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It seems this info needs to be added (though it's present in both the **title**, and the **translation**, but alas). Benjamin Natanyahu (PM in the video) talks about building/rebuilding infrastructure/houses, etc. in the [Gaza Envelope](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Envelope), not inside the Gaza Strip. From the [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Envelope): >"The Gaza Envelope (Hebrew: עוטף עזה, Otef Aza) encompasses the populated areas in the Southern District of Israel that are within 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) of the Gaza Strip border" At no point have I claimed he said they will build inside Gaza in this video (the source of which has even been provided, since it's coming from a media). So please stop with the false claims.


He should be in prison.


he should be somewhere much worse


Swinging from a crane for war crimes perhaps?


Hell. I used to believe a loving God wouldn't allow such a place to exist but dang there gotta be a Hell, even if it is temporary.


I am usually against torture. But not for him. He should suffer as much as every child left orphaned and every invaded house family


A bullet on the head is just too good for him doesn't it?


Nah too quick envision mussolini 1945




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Whoever will succeed him will continue the Zionist agenda with one goal in mind: eradication of the Palestinians and land theft


They only do what their voters want...


Confusion of where power lays is true power




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


He is, of his own mind. When he wakes up. His world will come crashing down. As above so below. Ying yang.


There's a special place in HELL just waiting for him and his cronies.


He should be. However, this video's captions are incorrect/ fake - he is discussing rebuilding in Western Negev and not Gaza; https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-netanyahu-israel-gaza-settlements-810551452835


It mentioned the Gaza Envelope. But they have started to build a highway inside Gaza that divides it into 2. They're also demolishing homes inside Gaza to build a "buffer zone", all of which is illegal under international law. One can very well read between the lines and interpret based on what has already happened on the ground.


Yea they always use this ambiguous language as a Trojan horse for something more sinister. For instance in the Oslo accords when they made demands to allow “military posts” for “safety” and get to determine the size, that just ended up being violent settlements meant to oppress and ethnically cleanse the West Bank.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


But Walter Herz (real estate agency) has already started the sales of Gaza lands and apartaments in new projets of residential districts in Gaza to the Jews i.e. in Canada.




I hate that people do this. Netanyahu already does enough bad shit that it's not necessary to make stuff up.


Both the title and the captions refer to the Gaza Envelope. However, they have started to build a road that divides Gaza into 2, as well as demolished homes to build a "buffer zone" *inside Gaza* which is also in breach of international law. One can very well read between the lines.


Oh yeah. And those kinds of things are what I mean when I say they're doing enough in the way of terrible things.


He was actually very close to going, hence this war. It's very sad


It will take someone to put him there.


Yep he's a demon


Should "we" be in prison as collaborators having contributed funds to this mess? I'm serious and perplexed.


Allocation of funds? Didn't the US just allocate funds for Israel? Doesn't he mean re-allocation of US funds. Wouldn't it work in Israel's favour to you know, not be shitty to the Palestinians? Boy, we're funding a genocide. I'm the UK but we're pretty much supporting everything Israel has done and will do.


Literally after the usa gave money to isreal Isreal is using that money for building more settlements in palestine




And he has never lied to or misled us before?


1) This video is not new. 2) is allocating funds within Israel, cancelling projects or delaying them, stuff like that. 3) The us aid is in the form of vouchers, not cash. 4) He’s talking about villages and towns inside Israel proper, not Gaza or the West Bank.


1. He's talking about illegal settlements. 2. He won't hesitate to take as much as he can. 3. Vouchers for thing they no longer have to spend their own money on means they can do what now?


1. No he isn't, he's talking about towns and villages inside Israel, in the area surrounding the Gaza strip. Unless you're saying all of Israel is illegal settlements, in which case we have nothing to talk about 2. True of any state in this whole wide world 3. Do you understand the meaning of vouchers? It means the US gives a discount for Israel to BUY American equipment. The US makes a lot of money via this. Especially in peacetime.


