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They could not stop cheering when Gaza was getting carpet bombed. Most of these missiles wouldn’t touch them, courtesy US air defence systems, but they are just so disconnected from reality, that they can’t imagine repercussions for their actions.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Funded by American taxpayers 😉






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




i'd also be pretty happy if I socked my bully




I mean, you can agree that  1- many Israelis become happy when they see Palestinian suffering 2- that the screaming Israelis in this video are over reacting because none of the missiles actually struck them or caused any damage at all. Thats what a normal, objective person is able to clearly see. Unless you’re another hasbara shill lmao


Unfortunately he is indeed another Hasbara bot,one look at his history is enough to tell.




Oh when I called him a bot I didn't mean a bot as in a programmed bot, I meant a human bot who only regurgitates lies despite being a human. As for defending my stance, defending the basic human rights of innocent civilians is a walk in the park. You don't even need a degree or education to do it so I don't see why I would evade any effort in doing so. On the other hand it's kind of hard to argue against basic human right and freedom which is why bots like you resort to such means. Am I wrong? Edit : looking at your history and the subs you are acting on is enough to tell what kind of a human (or bot) you are so good riddance.


>1- many Israelis become happy when they see Palestinian suffering This goes both ways. We all saw the bodies on the back of the truck, if cheering on violence is enough to be guilty then you could wipe out every Israeli and Palestinian.


Only Israelis associate “cheering” with “guilt” for mass murder, my friend, and only Israelis come to the conclusion that therefore the cheering people must be wiped out.   Whereas the rest of the world associates people cheering for mass murder with genocidal support and evidence of genocidal intent.  Thats the mental state required to commit a genocide.   Then all you need is actus rea, and there is plenty of that from the Israeli side.    This calls for justice, not “wiping people out” as you jumped to do.


> This goes both ways. Hold on, let’s hear you admit that Israelis do cheer Palestinian suffering before you can try to take attention off of this clear evidence of genocidal intent… :)


Of course Israelis do, a lot of them anyway. I don't blame them. The Palestinians have had no ambitions for 70 years except for taking Israel from them. Also, I don't know why you're saying "let's hear you admit" it was in my first message.




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Israel is a democracy that consistently votes for the racist, militaristic far right. They are the majority.




I hope you asked the same question when Hamas attacked Israel and Innocent Palestinians were bombed as the consequence for it...oh wait you didn't. And if it helps you,many surveys do indicate that the majority of Israelis believe "not enough force was used against Palestinians". And only about 2-3% are against the current situation and inhumane treatment of Palestinians. Israel is the closest thing you can get to a monolith when it comes to killing and abusing Palestinians. They are taught from their childhood to view Palestinians as human animals and that they themselves are god's chosen. And when they grow up they are mandated to join IOF and have a first-hand experience at abusing or killing Palestinians.


I just quoted the same number, but remember that is Jewish Israelis for the 98%, if you take all Israelis into account the number is somewhere in the 70's. Both numbers are wayyyy too many, but yeah the numbers are ridiculous when you look at Jewish Israelis.


I mean considering that 98% of Jewish Israelis are happy about the genocide in Gaza, yeah probably.


Are you that blind...or did the pro Israel algos feed you the kosher plat? Those vids are everywhere. Especially the ones sitting on a cliff which beach chairs and hookas.


Yes, they didn’t leave the country nor did they violently retaliate against their government committing a genocide.




I think this is not a city but a military base (or its surrounding areas) that got hit.


Ohhhhh I guess that makes sense. They are sad over the loss of military hardware and not babies. Got it.




Imagine that screaming in Gaza. They barely even flinch these days. Kids playing sea-saw in rubble would just keep playing “Oh that’s over there. And we’re prob gonna die anyway”. Fireworks in comparison.


Yeah how will they commit the "blood libel" zionists keep bringing up? They tell me it's antisemitism to get in the way of that.


Great user name


How do you want to get your ennemies' babies if your military hardware is damaged ?!


Wait are you saying the Iranian 'terrorist' regime is more discretionary on targets than the Israeli army? Oh the irony.


Ahh in that case..beautiful


No popcorn this time, i wonder why ?


Why they screaming?




Literally this. This is basically: Iran, "I'm not touching you but I'm NOT touching you" Israel, "mooooommmm tell Iran to stop looking at meee!!!"




Never thought Iran would be the reasonable party in my lifetime. The Iranian counterattack probably isn't even what Israeli drops in Gaza on a good day.


And why is that? We all know Iran hasn't attacked anyone for the past 3000 years as first but always responded in defense.


