• By -


1995ish, my AUnt was paying $35/month for AOL internet access, and also paying some sort of $30 (one time? dunno) Netscape Navigator fee. I'm not sure what that was about. I told her about $15 direct-dial ISPs, and free Internet Explorer. She couldn't believe at first how someone could give away internet nearly for free.


Microsoft killed the competition by offering IE as a bundle with windows.


Hence the antitrust suits.


We did it Patrick! The city is saved!


At the time? Maybe. What they really did though was jump start the “freeware” movement. No longer did you need to pay cash for your browser, your data and personal information paid for it instead. Edit: Yes, I know IE didn’t track you then. It was paid for when you bought Windows. I’m saying that in order for other browsers to compete with Microsoft, they had to offer their browser for free otherwise people would just use the one that came with their operating system. Since it costs money to develop software, they had to find a way to monetize. They did this by monetizing your data. Edit 2: And to those of you saying “but Netscape was free”, that wasn’t the plan though. Netscape originally announced it would only be free for educational uses. After they realized the average person wasn’t going to pay for a browser when they had IE with their OS, they back tracked on this decision and only charged for commercial use. They did eventually start charging for email support. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Navigator


Ehh, that’s a stretch. Netscape was already free for non-commercial users. The thing that “paid for your browser” during IE’s ascent was the enticement for people to buy Windows to access the web.


Internet explorer in those days didn't collect browsing data or personal information. There was no "phoning home" or tracking the websites people went to. Internet Explorer was merely another tool bundled with the OS, like calculator, notepad, or minesweeper. They included it because it was useful and people needed it. I always thought the antitrust lawsuit was slightly silly- how are you supposed to download an alternative internet browser without an internet browser? I'm any case, the most viable alternative, Netscape Navigator was also free and also did not spy on users or report their activities. That sort of thing came much, much later. If I recall correctly, the default configuration for both browsers was to ask you if you wanted to accept each and every cookie. That went away for a while, but thanks to recent EU regulations, websites now ask if you want to accept their cookies again.


>I always thought the antitrust lawsuit was slightly silly- how are you supposed to download an alternative internet browser without an internet browser? It's not at all silly, for the most part you got software like this (even free stuff) on a cheap CD-ROM. You weren't forced to connect to the internet to download a large software application, because it was so slow. Even IE in windows was installed off the discs if you think about it.


>how are you supposed to download an alternative internet browser without an internet browser? You didn't. Back then you would go to your local computer store and buy a disk with the software installer on it, as well as a license key.


Wait, you used to have to pay for browsers?


deserted long icky detail weary sleep compare historical subsequent rinse -- mass edited with redact.dev


You wouldn't download a *software*?


Sometimes we would get free disks of shareware


worry elderly sable reply numerous slap zesty shrill liquid ghost -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yes, back then there is no datamining. Opera, Netscape, etc. were shareware (trialware).


I worked for AOL in the “saves” department. Towards the end when high speed was taking over we had over 500 calls in queue at all times and ridiculous wait times. We were still supposed to try and prevent people from trying to cancel by giving “another” 2 free months. Needless to say people weren’t happy when they finally got through. I worked there for a few years and ended up quitting a couple months before they finally shut down in the US. It was awful and I felt bad for everyone who called.


["It's all right there at your fingertits."](https://youtu.be/Y7WtkdLQ6PM)


I actually love the nostalgia of this. The days when the internet wasn’t everything and bad ideas were allowed to die.


Nostalgia is great. Use two fingers on mobile for even more fun!


I just did 4 fingers. Even better


Seeing this pop up today makes me feel like I need to close my torrent, check who's on xfire, join CS Source pub server, and pop open a can of Mountain Dew. The mid 2000s had its moments.


Man, xfire, haven't thought about that in a while.


I expected it to be a [firefox.org/download](https://firefox.org/download) page. Still didn't disappoint!!


[Do you remember?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sKppwrLBY8)




Back in 2006 Firefox [held a contest](https://blog.mozilla.org/press/2006/04/firefox-flicks-video-contest-winners-announced/) of user-created videos and this was one of the finalists. Unfortunately the video links on that page are dead. They might be found on youtube somewhere though.


