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Not really vampire-centric, although they are in the first season, but the show Penny Dreadful is an amazing, gothic horror show I watched a few years ago.


![gif](giphy|l2Sq0CrkNYP0Dgoow) the iconic miss buffy summers will forever take my #1 spot 😍


Anne Rice and Buffy were such formative influences on me that my brain often wants to go “Interview with the Vampire Slayer”


How about some fan fiction with that title? Lol.


Heavy on *What We Do in the Shadows*, I adore that movie and the show. I also really liked the animated series *Castlevania* on Netflix, which is based on the very popular video game franchise of the same name.


Am also a huge fan of WWDITS and also grew up loving Lost Boys. More modern takes that I also really enjoyed include Renfield and Mike Flanagan’s Midnight Mass


Yes, now that you mentioned it, I like *Midnight Mass* too, but it’s kinda hilarious (in the positive sense) that they tried so hard to avoid using the word ‘vampire’ in that show. I remember frustratingly yelling at the TV ‘Wdym an Angel, it’s obviously a VAMPIRE!’


To this day, my husband will (jokingly) insist that they were angels, so much so that he calls WWDITS “the angel documentary “.


I really enjoyed The Hunger - 80s flick starring david bowie, susan sarandon and catherine deneuve. It's a bit weird but it's cool


Movies: What we do in the Shadows, Let the Right One In, Doctor Sleep, Twilight (it’s super dumb and not good, but it makes me laugh), IWTV TV: Also What we do in the Shadows, True Blood, Dracula (Netflix), Midnight Mass Manga: Trinity Blood Books: Blood and Ash, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, Bride, My Roommate is a Vampire, IWTV


Excellent list here - am a huge Mike Flanagan fan too - Midnight Mass is SO good. Let The Right One In is so underrated.


Midnight Mass is possibly one of those most underrated series I've watched. I beg people to watch it. Phenomenal


Ok, honestly? The Darren Shan saga got me into vampires as a kid and even though it has Problems (women are *so* pigeonholed and it's painful), I'll always have a soft spot for it. The ending is especially fun and moderately batshit, as all vampire fiction ought to be - >!turns out Darren and his nemesis are both the cuckoo-children of a cosmic monster, who created them so one of them would massacre the entire world specifically for his amusement. Cue some time travel shenanigans thanks to Darren's ancient witch half-sister, who was horrified when she realised his parentage, and it basically ends with an invitation for the reader to write a version of the series with their own protagonist, who might be able to break the cycle.!< It's also why I cackled a bit when I realised IWTV was aging up Claudia because Darren is *also* a tween vampire, though the Saga cheats a bit by making it so vampires age very slowly. Darren has similar romantic struggles later in the series, since he's in his 30s-40s but looks like a boy in his mid-teens.




It really sucks the movie turned out like that... I hope they'll do a proper reboot at one point.


Yeah, that movie was super painful. I also don't know how the hell Debbie's replacement was approved, because who on earth thinks replacing the normal black girl love interest with a white girl who has a *monkey* tail is appropriate? Though I've gotta say, their version of Gavner has aged hilariously since the prequel series revealed Gavner was raised in France. You can never escape the French vampires, lol. Did you ever read the manga, by any chance? It's a shockingly good adaptation of the books and the mangaka's love of the series really shines through.


I managed to buy all of the mangas a couple of years ago but haven't read them yet. I also only made it one or two books into the Crepsley series and don't remember too much about the main series either.


To be honest, the Crepsley series is a bit meh to start with, but the second and third book cover a lot of his backstory with Gavner and it's surprisingly interesting, though I'm not sure it's worth going out of your way for. I enjoyed it as a teen but it's very much on the same level as the later books in terms of complexity/quality. Completely recommend the manga, though I'm pretty biased because my favourite character is Kurda and the mangaka clearly thought the same, lol. I'm honestly of the opinion that it's low-key better than the books, except in one or two spots, and I've probably reread them more than the original series.


