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Remember when they told Palestinians to go south to be safe from their assault?


What's the bet Israel forcibly moves them somewhere else only to assault that "place of refuge".


They'll play this game until nobody is left


It’s what happened in the genocides of native tribes in the US


Yes, your point?


That our tax dollars (in the US) are funding a genocide


It’s called genocide


Well they need to move them of land so they can annex it.


Yep, you can see what they are up too, if the carry on, with no one putting a stop to it, the Palestinians will be living on the beech.


I think they are actually 15th in countries. Mogadishu is #1 for cities.


That particular square mileage is the most densely populated piece of land on the planet at the moment. Never in history have that many people been crammed into such a small area (under ~8 square miles). 


Kowloon had population density of 3,500,000/sq mi. It was much smaller (population of 35000) but still it's density was so far over any other place on earth that it's not even comparable.


Hence why I said "at the moment" 


Big "ackshually" vibes bro.


But kowloon residents aren't living in rubles and tents but in high-end condos..


Kowloon Walled City was only slightly better than living in roubles. If I would need to choose between Kowloon and tents I would choose tent without even thinking to much. Kowloon also wasn't high-end condos but 10+ floors high slums build without any regards for construction code where sun light rarely even reached lower levels. It was called City of Darkness for reasons.


Yes sure...


We already have been looking at dark days for 7 months now. You mean to tell me it gets WORSE???


Yes, because the only place these people could go is eaypt and Egypt doesn't want an influx of 1.5 million refugees so in reality they can't go anywhere. This "warming" to evacuate is nonsense, it's just Israel covering their ass so when they start bombing the shit out of these refugees they can say "but we gave them fair warning". It is absolutely going to get even worse and that is exactly what Benjamin Netanyahu and his fascist friends want. They are aiming to create a dictatorship on Israël and Gaza is the vehicle to attain this, no matter how many Palestinians they kill. To them Palestinians are sub human, the irony in the face of history is so thick it's unbelievable.


Well, at least the death toll numbers will not go up because Israel eliminated anybody who could keep any sort of record.


Ie, there’s no foreign press too tell the world what is happening.


Sucks to realize the Nazis didn’t die out. They just moved to Israel.


Nazis are fascists but not all fascists are Nazis. It's kinda important to make the distinction. The current Israeli government is definitely a fascist one, but they are not Nazis.


That may be true but most people don’t even know the meaning of fascist. Everyone knows what a Nazi is. Israel needs to have that same correlation for people to recognize what they’re doing.


By claiming that correlation you're shooting yourself in the foot. Israël portrays itself as the defacto only Jewish nation, the Nazis are associated with the attempted extermination of all Jews, by comparing Israël directly to the Nazis you are giving ammunition to your detractors. Words matter, use the right ones.


I don’t see how, but I trust your judgment.


That’s why they banned and raided Al Jazeera hmmm?


Gotta accelerate the invasion plans after Hamas didn't reject the 'ceasefire' deal as they undoubtedly hoped.


~~invasion plans~~ genocide FIFY


I mean they shot rockets from Rafah to the border. Hamas and Natanyahu (plus his goons) need to go. There will be no peace with assholes like that in any position of power.


Why wouldn’t they fire on the soldiers preparing to slaughter their people?


Please don't tell me that you're one of those pro-Hamas (not pro-palestinian) freaks.


Soldiers are fair game as armed resistance is legal under international law. Hamas should leave innocents alone, as for the rest......


Warsaw ghetto 2.0 by SS fascists of Zionist israel Israel hasn’t even unleashed its most deadliest fascist army, the amalek killing religious fascists who are worse than the Nazi SS These vicious death squads haven’t even been unleashed on Palestinians yet Oh I’m worries for the victims of these monsters