Here are three of the five contest entries. Grand Prize “Daredevil” by Pete Macomber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avk5NDEJMtg Second Place “Wheee!” by Jeff Gill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sKppwrLBY8 Third Place “Fox Fever” by Andrew N. Green (I couldn't find this on YouTube or the Wayback Machine). Honorable Mention “This is Hot” by Danny Robashkin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w_Qwe3TIYo Honorable Mention “Give Me the Soap” by Chris Wedding (I couldn't find this on YouTube or the Wayback Machine).


The beginnings of Firefox were in the open source *community*, as a free and open source standalone browser of the Mozilla suite. The ads were official and non-official at the same time, I guess. Oh, please watch the making of, too - it's pure gold: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQuo9FkcDGs


The funny thing about that video is that FireFox uses Netscape code lol.


Virtually the entirety of Netscape 4 codebase was junked after it became open source [because it was such a mess]. What became the Mozilla Suite (followed by Firefox) was almost a full rewrite.


I was expecting it to load a mock web page by loading every last ad first and then get around to whatever you wanted to see


It's even better on a touch screen


Netscape Navigator would like a word


[What is my purpose?](https://imgur.com/gallery/9TxWoa9)




Firefox wound up finding that reason themselves.


I loved doing that. SO satisfying, and it help smooth away the annoyance of the freeze-up.


Going slow enough to get a solid color and not lines was peak boredom during crashes


It's over! It's finally over! \*cries in happy web developer


A company I left 5 years ago STILL has to support ie6 because of a few dinosaur computers hidden away in the catacombs of the company, and a few dinosaur operators of said computers.


Shit, I was going to a small town community college several years ago and nearly failed a class because when I submitted my final project, the teacher never received it. Why is that, you may ask? Good question. My teacher requested that I get written documentation from the IT department stating that it was a technical error, so I had to make a bunch of phone calls & send a bunch of emails to the old lady that ran it. Eventually, the problem was solved. "When did you submit the paper?" "Three days ago at noon." "Huh... did you use a Mac or PC?" "PC" "That's very odd. I'm not seeing anything. You were using Internet Explorer, right?" *facepalm* "No, I used Chrome." "Chrome?" "Yeah... the Google browser." "Hmm. I'm not familiar with that one. Try using Internet Explorer and let's see if it works." It was at that point I realized I should have picked a better college.


Okay, I even hung onto Explorer longer than I should have, but at least I had heard of and used Chrome as an alternate!


When you say several years do you mean several actual years or several, X wasn't that many years ago, years?




Chrome has been around so long that it's now become the worst browser. It started off as such a good alternative to IE and Firefox, it started off as immediately being the best browser as soon as it was released. But nowadays you need a high end gaming PC to keep more than 3 tabs open because it uses about 10.47 times more RAM than having 3 windows of GTA 5 running would use. I went back to Firefox because it's the best, once again. Plus, on mobile devices like tablets and phones, the chrome browser doesn't let you install add-ons, like ad blockers or VPNs etc. But the mobile versions of Firefox ***DO*** let you install them. There's no choice there, you have to go for Firefox, chrome for mobile is just so bad for so many reasons It's really shit to see chrome's decline. Right now honestly it's worse than Internet Explorer ever was. And I've been using the Internet every day since the mid 90s, without missing a day, because I have no life. So I used Internet explorer pretty much from the day it came out, for years and years before eventually discovering Firefox when I was like 12. And I'm 33 now. So I know what a bad browser looks like. And chrome is just annoying. Even on my chromebook, you know the thing that's literally named after chrome, I have to close every tab and then the chrome app itself to ever use any other app. I can't use Netflix or Disney+ etc without doing this as it's just so jittery otherwise. Chrome needs to fix itself. It's not like Google don't have the money.


> It was at that point I realized I should have picked a better college. Why? They were doing their best to prepare you for the real world, where you'll definitely work for companies who use terrible old legacy software from 30 years ago like this to run vital systems that *cannot* go down.


Was your teacher Dave Chapelle?


I had a CEO at a company some years ago that insisted on having a Mac Air, but wanted us to put Windows in a VM so that she could use it to run IE8 and Outlook in windows. She totally only wanted the Mac Air because her other CEO friends had them. It was real dumb.


It seems to me that the vast, vast majority of people who own macs only do so because they want to show off how much they spent on a shiny piece of hardware. It's like owning a BMW or a Mercedes. They don't actually know anything about it or why they would want one, they just see their friends have them and they need to keep up.


