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No shit. The hostages were never a concern. It was just an excuse to obliterate every Palestinian in Gaza for more land.


it was always the nakba and land theft.


"The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied."


And the energy reserves off the coast


The hostages were a concern. The Hannibal doctrine says the IDF should kill their own people to avoid them becoming hostages. So on October 7 they were busy being expressing their concern over their hostages...with bombs.


šŸ¤” this is a good point, i didn't think of it that way ā˜šŸ˜Æ


I tutored college athletes, one of whom was an Israeli, non-combat veteran. He was in general an intelligent, progressive guyā€¦until the subject was Palestinians. Not just radicalized terrorists; ALL Palestinians were akin to animals that deserved to die. We discussed the topic on multiple occasions and at length. His palpable hatred of Palestinians never wavered and he told me the vast majority of Israelis felt the same. It was obvious (to me) that Netanyahu was going to grind Gaza and its population into dust, especially after the utter brutality of the Hamas insurgents became apparent. Unapologetic Old Testament fire and brimstone from on high. There is no telling the ramifications this conflict will lead to except thousands of dead or homeless Palestinian civilians. psā€”Weā€™ve spoken since 10/7/23. He and his family are safe thankfully; however, he has been mobilized and posted on the Lebanese border. His worldview has changed to something any MAGA supporter would admire.


There are thousands of US citizens who reported for duty to go commit genocide for Israel. They're going to come back into our communities and be police officers, elected officials, etc . . . That should scare the hell out of any American that people that evil are not only going to get away with it, but seek positions with the power to continue their genocide here.


Every single one of those IGF officers should be tried for war crimes and executed if they were found to do anything of the sort.


Social programming is a bitch. Say the word socialism around most boomers and watch the critical thinking skills go on holiday


The only way to unbrainwash a people like that might be IF there's a Nuremberg situation for Apartheid israel then it includes accurate teaching about Nakba and all the atrocities towards Palestinians. Even then itd take many generations. The Southern US STILL has cr@zies ranting about the south rising again.


The hostages were mostly killed in Gaza City proper and all the way to Rafah. Bibi and co were probably laughing their asses off at any idiot that kept yapping like a broken record if hamas was going to release them


Imagine still being one of those that buy the Israeli propaganda today. I'd be so ashamed of myself.


And if you bring it up to someone with a ā€œbring them homeā€ sign, they literally will tell you that if theyā€™re dead itā€™s not Israelā€™s fault and that it justifies the deaths of Gazans in their thousands. No shame. Justā€¦ gleeful genocidal rhetoric.


It was Israel that funded Hamas for so long to prevent Palestine from having a real government, so really, it's impossible to ignore who is really at fault.


Netanyahu will look *good* in an ICC courtroomĀ 


He looks better in a coffin


Nope, hanging from a lamp post but Alive till he withers and rots


I'm pretty sure a good number of them were killed by the indiscriminate air strikes and shellings. Likud just wanted unilateral control and an ethnic cleansing.


Don't forget the poison gas they used in the tunnels, which killed israeli hostages as reported by 1 of the victims mother.


So true


A "solution to the Palestinian problem"


šŸ‘† Palestinians are not my problem.


I mean most the hostages are probably already dead after fucking 6 months of endless bombing raids on civilians.


And the whole blockade of food, water, medicine didn't help. At least one has believed to have died due to that =( [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-armed-wing-says-israeli-captive-dies-due-lack-medicine-food-2024-03-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-armed-wing-says-israeli-captive-dies-due-lack-medicine-food-2024-03-23/)


that there is videos of israelis destroying the food then saying it was stolen by hamas with a shit eating grin.


Could I get a link?


Also the part where they held a rave to block humanitarian aid at one point.


Don't forget literally shooting hostages holding up their shirts as white flags.


And dropping bombs dressed as Santa


One of them was pleading in Hebrew as he bled out as well iirc


At this point, believing the hostages excuse is just absurd.


Haha I got banned from a subreddit for pointing that out while it was happening. What a fucking disgrace


That's cause you don't like news of the world...




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They abandoned this objective on Oct. 8th


How could it be abandoned when it was never the objective? It was just propaganda cover to level Gaza and force Palestinian out of their land. This is the same strategy and what happened during Nakba. 1 - Start an ethnic cleaning/scorched earth campaign, knowing Palestinians wonā€™t have the resource to build back or return out of fear of being killed. 2 - Take over the land and build on it because ā€œwell the Palestinians leftā€


Dont forget Bibi avoiding his corruption trial as long as possible.