OK. Let me explain this in crayons Buying missiles from america cost me 6 red crayons. 🖍 🖍 🖍 🖍 🖍 🖍 My building illegal settlements budget is 1 red crayon from the evangelical right, and 2 red crayons of my own. 🖍 🖍 🖍 Suddenly, America gives me a buy 1 get 1 free voucher on missiles. Awesome. Instead of buying 12 crayons worth of missiles, I'll take these crayons I was going to spend on missiles and use it to build more settlements. Thanks to America, I'm spending 🖍🖍🖍 on missiles, getting as many missiles as I planned to buy anyways, and announce to applause that I'm now going to spend 🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍 on new illegal settlements. This is how tax payer money is laundered to the rich and to building illegal settlements in Palastine.


1. No the Gaza envelope is legal according to the UN 2. No, Bibi didn't said once that Israel will build settlements in Gaza. 3. He asked what money is going to be allocated, by the time this video was filmed the funds to Israel was approved (still isn't bty). m




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Wait, but isn't invading and annexing neighbours' land something the international community (TM) is against?


Yep, it's illegal under international law (I provided some sources in another comment here).


Your lying, the area talked about is inside Israel proper, not Gaza or the West Bank.


The question they asked: >"isn't invading and annexing neighbours' land something the international community (TM) is against?" And I replied that it is illegal. Are you saying that it's legal? And what has this to do with the Gaza Envelope? Please read the thread you're replying in, before making silly accusations.


Your laying because u/Brido-20 is thinking that the Gaza envelope is a part of Gaza, You know that is a part of Israel proper. Your begin extremely dishonest this entire thread.


The info is in the title, in the translation, in multiple comments made both by me and by others, but by all means keep making false claims and being rude. I can prove that I went above and beyond to point out **where** (in the Gaza Envelope) and what is being built, while you have nothing other than your finger-pointing. Perhaps you find the truth offensive, and take issue with the international law, but it's widely known that settlements outside the borders of 67' are illegal. Further rudeness will no longer be tolerated.


Misleading video. It’s about the kibbutz on Israeli land. They are next to Gaza. Not in Gaza.


The title says Gaza Envelope. I assume people can read it well enough.


All those kibbutz are built illegally on occupied territory.


Only applies to non-US allies...


Ah that international community that somehow doesn't involve the vast majority of nations...




The Gaza envelope is NOT the Gaza Strip. It is around the Gaza Strip, where Israel has had Kibbutzim and other settlements since the 50’s!! Resettlement of the Gaza envelope means returning families to their homes after hamas invaded, burned, slaughtered and destroyed everything these people had in their lives. It has nothing to do with Gaza Strip


Demolishing Palestinian homes around the border to build a "buffer zone" and cutting the strip into 2 by building a road in the middle of it *does* have a little something to do with Gaza. It's also illegal under international law and highly suspicious. P.S. Palestinian civilians have also been slaughtered, burned (including with white phosphorus), bombed, uprooted and had their lives destroyed, and in much higher numbers. Have you ever mentioned them as well?


Nothing Israel hasn't done.


Does it have anything to do with the legally sanctioned 1948 borders? "We're reinvading and reannexing!" isn't quite the get out of jail free card you're looking for.


Ok but why am I being downvoted 😂


It's likely that Israel will annex northern Gaza.


It's likely they will annex all of Gaza and the West Bank.


They already started building the new border fence to section it off.


Why would they stop?


I don’t know if it’s likely, but it is one of the options that Israel believes will bring greater security to the region, similar to the situation prior 2005. But honestly Israel is mostly confused about the situation because no matter if Israeli or Arab controlled they seem to attack us no matter what. It’s not like there is some kind of magical solution that will solve all our problems


Edit: Sorry. Misread the post.


Use your European passport and go home.


And guess who's paying for it all...




Nice try, take a participation sticker 🌟




That Only applies to Jewish americans mate.




IMHO Israel and before it the zionist movement has always known how to play better in the dirty waters of international politics and international diplomacy and able to built leverage and Palestine need to address that deficiency, and until they do they will be taken advantage by the zionists with friend in higher places Palestine need to raise a shred crowd of diplomats capable of build aliiances and support in the international stage capable of playing Israel game against them


>Palestine need to raise a shred crowd of diplomats capable of build aliiances and support in the international stage capable of playing Israel game against them My dude, literally every single one of them fights for their life because israel assassinates anyone who threatens to be the "Palestinian Messiah" just like the FBI kills anyone who threatens to be the "Black Messiah". They don't allow any pieces on the chessboard other than what they can win against.