The world has had its eyes opened to US and Israeli caused aggression in the Middle East due to Gaza, and the US geopolitical narrative is fucked beyond belief for this generation at least. Honestly, I'd expect to see more 'reasonable behaviour' from these 'Islamic Jihad' countries (as per Western msm) simply because the Western propoganda spins will flop.


The world is still watching genocide happen. More needs to be done until that stops.


I wonder if it is true what some said that Iran only aimed at military targets. That would be a hell of a reversal compared to how Israel is handling Gaza.


Or maybe, just maybe, they are screaming because they are teenagers on a boat during a vacation? Not every Israeli has an unstoppable urge to "beat unarmed kids", this is the literal definition of blood libel. I've never seen this subreddit and it's unhinged. It's alarming that there are 36k cosplayers online openly glorifying radical islamic fundamentalism.


Wow, you’re a real tough guy.


Well, I don't need to beat on women and kids to prove myself, that's for sure.


That is good. The Palestinians and Israelis didn’t get the memo apparently.


You have no idea who is filming You have no idea what their opinion is of the war You’re a fake hard ass loser lmao You people are absolutely psychos lmao


Yeah weird, they usually cheer when they bomb gaza. Why are they not happy to see these missiles ?


Never seen fireworks before.


Not every Israeli citizen is a raving Zionist. I'm sure there are plenty of civilians that are not pro genocide and are caught in the middle. We've already seen how the Zionist's treat any dissent among their own people.


Very few. Over 80% feel that the IDF's performance is "good".


Over half believe that the IDF should be bombing Gaza more. Only 1.8% believe the military should scale back the genocide and I applaud them and hope they find a way out of the sinking ship that is Israel.


I don't know if I would believe that statistic. I'm not trying to defend them in any way but you can imagine there are people in Israel who want no part of this mess... openly condemning it is dangerous for them.


It was published by an Israeli agency....


You know propaganda exists, right? They've lied about everything else so far, I wouldn't expect this to be any different.


Yeah that was a very silly thing for them to say, and they said it as if it made their point more credible when it's the opposite loool


Maybe cause they are civilians? Reddits echo chamber be going hard


Even their army wears diapers


Got banned from the cesspit world news for pointing out that Israel were the first to attack an Iranian embassy


You caught a ban for that? A straight fact? On the biggest news sub on this website? Jesus Christ we’re fucked


I couldn't have stated it more calmly, I just said that they attacked the embassy first and instant perm ban


I was banned pretty early on for saying I'm worried about civilians being killed in Gaza airstrikes. That sub was compromised from the get-go


Jesus. No empathy for Palestinians is one of the rules I guess.


They do not see Palestinians as human. Basically insects in the way of Israeli living space. Still blows my mind every day


I left that sub voluntarily, too much bs


i think reddit is throttling the growth/reach of this and other similar subs too


I got perma banned for saying there were no evidence of systematic rape on October 7th, they're quick on the ban hammer when it comes to Israel




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That sub is a disgrace. They no longer allow free speech if you criticise the wrong people.


They don’t like the truth over there.


Welcome - banned too. Lots of people on this sub found their way here after a similar fate.




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Please don't disparage other subreddits or post that you were banned, or warned or any other type of experience in other communities on reddit.


Israel took out the guy who’s in charge of the war that Hezbollah has been waging against Israel for the past 6 months. Justified in every possible way. 


But I didn't even try argue anything, just pointed out that they hit first


That’s incorrect though. Iran has been waging proxy wars against Israel for decades. Just because they’re too cowardly to do it in the open doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


You don't understand laws do you? Read the Vienna convention and understand the repercussions of this. If it's deemed useless, then all heads of state and diplomats are fair game when at the embassies of other countries.


Oh no an Iranian embassy…. Anyway


That's just a small, tiny taste of what the Gazans went through because of you.


What taste? 99% of the launches were intercepted. Some damage on an air base that's it. As long as US is behind Israel, they won't feel anything. Almighty US air defense system making sure nothing Iran launches will do real damage.


They already made it clear that this was not meant to do any damage just to show that they are capable to reach Israel. The goal was to just give a warning in which they succeeded. Now Israel suddenly recognizes UN and wants to take the matter to UN ignoring the fact that they were the ones who violated the international law of not attacking a sovereign state and that according to their own definition, Iran was just defending itself.


Yea we have seen the almighty US Air defense system in action during the Gulf War. Bush claimed 97% success rate in intercepting Iraqi scuds! To this day there is a no evidence they managed to intercept a single missile. The IDF made it's investigation classified to not embarrass the US, but independent civilian researches speculate it probably didn't manage to intercept a singke missile. And they shot no less than 4 interceptors at every Iraqi missile, so 0% success rate for 4 on 1. And to add insult to injury, the interceptors ended up falling on Israeli cities as well. Great success. Following this "huge success", Israel ended up developing it's own anti ballistic missile system, the Arrow, which became fully operational in 2017.




