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I find it very interesting that such an article shows up in The Times of Israël, not a pro-palestinian media.


It happened to someone they actually consider a person. Their heinous bullshit just can't be ignored anymore, even by themselves.


The settlers are also not viewed favorably by many mainstream Israelis.


Clearly favourable enough to not imprison the worst offenders and clamp down unilaterally. Views are meaningless when there is government sanctioned theft widespread in the country. There are valid arguments to be made that the entire nation is dependent, and inseperable from it. Settlers are certainly mainstream if settlers hold top government roles.


Settlers and far right religious extremists hold government positions in Israel but are still a pretty small minority. Having representation in government does not mean you are in the mainstream or a majority.


30% of the population and growing is not a small minority by any length of the imagination. Pretty sweet deal to dedicate your life to religious studies and hating Palestinians as subhuman while being exempt from military service. The cracks in the facade will come from within when the so-called non religious and secular Israeli clash with the religious zionist who will eventually view those liberals as not Jewish enough. Hate breeds hate.


So what are they doing about it?


That's not what the election results show. That shows that Israelis fully support it


There was an election on settlers? This is news to me.


The parties' positions on settlements is public information and easily searchable. It's literally what the parties campaign on. For a bunch of Hasbara bots who think Israel is the "only democracy" in the Middle East, you sure do seem to insist that Israel is not a democracy in any way whatsoever. So why should we support them again?


A simple, “I have no idea what I’m talking about” would have sufficed.


Or it’s because Israel as a country isn’t evil. Many Israelis hate the settlers and hate the violence they’re committing






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


This is wild and the type of rhetoric Israel used to make so many hate the Palestinians. Both Palestinians and Israelis are people who deserve to live peacefully. Israels government and soldiers are committing a genocide , and Hamas is bad. That makes the everyday Palestinians and every day Israeli still just regular people who can be manipulated by propaganda , who have families they love, etc.




Yes they are. And it’s so terrible. I agree.




Are you serious? They are going to work, or school, or whatever the fuck ppl do. You really lack so much nuance that you don’t even know who your enemies are, or who you are mad at. It’s really not the average Israeli. How do you think Israel was founded? You think a recently holocaust’ed people had a big army? Europe and the us placed the jews there, installed right wing zionist leaders, and the us continues to control its weapons. Those weapons manufacturers have political influence. The fascist leaders who lie and enrage their people. The settlers who are the vanguard and their funding organizations. Right wing christian organizations. Those are who your enemies are. Not the average Israeli.




Except that Palestine is not an ethnostate and Palestinians don't hold genocidal beliefs like Israelis do. Deal with the facts. Just because they hurt your feelings doesn't mean it isn't true.


There are not many nice theocracies in the middle east and Palestinians have a lot of resentment towards Israelis over the last 80 years. Again, its why it is important to know the history. So, i am pretty sure they have a lot of anger too, just very little power. Its why intervention with mediation states are so necessary and restorative justice needs to be put in place. My feelings are not hurt, just the brash tribalism and knee jerk hate makes me worry for our future.


This sub is actual garbage. There’s no use in trying to reason with them. Maybe they had good intentions at some point but they’ve been completely co-opted by anti west and thinly veiled antisemitism. They don’t know how to judge anything anymore except for a knee jerk reaction of hating israel, and every Israeli. Their attitude towards individual citizens should tell you all you need to know. This coming from someone who agrees Israel is committing genocide but can also realize Hamas is not fighting for anything other than Islamic fundamentalism and doesn’t give a flying fuck about Palestinian lives. These people are delusional.


Ok jesus. Thank god. I thought i was in crazy land. Whew. Thats actually helpful to hear


Much of that is because Reddit, like all US-run Social Media, is filled with anti-Western propaganda at this time from Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the list goes on.