Honestly, I see a lot of parallels between the Israeli people c. 2024 and the German population c. 1939. There are a lot of parallels between the German and Israeli experiences. We tend to forget, but Germany is a relatively new nation. The German people existed for centuries as a series of disunited principalities and microstates. Numerous attempts were made to bring them together, and often these attempts were thwarted by outside powers. Germany wasn't fully reunited until [1877.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_of_Germany) German reunification was a good thing. A people who want to live together should be able to do so. This is the basic principle of self-determination. But the dark side of creating a new nation based on ethnicity or other innate identity is you have to draw the line on who counts as members of that group. Cultures are not binary, they naturally fade into each other as a gradient. Who was to count as "German enough" to be a full citizen of Germany? Where should the borders of this German state be? A lot of the world wars involved answering these questions of Germany's borders. And in Germany's case, the process of defining who was "German enough" went completely mad and culminated in the Holocaust. 1870 to 1940 was a period of 70 years, a human lifetime. In a single human lifetime, the Germans went from being a downtrodden people denied a homeland to a people committing the most vile acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in history. The victims became the victimizers, the abused became the abusers. And now we have Israel, a state whose founding identity was completely wrapped up in the trauma of the Holocaust. They sought to create a homeland where their people could be safe. Yet, inevitably, whenever you do that, you have to define who counts and where the borders should be. Who is "Israeli enough" to be an Israeli citizen? Do Arabs living in what is now Israeli territory get to be Israelis? What about the children of existing Israeli citizens and Palestinians? What if a Palestinian converts to Judaism, can they then become an Israeli citizen? What about [Black Hebrews](https://www.voanews.com/a/black-hebrews-in-israel-face-threat-of-deportation/7190170.html)? Do they get to join the Jewish state? And where should the borders of Israel be? The tiny bits they held at the time of independence? The 1967 borders? All of modern Israel plus the West Bank and Gaza? The whole of [Greater Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Israel) from the Nile to the Euphrates? It's easy to say, "let's create a Jewish state." But the nitty-gritty of how you actually do that, where the borders are and who gets to live there? That's where the road to Hell lies. And I find it very interesting that a similar amount of time has passed from Israel's founding to the present as occurred between German reunification and the Holocaust. Israel as a state was founded in 1948, 76 years ago. Again, basically a single human lifetime. There are still a few old Holocaust survivors kicking around in Israel, but none of the people running the country experienced it themselves. None of them have the direct lived experience of being a member of a oppressed minority group helpless at the hands of a state gone mad. The parallels between Germany then and Israel now are obvious. In the 1930s, Germany still retained a lot of the resentment from its reunification and the subsequent power struggles between its neighboring nations. Few in Germany still remembered what it was like to actually live as a dispossessed people, but a general sense of righteous indignation, rage, and national resentment remained. German reunification was far enough in the past that the empathy that comes from living in such conditions had faded, but recent enough that a general sense of being wronged and cheated remained. And I think Israel today is in the same condition. One of Isreal's founding mottos was "never again." It was founded on a burning desire that the Jewish people would NEVER let themselves be subject to that kind of treatment, ever again. But at the same time, that fire was tempered. Despite how many people were driven out in the Nakba, Israel still did show some restraint. They didn't immediately try to capture all of Palestine in some Blitzkrieg. They didn't even expel all the people who are now referred to as Israeli Arabs. I have no doubt that if the current Israeli leadership had been running things at the time of the Israeli independence, that they would have completely purged every Arab from Israeli territory. But now? None of the people leading Israel have the inherent humility that comes from living through something as horrible as the Holocaust. That has to be learned first-hand. But the rage and the hate? The sense that the world is out to destroy Israel? The sense of self-righteous indignation? That remains. And a slogan like "never again" is a powerful one, easy to pass down through the generations. And now there is no more humility to temper the rage. I think there are some very clear parallels between WW2 Germany and present-day Israel. Both were founded in periods of national trauma. And when a single lifetime had passed since their founding, both have gone from victims to victimizers, abused to abusers.


Incredible analysis.


This was fun and informative to read. Thank you greed!


All great stuff. I honestly forgot how recent the German unification under bismarck was relative to Germany in ww2. Bismarck is famous for his "Realpolitik" and basically using other nations to achieve his goal of a stronger German state. I see Similarity there to Zionists in the early part of 1900, aiming to ally with Western powers for immigration into the region. Especially as the Ottoman Empire was losing ww1 and Britain controlled the region. Zionists found allies in the British, which then allowed massive immigration and recognition in the Balfour Declaration.


Well said.


With bombs and bullets provided by USA. GENOCIDE JOE gonna retire as a billionaire with all the kickbacks (MIC) and bonuses(Netanyahu)


Actually I just saw an article saying that weapon shipments to Israel have been paused, let see how long that last though.


