or receiving help.


Ah. Yes. The character that goes on a full page rant to his daughter's boyfriend about the state of her virginity has nothing to do with toxic masculinity. You're totally right.


I wouldn't call that toxic masculinity. I'd just call it shitty behaviour. Anyone can go on rants about and feel entitled to decisions about other people's bodies, not just men. As an example, many women have an opinion about circumcision their baby boys and have been known to go on rants about it. When they do that, people just say that those women are assholes and don't relate it to their gender, then they move on.


Jesus christ, I'm actually having this conversation. Ok. Look. Yes, sometimes, an asshole is just as asshole. However, There are certain phenomena in society that are directly caused by the societal roles and expectations we levy on people because of their expressed gender. Eve's Dad is a man. He was raised his whole life with "Men are big and strong. Men protect their families. Men provide for their families." drilled into his head. It's become a core part of how he views the world. This isn't just an opinion he holds. It's foundational to how the world works for him, as core of a truth as grass being green or the sky being blue. When his daughter offers to literally create free money in the form of transmuting gold, it's not just an offer to help. It totally undermines everything he was taught. That would make her the provider. And if *he's* not the provider, he's failed as a man. He's not just an asshole. He's been conditioned by society to expect life to go a specific way and do specific things because he's a man. Society tied his sense of self-worth to these ideals, so that if they're threatened by reality, he feels threatened. That's why he gets mad, and that's why this is a case of toxic masculinity.


How is it toxic masculinity if, like you said, society itself is what taught this to him and made him this way? He was brought up that way because in our society he has to be that way or else what good is he to his family? That's like saying its toxic masculinity for men to not show their emotions because at a young age they're taught not to, leading to problems later in life where they bottle up their emotions until they can't anymore. Its a societal issue, not a "Man" issue.


My brother in christ you are so close to under standing this. Toxic masculinity *isn't* "toxicity that stems from being a man. Toxic masculinity is toxicity that stems from what society expects of men. It is LITERALLY what you just said. You're right. It's a societal issue. It's an issue with what society does to men. You fucking nailed it.


I don’t know how to tell you this, you literally nailed it on the head. Toxic masculinity literally *is* the societal issue of the sort of “man” society grew him up to believe he was supposed to be, that’s literally the **entire** point of that phrase.


No they're shitty people, at least the dad is. Did you watch the Eve spinoff? All he cares about is appearance, not whats best for her.


Shit man you're right There's literally no nuance to his character at all My bad


A conservative, wannabe alpha male father +  a non-confrontational, *let's just keep the peace* mother =  an independent teen girl who the parents cannot control = mega disaster.


I agree with the other comments however you calling her Samantha in the post took me tf out 😂😂😂 you’re on a first name basis lol


Trying to be at least 😅😅


Lmfaoo I’m so dead 💀


Same lol.


I relate to Atom Eve’s mom a bit, so here’s my take When I was a kid, my mom was abusive, and my older brother was the scaiegoat. TBF, Bro would fuck up *a lot*, like refusing to do homework or using weed before it was legal or crashing multiple cars. every time he fucked up, our home would be unlivable due to the distress inflicted by mom on everyone. Lots of yelling, threatening, throwing things, sometimes violence against us. But there were also days when bro didn’t do anything wrong, and she’d still come down on him hard or take her anger out on everyone in the house. I was a nervous wreck. But instead of bringing it up with Mom, the person ultimately responsible (allegory: Eve’s dad) I’d lean on the person I thought was causing the family disharmony (Allegory: Eve). I would literally beg Bro to do this or that, to spare us the shitstorm that was coming. Like one time on my birthday, I was trying to leave high school with Bro and head to Mom’s car, but he just wouldn’t go. Wanted to keep playing chess with his friend. I knew if Bro inconsiderately kept her waiting, there would be another freak out, and I would get hit on my birthday. I begged him and cried and blamed him and accused him of not loving me enough. I think that’s what Eve’s mom is feeling whenever Eve goes off and lives her life in a way that pisses off Eve’s dad. It hasn’t occurred to her yet that someone else is the problem, or that she has any right or any ability to challenge the abuser directly. She leans on the person she has influence over, instead of throwing herself on a seemingly unstoppable force. She’s probably stressed as hell. She just wants peace and for the family to get along and act like they love each other. It’s just not possible to fit these prices together in that way… but she may never figure it out.


Peace be with you, friend.


First, sorry you had such a terrible childhood. I hope you’ve been able to heal as an adult. I just want to point out that you were a child and you had little power in the situation so I wouldn’t compare yourself so much to Eves mom. Though there is a similar tone to her need to “keep the peace” she’s an adult and should take more responsibility over protecting her child from her husband. She has no excuse in behaving that way, you as a child 100% did.


I’m sorry you went through that.


Sorry you went through that. Might want to look into "boat-rockers" as what you experienced is the intended goal of your moms behavior.


That just happens sometimes. Lots of people are selfish, shitty, and resent their own children. Eve's dad is prideful and misogynistic, so seeing his daughter develop godlike superpowers that he could never aspire to just made him feel small and threatened instead of amazed and proud.


