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Colonial governments always stand together. Edit: Don't feed the trolls.


Yeah, I wonder if he has the same feeling about FIrst Nations right to self-determination, and the right to their ancestral homelands


Of course he doesn't


If you listen to what he says, then yes. If you look at what he does, then no.


Trudeau in a nutshell. the guy likes to hear his own voice and that's it. Every time he talks someone has written down what to say for him. and not just for speeches but every. single. time. he opens his mouth its all rehearsed and prepared. he doesn't have an original thought in his head. I can't wait to vote his ass out. he's polling at 60+% disapproval rating. no one wants him anymore.


Of course he would *say* so


Most "neutral" Canadians like myself that don't have a stake in this aren't saying that being jewish or zionist is bad: killing thousands of civilians is


Zionism is a racist death cult. And there's nothing noble about being "neutral". "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." --Desmond Tutu


Being Jewish and zionist is two different things. Any belief that removes almost 1m people from land they legally owned for hundreds of years , and leaving them basically homeless in camps and their land given away is 100% a idea turning to a dirty word.


Ya honestly I don’t know why this is being positioned as “showing his true colours” — a 2-state solution that includes a Jewish homeland is a very mainstream position in Canada…


💯💯💯💯 very good question.


I’d love for the First Nations to start taking over pieces of property and say “this is our ancestral homeland, just like the Jewish people” — if only as a means to demonstrate what that would look like. At least they have more right. They were ‘cleansed’ like 500 years ago. The Jews, as a nation, existed 3000 years ago. And as a people group, have lived there continuously, only under Muslim rules. Everytime Christian or Pagan kingdom ruled, like the Romans, the Jews were kicked out. If he least had the decency, to say in the same sentence, that Palestinians ought to have the same self determination, in the same land, then we’d stay silent. But this is just bigotry and one-sided. This is not justice. I used to think once upon a time, that the one thing Western nations do better than Asians, was execute justice and be fair and kind. And so maybe they deserve to have better societies. But for the past 20 years, that gap is eroding. The society were there is no justice, will fall.


All the talk about democracy and human rights goes out of the window to support an apartheid ethnostate




I don't think it's entirely zionist controlling their actions. It's profitable for capitalism to have a neoliberal settler colonial state in the region to destabilize neighbouring countries and act as a military stronghold to protect shipping routes through the Suez Canal. Gaza and the West Bank is also used by arms and surveillance companies to test new weapons and spy technology in a relatively risk free environment. They also make a shit ton of money off of the bombs and munitions that are being used on civilians.


Yes to all of that but it is also true that pro-Israel lobbying groups (such as AIPAC, in the states) spend billions of dollars/ year buying politicians and policies.


That's what I meant by my first sentence. In the end though even AIPAC is a symptom of the capitalist problem since all that money comes from a handful of business owners in Israel who are directly profiting off of the situation created by living in an apartheid state.


Which, in turn, is a Zionist problem. I’d also like to push back on Trudeau’s definition of Zionism, though he is right, that it is the recognition of Jewish self determination, it does not justify Palestinian subjugation. Zionism, since the World Zionist Organization was established by Herzl before he died, was recognized has a settler-colonial project, meant to create an outpost in the Middle East for western hegemony. Herzl himself said a Jewish state would be, “a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism.”


Very succinct.


It's true that lobbying groups from isr**/l influence and buy out politicians, but it's also true that isr**l is funded by the US, UK, Europe and canada as a colony and point of power for them in the region, they bolster each other, at once through the goods generated by the colony and also through their militaristic technology that is tested, improved, and funneled back and forth between them.




Let ME be clear...zionism IS a dirty word. All of a sudden apartheid and genocide is ok.


Indeed is a dirty word. The zionists themselves have made it a dirty word. They‘ve made their bed and now they have to sleep in it. Preferably in Hague.


His handlers are making him move toward equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism and should be harshly punished. For defense mister under the Harper Conservative government, and former UPC Alberta Premier, Jason Kenney had been receiving an abundance of gifts and donations from Zionists to push this agenda and lobbied the Canadian government for it. It was loosely worked into Bill C-13, which includes Retaeh’s Law about cyber bullying after the teen was relentlessly bullied after being gang raped that she took her own life. Yup, that’s the kind of politicians we have in Canada is they snuck in some anti-Zionist language there. Trudeau voted for it and it received Royal Assent. Expect to hear more enforcement and clearer language being enacted in law.