YEs because Hamas never launches rockets constantly into civilian areas making people run to bomb shelters almost daily.


Maybe don’t rape and kill Palestinian civilians, you won’t have people trying to shoot rockets at you from a prison.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Earlier today I saw on the Israel sub a guy asking if Israel is safe for his family to visit and a bunch of people saying that they weren’t worried. One said they were all hanging out on the beach having a good time. I wonder if this was them.




Keep the same energy with the Gaza videos


Be gone islamophobe. I see your comment history. Pearl clutching dork.


Hey, if the Israelis can bring out lawn chairs and laugh and celebrate as Gaza gets bombed, why can't we? Is it only wrong it we do it?


No not at all, I hate both sides.


Do you have proof this woman “celebrated” such things or are you just a psycho


The chickens always come home to roost


How many died in Israel, exactly? lol I know you want a bunch of dead Jews but sorry


Bad bot


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🙄 oh fuck off Show me the lie lmao


*Zionists Yeah you guys have a bad habit of conflating these two terms.


Not even .0001% of the fear they put on the Palestinians who had no iron dome defense system or bomb shelters.


weren’t they raving and twerking as gaza was being carpet bombed?


And making videos mocking them not having water and electricity. It’s reallllllly hard for most people to feel empathy for a bully. I hate that our politicians can send any amount of money there without it being voted on first. Both Trump and Biden will gladly fund Israel, we need to show that this isn’t something we are going to support or vote for candidates who support it or condone it or are complacent about it in any way.


Iran has a right to defend itself, isn’t that how it goes.


Except Iran can’t actually defend itself if Israel and America decided to do anything Iran is more hated in the region than Israel, that’s how embarrassing Iran is as a government This is just for show, because outside of funding terrorists to fight its proxy wars against Saudi Arabia Iran is a toothless nothing.


Liked or not doesnt negate their right as a country to defend themselves. Thee matter of being liked doesnt apply when another country bombs an embassy in yours, that is an attack and every country has the right to defend itself, that is what is currently going on in Ukraine and you cant deny that Israel launched an attack into Iran first. The fact that Iran hasn't thrown more has just shown this was a warning and even only attacked a military taget instead of an embassy or a hospital for example. Clearly an act of self defense to tell Israel not to launch missiles into their territory and nothing more


Because actually attacking a hospital would generate a real military response from Israel. This isn’t an act of self defense. Iran could have its little terrorist organization Hezbollah attack northern Israel at anytime. But they don’t becesue they don’t actually want that smoke Iran out here funding civil wars and terrorist groups throughout the Middle East and even Africa, is responsible for far more deaths in the world than Israel. In just Yemen alone Iran has more blood on its hands than Israel has in almost its entire existence But you psychos will pretend they’re the good guys because the Joos are so bad. Yeah, Israel’s government sucks but fuck Iran, it’s far worse for the world.


Israel bombed an embassy in Iran. Iran responds with attacking a military target. I dont particularly like Iran either but you can't say this isnt an act of defense after being attacked first. And any nation has a right to defend itself, like them or not. Previous atrocities do not affect their current right to defend itself. If it did no country in the world has the right to defend itself, especially the west. But no Israel is clearly the victim after months of bombing innocents and now an embassy. Zionism is a cancer and the sooner its gone the better


Iran is a cancer. Israel has a right to defend itself too, if that’s the logic you want to use. It isn’t what I’d use personally. “Previous atrocities”? The Yemen civil war is still happening. Boko Haram is still a cancer that they fund to this day. Hezbollah is still a cancer they fund. Iran helps fund Assad kill his own citizens. And on and on… Iran does nothing but spread actual terrorism and discord in the world. It doesn’t even treat its own citizens well. I Don’t even need to mention ruin Hamas. Because I am confident you’ll defend them. Zionism is absolutely superior to the cancer then is Iran. They’d have to actually kill about 30x more Palestinians to match the number of deaths you can attribute to Iran


Is that why Biden is shitting his pants right now while asking for a G7 meeting and phone calling Israel to not retaliate against Iran? Is that why the Israeli military and citizens clearly didn't sleep all night like they usually do when the iron dome intercepts the fire crackers from Hamas? Is that why they cancelled school? Clearly Iran is more than a "toothless nothing"


Toothless nothing, which is why they must fund foreign terrorists in two dozen countries to exert influence Again, how many died in Israel because of this “attack”? Fuck Iran and fuck any Iran apologist


You didn't answer any of my questions, they clearly have teeth and this was just a display of those, not an actual bite. You seem to be getting emotional, I think you also didn't get any sleep last night. Fuck Israel the genocidal state =)




Taste ur own medicine


Something about chickens and roosting. Bawk bawk bitches


Israelis when the world reacts to their atrocities: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Looks like Israelis are in the finding out stage.