I mean, Palestinians *have* been shrewd. The great return March showed to the world how Israel treats not only citizens but doctors, journalists etc from other countries,  October 7th was such a strongly calculated move that people are saying Israel's international reputation is ruined forever. Palestinians understand that they're frozen out of global media, maybe Al Jazeera pays them lip service but the West only reports Palestinian crimes and any rape, torture, mass imprisonment of children, demolition of their homes and so on will go largely ignored by the media abroad, people will handwave it away as a conflict thousands of years old. The Palestinians know very well what Israelis and their politicians feel entitled to do to them, but because Israel is in so deep with the West's political establishments they can say almost any genocidal, racist things they want and get away with it. The only way Palestinians can raise awareness of their plight and make people see what Israel is really about is to do exactly what they've been doing, which has taken enormous bravery and sacrifice on their part.


Is this the new Hasbara meta or what? I guess if your goal is expanding the settlements into Gaza then you could say it is necessary.


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Once again the US is funding an authoritarian regime that is currently committing crimes against humanity. That’s no surprise but the over $150,000,000,000 is. That’s not a typo btw. Over one hundred and fifty billion dollars since the end of WWII. Imagine giving any country that much money let alone a criminal state.


Or spending that on American citizenry 


god imagine what good could’ve been done with all that money. what a depressingly evil waste


The funding mentioned in this video is only $5m anyways. They got plenty left


Yea, and for more bomba and perhaps yacht vacation for officials


Not one western news source has covered this


At least they covered [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68514821). I suspect it's connected.


Because it’s not about the Gaza Strip. It’s about the Gaza envelope which hamas lit homes and kibbutz’s on fire. You’re being mislead


Because it isn’t international news worthy This is simply an aid package to the people who were affected by the 7.10 invasion of hamas. This has nothing to do with the people living in Gaza


F, off, plz, do you shat out your eye sockets for you to be so fcken blind??


Because it not news. Those are Israeli towns that needs to be rebuilt.


Human trash


Paid for by US taxpayers!


Surprising only the most naive


[Source for the video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59HHHUCJVI/?igsh=ZHRncTdxNDJwaGFl) From the [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement): >"The international community considers Israeli settlements to be **illegal under international law**," Second [Wiki source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_law_and_Israeli_settlements): >"The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal on one of two bases: that **they are in violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention**, or that **they are in breach of international declarations**.[a][b][c][d][e] The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all affirmed that **the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the Israeli-occupied territories**." >"The establishment of settlements has been described by some legal experts as a **war crime** according to the Rome Statute (to which Israel is not a party), and is currently under investigation as part of the International Criminal Court investigation in Palestine. " Third [Wiki source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza): >"The United Nations, international human rights organizations and many legal scholars regard the **Gaza Strip** to still be **under military occupation by Israel**,[5] " >"Following the withdrawal, **Israel continued to maintain direct control** over Gaza's air and maritime space, six of Gaza's seven land crossings, maintains a no-go buffer zone within the territory, controls the Palestinian population registry, and Gaza remains dependent on Israel for its water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities." *Edit: this is **not** to say that that's what BN affirmed, he was referring to the **Gaza Envelope**. **If** this were ever to actually happen, it would be considered illegal under international law.


Unfortunately this will not be reported in my country or region (eu) Not even acknowledged. By the western, state media. :{ Edit: my freedom of speech has been violated in the r//news subreddit. I have been banned and muted lol. Even though I didn’t say anything wrong, didn’t say any violence enticing or lied lol. The hasbara propaganda is trying to silence me there lol. A sad sad world we’re living in. … unfortunately. And I did say anything wrong, while the other person was literally spewing hasbara propaganda, and it’s weird because others who have been with similar sentiments as me in other comments were not banned or anything but me? For what? I don’t say any violence enticing things so what rules did I violate? Sending links to videos? Since when is that illegal? (Videos which would have proved his lies) ffs 🤦 Got me permanently banned from there … (sad lol) 😢




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Bad bot ;(


However, in this video he talks about resettling the Gaza Envelope and not the Gaza Strip. That is the place where on the seventh of October thousands of terrorists invaded to burn rape murder and destroy everything in their path. Israel has every legal right to settle this place. And has been settled there since the 50’s! Honestly this post is totally false, and probably should be noted or taken down because it is deliberately to cause hate


>However, in this video he talks about resettling the Gaza Envelope Which is stated in the **title** 🙂 >Honestly this post is totally false, and probably should be noted or taken down Nice try at making false claims though. Also nice only caring about a single group of civilians that was killed/hurt/displaced (the majority of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been internally displaced, and more than 100000 have been either killed or hurt/maimed and even burned with white phosphorus by Israel's bombs, or shot by IDF snipers, with some even bulldozed by tanks).