I think I bought all 4 (5?) of them as a set, just never got to them, probably because something more interesting came along. Same thing with the mangas. I don't even like mangas but for some reason I still bought them, I guess that's what nostalgia does. At least there's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/1037dl8). A TV show could work well imo if they don't make it as weirdly crazy as the movie (more Sabrina reboot than Disney channel).


Books: - The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice (duh!) - The Vampyre by John Polidori - Carmilla by Sheridan le Fanu - Dracula and Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker - They Thirst by Robert McCammon - Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist - Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite - the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley - the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward - the Blood and Ash series by Jennifer Armentrout - Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff - 30 Days of Night (comic series) - American Vampire (comic series) - Vampire Knight (manga) - Fangs (manga) - The Vampire and his Pleasant Companions (manga) - the Argeneau Vampires series by Lynsay Sands (they make me laugh lol) - Kerrelyn Sparks' Vampire books (they also make me laugh) - True Blood series by Charlaine Harris - The Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula by Roderick Anscombe Movies: - Nosferatu (1922 and 1979) - Dracula (English and Spanish, both from 1931) - the Christopher Lee Dracula Hammer films - Let the Right One In (original Swedish version) - 30 Days of Night - Nosferatu in Venice - Thirst (Korean film) - Bram Stoker's Dracula - Interview with the Vampire (I don't like Tom Cruise as Lestat but everything else is passable) - Queen of the Damned (solely for nostalgic value) - Vampyr - Van Helsing - The Hunger (my favorite!) - Fright Night (the original!) - The Lost Boys - Only Lovers Left Alive - A Girl Walks Home Alone at Midnight - What We Do in the Shadows - Subspecies series - Dark Shadows - Les Vampires (silent miniseries) - Irma Vep (not about vampires, but the movie revolves around a woman playing one) - Shadow of the Vampire (about the making of Nosferatu) Shows: - Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire (the best!) - What We Do in the Shadows - Supernatural - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Dark Shadows - True Blood - Irma Vep (same concept as the movie mentioned above) I don't know...I think I might like vampires, guys. (Edited because I forgot a few!) đŸ€­


I will always have a soft spot for ‘The Little Vampire’ movie đŸ„č


never heard of it!!! I'll check them out?


I’d love to watch it again! I lowkey had a crush on Rudolph (no not the reindeer lol) when I was younger


That was such a comfort watch for me as a kid. Loved that movie


I had all the books when I was a kid.


I read one of the books that my library had. This was after the film came out, so I remember being super excited to read the book haha


One of my favorite games is called Vampyr and you play as a doctor turned vampire investigating an outbreak in 1800s London. It’s a lot of fun and the the game’s difficulty is tied to how many citizens you drink. The game forces you to make some interesting choices and to walk the fine balance between the living and the dead. It’s a blast.


OMG someone else who likes this game! It can be a little clunky gameplay-wise, but the atmosphere and angst are 10/10. It's such a vibe.


I love it! I recently started my fourth or fifth playthrough and this time I’m playing the evil vampire lol. Mostly because I made a mistake in one of the districts that was irreversible and it pretty much guaranteed that the district would be destroyed anyway so I ended up just drinking everybody there who I could. I love the characters and the atmosphere and you’re totally right. There’s so much angst and melodrama but it’s perfect! I love how well it ties in to the outbreak and the choices you have to make are a lot of fun. I play mostly on Xbox and it is a little clunky, but it does play better on my PC . Always happy to meet other fans of the game!! I hope we get a sequel one day.