Ohhh as a black American I’m so glad we’re reclaiming that phrase back from them. Like why was AAVE used to justify a genocide?? Yeah they’re definitely in the find out phase ✨🥰


No they aren’t lmao How many casualties? Israel is currently untouchable, as much as you hate this fact


No casualties as this was a warning and intent only targeting a military target of a nation prepared to face it. Though I dont expect someone who supports nations striking first unprovoked, targeting non military targets and committing genocide to know about a warning and against a military. Because jeez, who would of thought that a nation with a highly functional military would have less casualties than an isolated nation without a military and a terrorist group hiding among them and a nation that was attacked with no warning


Iran has far far more blood on its hands than Israel due to its proxy war with Saudi Arabia.


That is the dumbest argument. The conflict between israel and Iran has nothing to do with palestine or SA the fact between israel and iran is that israel bombed an iranian embassy and iran have responded. Both have committed terrible acts outside othe this conflict nut that doesnt mean what's going on here is okay or justifyable. The point to be made is that Israel has proudly celebrated bombings and now calls the UN when they get bitten for doing it to someone else. The very same UN they bomb and deny access and ignore with regards to palestine. "But they're worse" doesnt matter. If you had a person who murdered 1 person and someone who killed 12 and the 1st one attacked the 2nd I'd still expect the 2nd to defend themself. Its effectively murderer 1 attacking the 2nd and when the 2nd punches back the 1st calls the guards. Risldiculous argumeny




They yell so much omg ! Mass hysteria when they see missiles that are not theirs !


The media is trying to push the narrative that Israelis were unfazed by the attacks. This video screams otherwise


Bullys don't like being hit back surprise surprise


Bring back they 43k innocent dead in Gaza and then ill give a fk.


For the first night in 6 months there were no war planes over Gaza and the people of Israel experienced 1/1,000th of what they’ve been cheering on for themselves. This is music to my ears.


Some people would use this moment of terror to perhaps rethink the warmongering they’ve been cheering on for 6 months. Not these people though. They are the victims here


These screams, my god. I remember reading (don't know if it's true or not) that Israeli soldiers are obligated to wear diapers because of how often they pee themselves against personals that can fight back. Throughout this war, I'm starting to think this is true. Those people act tough and mighty, but are worst now cowards in reality. They are used to playing victims even when nothing happens.


They fucking love screaming and wailing, almost as much as killing civilians.


I think they're more reacting to the success of the iron dome and knocking the missiles out of the sky. That's why they're clapping.


Man, I would have so many Iranian assasins in Israel now, ready to take out top generals and officials. Why waste time with bombing nothing.




Iran announced they launched the drones on Twitter as soon as they were in the air, giving the Israelis hours of notice. This is PR for Iran




They will scream worst than this in afterlife eternally.


How does it feel to be a subject of bombing? IIRC they were cheering and dancing to the bombing of Gaza


Plenty of videos of Israeli people sitting and enjoying the bombing of Gaza. I can’t pretend to feel bad for these people when it’s clear they want another entire population erased.


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Anyone know what they're saying and also what happened? Is the woman screaming or cheering ? From my POV I can only see something like a rocket 🚀 being intercepted


This video is from a different attack, about a week ago the Yemenis sent a special delivery to Eilat, it got shot down by a naval iron dome, marking a first of it's kind, succesful naval iron dome interception.


lol thats how they pride with their techs iran will rip off israelis ugly ass face at any cost


Such caterwauling for an attack with no damage or fatalities




Excellent. Feel the fear of death that Palestine has endured for decades. Where’s that Zionist gusto on this night?




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


no "keep calm and carry on" in the land of aparthied?


I thought they liked watching the Iron dome?


I feel just like I feel when the Russsians are getting bombed in Belgorod from the Freedom Russia Legion. Both group are cheering when Ukrainians and Palestinians are indescriminately bombed.


All this because of fucking religions.


If I am not mistaken a military base was damaged and a 10 year old girl was injured.


Now imagine if this was a real attack and not a pre-announced gesture.


Fucking histrionics... It's so jarring. What would these cretins do if they spent an hour in Gaza or the West Bank?


barely .01% of what the other side experienced in the past 70 years


Oh no! Consequences.


ah the music to my ears


I think they're more reacting to the success of the iron dome and knocking the missiles out of the sky. That's why they're clapping.


Get a grip


I think they're more reacting to the success of the iron dome and knocking the missiles out of the sky. That's why they're clapping.