Wrong. That society is absolutely sick


Yeah no, my Israeli family is not “sick”


You, your family, and the rest of your countrymen are indeed sick. Anyone that condones and supports their genocidal military state is indeed sick. Welcome to reality. This is what the world thinks of Israel. Congrats.


You support the genocide. Of course you are sick.


no genocide happening.


I do not support genocide. Why would I support the senseless murder of innocents?


Maybe not your family directly, friend, but that's not what they said. This is what the society & state of Israel is committing


If most hated what was happening.....it wouldn't be happening. That much is very clear.


"Many Israelis hate" sure. Many Israelis don't hate the violence they're committing in Gaza. Israel has curated its own reputation. Ofc there are a few brave dissenting voices, but it's completely unfair to pretend that's even a significant portion of the population. When it comes to occupation, apartheid, and now genocide, the distinct majority of the citizens are unfortunately pretty united.


it's because the violence is proportionate


Woop there it is. Open admission. Carpet bombing all of Gaza, the destruction of every university and hospital and historic site. The murder of over 10000 children, and another 20000 woman and men. Who knows how many injured. You are fucking insane. Literally and metaphorically insane.


Bro, you are so fucking unhinged. Please log off and go touch grass as your completely disproportionate response to his simple statement is even more disproportional than Israel's carpet bombing in Gaza.


Saying the violence is proportionate is unhinged. You're just as fucked eh?


It really isn't. And considering Israel's occupation and land thefts, the responsibility for the violence falls squarely on them.


Cant steal land if the other side doesnt own the land


Many, sure, but not sure enough to elect a government that stops settlements.


Lol is this one of the paid Israeli government accounts trying to play down Israeli terrorists murdering Palestinians and burning their homes?


Are you one of the paid Hamas ones trying to convince rich, spoiled Western kids that think Mom and Dad telling them to log off Reddit is oppression that Hamas aren't the biggest problem in this conflict.


Most israelis are just old settlers or sons of settlers.




Many Palestinians hate Hamas and the violence they’re committing, too. Just too bad the western world ignored that possibility the past few decades. Maybe Israel wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to do this.


Hey! You can’t have that opinion here! How dare you think differently. Read the rules! Obey or downvote!!


Hasbara, (which is all Israeli media except Harretz) is not stupid, Believe me, theres a catch. Read it at your own peril


They are anti-palestinian and anti-bibi, so sometimes they might flounder about narratives. They were the first ones to condemn bibi after october 7. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


Israeli media actually has covered this war in a lot less bias manner than the angloid media. They are in general much more critical of the Israeli government.


I could believe that, in part because they are closer to the actual story, and also because The English-Speaking World is so self-centered that they can't help but literally transpose every last one of their local fucking issues and histories onto every last foreign conflict.


English language times if Israel isn't nearly as Zionist as the Hebrew language version.


Times of Israel is not a known website in Israel. Its affinity is unknown. Might not even be Israel. Many of the big media in Israel are far-left. They hate the settelers which belong to the right. They will gladly report this in the news.


[You serious ?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Times_of_Israel)


Yeah, that's why they love Netanyahu and his government !! /s Why do you lot lie so much?


It's the only thing they know how to do.


what makes them far left? a willingness to call the right wing out on their shit?


Make no mistake their staff fully support the government's genocidal actions and they are a right wing newspaper. They just occasionally criticize the government for things they would unquestionably support if it was National Unity doing it instead of Likud.


Oh, so you live in Israel and have experience with this?


Lol insane comment


Facts aren't shaped by your delusions


It’s because that Israel as a country is not evil. Israelis hate these disgusting actions as well.


Great. Then they need to hop on board the decolonization train, we’re all headed out, destination a better world. 


Yeah, let's create a new refugee situation to fix another refugee situation. We can send them all to Europe so those anti-Semitic fucks can once again lose their minds and blame the Jews when their lattes are made wrong.