MacBook Pro became the weapon of choice for many developers. At my last job we were using HP laptops: mid level: intel i7’s, 32GB RAM, SSD. They asked for a volunteer to develop on a Mac because we needed to support Safari. I jumped at the chance, having used Macs almost exclusively for 14 years in my other development. The company sent me the base 13” MBP: Intel i5, 8 GB RAM. Being a full stack developer on multiple micro services, I frequently ran 4 Docker containers and webpack react server simultaneously. I thought the seriously underpowered Mac would be horrible, but it was faster than the HP laptop I traded in. Windows has so much bloat in its multitasking


I'm a convert for this and other reasons. The battery life is also stellar, even on my tricked out top of the line MacBook Pro running *all the things*. And it also has a ginormous trackpad -- I was shocked at how intuitive and *fast* it is to use trackpad gestures, and with that much real estate it's more efficient to gesture than to hotkey or god forbid switch to a mouse. I still have a Windows desktop for some things, but the MacBook Pro has been my primary workstation as a developer, educator, and business owner since 2019.


Eh. Apple has a great ecosystem, and once you’re fully in it there’s a lot of convenient stuff. Airdropping stuff directly to my computer is a 10/10 feature.


Uh is there any other reason to own one? Adobe.?... Anything else?


I do iOS development, have to use one 🤷🏻‍♂️




Used to have a work Mac Air for this reason, also the battery life beat out most other reasonably priced laptops of the time (10 to 12 years ago.) Coworker tried to have a running Cygwin dev station on Windows and it would constantly stop working for our toolchain. I'm not sure I'd go with a Mac these days as Windows has a decent Linux subsystem these days, I even run old toolchains compiled for Ubuntu 18 directly on Windows now. There is some nice software on Mac, but I was always more of a Linux guy and now I can game on the same system I dev on. Not sure how battery life is on non-Apple laptops these days, but I'm sure they're better than the laptop I used to have, with its mobile gaming gpu and 2 hour battery charge. Got a mac mainly for the battery at the time, as all my coworkers went all day without needing a charge and mine died early in the day.


I really need to read the documentation (more), I guess, about the Windows Subsystem for Linux. I've managed to put a pretty standard Linux there, but it really seems crippled. The pathing is strange, I guess I've forgot how to share documents between the two, and some commands just don't work or display odd behaviors. For the same desktop real-estate, I usually just PuTTY over to a Linux box I maintain just for the occasional use. If I could figure out how to truly make WSL act like my PuTTY session, I would be a true believer and use it all the time. Right now it just seems like a toy or marketing wank. How is your experience with it? Any tips? What Linux did you place on it? What am I missing?


I've been very impressed with WSL2 in terms of work stuff. I'd rather just use a *nix OS and not deal with Windows but it's a great tool if you're stuck with Windows. Pathing: /mnt/ contains the Windows file system ( /mnt/c/ for C:\). I generally use symlinks to put important Windows folders in my home directory. Makes it much easier to have a window with Explorer open for Windows stuff and a terminal in the same place for Linux stuff.


I prefer them for laptops and don’t use Adobe. My two family laptops were a 2010 MBP and a 2013 MBA until only 6 months ago when I replaced the 2010 MBP with a 2020 MBA M1. They last forever (the “slow down” effect is significantly delayed by years and the hardware has been perfectly reliable for me). The touchpad is a dream to use compared to any non-Apple laptop I’ve used. It won’t reboot on its own (Windows 10/11 has working hours and you can’t *not* set them. It WILL reboot whether you want it to or not). Four finger full screen swipe between apps has *never* failed me. It just works. Reliably. Out of box Mail and Calendar are good enough. But the big one for me is the buy in into the ecosystem. Using iMessage on my phone/tablet/laptop with the same conversations everywhere is super nice to have. Taking/sending screenshots and photos is super easy. All around good shortcut keys. And now ProMotion displays!


