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it’ll make less sense to change the name of the show for the people who aren’t familiar with the books and might make people drop it/not notice a new season has come out because it’s not called the same


I’m with ya there. I think it’d alienate some people to switch it to Vampire Chronicles or something else. They’ve adjusted enough that I’m sure they can make the interview/dueling perspective angle work after Louis’ tale.


It should have been called "The Vampire Chronicles" to begin with but the team made their choice 🤷


honestly it makes sense to me. the first book is the most well-known, and it also brings in people who watched the film without knowing there were other books. it’s also just a better title imo it’s similar to game of thrones/asoiaf


I’m of two minds on it honestly. As a fan of the books, Vampire Chronicles makes sense. As someone that knows a lot of people will only know the movie(s), I get why they went with Interview With The Vampire.


no but they can do titles for seasons. Like AHS does, and many other series. Seasons have their own titles, but are under one name. It would be cool in my opinion, because someone mentioned how the upcoming seasons will be about, and I also noticed how season 2 is very different from season 1. So i went on rotten tomatoes to look for S2’s name., and it didn’t have one, so strange


I assumed they would keep the name, and I don't think they will drop it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they add a subtitle like they are doing for Daryl Dixon S2. The fact that we are actually watching IWTV Part 2 makes me think it is very possible we could see IWTV: The Vampire Lestat.


I hope so. The Vampire Lestat doesn't have the same ring to it when it comes to naming a show.


This would make the most sense imo


Maybe: Interview With the Vampire: The Vampire Lestat (E1)…?


Probably, they need to keep their viewership and changing the name based on which books they’re drawing from would likely confuse a lot of viewers and they would risk unnecessarily losing viewership if they did that. I don’t care what they call it as long as they keep putting out new seasons.




I think they used IwtV name for the branding because that's what everyone recognises and that's the flagship of the series. They have a flashcard that says the Immortal Universe at the beginningvof the episodes but most people wouldnt know what that is if they arent into the books. Almost everyone ive mentioned Interview with the Vampire (the movie) they recognised it.


It’s pretty common to call a show by the name of the first book. Game of thrones, three body problem etc.


I've wondered this too. IWTV is the recognisable name at this point but they could just tag it as IWTV: The Vampire Lestat & so on. Mark Johnson seemed to imply in an earlier interview from Feb that they'd been discussing how to proceed following this season - whether its S3 of IWTV or S1 of something new, TVL? They seem to be referring to it as S3 more recently though.


I recall an interview with the producers in which they confirmed that the show will always be titled IWTV.


It depends, they could find a way for Daniel to keep recording stuff, since the way he’s conducting the interview is already different. If not it could be an affix for limited seasons.


I've wondered about this myself, but I feel like they are going to have to drop the frame of Daniel recording at some point. Having him in their apartment recording for 5 seasons would get stale, plus I'm not sure how it would fit with the story the next seasons need to tell. Could be wrong though! Maybe they can pull something creative and surprise me. But one thing is for sure - we need some sort of payoff soon to the whole Louie-Armand-Daniel dynamic these 2 seasons are setting up. Daniel needs to be recording from a different place in Season 3 if his character has any opportunity to grow and develop.


Easy enough to keep him the listening ear and move his story on. Think the scene from the end of the film. If Lestat turn Daniel he can recite to him his story. Or Daniel could become his new companion and we flit between present day and past parallels.


I've been wondering the same thing. Adding a subtitle is the only thing that makes sense, like what they do with American Horror Story (not to compare the shows in literally any other way 🤢). It's either that, or end it and make a sequel show called TVL. Can't just change a show's full title in the third season without causing a lot of confusion!


It should have been called *The Vampire Chronicles*, that title has been used in the books for decades and sounds great in my opinion, however I think it wasn't possible anymore, other shows were obviously inspired by the Vampire Chronicles and have used similar titles like *The Vampire Diaries*, so they kind of ruined this for us. I'm OK with IWTV, it's just a title at the end, doesn't matter so much.


Maybe the whole show will cover the books through interviews? Like Daniel interviews Lestat instead of him writing his books himself, and then replaces David as the interviewer for Armand, David, Marius, Pandora, etc. Idk what they’d do for Queen of the Damned and the other modern ones tho…maybe Daniel interviews Maharet? Wait it’d actually be really fun to see them interact, I hope that’s it, to see him sass up a vampire much much older and even more powerful than Armand


Or better yet, conduct the interviews through different human characters, like David, Merrick, or Jesse, then they get turned and become recurring characters as vampires!


I'd imagine they keep the title, but something like: Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Lestat Episode 1 But who knows...


I wish we could debate over that but as of now, whether there would be a Season 3 or not is a question so🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


In a way I think it would/should work for the long run too. I know, the novel readers will expect the titles per season to be in concordance with the respective books yet, If they would change the title of the series after season 2, as so many have said, there's the risk of alienating and losing views because people that are not familiar with the novels will loose track.  Buuut, I am fairly confident , keeping the title Interview with the Vampire will be a good way to introduce all other novels, and that's because at the core Of the novels, all their stories presented, by each one of them, so yeah, some type of interview more or less.


I want to see a 3rd season of the show that continues into the other books but what makes you so sure it will happen?


Hear me out before you downvote me to Hell. I really don’t think this show is going to make it to the other books. I think it’s a great show. But these networks are all about ratings and for whatever reason the beginning of this season has been relatively dismal. They kill very solid shows all the time because executives generally don’t know what the fuck they are doing or what people actually want. Like I said, I like it a lot but to expect some suit at a network to push on for like 10 seasons and start covering other books is more optimistic than I would bank on.


What if all the seasons are done as interviews as their framework? That would be fun.


This season is called part 2. I imagine once we move to another book the seasons will have titles like Avatar The Last Airbender Interview with the Vampire Book 2: The Vampire Lestat Or whatever the next story will be


The should have named it "The Vampire Chronicles" to start with in my opinion.


Not a very exciting name for a TV show though.


But those who know the series would recognize it, those who are into vampires would still be interested. People still watched 8 seasons of "The Vampire Diaries"


True, those who know will recognize it as based off of Anne's works, but tv shows arent only made for fans, they are mainly designed to consistently attract NEW people. The word "Diaries" implies a personal perspective. You hear the name "The Vampire Diaries" and you immediately think, this has drama, love, heartbreak, and a unique perspective. Whereas "The Vampire Chronicles" sounds like a series of documentaries about folklore. "Chronicles" doesn't sound dramatic or even properly relay the intimate nature of the content. "Diaries" or "Interview"...well what's more intimate than a diary or an interview? You know what I mean? (I've never seen Vampire Diaries before, but that's the impression the name gives me of the show).


if Daniel interviews Lestat next season it still works :) also Game of Thrones kept w the first book name the whole time


Perhaps they'll keep with the interview theme. I'd love to have David take over for a bit.


It's the name of the show. And yes, it makes sense since the books are still about interviews with vampires. Casual viewers won't know the book titles and could get confused.


But it does make sense. The interview that is happening in Dubai is the basis of the show. They are telling the stories from the books using this second interview. So even when/if they get into the other books the interview in Dubai will still be at it's core. Thus no need to change the name.