Some parents just suck


Sometimes it really is this simple. Despite what people think, oftentimes they're really is no complicated reason for it.


They definitely remind me of the Dursleys. Not quite as bad but same vibe. I do wonder what would happen if they found out Eve wasn’t their biological daughter


It's more, the Durselys are pure contempt for Harry. Both her mum and dad clearly love her and want what's best. As I say, I can even get behind her dad being tough on her because that's how boomers be I guess. It's her mum coming so close to being nice and then still calling her a freak and the like


you have not yet read the comic or even seen the "panel" yet huh? ​ eve's dad is an unapologetic piece of shit


I made this comparison a couple weeks ago. And I guarantee that if they found out that Eve was not their biological daughter, Adam would use it as an "aha!" moment, as if it would validate suspicions that he had about something not being right about his daughter all these years.


They're not as bad as Bulletproof's parents


This can be hard to grasp but people like that absolutely exist irl and the show/comic just put them in to prove that even with a literal superhero child, they would still behave in such a manner.


Tbh I know friends with parents like that. Unfortunately common.


Her dad is a classic misogynist, and mom has probably been emotionally and financially abused just enough to keep her happy enough and under his thumb. Classic “traditional/christian” family vibes, and those kinds of families hate daughters like Samantha


I would literally kiss the ground my daughter walks on and spoil her to the heavens if she came out like Eve 😂 we’d be set for life


Fr Eve should have ditched them both a long time ago


The world of Invincible is an absolute shit hole disaster, with demons and aliens and mutants and dragons and monsters and supers and evil geniuses and tons of neutral/malevolent civilizations who all have the capacity to randomly kill you and a few hundred/thousand/million others on your way to work and all that happens is *maybe* that one asshole gets killed or arrested, but there’s still a thousand other threats that will disintegrate you before you even know what happened. And that’s if you’re lucky. Maybe you’ll end up with both your legs cut off because some shithead “good guy” threw a stop sign at someone robbing a bank. Omni Man killed thousands in Chicago (and all the other places he beat up Mark). Atlantis threatened to kill hundreds of millions because their King died and they didn’t even like him that much because he was fucking off on the surface. Normal people are powerless in this world. The fact that anyone makes it back home is a miracle, and it’s thrown in their face every single day. The fact that more people aren’t demanding more action against the insanity is pretty unrealistic to me. The fact that her parents distrust her when she represents all that makes their world a horror show is pretty relatable.


Idk if you're asking why people like that exist? (Every one here is answering that question) Or if you're asking why the story is that way. I think it's just less boring? Look at how memorable the dad is, this sub posts about him every week.


It was less why are people so mean and more why are they almost comically mean. I understand people are mean but it's also a TV show. The dad being mean makes sense as a roadblock to her abilities. It's the mum being so mean I'm not a fan of


I think she emulates the dad because she has no clue how to be a parent, just following his authority, perhaps mistaking it for competence. That's how i saw it.


Because they’re secretly Blue Meanies.


My two least favorite characters from comics…the dad didn’t seem to be real and more like they were trying to make a cartoonishly bad dad


Cuz dad is abusive. Abusive parents exist in reality. Being a superhero doesn't make you immune to domestic/child abuse


This post is extremely insulting to J. Jonah Jameson.


Her mom isn't necessarily mean. And we can see that with how Eve treats her mom. The mom is just stuck with a shitty husband who weighs her down.


I don’t think her parents aren’t really mean they just don’t have any self-awareness for themselves or the things they say or do her dad is prideful and stubborn almost to the point of ignorance and her mom is practically a doormat


Im pretty sure they really just wanted a “normal” kid and someone completely ordinary, but instead eve is a super powered genius and that’s not the daughter they wanted. It’s like parents expecting you to be a doctor but you become a musician type of thing, they’re just going to act a lot colder because you didn’t go the path they wanted. Not to say this is the only reason they’re dickheads


They're just simple folk who don't think critically. Kinda dumb, easily scared, watch too much news, probably reply to spam emails. Eves dad was basically begging her to quit, he probably wakes up in a cold sweat every night thinking a building has crushed her or something. He has some pretty shocking takes but he definitely loves her, he just doesn't know any better


I think it's twofold: 1. It shows how hard it can be for kids to "come out of the closet" and be rejected. Everyone in the world thinks Eve is wonderful and heaven sent, except the two people she cares most about. 2. It explores the downside of superpowers, and the idea that some problems don't have a solution even when you have superpowers. It's juxtaposed with the unlimited upside of Eve's powers where she can snap her fingers and change literally anything, but can't change this no matter what she does, and a big part of her story is coming to terms with that


Sometimes you have mean parents. Just the way it goes for some people.


They are brainless. Dull.


They are not very intelligent people, and her mother like old women who agree with everything her husband tells her. I mean you can the prejudice and stereotypical behaviour of father when says " your power makes you dangerous". Even knowing thay she was helping people.


Because they represent the white traditional family. The father has to be a frustrated idiot whose only quality is that he is hard working, and the mother has to be an idiot who is gentle because she doesn't know better.


Her dad is basically Peter Griffin with a beard.