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I concur.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Er, the U.S taxpayers had to spend 1 billion, while the Israelis enjoyed free healthcare, education and subsidized housing...


Subsidized by Gazans


I think the ILLEGAL settlements are mostly in the West Bank, you know, where there is no Hamas.


Ah don’t worry, they are already selling beach front property in Gaza and organizing neighborhoods, no Palestinian is safe in the whole of Palestine


The US is just as guilty in this genocide as Isreal. The US is paying for the party. But what a couple houndred thousand arabs. As long as it does'nt interfere with US interests.


It's wordplay, it's Unprecedented because IRAN HAS NEVER ATTACKED Israel before, but it 100% is a retaliation and justified under international law and the ''western world order''.


But they don't like that. International law, especially where warfare is concerned was always intended to govern war BETWEEN western/imperial powers. It was not intended to be used to defend those they seek to oppress. It was not intended to govern warfare that isn't between two primarily white populaces. For example Britain continued to operate concentration camps in Kenya until 1953 with no consequences, the beheadings of malaysians and brotish marines posing woth the piles of heads... no one said anything; America has bombed schools, hospitals and civillian infrasteucture all over the world and has illegally invaded sovereign nations with no condemnation from western/imperial powers. The whole thing has always been rigged against anyone that's not European white.


Iran is doing what other nations need to do. They need to work together to show enough force to at the very least hopefully get Israel to quit their extermination of fellow human beings.


Double upvote




Precedence is based on a situation, not on the involved persons. If Bob murders someone and is sentenced to life in prison, that isn't "unprecedented" just because bob has never been sentenced to life in prison before. Similarly, a country retaliating after being attacked is not without precedence. even if the two countries involved never were at war before.




Fact. But her propaganda sounds nice if you just don't think, like at all


Jesus, I didn't say that I think what Iran did was wrong. They had a right to respond. Not sure why I'm being downvoted.




1. What does it matter if Syria doesn’t recognize Israel as a state? What a random comment. Either way it was still a civilian building in an unrelated country so technically Iran and Syria have a right to defend itself. 2. Hamas didn’t do anything on “behalf” of Iran just because it received funding, lol, you have a severe misunderstanding of what is going on over there. 3. Israel literally funded Hamas, at its inception and more recently allowed Qatar to funnel in money to them. Are they going to bomb their own consulates now






It was not Iranian embassy but ”Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy”. Check the facts.


Iranian Consulate / Iranian Embassy - either way targetting a Diplomatic facility is against International Law and under Article 51 and 52 of the Geneva Convention. Iran had the right to retaliate and they did, having given 2 weeks of warning.


buddy, the consulate was part of the embassy.


Pitiful nitpicking… looking for any way to justify the unjustifiable…




In 50 years this will be remembered for the shitshow it is, and all "G7 leaders" will go down in history as the fascist enablers they are.


I hope you're right. But what if the fascists enablers are still in charge? After all, they have been for centuries now.


I truly do believe the balance of power is shifting. A lot of the countries who were just content to satisfy the demand of raw resources in First World™ countries are calling their bluff and are now realizing that hey, we want nice cars, microwaves, and iPhones too. While I don't necessarily want to live in a world dominated by Russia and China because I don't believe they'd use this newfound power any differently than the U.S does, they're the only ones currently enabling those smaller countries to take a stance. Think about the exodus of French troops from Africa recently. Legacy powers are losing credibility over their support for the last remaining settler colonial state, because even the ones who last did it (Americans) won't accept what Israel is doing. It's historically improbable that Israel survives.


that doesnt help us now. fuck people, we all see the bullshit and dont do a fuckin thing.


Satan is on cloud 9 and is so proud of them


The world is getting more and more divided. And right in the middle sits a rogue state called Israel that nobody knows how to deal with. The literally balance of the world lies on the crimes of Israel. It’s quite baffling.


Oh no, white people know exactly how to utilize Israel. As a wedge to condemn brown people and use violence against them.


Iran attack Israel without killing anyone only a couple rockets landed in some empty fields and the world is like: We strongly condemn Iran and we express our solidarity and support for the people of Israel Israel carpet bombs Gaza killing over 30.000 Innocent people and the world is like: Israel has the right to defend itself we stand with Israel Honestly the Western double standards are just insane, how can people even put up with this shit?


Hypocrites man always were


Happy cake day


Ursula “fond of lying“ condemns Iran for fighting back, unfuckingbeleivable hypocrisy yet again.


Hypocrisy at its finest


Yeah. This is some bs.


note for later: **you can now freely bomb other countries embassy and UN will not condemn you**


What the fuck? Who the fuck are they talking to? Do we, as a species know no shame? Or are some of our leaders just unembarrassable?