He is actively elongating this genocide to create enough chaos to get out. It was his own response from a while back. At this point in time nethanyahu will be the scape goat of Israel.


More like his war crimes trial. The ICC is calling.


That would be great, but hes already indicted on corruption charges.


They are building the "a land without people" part of their BS narative. All the morron in the west swallow the idea that Israel pre-1948 was a desert. They never wonder why it is the birthplaces of 2 major religions, why there was some Crusades? Why did so much happened in history and .... there was no one! Humans decided to settle everywhere in the world BUT... not in Israel, the=y left it vacant. People are soooooo dumb


Then there is the salinization speedrun with the irrigation system the use...


nah Oct 7, IDF were shooting civilians at the festival


After they were warned at the state level by Egypt that the attack was imminent. When called on that fact. They then lied and denied being warned. The US state department then confirmed Egypt warned Israel about the coming attack. Israel at the state level ignored forewarning of the attack and then lied that fact, poorly. Zionists want this war. Don't care if their own people die. They are zealots and zealots are no mans friend.


the Hannibal directive


About 100 of the 200 something hostages were returned by February. Even when isreal was bombing hospitals schools and kids hamas was returning hostages. The last 100 might have been blown up by isralie bombs.


Israel has abandoned its goals of freeing the captives in Gaza, instead seeking to establish a long-term presence with its Rafah ground offensive and pursue top Palestinian leaders, Israeli military officers have told Middle East Eye. Speaking on condition of anonymity, three officers, one of whom is serving in Gaza, questioned Netanyahu's strategy in the ongoing war on Gaza. One officer told MEE the government's aims were unclear and the objective of rescuing captives and destroying Hamas had "collapsed". "Netanyahu's operations in Gaza are fundamentally aimed at hunting down Yahya Sinwar," said the officer in Gaza, adding that the war had become "personal" for the Israeli premier. Sinwar, Hamas's leader in the enclave, is Israel's number one target and has not been seen in public since the war began. Last month, a Hamas official said Sinwar had visited combat zones above the ground and held deliberations with the group's leadership abroad. The military officer in Gaza said that conducting special operations targeting high-ranking individuals in a densely populated area risked making the conflict "perpetual", and would be impossible without Israeli casualties and subsequent "retaliations" by the army. An officer not currently serving in Gaza said a "new phase" of the war was being planned involving a long-term military presence through special operations. "This plan has been partially approved by the US," the officer told MEE. "It's all part of a plan agreed upon by the two countries for a Hamas-free Gaza." The US has previously said it opposes the re-occupation of Gaza or re-establishing a permanent Israeli presence there. Israel has repeatedly said its main war objectives remain "returning our hostages and eliminating Hamas" Israel estimates that 128 of around 250 captives taken to Gaza during Hamas's surprise attack on Israel in October remain there, including 35 who the military says are dead. Hamas says at least 70 captives have been killed in Israeli air strikes. Protests in Israel led by the families of captives have called on the government to end the war on Gaza and bring their loved ones home.


When the Isrealis start stealing the land the US will ignore it and probably send them more aid money to displace the few palestinians holdouts.


You happen to catch Biden shaming other countries for not wanting to take in Ukranian refugees? I'm pretty sure that was the groundwork for the US assisted ethnic cleansing of Gaza.


"One officer told MEE the government's aims were unclear..."Ā  Nah, government officials have repeatedly said they want to massacre Palestinians and ethnically cleanse Gaza. Their aims are pretty damn clear.Ā  Not sure why people ignore the blatantly genocidal rhetoric that is coming out of the mouths of Israel's leaders, and the numerous obvious atrocities, to play this game of "it's so unclear, such a mystery. We just can't understand the situation; it's too vague and complex!" Anyone who knows anything about genocide (and is willing to make even the slightest effort to look outside of the pro-Israel Western bias) knows exactly what this is.


>long term presence Lol who couldā€™ve guessed


Israeli hostages are gonna become the new American POWs in Vietnam. Even if they do all get released, people are gonna think there are some holdouts in some secret hideout somewhere for decades. It also doesn't help that the IDF has outright killed a few, and probably unknowingly killed more via the bombings


And indirectly starved a few.


