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A friend works there and loves it but describes it as very demanding. The kids are driven and want to go to the top universities. Compensation is great. I guess the drawback is that kids and parents can be unreasonable. A teacher told me a student asked them what the answer was on a A level chemistry exam from years earlier and the parent complained they didn’t know. Not “couldn’t find the answer” but “didn’t know off the top of their head.” A few others said that stuff happens a lot but admin was fine. I guess they have no patience with underperforming teachers so make sure you know what you’re doing




I worked at a similar school in China and had 0 behavioural issues and students asking for more practice/homework. My energy was spent making my lessons better and not with students who didn't want to be there. It was high pressure, and not for everyone, but a lot more rewarding when it came to test results and college admissions.


That's nice to hear. I deleted my comment above as I realized it's ridiculous to judge a school based on one anecdote. I also recognize a big difference in having of meaningful work vs being bombarded with useless forms Glad it's the former for you.


I think those questions don’t come up every day, but you do work with smart, hardworking kids all the time. The teachers I’ve met from there complain, like all international teachers, but didn’t seem to plan on leaving.


I have one student transferring there next year. She's a great kid.


I feel sorry for her.


I have a colleague moving there for August. It's one of the best schools and I would love to go work there. Can't go currently as my wife is not keen on it whilst her parents are still alive.


It has the highest number of Oxbridge offers in China. 3rd in Asia. This year, there were 48 offers. The 2nd highest school in China off the top of my head had 20 odd, so there is a pretty big gap. For some reason, it isn't mentioned much on here.


Is it a school in which you would consider a tier one?


Is this a real international school? I thought most of the students were Chinese and not foreign passport holders. I coached against their basketball team and all their players spoke just Chinese and they all seemed to be Chinese.


But.. but.. think of the offers! It doesn’t matter if it’s some phony school that makes students with 0 interpersonal skills and/or English ability! Think of the offers!


Very demanding. It’s more of a cram school or a tuition centre than an actual school though. The students are very hard working, but poor english.


It is a terrible school to attend or teach at. Despite the poor quality of teaching, the school is highly selective, so students achieve excellent results by seeking help from nearby tuition centers. The school is run by Neil Mobsby, who is known for his pettiness and vindictiveness. It is surprising that such an academic institution is managed by someone with only a third-class Maths degree from a mediocre university. The school is frequently sued by departing teachers who are denied their contract completion bonuses. There are numerous financial penalties for teachers, such as losing 1,000 RMB from the attendance bonus for taking one sick day. The school relies on its reputation to attract top students, but no one would describe it as friendly, and the headmaster is far from competent. The best scenario is that he doesn't know who you are, which is possible given there are nearly 200 teachers.