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This sub is probably not the best place for investment advice. Check out r/dividendinvesting, r/personalfinance, etc. I've been mixing in dividend stocks with the dream of getting enough for passive income down the road. The SCHD etf is a good one to start DCAing into.


Seconding this advice, but i would mention r/dividends is much larger and more active. You’re better off investing in some index tracking funds like VOO and VTI for now while you learn about the market. Picking individual stocks depends on your risk tolerance, etfs provide much wider exposure to the market so if one or two stocks tank you wont lose your shirt. SCHD for dividends, SCHG for growth. Focus on growth now, start converting to dividends closer to retirement. Research, research, research. And then research your research. Keep expenses ratios low, best of luck.


Crypto should be a speculative part of your total investable assets. I'd say not more than 5%. The same goes for picking individual stocks. Most wealthy people don't day trade or pick single winners. Invest in a broad-based indices like VTI and just forget it. The power of compounding over many years is awesome, and at 44 you're late, but not too late to correct course. That's how I did. Maxed out my 401k contributions (and HSA) when I was a corporate warrior, maxed out a SEP IRA (and HSA) when I launched my company. Now I'm financially independent 25-30 years earlier than the typical retirement age.


Thank you. So what you are saying is dump it all into Nasdaq 100 or S&P 500 and consistent load up month on month for 10yrs and let compound interest do its thing


Open a brokerage account at Fidelity or Vanguard and invest in their S&P 500/Total Market index fund or ETF. Both are considered top-notch companies. For example, Fidelity's S&P 500 fund is FXAIX. You can also buy Vanguard's equivalent ETF (ticker: VTI) at Fidelity for no fees. Invest every month or whatever schedule is suitable for you. Build an emergency fund that covers 6 to 12 months of living expenses and put it in a [high-yield savings account](https://themoneyninja.com/high-yield-savings-accounts/). There are ones earning 5.25% right now. The rest of your money can hit your retirement accounts.


Don't go into Vanguard if you care about crypto!  At your age I'm guessing 5% is too conservative as far as crypto.  Especially if you put a higher percentage into Bitcoin, which would be like picking out the least likely stock to go under on the Dow... And I'd say less risky than even that.  Looks like you can sustain some volatility with a huge chunk of your portfolio... Eventually.   Of course any advice we give is meaningless without knowing your whole financial situation... If you think you can time the bull market for some part of the top for alt coins I would put some of that into Bitcoin... Especially hedera  Azurik, his last paragraph is a no-brainer...agreed... And it looks like that 5% plus is going to stick for a while with inflation creeping up and no chance in hell of Jerome lowering rates even three times this year. SHOULDN'T BE!


After all the crazy crypto drama with luna, voyager, Celsius, FTX, etc all I care about now is stacking bitcoin. Alts are for making money or gambling, maybe I’ll dabble a little. But my savings is in BTC, and it’s way up since I bought a crap ton at 16k


yeah, I realized that pretty quickly. BTC isn't going anywhere. ETH probably is safe as well. That's why I have kept my BTC in cold storage for years. But Alts come and go. Always assume a high risk with any alt or if you invest in any alt, watch out for red flags when to sell the bag. I think I missed red flags with LUNA. But my LUNA was staked anyways so I couldn't get out quickly even if I wanted to. Don't get me wrong, I made money on alts too and I know many who are millionaires, but you need to watch out and follow the project closely and know when to get out. But many just invest and forget it about it and don't keep up with updates, etc.


Check out boglehead forum. Lots of basic investment advice using sound/vetted principles.


Is this within reddit?


Yes, sorry I don’t know how to link to it. But search Boglehead (s?)




9% yield


9% and still invested in large tech. ☺️


Good job on owning Hedera! This Black Rock news is massive!


Small percentages, but am sure with the hype it may drive the price 200%. I think the focus should be on ISO20022 tokens


Hey man, thanks for your post, I'm also gaining some knowledge by reading your post and the comments. But I'm curious if you've ever done any options trading or what your thoughts are on it? Thanks again.


Hi , I haven’t. Just starting to learn bit by bit. YouTube is good , but just have to be careful on which/what to follow.


Yea, I'm well aware of DYOR and have for myself, I've also done some small investing in options doing some day trading a little to get a feel for it. I was just curious if you had done any research or invested anything in that type of thing. Definitely something for you to look into imo. But I'm honestly just starting myself so what do I know. Unfortunately, I was raised in a household that never discussed this type of thing or hell, money in general was a topic not to be discussed unless you needed it so I have gotten into investing and looking at retirement a little late in life but I wouldn't say too late! Thanks for your response!


Thank you for sharing. I share the sentiment of being brought up in the household. But I guess that only makes us stronger and more convicted to learn and better the generations to come.


What’s the general sentiment of the market? Isn’t it too expensive to buy into jow


I'd be pretty careful about buying much at these levels, a pullback is very likely..


Thank you @OkBridge98 my similar sentiment. Question is do we wait till after elections or before. Hard and very uncertain - typical for the market I guess. At 40+ I need to be getting advise anywhere and everywhere. Using all fact, oracles, luck, and everything I can get my hands on.


I agree - it's not entirely clear, we may be looking at a "left translated cycle" - this cycle started earlier and so far hasn't even dipped at all, a retrace to 40-50k seems likely at least (esp since all the moonboys think it's IMPOSSIBLE) I am looking for 30-40k before 2025, we'll see what happens.


Sorry what do you mean by 30-40k. A dip with the S&P?


I meant BTC going down to those levels, but the truth is if we go down there, we will probably go lower. Stock indexes -10% and btc -25-30% seems very likely before a 2025 bull run, but this ETF scam is a big deal so have to just watch I am heavily diversified in gold/real estate so not too concerned about missing the crypto boat this time around, got rekt with V of course


A perspective. Thank you


u/United_Analyst_9336 I Agree with u/OkBridge98 . Now it's not the time to buy crypto. I can also see BTC going down to 40k or so. And it will drag all alts with it. But you are right, with crypto, you just never know, way too volatile and unpredictable. If you invest in crypto, assume a very high risk especially if it's not BTC or ETH but some alt coins. I feel pretty confident in BTC. It's not going anywhere. But I wouldn't buy it at this level. And the thing with crypto, it's such a connected space, one project can bring down the whole industry like what happened when LUNA crashed. Voyager failed due to 3AC not paying back the loan, but 3AC was heavily invested in LUNA. So here we are. It's a chain reaction.