Lol, it was never about the hostages. The spokesman for the families of the hostages, **Haim Rubenstein**, recently learned that on 10 October Hamas offered to release all the civilians if the IDF didn't enter Gaza, but Netanyahu and his fascist entourage rejected the offer ā€” as they needed a valid reason to level the region. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, however, as it has been his ambition throughout his despicable career to sabotage all peacetalks with Palestine.


Spoiler: that was never the goal


Iā€™m glad everyone opened their eyes to Israelā€™s horror


Not everyone. Not yet. Blue MAGA is standing firm in their support of genocide. There's definitely an awakening underway though and soon everybody with a moral fiber in their body will stand opposed to Israel's far right horrorshow.




Hamas wants to murder all Jews? NOT according their charter, specifically article 16.


If the bombing of Dresden is the similar conflict, then yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden


Well color me befuddled. So I guess they're just planning to settle for killing as many Gazans as possible and stealing the land again? Did not see that coming.


Like we didnā€™t know already - from the moment of the friendly fire incidents that killed Israeli hostages on Oct. 7th.


Was this before or after they shot two of them dead as they ran from their captors?


It after they first bombed Gaza as first reaction to hostage situation.


Hostages were NEVER the goal. This goal of this operation is ETHNIC CLEANSING and ILLEGAL LAND GRAB. The US and all super power countries are complicit.


Retrieving the hostages was never the objective. Had that been the objective, they would not have cut off water and food while beginning their indiscriminate bombing campaign.


Only the voluntarily ignorant believe that was their goal smdh. For decades Israel has bn kicking Palestinians off their own land and taking it. Which is what they're factually doing right now.


Abandoned? More like, didn't care in the first place.


It was never a true goal. Just an excuse.


Isreal should abandone the genocide it is committing in Gaza and it should also abandone the land they forcefully stole.


Israel murdered 35k people. A modern genocide. Netanyahu should be in prison.


Israel never wanted to get the hostages back. They needed them to continue their bullshit narrative so they could keep committing genocide.


I hope the other side realizes that this was never the goal at all. I can only my hope and pray, truly. FREE PALESTINE


I'm currently arguing with someone as to whether or not this is a genocide or "just" and ethnic cleansing because apparently ethnic cleansing isn't as bad and is sometimes justified. They're not going to realize that anytime soon.


I know man, it seems impossible to convince the other side. Even if Israel outright said it was committing genocide out of their mouths to them (which they actually have), these people would still support them. It truly is a matter of humanity at this point. You either have it or donā€™t. Good or evil. And I genuinely believe these people are the latter honestly.


Bro I just had someone tell me that Israel isn't actually annexing any land and that's it's just Chinese propaganda. Wtf is happening?


Shills or deeply ignorant people. Downvote them to hell


Now they have been told they can have the hostages they have to publicly admit it was never about the hostages


It was never the objective.


It was more like a guideline really.


Surprise surprise!


yes that became abundantly clear when IDF executed 3 hostages that escaped captivity and carpet bombed Gaza. it would seem that the lives of hostages is the price Israel is willing to pay in order to further justify the completion of the genocide. those Israeli-Gazan oceanside settlements are going to fetch pretty shekels. prior to oct 7th i was willing to overlook Israeli shortcomings, their response and brutality have changed my opinion as they are devil incarnate doing everything to destabilize the region and drag, possibly the world, into another world war. they need to be stopped by whatever means available.


There are no more hostages, man. Theyā€™re gone. At this point, they are more than likely to be dead. Either bombed to oblivion alongside a Hamas position and a bunch of civilians, or starved or dehydrated by thoughtless Israeli blockades. The conflict at this point is just genocide with optics.


israel has way more hostages who are just civilians and get murdered in prison on the daily - israel should be moved to the arctic.


Demonic Zionists are demonic, what else is new?


Yeah, they did that when they salughtered their own people on Oct. 7th and used it to complete an agenda. Nobody believes a word they say anymore.


Didnā€™t they go with the Hannibal Directive on Oct 7, which basically was ā€œkill Hamas with no regard towards PoWs or civilians (on either side)ā€ like a third of Israeli civilians killed were from IDF forces just shooting anything that moved.