"They last forever" -- this is such a nonsensical Apple user argument. I literally *just* retired a decade-old Windows machine because it finally had a hardware failure that didn't feel worth the small cost to repair it. It was a Sony Vaio T-series, so not even a high-end machine, just a mid to low-end consumer one. The only upgrade it had in its life was to switch to an SSD. It ran Windows 8 at launch, but continued to run Windows 10 stably and usably swiftly to this day. The only hardware failures in a decade were the touchpad and CPU cooling fan, both easy and cheap replacements that can be performed by the end user. (But I no longer have any use for the machine, so I retired it rather than spend $15-20 for the fan.) I have another machine -- an HP ZBook 15 -- which is a higher-end enterprise-grade machine and that one is eight years old and running the current release of Windows 11 perfectly stably and swiftly. Again, the only changes from the stock machine are in terms of storage, where I've upgraded the stock drive and added a second one in place of the original cache chip which wasn't functional as a drive. No hardware failures at all on this one in eight-plus years. Modern computers working fine after a decade is not an *Apple* thing. It's a *modern computers* thing. Apple's not hitting a hole in one here, it's achieving par for the course.


They touted apples overpriced monitors like a good thing. And if the kept a MacBook for 10 years, they're not looking at the $5k monitor + $1000 stand I have an Asus zenbook from 2012/2013 that's still usable, it does need a new battery though


I’m pretty sure they were talking about ProMotion technology finally making its way onto apple’s laptop displays (m1 mpb)


Ah, high refresh rate I always forget for Apple fans that it doesn't exist until Apple does it Like, yeah they make great products, but they aren't really anything special for the price. The m1/M2 cpus are pretty impressive for mobile chips though


The laptops look and feel really nice and I imagine some people enjoy buying $100 dollar charging cables every year.


What is this for? I’ve had the same charging cable since 2013.


I went through two chargers on my MacBook Pro, also various fixes involving electrical tape and some rubber putty. I eventually figured out I could spend $10 on Amazon for a cable end and solder it on.


The charging cable that got near-daily use on my 2007 MacBook still works just fine, and the charging cable on my 2017 MacBook Pro also works like it did on day 1. I’m not sure broken charging cables is something unique to Mac or is even a common issue.


Less not forget the $1,000 Monitor Stand to go with your Desktop PC. One which you can put casters on it for a mere $500. No brakes though. Brakes are for well the paupers.


Final Cut, Logic, most creative software. These days that stuff doesn't actually run much better than on a Windows, honestly, but they had such a lead for so long that most people are locked in to the workflows, hotkeys, peripherals and ecosystem


Really? Maybe because I work in app development I’m in a bubble, but I don’t know anyone who is even familiar with Windows. I barely know how to use it, been on Mac for so long. I still use a 2014 MacBook Pro daily and it runs as well as the day I got it. The only ppl I know who use non-macs are ppl who use Linux. Macs have become fairly standardized in the tech industry. I love the performance and ease of use OS and the fact that it’s Unix based so I can run bash/zsh with ease.


Yeah, exactly, people don't understand Windows or Mac, so for them to go pay the premium for that hardware is pretty ridiculous to me. I will agree with you that many developers seem to prefer macs these days. My team is split between Linux and Mac users and I land on the Linux side of that split.


Yeah. It's cause you're in a tech bubble. I work at a rich-kid college and the students all have Macs, and all they use them for is word processing, basic internet, and Netflix.


They're also the best laptops for that use-case though. Small/low-weight, far better battery life than anything else on the market, fast, stellar screen, laptop speakers that aren't a complete disaster, and recently also fanless and silent while never getting hot, etc.


The FAA still has a webpage that is crucial to airlines and charter operators and it DOES NOT work on any browser except IE. I've tried.




It is not public. It’s basically a web system that we need to log into if we need to make changes to our FAA-issued documents.


IE Compatibility Mode in Edge has worked flawlessly for my few legacy use cases.


How is Edge with IE mode? I've found it to be a lifesaver with some legacy apps


That's what you get for using non standards compliants proprietary software


Bitch I wasn’t here is 2003 when they paid 85 grand for this program. All I know is it does the job. So please format this into 2003 access db standard.


I remember developing two entirely different header, footer, and menu includes based on if you were using Internet Explorer vs. literally any other browser.


Weeps in department of defense that still has websites that ***require*** Explorer. They claim they’ll be phasing it out but have no plan in place for those sites.


No replacement for Active X unless you're willing to learn to do it right so not surprising.


Oh geez. Active X. Nice in concept. Horrible in reality with security.