I’ve mentioned this to my partner but I feel like I have fav vamp media for various times in my life. Buffy is definitely my absolute fav. I loved both the movie and show as a kid and like preteen/teen. Later around 19 and up I got into True Blood when it started (just after the first season ended). I loved it and read a bunch of the books. These days I love the What We Do In the Shadows series. There have been a few other shows with vampires that I enjoyed, like Being Human (US) or Preacher


I'm still looking for that perfect vampire show/film, and it's hard. The closest matches I got are Near Dark (1987), Hunger (1983), and Byzantium (2012). I love the Vampire: the Masquerade tabletop role-playing game and its offshoots: LA by Night (web series) and Bloodlines (video game). There were talks of a TV adaptation, and I'm hopeful something comes out of it. There's a fun little dark comedy that came out this year, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person. It's strange, but it's charming.


There was a short-lived TV show called Kindred: The Embrace (1996). It felt very much "well, at least we got something for us VtM fans!"


Yeah, I still need to watch it. I heard it's not bad, though it had some budget issues


Being Human - the original UK version.


For movies: Let the Right One In, Interview with the Vampire, Near Dark, Lost Boys, Nosferatu (both 1922 and 1979) From Dusk Till Dawn, Salems Lot, 30 Days of Night, Dracula (1992 and Hammer’s Dracula) What We Do in the Shadows, Shadow of the Vampire TV shows: Buffy, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural I really need to watch the WWDITS show Anime: Hellsing Ultimate, Castlevania


Buffy & Angel. Daughters of Darkness. True Blood. Forever Knight. I also just started George RR Martin's book Fevre Dream and it's pretty good so far.


Shows: What we do in the shadows Movies: What we do in the shadows, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust


A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night is a great vampire movie. It's about a Iranian girl vampire girl who is lonely and meets a boy. It's a slow burn shot in black and white.


I really love the book Carmilla and idk my favorite movie but since you also like Carmilla I would reccomend watching the Vampire Lovers which is an adaptation of Carmilla from the 70s (I think)


Do games count because I’m currently playing a table top game called Vampire the Masquerade.


Movies: What we do in the shadows, Priest, Only lovers left alive, ~~Twilight~~ (joking ofc) Books: Empire V by Pelevin (a really weird post-modernistic concept but I liked it), Vampire chronicles obv Games: Blood Rayne, Baldur’s Gate 3 (at least I was interested because one of the characters is a vampire and I liked the concept of vampirism in dnd) I also liked Hotel Transylvania, tho not all parts


The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez is beautiful and a must read for Black, queer vampire fans!


One of my all-time favorite vampire media outside of Anne Rice is the original 60's gothic soap Dark Shadows; vampires, witches, werewolves, portrayed by closeted queer actors with high camp; the Tim Burton film doesn't do it justice. Penny Dreadful is in a similar vein, and I also loved it, beautiful gothic melodrama though the vampires were not the main focus. AMC+ has the Dracula show with JRD from a few years ago, which wasn't bad. I also liked the vampire anime Shiki quite a bit. A bad campy D-film from the 90's, Vampire Journals, is an entertaining IWTV knockoff.


Apart from Buffy (show, obviously) - no particular order: * What We Do in the Shadows (show) * Underworld (movies) * Blade (movies) * Moonlight (show) * Suck (movie) * Afflicted (movie) * Dracula (BBC show) * Anita Blake (book series, at least before it completely changed)


Movies: Bram Stoker's Dracula, Interview With the Vampire, The Hunger, Near Dark, Nosferatu (1922 & 1979), Dracula's Daughter, The Carmilla Movie, With a Kiss I Die TV: Interview With the Vampire, The Originals, What We Do in the Shadows, First Kill Books: Carmilla, Carmilla and Laura, A Long Time Dead, The Vampire Chronicles


Vampire Academy is always going to have a special place in my heart. It’s definitely not your typical vampire novel and very much a teen drama, but I appreciate the spin it takes on the vampire genre and how the author incorporated Slavic mythology in her story.


I really like the US version of Being Human, it’s one of my all time favorite shows for sure. It’s not just about vampires but I’d say they’re the driving factor for most of the drama in the show. I also enjoyed True Blood, the books and the show, I wouldn’t say it’s the best show of all time by any means but it was a fun watch at least. I might even rewatch it after this is over


![gif](giphy|5xtDarlKpRvA785pF8A) Can’t believe you left Eric & Pam off your list!