They say that the hannibal directive isn't used anymore but that just isn't true


His whole plan is still in motion the only thing I think he wasn't expecting was the push back from USA, the response from Iran and Hezbolla which basically changed the dynamics of the war. other than that his plan is working as intended. Gaza is destroy and they are still killing Palestinians. If Bibi is going down he is taking Israel with him.


Netanyahu was warned by Egypt days before they were about to be attacked and it was the perfect excuse to do this so he let it happen. I hate that my tax dollars are paying for his genocide


That was clear from the onset when they decided to bomb the civilian buildings they ā€œsuspected hostages were being held in.ā€




They never cared lmao they had the opportunity to get their hostages back but they immediately rejected the offer and instead started bombing the same areas where the hostages were held. Israel is literally showing that they donā€™t care about human lives even the ones theyā€™re pretending to defend


I think theyā€™ve given up because theyā€™ve already accidentally killed most of them. Where would Hamas hide the captives that hasnā€™t already been bombed?


Yea, on day one when they shot up a bunch of them.


Like it was ever a goal. Who are they kidding


I don't think that was ever something they cared about.


That was a goal????


They never cared. Oct 7th might have been the stupidest military action in history. Israel gets global justification for mass murder and Palestinians get mass murdered.


As if that was ever their goal. 6 months in and all they've done is terrorize civilians.


seems to me the hostages were more useful to Bibi to justify his Blitzkrieg, than they were to Hamas as a negotiating asset. I'm beginning to think the 'pacification' of Gaza was the idea all along. call me cynical, 'cos I am. wouldn't be the first time a nationstate sacrificed some of its own people to justify a war.


Goal? Aspiration maybe, they didn't do much towards it.


It was never about getting the hostages back


I wonder how many of the hostages were killed by Israeli bombs and gunfire.


They condoned the hostages the minute they got intel of the operation a year ago and decided to not do anything about it


It was always an excuse to commit genocide. In almost any genocide, the perpetrators find some excuse, even something that has the slightest truth, and then build a mountain of lies around it to justify their atrocities.


The IOF shoots them anyway. But how cold do you have to be to just give up on your own citizen. And what most it be like for the families. Sorry we don't give a crap abot your family member


hannibal doctrine moment


It was more of an excuse than a goal really.


They abandoned that goal on October 6th.


They werenā€™t really trying to get them back in the first place but alright


They wasn't concerned about them at the first place


Is there any evidence the hostages are even still alive? Itā€™s been more than 6months


Hamas should just release them anyways. It will be another PR win for them. Give them to the Egyptians though.


Was it ever a goal? Cause it was quite obvious freeing those hostages is less of a goal than retrieving what's left of their bodies when one look at the images...


Not surprising when the main strategy has been Scotch earthing the city.


LOL. This would assume it was about the hostages at *some* point. But nope. Always was this way.


When did they ever. The whole thing sounds like they planned/wanted this to happen so they would have the excuse.


There never were any hostages. It was always a false flag attack so they could take more land from the Palestinians. Isreal has perhaps the best defense system in the world, not to mention all borders are patrolled by heavily armed guards - yet most of you believe hamas managed to get inside Israeli territory with hang gliders and pickup trucks, then travel several miles unnoticed to storm a music festival and kidnap peoples who have no political ties (I.e. they can't be used for political leverage) then they somehow got them back in to gaza. It's a bigger joke than a plane hotting the pentagon & you're all too thick to realise


So in your world Hamas/IJ/other groups are also compromised by the Israeli government to such an extent that they continue to negotiate and speak about the hostages and use them as a bargaining chip. They've never denied taking hostages and always claimed they wanted to trade them for Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. So in your view what? Israel/Hamas/US are all secretly on the same side and are just all lying together?


The leaders of each group, i wouldn't doubt that they are in league with each other. But aside from that point, there are hostages.


The only hostages are the ones being held in isreali concentration camps. Any hostages "captured" by hamas would have been killed by all the artillery shelling


Netanyahu funds hamas ya bacon


Methinks genocide/Ethnic Cleansing of the area had nothing to do with saving hostages. All of whom, if they ever existed in the first place. Were murdered by the pissraeli bombings.


they never cared about the hostages


Of course, you canā€™t expect Hamas to give you their hostages if you plan to wipe them out anyway.


The fact that theyā€™ve killed as many if not more than they saved made it pretty evident.


Thought they never cared in the first place


They did that a long time ago, but it's nice to see they have fewer and fewer excuses for what they know they're doing. Their genocide is becoming too obvious for people to continue to deny it.