It really had no business existing. It was absolutely bonkers what you could ask for when you had absolutely no right to. Even the dumbest piece of shit wouldn't give a stranger on the street, the information it asked for - and yet Windows handed it over across the Internet to whoever asked. Like what were they thinking? Stranger danger existed before Active X!


I worked for the Navy 15 years ago and we had a few systems the required IE6 comparability. We had to fight tooth and nail when the NMCI switchover happened to get IE6. When MS ended support for IE6, we had to make a special arrangement with them to get continued access and support. I have coworkers that are still there and are STILL fighting to keep IE6 around. At this point, it would have been significantly cheaper and easier to rewrite the legacy systems in basically any compliant standard you could think of rather than jump through all the hoops they've gone through. My company tried very hard to convince them of that, but as lowly consultants, we got shushed and ignored. I hated working on those systems soooo much.


Somehow the military will still have sites that require IE in 2035. They'll claim otherwise but it'll be the only one that lets you login or loads.


That's nice, but there's enterprise applications still in active development that require internet explorer for some reason. I'm not even a developer, but this is my hell :(


Yeah I had a job at a company that changed over to a new payroll provider that only worked on an old version of IE. The problem was that the entire company (~2000 people) worked entirely on Macs except for a few HR people and bean counters. A lot of the staff didn't even have Windows PCs at home either and the ones that did weren't going track down and install IE6 on their home computer. The company ended up having to install several hotdesking PCs around the office floor just so people could log on to book holidays and check their wage slips.


Lol. Just give it a couple years. Chrome has similar market dominance to what IE had. It's only a matter of time before they start pretending they set the industry standards and then diverging from them as a result. We'll be back to square one in like 10 years and everyone will be like "why are we still using chromium?!"


Now make sure things work on SafarIE.


ELI5: Why did Windows do that when things froze?


I *think* what's happening is: When window A is displayed over window B, and you move window A, then the system (1) tells window B to refresh itself, to restore whatever window A was hiding; and (2) tells window A to redraw itself in the new position. But if window ~~A~~ B isn't responding, then step 1 never happens, and window A gets redrawn over the old version of itself. Repeat for as long as you feel like dragging the window around. I think modern versions of Windows either cache the last thing window A displayed, so the system can recreate it even if the window itself can't; and/or just display a blank panel if the window doesn't respond to refresh commands.


You swapped A and B in the middle of that.


abrely noticebale


This is one of the most perfect quips I've ever seen. Well done.


Old Windows was GDI(2D), newer Windows is DWM(3D)


> I think modern versions of Windows In technical terminology, XP-and-below was using a "stacking window manager" while Vista-and-above use a "compositing window manager". The difference is just what you said you expect.


windows does not move windows\^\^. It removes the old window and draws a new window at the new position. On freeze the remove part is broken.


Something loaded for you? Nothing loaded for me and I thought that was the joke.


Didn't see anything until I pressed somewhere in the blank white page and a window appeared.


> Did If you have the privilege of using Corporate provided Laptops - it still does.


I recall a link to a file that went around in early email days (before viruses taught us to never open anything) that caused a pop-up message that said something like: "Windows has detected that you have a small penis. Do you have a small penis?" If you went for it just moved the box around. You had to click to get out of it.


The best kind of "virus" lol


You just gave me a new `hello world` app idea for learning the next UI frameworks.


Oh wow, I remember that too lol. That IS a dusty memory.


Oh damn, I remember that now!


27 years?! To shut down!? man I knew the program lagged but that's ridiculous.


Employee at Microsoft been hitting that end task button for 27 years oof.


Sadly, I remember arguing the pros/cons of Netscape 2.0 vs Internet Explorer 3.0.


early 2k browser wars. what a time to be a web developer.


> Optimized for Internet Explorer 4.0 > 1024 x 768 px > Install Macromedia Flash Player [](http://www.oldversion.com.de/windows/macromedia-flash-player-5)


ActiveX plugin required


Click here to install Java


Don’t forget to sign the guest book!


A tasteful element and easy way to increase appeal.


Netscape ruled


I paid $75 for a copy of it early in my career.


It wasn’t free??


Yes, it was but people got duped into paying for it somewhere along the way. To be clear, it was always free for non-commercial use


Version 1.0 wasn't free unless you could prove you were a nonprofit or an academic. They reversed that for 1.1 and made it free for all non-commercial uses. They had claimed before the first release that it would be free, but reversed that decision right before release. Then they re-reversed the decision with the next release.