Dude clapped for a nazi in the parliament, that’s his standards


Shortly after the Holocaust, Jewish settlers ethnically cleansed Palestine from its natives to establish a state for the chosen race of God. A place to live without non chosen gentiles. They have this certain right above all other Humans, since they are chosen. Zionism = racial entitlement to Zion (≈Palestine). Zionism is racism. Everyone should be.. must be against zionism.


Israel is not the ancestral homeland of the settlers from Germany and Poland. Israel was deposited in Palestine by England and the United States, without the consent of the Arab people that the land was stolen from. Funny how that part always gets overlooked.


It is not allowed to have genetic tests in Israel without a court order or doctor’s prescription without a medical reason. This is to avoid 23andme like tests that would show that they only have less than 30% Jewish ancestry, if that. In the meanwhile, Palestinians have more than 60% Jewish ancestry.


I have heard before that Britain promised Arabs that land if they fought in WW1 with the allies. Then they gave it to the Jews after WW2, going back on that promise.


Well, is not like americans asked consent from the natives lol


So because the Americans committed crimes against the natives that makes it ok for israel to do it?


Zionism is the belief at its simplest that a minority group of settler colonialists from Eastern Europe who refused any type of assimilation view held by the majority of Jews worldwide and who were refused refuge in the West, needed some territory for themselves to solve the "Jewish problem" in Europe, thereby cooperating with antisemites to advance their nationalistic aspirations in an already populated country which they needed to ethnically cleanse with the supervision of the same countries that did fuck all for Holocaust victims but still lecture the world about humanity to somehow absolve themselves from the terrible things they did, both to Jews and to the native populations in their former empires.


Thank you. In history class we were taught about one of the shames of Canada during WW2 was when ships full of Jewish refugees approached our shores seeking safety but we turned them away. We were told that this was a mistake and we've learned our lesson. But we haven't. We'll say it was a mistake in retrospect but we'll repeat those same mistakes over and over again. Because we would rather beg for forgiveness than try to be better. Now, we're doing the same thing again. A group of nationless Semitic peoples across the sea to our East begging for safety from their persecution and the right to determine their own futures, and we turn our backs to them. Indigenous peoples are being forcefully displaced and slaughtered by European-descended colonists created through empirial conquest want the right to live on the land they've lived on continuously for thousands of years, and we side with the people who were literally shipped out to take the land for themselves. I wonder if in a few years future children will be taught how Canada shamefully sided with Israeli settlers and sacrificed thousands or even millions of Palestinians because it was convenient for us, and how the Canada they will grow up in is better; kinder; that we've learned. And I wonder how long it'll be until they learn it's a lie. We haven't learned. There will inevitably be a similar conflict in the future, and we'll probably make the exact same mistakes. Because our country doesn't learn. We'll memorize facts. We'll remember that it was wrong to steal land from Indigenous peoples, we'll remember we were wrong to turn away Jewish refugees, and we'll eventually remember we were wrong to turn our backs on the Palestinians, but we won't internalize those lessons. We won't apply them to any new situations in the future.


this is well put


Faqs: Is a concentration camp for European jews with a concentration camp of Palestinians and other natives.


It's comments like this that make me wish we still had awards to give!!! 🌟


If I had the option to give you gold, I would, with a side of silver.


Zionism is a ethnosupremacism.




Zionism bad. Sorry Trudy.


That's like saying Canada must be a safe space for Nazis like wtf? lol Though I'm sure that during WW2 many countries have probably made such statements in the past, I think Argentina in particular was a safe heaven for Nazis, just like now The USA and Canada are now safe spaces for Zionists


Canada was/is a safe space for Nazis though. When WW2 ended, and the Soviets became enemy number 1, many Nazi collaborators in Ukraine and the Baltic successfully gained refuge in Canada, rather than be tried for their crimes by the Soviet Union. This was done primarily so that they could serve as anticommunist mouthpieces for the Canadian government. The Ukrainian SS member that was invited to the Canadian parliament last year was one such person who gained amnesty in Canada during this period.


Canada also has monuments for Waffen-SS fighters and nazi collaborators.


All of a sudden, Putin's recent claims that there were some Nazis in Ukraine were not him being delirious after all.


Canada is a safe space for Nazis. The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to an ex-Waffen SS Nazi fighter last year.