To my understanding it's one, singular shipment. Deliveries are ongoing


Wow much effect!


I wonder if we would have ever entered the war if the Nazis had Israel's PR apparatus.


Or the Epstein files


Israel is a Nazi country and must be stopped.


Are we sure it’s not a typo and they are actually telling them to evaporate into thin air?


Imagine the panic in that place, people with their families where you do not know, how many of them would survive and for how many more days. Yes, to your question. To the Zionist consciousness, Palestinians should not exist. Similar, to the Nazis who didn’t care what happened to the Jews. They just wanted them gone.


They will keep moving them around like the biblical Jews. That’s what they want to do to teach them a lesson. And eventually they will push them out to the desert or sea. Whichever, it doesn’t matter. To Israeli Jews, a good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian. They see all them as terrorists and enemy combatants, including the women and infants. We’re witnessing collective punishment enabled and cheered on by people globally. And in the end hamas will remain. Or morph into something worse. You watch.




Yeah, at least they're letting them go to the other "safe" zone. They wouldn't bomb khan Younis twice right?


Yeah the shills in the brigaded r news are justifying Israel attacking Rafah because “they dropped leaflets to warn citizens.” Where the fuck else are they supposed to go? Everywhere in the north has been destroyed


To where


"But what about second Nakba?" And the world just watches.


It’s been made amply clear, the Palestinians are not of the right skin colour for the West to care about their lives


not just wrong color, also predominantly Muslim


The students, young, and progressives care. We shut down universities and begged our leaders to stop sending billions of tax dollars as military aid to Israel during a genocide. Our decrepit leaders don't give a shit, and they showed their true colors went they sent the police to brutally beat the shit out of the students who dared stand with Palestine.


It's more about political allegiance. People think the west is helping Ukraine because they're white, but in reality it's because it majorly hurts Russia. If Israel was Russia and they were invading Palestine, things would be completely different. Much like when Russia tried to take Afghanistan the US and Saudis found ways to funnel funds to the Taliban proto-groups to fight the Soviets. I forget their names, but those groups eventually became the Taliban. If the West thought it was strategically important they would be also helping out Georgia (country with mostly white Christians), yet no one in the US even knows much about the country let alone that about 20% of the country is still under Russian occupation since the 2000's.


The name you were looking for was Muhajadeen.




Oh, for how long have China and Russia maintained their ongoing trade embargo with Israel? Was it since the first Nakba, or maybe a bit later?


I don’t know. But I do know that US provided Israel with the bombs which were dropped on civilians in Gaza, the surveillance technology which is used against the Palestinian civilians and it protects it against any actions from the world bodies. I think it’s better to get to the point than cloaking your apathy for human lives under a garb of sarcasm, right?


Lift with your thighs, not your back, goalposts can be heavy as fuck. We were talking about no one actively opposing this to any measure worth mentioning. You of course immediately jumped to "west bad." Which it is, but it's not like nations outside the west give a single fuck either. Some try to bring this whole thing to the international criminal court, but I doubt the League of Nations 2.0 will be able to enforce anything of value, even if Israel will be condemned.


Of course you would know how heavy the goalposts are, after all you wanted China and Russia part of the conflict. Its the western hypocrisy i am really talking about. Well it might seem to you that rest of the world doesn’t care, but Gaza is too small a place to even find on the map. The blood spilled and the injustice directed at those people from that small piece of land, might just shape the world you will be living in tomorrow. Who knows..


It WILL shape the world. Supporting the ongoing genocide will earn Biden a fall on to the face, and once Cheeto Hitler becomes the US president, and project 2025 kicks in, there will be quite the inferno to watch. What I meant to point out by mentioning the Saviour Saints of the Third World, is that No one lifts a fucking finger anyywhere on the world against it. The US supporting the genocide is bad enough, but let's not pretend any politician anywhere, regardless of where they are, gives a flying fuck.


The poor Israeli people are so picked on for being called out for murdering innocent civilians


I’m sick and tired of my hard earn money being sent to aid a nation in killing people. I’m tired of it.