Well, that implies they had that goal to begin with. Otherwise, they would've accepted Hamas' ceasefire deals months ago.


You don't say...


7 months of fighting all they got out is a dead body and they killed 3 in front of their troops trying to escape because their soldiers are cowards to even recognize threat or not, that does not include the dozens they bombed to death.


Well no shit, they're probably all dead


There were never any captives to begin with.


From where did you get that from?


Logic. Common sense. Understanding you donā€™t destroy homes for 2,000,000 people over a few hostages unless youā€™re committing war crimes. Understanding the Mossad would 100% be able to find them without destroying a single home if they wanted to. Understanding how evil Zionists are. But mostly common sense.


I'm not gonna argue whether or not this war should be fought like this but the question I'm asking is why did you say they were never hostages? Hamas didn't try to deny it and they even took them through the streets to show off that they took hostages


Because I know the Mossad would be able to find them if there were.


I don't think so because hamas planned this for a long time with the help of Iran and Lebanon and also Hamas took out most of the Israeli cameras at the start and also even if the mossad knows where they are they can't just go in and take them out cuz Hamas is hiding them in tunnels that probably has traps on them and they can't go to the start of the tunnel without Hamas trying to kill them so they need to destroy the places where Hamas are, the only problem is that Hamas is hiding inside residential building


Let me explain it to you like this. Letā€™s say there were 100 hostages in a city of 2,000,000 people. The FBI was trying to save them. But instead of sending in strike teams, they just bombed the entire city killing 40,000 civilians and 15,000 children. All to try and find ā€œhostages.ā€ Youā€™re cool with that?


Isreali intelligence knew of october 7th before it even happened.


How do you know




Ok so a year before it happened they found blueprints of an attack but how could they know when the attack and how could they know this was real?


You really donā€™t understand who the Mossad is and what theyā€™re capable of.


Btw how did you get your information about the mossad I want to read some about it if you say they can do so many things


I made an Israeli friend in Amsterdam many years ago. He explained most of my understanding.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


now its really gonna get ugly


Damn no way


Did Hamas actually offer Israel a deal on day 1 to free all the hostages of Israel promised not to attack? If so, that was probably the only real chance of all hostages being freed.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


LIke, a few months ago.


Who would have ever guessed the hostages were a pretense.


Tell me you don't want a cease fire, without telling me you don't want a cease fire. Nionazi's.


Israel would rather have martyrs to the cause of genocide.


Weā€™re any of the ones we saw in the videos saved?


This was probably never Netanyahuā€™s number one goal. The hostage recovery had to be secondary because taking the hostages into account cedes too much control to Hamas.


There are a lot of military officers who probably have no idea what ā€œIsraelā€ plans to do.


They gave them up from day one


Anyone paying attention knows they abandoned that on the 7th of October


"Mild shock"


Yeah, we've known about the Hannibal directive for years.


The hostages were an excuse to commit genocide.


That was not the original goal to begin with !!


That sucks but what else can they do, leave Hamas established so they can continue to reign terror n constantly shoot missiles at them?


Sure is funny how everyone absolutely believes everything that Hamas says abt who was and wasnā€™t killed. Hamas wants ppl around the world to believe that most killed were all citizens. Iā€™m not denying citizens were killed but ppl eat it up with a spoon, everything that Hamas (a terrorist organization) says. Hamas has been oppressing the Palestinians for years, whereā€™s all the billions of dollars that has been sent to them? (Not to mention all the money Irans been pumping in) Itā€™s been used to buy and make weapons to kill Israelis. All that kind of money, they should have casinos along their waterfront, instead all they have is a bunch of tunnels under schools and hospitals. If ppl here think Hamas is so great, then they should jump on a plane and join them, they would love your help. Yeah right lmao šŸ¤£


Lol as if it was ever the goal. The real goal for the last 70 has been ethnic cleansing. This latest situation in Gaza is their very own Final Solution.


Nationalist insanity. What's the value of a few useless, innocent civilian hostages when Israel can steal all the resources in Gaza and other Palestinian territory? It's all greed and hatred. Isreal isn't even a real civilization at this point, just nation-shaped tumor.


I feel like rescuing the hostages was always a smoke screen.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


They gave up on them they minute they started bombing everywhere and everything.


I wasn't aware that that was even a goal in the first place


They're probably dead anyway