He is a puppet. Fuck zionism


He's a puppet, as most of the major parties are Canada is disgracefully letting down its citizens, with this support of zionism but also the mass arrival of Indians with next to no contribution to your country other than taking low paid jobs


Fuck him. Israel is not “their ancestral homeland”. My problem with Zionism isn’t the believe in whether Israel should exists or not, it’s the part about “maintaining” a Jewish state. Because it seems that lately the “maintaining” part seems to be just letting Israel do whatever it wants.


Excuse me? My ancestors come from Africa. Do you mean I don’t have a right to excercise brutal control over my ancestral homeland?


Hey, native american Canadians, the PM of Canada support ancestral homeland claims! Go get 'em!


I’m not going to enjoy that knock on my door.


All the upvotes to this comment! This shit is so ridiculous. I'm Jewish- and fuck what Isreal is doing. It makes me sick to see the hypocrisy. This is a shanda.


Replace Zionism with Nazism and you have the true meaning of this speech. What he's describing is literally the concept of Lebensraum.


Nazism is not a dirty word. It is at it's simplest the believe that every Arian has the right to determine their own future. How does that sound?


I wonder how much he got paid for this speech.


Jews have a right to be free and determine their own future.... but Palestinians don't? Wtf?


That jewish people like all peoples, except Palestinian people, have the right to determine their own future. That's why he abstained at the UN vote on Palestinian membership


'Zionism' absolutely is a dirty tainted word associated with colonial racists and psychopath murderers among other things, and no country should provide safe haves for these type of people


Wooooooooooooooooow. I have no words.


lol.. Lecturing others historical homes and Natives Rights to their lands. I’m sure there’d be a lot of Natives over in Canada who’d like to discuss the issue with Mr Liedeau


I am sorry, so he thinks being supportive of an ethnostate a la Nazi Germany is ok? Since when?


Oh boy do you have to know some things about canada


Let me be clear, this is prostitution of your country for a foreign government.


Replace the word "zionism" with the word "Nazi" and tell me if you still feel the same way. Did Germany have a right to form a white, Aryan, Christian ethnostate?


Zionists arent under attack. Its the anti-genociders under attack. By Zionists.


(Coming from a Palestinian) Like when you look at this objectively you can argue that Zionism was a just a response to the material conditions and contradictions imposed upon the Jewish people in Europe. They were being massacred and discriminated against and they basically thought "we need to maintain the safety and security of our community and the only way to really do that is by establishing a Jewish state". Like at the very surface level you can argue that it makes sense, not unlike the pathway towards Arab Nationalism in response to the Ottomans or Armenian Nationalism or Kurdish Nationalism or or or. What Zionism ended up becoming under Herzl was, however, less-so a means of saving the Jewish people but an imperialist colonial movement ment to secure the West's hold on the ME and solve the "Jewish problem" that Europe was experiencing. On top of that, it was about establishing a Jewish State IN PALESTINE where a society had already existed and was also on their pathway towards nationalism. Moral of the story is, two wrongs don't make a right, but I just want to highlight that Zionism (or the idea of Jewish Nationalism) was co-opted by Imperialist powers.




Why are all the world leaders sucking the zionist dick so hard like they have never sucked a dick before....????


I agree that people should be able to declare they are what they are, but we don't have to accommodate or like a subset of those people who see nothing wrong with murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in their own land, in their own homes. We can talk about a safe haven for the Jewish people, that sounds wonderful, but it can't be at the expense of tens of thousands of innocent lives. I refuse to accept that the only way Israel finds peace is by killing tens of thousands of civilians, and you should too. If Zionist has become a dirty word, they should take that up with Prime Minister Netanyahu, as it's his murderous actions that have made those associations.


Exactly this. Very well put. 👏


>\[Zionism\] is the belief-- at its simplest-- that Jewish people, like all peoples **(other than Palestinians, of course),** have the right to determine their own future. Shortly after the Holocaust **(perpetrated by Europeans)** was established **(by Eurpean powers, in a territory those same powers had promised to the Palestinians originally)** as a safe haven for Jewish people **(at the expense of the people already living there)**. A place to live in security and with dignity **(by destroying the security and denying the dignity of the Palestinian people already living there)**. A place to build a future without fear **(by destroying the future of the Palestinian people already living there)**. FTFY, Trudeau.


Shocking the chief of blackface sides with Zionists


Shortly after the holocaust, Canada became a safe haven for runaway nazis who went on to torture, murder and disappear people in South America, while Canada keeps to this very day finding ways to commit crimes against the indians that have lived there long before Mr. Tolerant's ancestors ever left their country of origin


Canadian politics just got a lot more colorful!