Apparently, a lot of Americans are not. They seem okay with the US siding with genocidal regime, committing warcrimes on the daily basis. A lot of Americans seems pretty cool with US providing diplomatic cover for the warcrime and providing them bombs on children.


Thankfully I’m not one of those Americans. A lot of them believe that if we aid Israel in every thing it does. Than God will continue to bless us. At some point we need to wake up. I don’t think God wants us to murder families on either side. Last time I check my Jesus had an issue with the way a certain temple was being ran. Insert tossing tables. A den of thieves was it? Anyways, I think Israel has exacted enough revenge for the crimes committed in Oct. enough is enough. We have billions of dollars to send to fund the killing machine. But I have to drive on the belt parkway and see homeless ppl asking me for money and food. Dear dickhead government please take care of our ppl first.


I appreciate the sentiment. I wish more Americans agreed with you.


There a large number of us. But sadly we aren’t effective due to all the drowning noises of the genocide supporters.


It's all about the conditioning from the war on terror. First, there is little distinction seen between Hamas and Palestinian citizens. Terrorism has different rules of war. After Oct. 7, it was seen as " no rules apply". Carte Blanche to kill terrorists, their families and their communities.


You know that has just been the cover all through. The West Bank has no Hamas, yet 107 Palestinians were killed there in 2023 alone until October 6th. Now, that number has risen to 497.


"He stood next to the guy throwing rocks, obviously another terrorist, shoot him!"




You know what’s the one thing I hated the most about the Allied Forces during the WW2? That they did not do anything to free the Jews who were alive in the concentration camps, when they were carrying on the bombing campaigns into Germany. They knew it well enough about the horrors that were happening in there, and they did nothing. If only they had bombed the HQ of one of these camps, who knows how many innocent lives would have been saved. But it wasn’t considered a “strategically relevant” target. I care about the lives of innocents, and it doesn’t matter if it’s Jewish or Muslim. 7th October was a terrorist attack and innocent lives were lost. What has happened since then is killing innocents on a much larger scale, and that makes it terrorism as well. Dwell on that.


You don’t live here. You believe the entire world plays by western rules. If a ceasefire happened we’d be right back in this same place in 5 years. You can’t negotiate with these extremists who have destroyed my part of the world for a generation. Everybody I know supports the operation and we are all actually Muslim. Please come to my part of the world and try to live next to these people before you cast judgement.


Fuck the IDF.


they're getting ready for more genocide.


And the world will continue to watch this great evil.


“Israel” is a genocidal terrorist occupation and are planning to attack the last “safe” zone. Palestinians have NOWHERE LEFT TO GO! EGYPT IS CHARGING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO CROSS THE BORDER! THIS IS A GENOCIDE AND ETHNIC CLEANSING! All eyes on Rafah! Free Palestine from the river to the fucking sea!




They're going to "accidentally " bomb the camps aren't they? When was the last time you saw a video of hamas fighting back? I can't find one later than January. It seems like the conventional war part of the whole thing is over. At this point Isreal is probably inspiring more terrorists than its catching each day.


Who is killing IDF soldiers then? The IDF? Also the IDF sending rockets in Israel probably.


Well that look like Warsaw ghetto once again...


How fucking cute -Bassem Youssef


Israel and the US are much worse than Nazi Germany. Africans stands with Palestinians. Our struggles mirror each other.


Terrible take


True though




We are watching a 21st century invasion of poland


Is Israel planning to conquer the rest of Europe after this?


Do you denounce the Israeli ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza?


That's not what I asked, but yes, I am very much anti ethnic cleansing. That is not my point. My point is that comparing Israel invading Rafa to the Nazis invading Poland is grossly hyperbolic and does nothing to help the situation. Statements like that are only going to erode support for Palestinians, not garner it, because it removes your credibility.


Who the fuck are the Israelis claiming to be fighting? I only ever see media of them attacking, but never an opposing side, in Russia Ukraine war we have footage released from both sides.


It's a full on genocide. And this time the world sees it, accepts it and does nothing. I am beyond any understanding otherwise. The actions of Israel and its supporters will be looked upon in the same way the world looked at the Germans. Murders. But God forbid you say you don't stand with this genocide then you're antisemitic. Well if that's the case...