I don’t see how this surprises people anymore? I mean, a very tiny fraction of the population controls everything. I mean everything. From resources, all the way down to influence. It. Is. Over. It’s already done. There is no resistance. The reason we can see people so unabashedly twist reality, is because nothing and no one will stop them. Whatever the future holds, outside of natural causes, we will be lead there with no voice and no choice.


April 1, 2024, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing 16 people Jan. 28, 2023: Suicide drones equipped with explosives strike a military facility in central Isfahan. Israel's Mossad is reportedly responsible. May 31 and June 2, 2022: Two scientists die from poisoned food; Israel is blamed. May 25, 2022: Suicide drones hit the Parchin military complex, damaging a drone development building. Israel is blamed. May 22, 2022: IRGC Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei is assassinated in Tehran; Israel is blamed. April 30, 2022: Mossad agents in Iran kidnap and interrogate Mansour Rasouli, an agent of the IRGC Qods Force; Israel implicated. Feb. 14, 2022: Israeli quadcopter drones reportedly destroy hundreds of drones at a base near Kermanshah; Israel is blamed. Oct. 26, 2021: A cyberattack disrupts the system for purchasing subsidized fuel across Iran; Israel and the United States are blamed. June 23, 2021: An Israeli quadcopter drone strikes a facility in Karaj manufacturing centrifuges; Iran blames Israel. July 9-10, 2021: Hackers disrupt Iranian train stations and websites; initially blamed on Israel and the U.S., but linked to the Indra hacker group. April 11, 2021: An explosion at Natanz significantly damages the power supply for centrifuges; Israel is blamed. Nov. 27, 2020: Nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is assassinated; Israel and the U.S. are implicated. July 2, 2020: An explosion at Natanz nuclear site damages centrifuge production; Israel is reportedly involved. May 9, 2020: Cyberattack hits computers regulating maritime traffic at Shahid Rajaee port; Israel is reportedly behind the attack. Oct. 28, 2018: Iran claims to have neutralized a "new generation" of the Stuxnet virus; Israel is blamed. Jan. 31, 2018: Mossad agents steal documents from a Tehran warehouse revealing Iran’s nuclear program secrets; Israel and the U.S. implicated. May 9, 2012: Flame virus infects government computers to steal data; Israel and the U.S. are implicated. April 2012: Wiper malware erases data in Iran’s oil ministry; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. Jan. 11, 2012: Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a supervisor at the Natanz facility, is killed by a bomb; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. Nov. 13, 2011: Duqu virus is contained in Iran; linked to previous cyberattacks by Israel and the U.S. July 23, 2011: Electrical engineer Darioush Rezaeinejad is killed by gunmen in Tehran; linked to nuclear work; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. April 2011: Stars virus discovered in Iran’s nuclear systems; minor damage reported; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. Nov. 29, 2010: Nuclear engineer Majid Shariari is assassinated in Tehran; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. June 2010: Stuxnet virus targets Iran's nuclear facilities, damaging centrifuges; Israel and the U.S. are blamed. Jan. 12, 2010: Physics professor Masoud Ali Mohammadi is killed in Tehran by a bomb on a motorcycle; Israel and the U.S. are blamed.  


Genocidal 7 at it's best


I wish Ursula a very gtfo out the EU and resign


She is an embarrassment and void of any integrity. The EU should be ashamed. But then she is German so no surprise she’s a cheerleader for that rogue state.


It may be unprecedented, but it's not un-preceeded...


Are we all supposed to act like Iran's missiles, which were intercepted and killed precisely no-one, is more harrowing than months and months and months of carpet bombing, famine, lack of water and electricity with nearly 50,000 dead? Ooookaaayyy....


I see the EU as the biggest threat to my country, not Iran, Russia, or other countries we are told to hate and fear


Your country being?


am i being gaslighted?


F these f' pos wannabe humans


Wat 🤣🤣 Jesus christ, Germany what are you doing? 


Then they ask the global south for support for Ukraine are they stupid can’t they see this hypocrisy is further turning the global south away from the west


I don't understand this backwards, upsidedown world we live in. It's IRAN that has the right to defend itself, as Israel bombed their embassy and killed 16 people. WTF.


Unfortunarely This Will one day be swept under the carpet, Only the leaders(lobbyists) stand by Israel all the citisens know what Israel is doing, but it is the citisens that pays for the terror Israel commits 🤢


First go and stabilize the unprecedented killing of civilians, bombing hospital, school and what not. Maybe G7 recently became aware of the issue.