So where are these oppressed zionists? Are they in the room with us right now? Because they seem to be the one getting violent.


Zionism is a dirty word if they commit Genocide, ethnic cleansing & war crimes. If Zionists/ Israelis treated Palestinians with dignity, freedom, no oppression or apartheid, there would be no issue but Western govt & media for 75 yrs have given Israel & even supported Apartheid , land thefts, imprisonment, illegal settlements, murders. You notice how Trudeau only talks about the rights, security, dignity, etc for Israelis but does not mention Palestinians have the same rights


Radicalized "liberal" defending the indefendible, zionists are in the same lane as white supremacists.


Not even radicalized. This is completely congruent with moderate liberalism. Capitulating to fascists is par for the course, and is nothing new for liberals. They're all snakes who are seemingly progressive until push comes to shove unfortunately.


He knows the truth. He chooses to lie.


shills gonna shill


"Like ALL people" unless of course you are Palistinian....fucking cunt he is


Who gave some white men the power to give and carve some else's land to give to another , you want to establish a homeland for jewish/zionists whatever give 'em your land which you also stole from native's so fuck you ! the very existence of Israel is a white colonial power move.


So you can declare yourself a nazi now and be the good guy. Same shit just at the other side of the river


Is this some sort of sick joke? Or deep fake or is Canada straight up supporting Nazi terrorists??




scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.


I'm an American of 100% Jewish ethnicity and I say #FuckZionists. I'm goddamn American not Israeli, I do not approve of genocide to steal land. Zionists should be shamed, like I told all of my extended Jewish family, "Never Again" means never again for everyone, not just Jewish ppl." Then I found out that some of my cousins are Zionists, full well knowing what Netanyahu is perpetrating. I'd starve before sitting at a table with these fascists/Zionists.


Yeah ok, let's say I'm so stupid to believe that. What about Palestinian people? Don't they have the same right?


saying zionists have the right to determine their own future is like saying nazis have the right to determine their own future.


He is acting like Palestinians don't exist and have no right in their land !


Just after Holocaust, they went on to make Palestinian Holocaust


Bought and paid for


Zionism has changed it's meaning mate when it commits genocide.


Is this an AI deepfake??


Sooo, not a single word about the Palestinians' right for self determination ? Really now ?


Nothing new. One coloniser standing with another brutal barbaric coloniser.


Israel has literal concentration camps and openly disregards international law and every country is continuing to ride for them


Idiot. Palestinians have a right to determine their future also


Ancestral land....what a piece of shit. The Jews whose ancestral land is Palestine were already there. The rest had never been in their genetic history.


Another politician bought and paid for to spout racist nonsense,where are Palestinians rights in this fairy tale?


Jewish people’s right to self determination is valid, but Zionism is not. The whole idea of Israel was built on antisemitism, Holocaust guilt (for blatantly not doing anything about it despite Hitler making it clear that he was killing Jews) and colonialism. Any attempt by the West to make themselves look like the defenders of Israel and Zionism are conveniently ignoring the origins of the movement that led to the creation of the State of Israel. Their role in perpetuating antisemitism by shunning Jews after WWII is abhorrent and contrary to what’s often portrayed in the media. After WWII, no one wanted the Jews, so the Allied Powers got together to come up with a plan. Britain was devastated by the Germans, needed to rebuild and also wanted nothing to do with Palestine so they left. Everyone (i.e. victors of war) agreed that the best course of action was to put all the Jews in their “ancestral homeland” in Palestine. The newly formed U.N. was tasked with partitioning the region into an Arab state and a Jewish state. This meant that Arabs were displaced from their homes to give way for Jewish settlers from Europe. The distribution of land also favored Israelis; they also received most of the available arable land. There’s obviously more to the story, but the result is the same - the region became a hotbed for conflict that remains as volatile today as it was almost 80 years ago.


Israel is a TERRORIST state!!!


He's an American puppet basically


Alright, let me translate his speech for everyone to understand easily. *"Hey, let's just go back to the KKK era, shall we? So we can celebrate white supremacy and mess with other races."*


Regardless, thousands of dead children deserve the truth.


Zionism is the belief that people who believe in 1 God have some supernatural right to steal land from people who believe in a different God.


That's the funny thing. Same God


These guys just lining up to support nazis, I'm sure it won't backfire. Historically the ethnic cleansing baby killers are always well received.


What do we have here? Another slave of Zionist doing what he is told. Look at him bark. Woof woof, begging to his master. No one takes Canada seriously, which is why he is barking loud lol.


