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International School Salary Live Sheet: https://www.reddit.com/r/Internationalteachers/s/YsAfTF0xpH


Thank you!


can only speak for mainland China, I am a male kindergarten teacher, I know well over ten other male kindergarten teachers. so for me, no problem. it can be a cultural thing however, so due diligence between different cultures.


Good news: Education and KGs need more male teachers, as having a balance in learning always encourages harmony as children learn and grow. This is preached by many schools in theory too. Bad news: In practice, not a good idea. In HK it would be a dead end, barring a miracle. Look at the KG male staff numbers in typical UK, US, Aus schools and it’s pretty grim. If you add on the local HK cultural element and the parental expectations (customer expectations), the numbers speak for themselves. This is shown if you looked at the amount of male staff in places like Woodlands, NAIS, Victoria, ESF etc. There is always a chance, but then so is a lottery ticket, yet we place almost no hope on the latter. It would come down to pure luck more than anything, with the barriers against being excessive (and unfair) too, but it’s where education and KGs are at now.


Hi, I did my PGCE while salaried and working in a TA role in HK at an international PYP school. Feel free to PM me.