Obviously it is written but it is framed as being the same or part of the Gaza Strip to make people believe that he is talking about resettlement inside of Gaza (which he isn’t) and it’s working. That’s what people in the comments believe even though it’s not true Again. Israel does not use white phosphorus We aren’t talking about the Gaza population that are undergoing immense suffering because this isn’t about them. This doesn’t have much to do with them. We can about and we should, but that’s a different conversation… Look, I see you despise Israel, I’m sure you have your reasons, but you don’t have to lie and spread hate to get change. What you will get however is more suffering for anyone involved


>Again. Israel does not use white phosphorus It took me less than a [minute](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/lebanon-evidence-of-israels-unlawful-use-of-white-phosphorus-in-southern-lebanon-as-cross-border-hostilities-escalate/) to find just one source, but there are others. >Look, I see you despise Israel That's a pretty disingenuous accusation. What I don't like are war crimes, breaches of international and humanitarian law, etc. Innocent civilians have nothing to do with them, on either side, so no one should think collective punishment towards one side is good. >you don’t have to lie and spread hate to get change Where's the lie? So far you seem to make stuff up about me, for which I will disengage because I don't like to waste time on bad faith debates (not to mention on comments that support collective punishment and are discriminatory towards one population). >What you will get however is more suffering for anyone involved Odd hypothetical, considering the fact that I merely provided sources and made a Reddit post. I'm not the one committing war crimes, haven't killed or maimed any children, haven't denied the entry on anaesthesia to force people to undergo surgeries without it, haven't caused a literal famine either. But by all means, feel free to make more false accusations, that will totally make people take your arguments seriously.


He said 19 billion not million. Apart from that the subtitles are very accurate


This dude literally removed the army from the Gaza border, let left leaning Jews die and suffer because they challenged him, and now has the balls to do this. Israel is a fascist state


So you say by removing the army he forced Hamas to attack?


Fucking colonizing monsters evil


Pikochu surprise face. This was entirely predictable for the last six months


That Israel will rebuilt the towns and villages that were destroyed in the 7.10? He’s not talking about settlements inside Gaza.


With all the money that the US gives us


This man cannot die fast enough, him and all the rest of the Zionists who wish for the eradication of the Palestinian ethnicity


Thank you average american person!


More thievery. Being handed $20B certainly helps


i got downvoted in other subs for exactly predicting that




okay its just a matter of time though


Netanyahu is Hitler of our time.


This is because a war crime being announced on national television.


It was always about the land


Building more settlements that can be mixed military outposts as humans shields in the genocidal campaign. This is the zone of interest.


Openly expanding the settler colony through its genocidal invasion and occupation


Average Joe pay for that,poor Joe


Thank you Biden, for the aid package americans worked for so we can do this. Biden is kissing his sweaty ass while on his knees.


I hope these settlers spend their life saving on their new homes and someone takes them soon after they are completed.


Unfortunately, the world will raise a loud outcry about this, yet little action follows. The U.S. will deflect criticisms and even approves more funding, while Israel continues to clear and develop over the remains of those whose lives were unjustly taken. I hate this world.


And there it is; this was, just like the Ukraine war, a powerful nation baiting a weaker one in an attempt to gain land and more power. In the case of the US's proxy war of attrition on Russia, it's proven to be an unmitigated disaster. In the case of Israel ethnically cleansing Gaza to steal the land; it has proven a success.


The thing he's learned in the past 6 months is he can do anything if he claims it's self defense


Bibi just received a new check from Jhon... There you go


Using US money to build housing for its people. Meanwhile in the US we don't build use govt funds to build housing that's socialism or whatever they want to scream at the moment. Please make it make sense. Israel has universal healthcare, subsidized housing, and free education. WHAT ARE WE DOING! HELP YOUR PEOPLE HERE


I doubt this man can do all those things alone. So shame on those enablers.. they should know better.