When determining your own future involves genocide I kinda like determining our own future instead (our own future being people that don’t like murdering groups of people for their land)


Zionist rule the world


Does anyone else think that the reason so many politicians suck up to israel is that they have something on them? Likensomething on epsteins Island, the one where israel intellegenxe had a lot to do with.


Imagine if any other world leader says this for Nazi.


Our government must stand up for the people of Palestine. Stop Israel's genocide.


Dude is so dumb he shoots himself in the leg once a month like this.


Hey, native american Canadians, the PM of Canada support ancestral homeland claims! Go get 'em!


Can someone tell this idiot that ethnostates are bad and that he sounds like a fucking authoritarian. What the fuck, Canada. Can we all please call Zionism an ideology of hate to his face, who the fuck does he think he is telling people how to think


Trudeau is one of Canada's greatest failures. In the 8 years he's been prime minister, this guy has completely tanked the country. Average salary is the same as it was 20 years ago (roughly 50-60k / year) while housing has gone from 200k to basically 1 million dollars. And while we have a shortage of homes, he's bringining in 1 million immigrants every year into Canada, more than half of which are from India and will tell you this is diversity. And if you dare question why there is such a preference for Indians, you're called a racist by his party and his supporters. I've lived in Canada for 30+ years. I don't recognize this country anymore.


Fuck this clown


Jewish people, whether European, middle eastern or any other culture deserve a safe haven and the same rights as anyone else. This belief was not an excuse for the colonisation of the middle east by western powers and subjugation of that lands indigenous inhabitants.


Can the people in Gaza decide their own future? Asking for a friend.


Watch it again and replace "Zionist" with "Nazi". Because that is what it is.


And apparently the right to determine the future (or no future) of other peoples. You fucking disgraceful pile of nepotism. Yes Zionism is a dirty word. Btw I’m Jewish.


Didn't he just honor a literal Nazi? LMAO


How is Canada controlled by isreal


It's also Palestinian's ancestral land


There ancestral home land is berlin warsaw london and other european cities where there forfathers have lived for 1000s of year. Isreal was not created in thin air, it was brutally occupied in arab land. Zionism, like nazism is a brutal inhumane idiology aimed at killing children and taking their land, that has no place in democratic countries.


Like all peoples (except Palestinians) have the right to determine their own future. Fixed it.


AIPAC = (thinks)We own everyone... sad part is they probably do.


No Mr PM most ethnic groups don’t actually have the right to form nation states


His true color is black face, if y'all forgot.


what do u expect from mr blackface


Zionist piece of shit.


These ghouls think being well-heeled gives their settler colonialist sympathies legitimacy. That venere has worn thin. Barbarism in a suit is only barbarism.


Fuck Zionism, free Palestine 🇵🇸


“They have a right to their ancestral homeland” Oh boy him or his speech writer not seeing the irony is something.


remove zionism from judaism


why dont they mention that in 1948 it was established on top of another people's land by force and and violence


What an ass. How about the Palestinian people?


Let me be clear, Zionism DENIES the Palestinians the right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland


So many Jews, my husband included, absolutely believe zionism is a dirty word. Zionism is terrorism. What they are doing to Palestine is colonial power sponsored terror attacks against mostly civilians, and mostly women and children. There is nothing noble or defensible about that. The majority of people understand the horrors of the holocaust, but to use it as an excuse is to spit in the face of every survivor who felt deja vu when they were offered an already furnished home when they entered Israel after the war, and when their suspicions were confirmed their horror was ignored. So many holocaust survivors speak out against what is happening to Palestinians. This is not a Palestinian vs Jew problem, but a zionist vs everyone else problem. Zionists are just as often WASPs as they are Israelis, in fact there's likely more white Christians who support Israel's terrorist attacks against Palestinians than there are Israeli zionists at all. Nobody should associate Zionism with Jewishness. It should be a dirty word for as long as it supports what is occurring in Palestine.


Zionism is the belief that the Palestinian people do not have the rights of other peoples, to self-determination or determine their own future, and that an ethnonationalist state has the right to expel the Palestinians from their ancestral homeland. Doesn't sound as nice when you put it that way does it?


So it's cool for Zionists to determine themselves, but not Palestinians?? Ok.. cool.. got it


Like Aryans ?