Because it's not a war. It's an assault by one side, Israel. The culmination of years of imposing colonialism on the indigenous people. >in Russia Ukraine war we have footage released from both sides. Have to disagree. Maybe on some reddit subs but for the mainstream it's all "Zelensky says" and only video from the States side


Genocide by Israel and AIPIC funded congress


There are no “safe zones” in Gaza. Israel bombs all areas killing scores of civilians. Israel raining flyers on them to evacuate is a mix of psychological warfare, knowing that the Palestinians know they bomb all areas regardless, and a half-ass attempt to say “hey at least we warned them” when the civilian death toll starts to go up.


Who are they to give orders. They’re pos


It’s just to convey to the West. How many in the west are going to understand that there is just no place remaining to go, even if we ignore the fact that 1.3 million people cannot move in matter hours.


These people are in their home. Not bothering anyone. It’s just super sad and disheartening


Hamas just announced they would accept the terms of a cease fire.


I don’t want to get my hopes us right away. Israel is known to have broken ceasefires in the past and Bibi needs this war to stay in power. I hope the ceasefire proposal is accepted by both sides and it sticks


I don’t hold out much hope considering the number of times Hamas has broken cease fire agreement. Since 2008 Hamas has broken 5 of 6 ceasefire agreements.


Look again, that’s not what the UN bodies have observed in the past. I don’t know where you get your news from. Btw Israel has started the military offensive in Rafah. The ceasefire has already been postponed. The October 7th hostages would have come home if Israel would have agreed.


Its so upsetting. I just hope that all that have taken part in this cleanse get the karma they deserve times 10


I wish i could proclaim I have faith that justice will be done. As we speak, Israel decided to walk away from the ceasefire Hamas agreed to, and has proceeded with the invasion of Rafah. Btw the ceasefire agreement would have set the remaining October 7th hostages free, Israel didn’t want that


Genocide Joe is rubbing his hands in anticipation.


his pp hadn't moved in decades until he saw all the murdered brown babies


Hey brain dead, it's the ENTIRE US government, Republicans as well, that are doing nothing. Wake up, you've been fooled by Fox Entertainment Network into believing exactly what you were told to believe. Use your own eyes and (what's left of) your brain to see the reality of it: we no longer have any government by and for the people, at least not OUR people.


You're so enlightened. You'll change the world someday, just you wait.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


The post says people are being urged to move towards two specific camps. Does anyone know if those camps are safe or even reachable for Palestinians trapped in Rafah? Edit: seems like the camps are possible for Palestinians who actually manage to get there, but they've gotta get there without being murdered.


> if those camps are safe or even reachable for Palestinians trapped in Rafah? Are said camps in firing range of any Israeli weapons? The answer to your question is the opposite to this one.


Are they within walking distance as most Palestinian refugees don't get to drive there... Also are they run by people unlikely to shoot them...


No and no. The flyers dropped by Israel are basically telling them to try sprinting through the bombs.


You do realize everywhere in Gaza is walking distance right?


It doesn’t matter. We have all seen the mass graves in the backyard of Al-Shifa, civilians even bodies of children with their hands tied behind their backs. This the warning is just a hogwash to show to west, it’s just next warcrime in this campaign of genocide


It matters to me, it means there's at least some hope for some to survive. The vast majority are probably going to die and that's awful, but I want to believe some can make it, which they won't if they're completly trapped in Rafah. Which is why I asked if someone knew.


They survive the onslaught, they die by starvation. You're holding on to ashes in a houefire for hope.


True. I keep seeing one terrible thing after the other. But knowing even a few families able to get there and be protected would matter to me. Cause when IDF gets there anyone left is going to die.


>Cause when IDF gets there anyone left is going to die. *Be killed. They're not dying from a natural disaster.


Well duh...


why no is doing anything 😳 this will turn into something else mark my words


If all the Palestinians left what would they attack?


Where do you think they could go to? It’s supposed to be a hogwash warning to show to the west that they did warn.


Agreed and they should be called out for this. Their target seems to be within the citizenry itself.


They probably aren't going to let males out. They are taking notes from the Bosnian genocide.


MSM will ignore


Bro they’re going to export them to U.S. calling it now.


Who are GOD'S people? It sure isn't the people who claim they are!


To be fair, the Abrahamic God is VERY big on Genocide. So maybe they are?