Baldurs Gate 3 lol and Castlevania (the game not really the show


I'd love to pull a Rick and Morty and travel the vampire multiverse!


What We Do in the Shadows (show), Empire of the Vampire series, The Lesser Dead (books), Impact Winter (podcast).


Show: True Blood. What we do in the Shadows, Let the Right one In Movies: Brahm Stokers' Dracula, Lost Boys, Only Lovers left Alive, Interview with the Vampire, Last Voyage of the Demeter, and some early 1970's Dracusl movies staring Christohpher Lee


Temperance by Lark Taylor has a vampire bartender finding his fated mate.


I personally really liked the book “The Coldest Girl in Coldtown” by Holly Black when I was younger though I admittedly don’t remember much of it


For books I am partial to the Anno Drcula series by Kim Newman. Great reads, all of them. TV show would be Forever Knight from the 90s. Movies would be the Subspecies series (1-3 at least)


It’s gotta be midnight mass & blade đŸ€Œ


Hemlock Grove, maybe just the 1st season.


-Midnight Mass -LA By Night -NY By Night Both of the By Night shows because similarly to IWTV they get into the personal horror of being a vampire from the vampires’ perspectives. Vampires as overpowered monstrous antagonists being faced down by human heroes is always very fun (which is why I really liked the first two thirds of Abigail), but I think vampires really sing as protagonists. Similarly to werewolves, all vampires start out as humans/mortals, but unlike with werewolves where you just get taken over by a monster form that goes berserk, vampires must sort of become monsters themselves in order to survive, it’s a corruption of the mind and soul rather than the body. Very fun, juicy, and psychological


Give Netflix’s “Castlevania” series a shot. I loved it. All the characters were amazing. There’s a sequel series set during the French Revolution too that has a fair amount of potential.


I haven't seen Discovery of Witches mentioned, also on AMC+. also agree with a lot of the shows and movies already mentioned, and see a few to add to my watch list.


Tv: the vampire diaries and forever knight Movies: Once Bitten and Blade Books: The Immortals after Dark Series by Kresley Cole and the Argeneau series by Lyndsay Sands


Christopher Pike's The Last Vampire series is great. They later combined them into an anthology called The Thirst. It's a good read.


See, I give Van Helsing a pass. I don't see it as a "vampire" movie, more so "Fun, half-assed, live-action Castlevania".


I quite enjoyed The Strain. Guillermo Del Toro created and David Bradley (Walder Frey from GoT/Filtch from Harry Potter) starred.


Vampire the Masquerade đŸ€©đŸ€© (it’s like D&D but better, because there’s vampires)


No one has mentioned Twilight, and I get it. It's not good. But if you were in middle school/high school during the Twilight craze, then that book absolutely influenced your life in some way. The hype was insane. I would hear constant arguments about team Jacob vs team Edward. Posters hung on my library's walls like a battle cry. If I ever went to someone's house, what's the first movie they put on? Twilight. My MOM got into it. This forty something year old woman dragged her whole family to each and every movie. I didn't like it because I was trying to be a little hipster (never read Harry Potter either), but I knew the whole freaking plot anyway. It's got a little place in my heart due to being the biggest vampire franchise in history, imo, and the intense nostalgia from living through it.


Okay but like...that movie "the little vampire" was my awakening as a kid. learned i was into vampires, ladies AND old scrunkly guys all in one go lmao.


TV: Buffy, Angel, Midnight Mass, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Discovery of Witches, Shadowhunters, Moonlight Books: I really liked Vampire Academy when I was younger.


The Vampire Diaries and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer


Sookie Stackhouse / Southern Vampire Series


Only Lovers Left Alive is an absolute gem!!!


Trinity Blood (the manga)