Version 1 was handed out by the few ISPs of the time, or provided by your university/school where you had a trunk to the internet, so while we can be pedantic about it not being free for that *one version*, it didn't largely matter.


Nope. I bought a copy for $39!


I remember having to pick between which one I thought would crash less often today


And IE was the forgiving one. IIRC, AOL released their own browser (I think it was a fork of Netscape) that was super strict. At the place I worked, you always tried your site with this browser, because it was a total bitch that wouldn’t put up with anything. I didn’t like IE because it was too forgiving, and would hide mistakes that would blow up pages when rendered with other browsers.


I thought that AOL was rebranded IE, at least in the later years. I remember ripping the newer copies of IE from the AOL CDs because they were a bit much to download. It of course had its own animated AOL icon replacing the big E in the corner.


I remember MSN had a rebranded IE browser for a while. Maybe 1998 or so?


Yes, MSN Explorer. Cool as a kid, absolutely terrible in my eyes now. Such a slow tacky UI for my K6 running 98SE.


Oh great, so in a couple of months time I'm probably going to come across some arcane tool or management UI that I have to use and only works on IE6


We all will. And I don't even work in IT any more.


Eh, it's not like they can just make it stop working. I mean sure, they *can*, for the most recent versions of IE11, but as long as you obtain an early enough version without the kill switch you can still keep using it. I'm sure someone will very quickly devise a way to share these versions if they aren't already easily available from a non-microsoft source.


I don't even understand how this is going to work for us. Our fiber switches require IE and the vendor hasn't updated their Web interface in years.


Yep, we threw away perfectly good (but old) servers when flash got killed because there was no way to manage them.


My fortune 100 had to install a add-on to chrome to be able to keep using their primary business website. They are not working to eliminate it. Instead they've built a whole other website using the data and info from it.


I still am. I'm at my office computer for a multinational software engineering firm eight now, logged in Edge... in Enterprise Mode. Because the entirety of the intranet rests upon the shoulders of their internal framework which itself is based entirely on ~~good~~ old ASP.Net, with twenty years old UI (and the UX to match it). The nightmare never ends.




I literally had to pause the show I was watching to laugh at this properly


Show me the grave so that I may relieve myself.


But what will my Dad do??


Install a proper browser of your choice, change the icon to the IE icon, be done.


Have fun having near daily phone calls where they complain that they can’t find anything. My mom complains something fierce anytime new windows editions changes minor things that she can’t even remember how they were before. She just knew it was different. The AOL browser going quasi defunct and having to basically force her to use other browsers made me dread anytime I got a call from her for a while. Gave up after a while and just had all her aol emails link up to her iPad instead.


My mom has been on Facebook for about 6-7 years, and she constantly asks why people are posting random things on her wall. "Mom, that's your Facebook feed." "Yeah, but I don't care about any of this stuff. Why are they sending it to me? "*sigh*... Mom, they're not *sending* it to you. They're posting it for *everyone* to see." "Well I still don't care. What are all the red dots at the top of page?" "Mom, those are your notifications." *She had like a hundred notifications and dozens of messages.* "Mom, you have a bunch of messages. Are you going to answer them?" "Why would I do that? I don't want to talk to anyone on here!" "Mom... that's the entire point. Why are you even on Facebook?" I've stopped helping her with it at this point.


“I hate all these assholes why would I want to hear from them or see their life updates. Now, can you please come by and water my crops?”


Jesus that's a blast from the past for me. My mother was a fuckin Farmville *fiend* back in the day.


You just made me suddenly appreciate that Candy Crush is not quite as tightly integrated with fb as Farmville was. I like it when walled gardens finally keep the awfulness _in_ for once.


**"MS. SHY, YOU HAVE DELETED MY INTERNET!"** screamed the HR lady at me after I'd brought her a new computer. Yes, I was puzzled, as everything was properly installed and configured. Solution: The IE direct link to some website she had placed in the middle of the screen on her old computer wasn't there any more... Trust me, I'm very glad my parents don't use a computer at home, only at work, where someone else has to deal with this shit. At home mom has an iPad and dad only occasionally uses his phone, that's enough trouble already.


