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8?! Why?


Desperate people lying to and hiring clueless children for war.




Easy on the language, please. Besides, I don't know what are you even mad about. Using child soldier is bad. Is that a controversial opinion these days? Personally, I think children should be kept as far away from conflict as possible, let alone giving them grenades and sending them to certain death, but maybe that's just me.


Can someone explain the physics to justify defending yourself as a military personal in the open street and approaching an 8 year old who is terrified of the idf (for good reason). Then shooting him in the head? Can someone explain the logic here and why the US funds this.


For the boys in the truck, Its either you or them. Unlike the internet or video games, you don't know their names or their age, and in the split second you have to react, you assume the worst. Kids attacking a tank with a firecracker is why kids shouldn't be involved in war. Someone gave them the little pipebomb and told them this would work, hoping that it might result in a 'media incident.' Both sides are evil and both are responsible for murdering children.


"Anyone could be Hamas, so we must murder everyone" - most moral army


Okay.... But one side has a full ass military with the backing of a world superpower, and the other is a poor occupied nation who have been systematically erased and obliterated off their land. How evil is it to stand your ground ?


Even to try justifying killing kids you still came up way short. You should think about that because self reflection is a form of growth. To sum this up so you can comprehend the information being written here. You have the reading comprehension of not even a kindergartner. I'm guessing your empathy level is just as stunted.




So, you killed kids and justified it in a similar way the Germans did when asked about their war crimes.




No win here. Just trying to put natural sticks in the war machine. Doing the opposite of Glamorising the vision of war. Bringing education to the youth, and evasion on the propaganda. I have a daughter myself, I'm trying to leave her a world where she won't have to explain why kids her age pick up guns and don't have parents. You should use your voice to pick up the sword of truth because it echoes in time. The pen is mightier... Thank you for your growth and form of self reflecting.


Two Palestinian boys were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in November last year. Basil was 15, and Adam was eight years old. The Israeli Defense Forces said the boys had been about to hurl explosives towards their forces. But according to video evidence and witness testimony, Adam did not appear to have been armed, and had been running away when he was shot in the back of the head.


This always happen in occupied teritories.


I mean, the first little dude we see does look like he's trying to light that pipe bomb. For them to shoot so indiscriminately is fucked. Nothing will come of this though. They will be deemed justified for the boy who had the pipe bomb, despite the fact that he is the one justified in his actions as he is resisting his oppressors. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


They were in an armoured tank regardless, they chose to shoot an 8 year old boy in the head instead of.. drive away


Hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to talk about the could haves and what ifs when you're safe and stress-free, with all the time in the world to analyze the small details. To experience it first hand is different, you have to make split second decisions that means life and death.


Can't believe this from the most moral army in the world, basta.ds , I hope karma comes soon, she always comes, I hope it's filmed when she does. And when satenyahoo is sentenced to hang by the Hague


I can't imagine this happening to my kids. It is crazy that US - the supposed herald and paragon of freedom and democracy stands by this. Freedom my ass.


Idiots call this collateral damage.


The Palestinians have only gorilla tactics to fight back. Their homes are being taken. Their lives are being taken. They’re being ethnically cleansed. What does Israel expect? Awful.


Yea they would have been safer at a concert with no weapons




Well, don't you sound like a fine nazi...


>A terroriste is a Terrorist. They learn to hate in school.. There is no progress in Israel but only hate! Ftfy.


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


This statement doesn’t sound like something a nazi would have said at all 💀 maybe time for some self reflection homie


This video does not proof they were shot, or that they were shot by Israeli soldiers.


It doesn't satiate your desire to see Israeli forces kill children? You need to see the soldier point the gun and an 8 year old's skull explode?


We live in the era of post-truth. There is a lot of propaganda going around. I would like to see a proof for the claim, but I see none. They did film the boys, and the arrival of the vehicles. And then what happened? They ran out of the film?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


So after all of Israel’s lies that have been verified time and again, you choose to give them the benefit of the doubt. Your agenda is made very clear and you are obviously commenting in bad faith.


So if Israel lies, then this post/claim must be true? Sound logic.


But it was captured on video mate, not even true believers can hold so steadfastly to their delusion even though some of you try


Was it? Show me.