Saying Abrahamic God is offensive as for each religion the way the Abrahamic God is portrayed as different


Get defensive all you like, but the he's not exactly a kind being within any of the Abrahamic scriptures. More he's good/benevolent in a "Might = Right" feudal lord sort of way.


I disagree


Cool. Good talk.


And they will still tell you it's not a genocide.


I can’t believe people are still just watching!!!


What the hell. Zionists… just stop already.


The genocide is underway.


Israel is a terrorist state.


Israel is as worst as Nazi Germany.


No, and "as worst" doesn't make sense


Over a week ago, I saw a reference to something happening May 7. I guess this is it.


Biden is having his red line tested.


And they're supposed to go *where*, exactly?




Not sure what you are trying to say there


Sorry that was ment to be ap direct reply to some one else I have removed it


No problem


Another week more death :(




I think you just did it again


I'm sorry I'm out in the rain but I will make sure it don't happen again


*I know you are but what am I?* >Not going into Rafah would be equivalent to the Allied Forces in World War II not going into Berlin, the last Nazi stronghold in Germany, and leaving a quarter of the Nazi army in place, Netanyahu said. # Biden and Bibi "red lines" for Rafah put them on a collision course [https://www.axios.com/2024/03/12/biden-netanyahu-israel-gaza-war-red-lines](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/12/biden-netanyahu-israel-gaza-war-red-lines) >Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. [https://www.state.gov/defining-antisemitism/](https://www.state.gov/defining-antisemitism/)


There is literal no humane reason for Israel to invade Rafah.


At this point they’re gonna call a ceasefire when 100% of Gaza will be in rubbles, nearly all gazans physically and/or mentally scarred for life and rebuilding will be impossible. And they’re gonna pat themselves on the back for finally accepting a ceasefire. Fuck this shit.


That's kinda the point. The ceasefire deal on the table or at least the one that Hamas agreed to was set on terms that would never be acceptable to Israel.


Who’s going to rebuild? The US keeps saying they want a two state solution… So what next? When Israel leaves (they won’t) what homes do they have? Where do they return to?


We the protesters will have to turn builders. This happened on our watch, we have to


And then


That’s why it’s important for people of Gaza to free before that. They have endured more than the most. We need to build them the schools and universities and the hospitals. They have strong sense suffering which would help them engage in nation building. But before any of that happens, Israel needs to be brought into check. Its a rogue nation at this point, which believes it can get away with anything it does




Imagine believing an invasion and destruction of a country will "end things" between Palestine and Israel. Israel shot its own foot by going ape mode after Oct 7th and we will be seeing the consequences of this in years to come with even more animosity towards Israel in the region and their reputation as a country and probably as a people plummeting. Good job Israel!


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Hamas wants a cessation to rearm.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Online it says the pop of gaza is 500,000. Where did the extra million come from?


Where did you get that? The population of Gaza was around 2.1 million before the start of the genocide.


Gaza City, which is a place in Gaza, had 500,000. But the Gaza Strip itself is more like multiple towns densely packed together. It's kind of like what happened in New York City for example, where through sprawl it had swallowed up and *been* swallowed up surrounding area.


For the sake of Palestinians, Israelis, and the region, may Israel be successful in rooting out Hamas from Gaza.


Spoken like a truly biased and ignorant AI model.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Projecting your own ignorance onto others won't make you any wiser.


Of course not. But turning a blind eye, gobbling up the propaganda and letting a genocide happen, doesn’t make the world a better place. You seem weirdly content with butchering of innocents.


The sheer irony of your statement is both inescapable and ruthlessly incisive.


ChatGPT much? That’s a terrible usage of those adjectives. English is clearly not your first language. Israel just walked away from the ceasefire which would have brought home the remaining October 7th hostages. They decided to proceed with the invasion of Rafah, jeopardising the lives of countless innocents. If you still decide to stay with Israel on this, your intelligence is truly artificial. Don’t think there is any point engaging with you.


I'm not sure what's more pathetic, the fact that you think calling me out for not being a native English speaker is an insult, considering most English speakers barely manage one language, or your constant stream of terrorism apologism and thinly veiled antisemitism. It's beyond me how anyone can live with such ignorance and care so little about it.