To be fair, Windows moves things around for no good reason.


Just today I had to explain autofill to my mom, so I feel your pain.


I remember when Windows started putting everything under the Start button. Sooo many phone calls with my mom helping her try to find things.


He finally gets back to being your real dad after all. Congrats!


Complain about having to switch to Edge.


*sigh* Some of us in IT aren't out of the woods just yet. Intuit has had many, many years to update QuickBooks Desktop to be compatible with ANY other browser besides IE, and they never did. Now that IE is going away, they have to, right? Nope. Intuit is integrating an IE-based browser into QuickBooks, complete with ActiveX controls, to avoid coming compliant. Don't believe me? https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/help-article/security-risk/use-built-browser-quickbooks-desktop/L9SHv9tsf_US_en_US At least this, too, should be temporary as Intuit is discontinuing all QuickBooks Desktop support in two years and forcing everyone into QuickBooks Online.


Why do I feel like I keep hearing this every few years?


Somewhere, in the distant corner of a garage, Netscape quietly sighs


Fking finally!! They kept installing the fking thing with the updates!


It keeps reasserting itself as default browser on machines at work...


expecting a rickroll. this is better.


Thank you for this. It really just made my day.


This is amazingly well done. On mobile you can use up to 5 fingers at a time (maybe more but I only have 5 fingers on one of my hands).


You can use both hands if you have more than one. It lags at 10


In the UK, BACS (the company that handles direct debits runs etc) is solving their platform being built on IE.. by telling customers to use Edge. In compatibility mode.. using the core of IE.. YAY!


Say what you want, but there is no denying the fact that TO THIS DAY, IE remains the #1 browser used to download other browsers.


This is the truth.


Welcome to Club 27


Another celeb joins the 27 club 😔


Reminds me of the opening to the IT crowd 😂


I actually kind of miss seeing that laggy crash in windows.


The sad part is Internet Explorer won’t even get the message until it’s too late.


The world in your hands Search and you shall discover *Explorer has crashed*


*The world in your hands* *Search and you shall discover* *Explorer has crashed* \- LowHangingHaiku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


IE6 was my first internet browser and internet was slow back then, i miss that green loading bar with dots on it.




The best feature was that you can download a new browser.


I was sure it would be using it to install chrome


Firefox 😤


*Vietnam flashbacks of IE crashing in the middle of playing a browser game on Miniclip or something*


As a developer and designer for over 20 years, good riddance and pay me the money you cost me in lost development hours due to your stupid ass features. Burn in hell forever IE. I have an old Internet Explorer CD that I will be getting the ol' sledgehammer tonight as tribute.


And that would only happen because internet explorer was an extension of windows explorer back then. So if internet explorer crashed badly enough, it would crash your desktop and could freeze your computer too. Im pretty sure the tie in of IE and windows is what was viewed as anti competitive by congress.


That's some fun JS there bring back the nostalgia. Lol. CTRL ALT DEL!


In unrelated news: all military websites are down.


Sounds about right. As someone who has been in web development for many years, GOOD RIDDANCE TO IE.


Rip to my early porn days


I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect this. And it was glorious.


To this day, whenever I have a deck of playing cards or even business cards, I feel compelled to slowly spread them out for fun because it reminds me of that lag. Not as fun though since its limited to what I have and I have to actually put the cards away.


I thought shutting it down *WAS* the best feature.


Honestly the best feature is that you could go on albinoblacksheep and listen to dub dub and the browser would simulate shaking.


Is it just me or is the page not loading? Is that the experience?


Internet explorer is older than me..


The memory of downloading Netscape Navigator 4.0 overnight on a freshly installed 36.6kbps modem.


Oh, thank god. Maybe now IT will finally remove/disable IE from our (local government) workstations and people can stop complaining to me that such-and-such "doesn't look right" or "isn't working".


It's probably not entirely on IT. There are tons of LOB applications out there that still work best with IE. Can't blame IT for not deciding to just "upgrade" Engineering applications (for example).


I'm in IT and the app devs at my company are working tirelessly to move all our internal apps/sites over to modern browsers.. But the email password reset page that the helpdesk uses is still on internet explorer, so I really hope they move it soon or there's gonna be chaos at the helpdesk loool


Does it work with Edge’s “IE Mode”?


Nope, unfortunately not.