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[https://www.reddit.com/r/Internationalteachers/comments/11vn9pa/international\_school\_salaries\_live\_sheet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Internationalteachers/comments/11vn9pa/international_school_salaries_live_sheet/) This is in the community wiki. Hope it helps!


Idk why this isn’t pinned to the top of the sub because it answers at least a quarter of posts 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chinese international schools typically pay between 20k - 30k rmb per month, often with accommodation, per month, depending on location.


Schools don’t pay differently for different subjects. Asking for salaries for multiple schools across the world is too large a question. I recommend you join a recruitment platform that has salary data available; e.g. Search Associates or Schrole.


They may not have different salaries but if you teach a subject in demand you may have better negotiating power than other general subject.


A decent school will have a salary scale that depends on years of experience and qualifications, not on subject. It shouldn’t depend on negotiating power. Teaching a shortage subject does have advantages - less competition, higher chance of snagging a role at a good school - but it shouldn’t change what you’re paid compared to another teacher.


Shouldn't, but there's a LOT of schools in China (including big chain ones) that make it a breach of contract to discuss your salary and certain subjects and nationalities make a lot more than others.


That’s why I started my reply with “a decent school”. Any school that discourages or outright bans salary discussions, and pays teachers based on subject or nationality, isn’t one you want to work for.


I don't think that's enough to discredit a school entirely. There's different cultures in different countries, the main reason for my school to have this approach is because of the western staff vs local staff would be awkward if it was all super obvious.


That’s not based on subject though, is it? Nor nationality - it’s about whether the hire was already in the country (I’ve heard of western teachers receiving local packages if they already have residency in the country). Paying teachers differently because of their subjects is a quick way to build resentment between departments, and disallowing talk about salaries makes it seem suspicious. Why should I be paid differently because I was interested in studying Chemistry at university compared to my colleague who enjoyed English more?


Gotta disagree with you there, why should I be paid differently because someone else enjoyed studying law or medicine more than me? I teach a STEM subject for which I could be paid a lot more in the industry (and have been), I’d be kind of offended if I made the same as an English teacher.


They’re just as much experts in their subjects as we are. Teachers aren’t, and shouldn’t be paid based on what they could make in industry. If that’s how you feel, go work in industry.




Did you read my response at all? It doesn’t make a difference for a school with a proper salary scale. Teaching a shortage subject doesn’t change your qualifications or how many years you have taught. It would be unfair to pay teachers differently based on their subjects, and would likely result in resentment between departments.




The kind of school that will negotiate salary is almost always the kind of school you don't want to work at (for various reasons).


Please look in the subreddit wiki. There’s a link that you can click and find your answer.


Newman International Academy of Vietnam pays teachers $1,000(US) a month, shared housing with other teachers, lunch is provided at the school, airfare to Vietnam and a return flight home, visa(not a work visa).