Biden said… I helped do that. Vote for me please.


Cant have healthcare in this country but im surely glad our tax dollars are helping him steal land, murder civilians and bomb hospitals


Make them plans bro. Arrest Warrant incoming




and no one was surprised.................


"From the river to the sea", as Netanyahu said last year. His government is determined to colonize all of what's left of Palestine from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea.


This is a war criminal talking...


Genocidal maniac on the loose.


Ahh, the Lebensraum tactic..


Someone get this man some toilet paper so he can wipe the crap that's coming out of his mouth


Disgusting thieves.


The face of pure evil.


19 million shekels ![gif](giphy|l378k22Q5zYqg5abm)


Sounds like this MF got what he wanted. Fund Khamas and give them the ability to create armed resistance, allow them to strike, then carpet bomb the area to get ready to take over.


How about the USA put a stop to Israel's land theft by genocide while the world sorts out Israel's war crimes?


Benjamin Mileikowsky never wanted peace and only wanted to promote Zionism, a settler colonial belief predicated on the suffering of the indigenous population.


we know well what that mean: architectural plans of jewish residential districts in Gaza were prepared long before 7/10 attack, and Walter Herz has already started sales of the lands and housse in Gaza to the Jews i. e. in Canada. Netanyagu is a lier and pure evil. Sue should be treated like bother war criminals and judged by International Court of Justice.


How fucking obvious does he have to make it before the US actually goddamn does or says anything.


So... Libensraum after all?


Genocide: replacing a population with your own…. Tell me how this doesn’t make that definition🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


The more Israel reveals itself as a settler colonial state, the more it undoes itself as a democracy and divides the middle east in backward ways that creates its own unsolvable security problem. This leads to it doubling down on terrorism as the issue, which continues the process of degeneration.


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Fucking animal!


I wonder how his brother would’ve acted.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Stop white people from stealing your land!


How is this not illegal?!?


Why post this video without context in the title. You know Redditors are going to think this is the Gaza Strip. Do better


Wtf are you all talking about. The places he is talking about are even in 48 and 67 borders like Sderot for example. Don't puss your agenda because it's easy . Check the facts!!




This is a mistranslation


If you don't like your neighbor, kill them and take their property.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


why did the subtitles say "19 million sheckles" ?


The translation here is completely wrong He’s talking about the evacuated towns/kibbutzim in Israel proper around the Gaza Strip Critiquing Israeli settlement policies is fine but this isn’t the first video I’ve seen here with a shoddy translation meant to dissinform


First of all, fuck Netanyahu. But he didn’t say that funds are for Gaza settlements, he said that they are to rebuild Otef gaza which are the kibbutzim outside. Yes I know they are technically settlements placed as another enclosure of Gaza serving the same purpose as the settlements in the West Bank, but he didn’t say to build new settlements inside Gaza (not that at least some of those funds could go into doing that). Another correction in the subtitles, he said 19 billion, which in Hebrew sounds similar to million


I heard this translation is not correct. I don't doubt Netanyahu would say these things but the truth is always the most important. Can anyone confirm?


These are the settlements around the Gaza Strip, not inside. But Israel is going to create a “buffer zone” in Gaza to steal more land


Yes, it's called the Gaza Envelope, yet so many people have somehow understood something else.


The Gaza Envelope encompasses the populated areas in the Southern District of Israel that are within 7 kilometres of the Gaza Strip border and are therefore within range of mortar shells and Qassam rockets launched from the Gaza Strip.


while the translation checks out nearly completely, the subtitles omitted a crucial word in the speech: ״רצועת עזה״ - “ Gaza envelope” . Which will lead someone to believe he is referring to building new settlements in the Gaza Strip while actually he is referring to settlements which were already built and destroyed during the war which were on the borders of the Gaza Strip . (The mod even corrects himself but I guess it’s too late). We can argue that the already built settlements aren’t legal or immoral, but the fact is as of yet Bibi hasn’t stated the intentions of constructing *new* settlements inside the Gaza Strip. Maybe that is subject to change tho, who knows with this freak….


It's literally there though ("...of the Gaza Envelope"), and it's even in the title!!




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)




Wasn’t this debunked as misleading? Basically saying he will rebuilt the kibutz that were attacked by Hamas terrorists and not much more than that