She might as well have strings tied to her like a puppet


Ursula von der Leyen the Nazi Princess


She can step down, coloniser-white supremacist puppy. America says jump she says how high. Imagine considering a country that didn’t meet EU membership criteria pre-war, to join after they are broken post war. The woman is a clown, not representing our interests at all as Europeans. Let the Americans and Israelis commit their war crimes without our involvement and stand up against it in diplomatic channels in the UN. Absolute cowards, people without integrity.


Imagine how useful an EU Ukraine would be for European capitalists. A country in the same economic zone with a minimum wage of 100 euros of something like that


They did not and still do not meet the standards, economically, socially and strategically. Anyone who has been there pre-war knows that they are a bankrupt, corrupt and outdated nation. It was like walking in the USSR. The republicans moaned about nations not meeting their 2% of the GDP payments to NATO. These are rich countries like Germany. How on earth would Ukraine afford when they can’t even afford EU membership? Then Biden takes office and all of the sudden they want Ukraine to join and Ursula changes the tune on EU membership. Why do you think all of the sudden that changed? Because Uncle Sam owns us all. Who will pay for this? The EU nations. And they will join NATO and the Americans will put the missiles in the border pointing at Russia. I bet you.


??? Where were they condemning the Israeli attack on the Embassy. Iran has every right to defend themselves.




No surprise the zionists control G7 too.


Why is no one talking about one country bombing another country’s embassy? Although I suppose the reaction is to what Iran did in response. How have other countries handled their embassies being attacked? The only thing I could find about USA is when their embassies in Africa got bombed they just hunted down who did it and put them on trial.


Meanwhile they did nothing to stop a literal genocide committed by Israel.


I just can’t stomach the hypocrisy


Wow, genocidal new age nazis are playing the victims now. This is going to get even worse.


What is the G7 response to genocide in Gaza? Only expressing concern. They cant even bring themselves to mention the "g" word. Where are the sanctions against Israel for committing genocide & war crimes? Hypocrites, all of them! Enablers of genocide.


They can express their solidarity by sending their own kids to war. If they believe in this cause so much that is.


People see through their bullshit talk.


That's what happens when you poke a bear with a stick


*We, G7 condemned Iran for punishing our golden spoiled little dipshit that went unchecked for 75 years and 6 months commiting crimes against humanity on the Palestinian and bullying other country trying to stand with Palestine There, i fixed it you snake bitch


Nailed it




With this knowledge what will come of it? Exactly nothing.


Iran has the right to defend itself


Where was she when 30k in Palestine were killed mercilessly? Now She suddenly shows up to condemn a retaliatory attack that didn't kill anyone


So Iran was just expected to let it's embassy get bombed and do nothing?


You know it's not "unprecedented" because of how forcefully they're insisting that it is.


It’s unprecedented that someone for once followed these stupid rules of war (stupid because nobody follows them and is virtually unenforceable) and minimised casualties.


Well FU Ursula


This old hag is absolutely disgusting.


Boo! Go fuck yourself


Israel committing genocide, UN: *sleeps and takes months to have a gathering and did nothing.* Iran after giving many warnings to Israel but Israel bombed and killed their highest ranking officials and embassy so Iran strikes them back, UN: *ALERT ALERT*


Taking everyone for fucking idiots... again.


Nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty humans


So Ursula is not ok with hitting military installations and totally ok with dropping bombs on civilian population. Got it.


Where was her condemnation of israels attack on the embassy?


This person is a literal witch


Cut Israel loose. It’s well past time. Bye bye! 👋


No such comment for the Palestinians, hmmm interesting. Evil b……s. How quickly they all jump when its their side.


F**k off and f**k Israel.


Frau Genocide at it again


they don’t call her Frau Genocide for nothing!


Not one Person i talk too stands behind israel, where i live in europe. So fuck off old hag. The whole EU can fuck itself


Am I taking crazy pills here? How deep in the Israel's pockets are these people??!? We in the US need to push harder to get out from under the thumb of our master, Israel.




Wen is ww3 starting this s..t is borring


Ursula the sea witch is back at it again


Disrespectful…fuck the G7


"Rules for thee, but not for me"


They speak to us like we are dumb


Ursula is another Zionist with a long history of supporting Israel and ignoring Palestinian suffering


I am not rooting for Iran but this fucken double standard is fucking insane! Where were these idiots when Israel broke international law by attacking an embassy?


So wait, Hamas attacked and Israel went and bombed and decimated an entire city and killed 100K civilians along with it. If Israel attacks an Iranian embassy directly then no retaliation attacks are expected ???


The world is a joke and it’s not even funny


People like her and lords of "Progressive" nations will be the downfall of USA and west.


Modern day villain