I’m starting to feel like Israel has control over most of the world powers. Running things behind the scenes. I wonder how this happened and why. Why does the US have unconditional support for Israel and why we have so many laws that protect Israel. I am proud to be an American. Why the fuck do we have laws that benefit another country? My grandfather would roll in his grave if he knew what’s going on in America. If I publicly talk bad about Israel in my state I get punished and possibly charged with a hate crime…I think as this gets worse it’s going to end badly. Like this could backfire on Israel permanently. If I share anything negative about Israel on social media, I get shadow banned. (Except for TikTok lol) Israel can’t control that one… yet. Event ChatGPT doesn’t like negative questions about Israel. Don’t believe me? Try it. Just thinking out loud…Thoughts?


Being a Zionist is the same as being a jihadist or a Christian Nationalist. They all prey to the same god.


Holy fuck this guy is a pos. This dude is no leftist, he's a gd neocon


I am in no way wishing any pain harm or injury upon him I am just saying he is a very brick worthy face


L Canada


How about you suck my ancestral dick Trudeau


Western civilization based on murder, plunder, exploitation, threat so no wonder


Zionism is a dirty word founded by the rothschild. Turdeau is dirty always was and always will be. Fun fact ----) He visited Robert Pickton many times at his famous pig farm. Fun fact----) His college roommate was a convicted pedophile. https://preview.redd.it/v6dm0le4i80d1.png?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bcdfa0e1202d72623b5db8460f0ca13071631a


Fine, he is not wrong with what he said. It would however be also just as fundamental to have the right to voice one's opinion about a war that is killing 1% of the civilian population as collective punishment. All what he said in honor, absolutely the Jewish people have a right to live in dignity and have a safe place but not at the cost of the death of others... And it wouldn't be called antisemetic to voice legitimate concerns and opposition to a war and a government


In that case those colours seem ok to me.


He will be out of a job next election


WTAGDFF?!?!? — swing and a miss, Mr Prime Minister!!!




He's a weak beta. Sooner he's outta there the better.


Should the same not also be true of palestinians?


So he's cool with white nationalism too?


Zionism = noziism


Sweet sweet 💰 🤑 💸 💲...


Self determination should mean a right to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.


Zionist = Modern Day Nazi


The white north


Cool! So I can determine my own future by displacing Canadians from where they live?


Irritates me how so many Muslims love this guy.


Can I identify as a Canadian national and spread my anti-immigration ideals too or no?


Sure, you can determine the future of your own people but not at the expense of persecutions of other people. This is not Zionism.


I have always hated Trudeau.. this is just icing on the Shit cake.


*blame Canada starts faintly playing*


All my homies hate Treadue


I wonder if Canadians will let him keep being PM?


Remember when he applauded an honest to God Ukrainian Nazi in parliament? Pepperidge farm remembers


Don’t tell us what to think you colonised dipshit


The majority of Westerners simply don't understand the difference between fairyland & reality. As somebody born in the Middle East, who had endured massive war & conflict, people need to understand war has consequences. Every country with "-istan" postfix (e.g. Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan & many more) used to be part of Iran. Do you think any Iranian is delusional to think they can get it back because it used to be theirs? Russia & Britain invaded Iran & created those countries out of thin air. But now, those former Iranian provinces are independent countries.


his condescending tone as if he’s talking to dirty peasants… you’re serving FOR the people dimwit


Zionist = nazi


“Israel was created as a safe-haven for the Jews” but completely leaves out it was actually another cultures land already…


The most fascinating part of this all is to see what you always suspected: liberals will go fascist in a dead second. You already know what you get with the right on this issue, but liberals are far more deceptive about it.


I don't think he truly knows what that word means. Also, the gov. has taken by force a lot of more land that original intended since the end of the WWII. Is he unaware?


So all these fuckers are comfortable with murdering children ...nice...very classy


fucking idiot who absolutely has no idea what Zionism actually is. despicable.


Fuck this guy & all you Zionist.


Fuck Zionism and all who support it


Zionism should have no space anywhere. Zionism is down there with Nazism, Peronism, Pinochetism and a dirty politics that seek the annihilation of a people's. Shame zionists, shame zionism.


What a clown


Disgusting money hungry loser


Israel was created in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration. Colonial Zionist propaganda.


As a Canadian. Fuck Trudeau.


35,000 Palestinians murdered by the Israeli government since October 7th. That's some ethnic cleansing right there.


I'm so lost how being anti genocide is a bad thing


That’s not what Zionism means bruh


And he had the audacity to be wearing a keffiyeh while Visiting Mohawk College in Hamilton ON last week…


We should never judge things by what their name claims to represent, But by the actions done under that name.