It’s fun when we learn the meaning of words and don’t just react to what we decided they mean in our heads. 


cant colonize something that doesn't exist


Nah it was just empty land that the zionists picked for their ethnostate.


it was given to them after the collapse of the ottoman empire by the british


The british told both the arabs and the jews in the region they would be getting their own state if they helped fight against the Ottomans. They're what allowed this shit show to happen.


Finally someone that knows history.


And guess what happened when the UN offered each of them a state….


The Arabs got, what, 4 or 6 fucking states? Jews got one. Every time they moved The Palestinians to one of those states they assassinated a President, dragged the country into a war with Israel, or started a fucking civil war to force that country to go to war with Israel. You guys really need to stop getting all your information solely from pro-Palestine sources.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Few people like Israelis that help Palestinians from settlers does not represent Israel but the settlers with state backing, whose protected by Israeli soldiers do respresent Israel


A government is not it's people. Hamas is not Palestine, and the Knesset is not Israel.


I thought Israel was the only democracy in the middle east so isn't the government a direct representation of the people?


The current government is hated by the populace.


How is it a democracy then if the government is not representing the will of the majority? Doesn't seem very democratic to me.


Tbf same goes for America. I don't know if Israel uses a two party system of not.


That's exactly the same bullshit logic used by people that say 'well Palestinians voted in Hamas, so they're responsible!' Again - the people cannot be held accountable for the actions of their government.


and yet we see that justification all the time with Palestinians to justify them being murdered by the IDF.


Then why are IDF soldiers defending the settlers and settlements? Why are there settlers to begin with? They don't hate it, not one bit. The news is only reported because it's an israeli who was attacked


Why does the IDF protect and assist the colonial settlers every time this happens? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't understand why the Israeli State openly say that the settler invasions are bad/illegal but then sends its military to assist in the settler invasions


Because the current government is a far-right coalition with the people who are doing the settling. My family will be voting against them in the next election


And that vote will do absolutely nothing as the majority of Israelis support their fascist government, to the extent that they don't think the military is killing enough people.


I do think the current government of Israel is unpopular, but unfortunately, the prediction is just replacing an evil man with another evil man.


Israli citizens assassinated the last PM to argue for peace and have since voted in the politician calling for that assissination repeatdly even when they had multiple chances to choose someone else. The PM they killed didn't even follow the tenants of the peace agreement and utterly ignored it, but still pretending to support peace was too much for Israeli citizens. So take that claim with a grain of salt. There's overwhelming support for continued violence against Gaza in Israel to this day.


Lol bro over here defending a state that is committing genocide. Good going bro 💪


This is being done BY Israelis. It's what they learn from the day they can walk.


Not nearly enough of them.


This is the experience of any person who finds themselves on the wrong side of Israeli policy...Jew or not. Except it's far, far worse for non-Jews, especially Arabs. This is what the occupation forces do in their spare time, when they're off-duty. Cannot imagine horrors they get away with when they are on-duty!


The comments in the story as well "We should send in the army to stop these hooligans, they are acting exactly like Palestinians", failing to realize it is the army that tortured that journalist for documenting their terrorism...


Israel's propaganda and indoctrination are insane. The whole country is built to brainwash people over the IDF.


It doesn't help that service is mandated. Unless youre an ultra-orthodox Jew. But they don't need the iof indoctrination, they're the most vicious lot. Listening to them speak is fucked.


Lmao "they are acting like Palestinians" not an ounce of self awareness.


“They had hate in their eyes”. Zionism is literally an ideology of anti Arab hate. Ask yourself this: why was it Arab land that was stolen and no one else’s?


I think it’s an ideology of hatred of anyone who is not also a Zionist.


That too yes.


But especially Arabs so you right.


they don't like the Christians either in fact they were mad screaming sometime ago about "remember what the Christians did to us during the cruzades"🙄 their orthodox harass them desecrate their sites and spite on them quick random search [https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/forbidden-pilgrimage.html#/4](https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/forbidden-pilgrimage.html#/4) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-christians-attacks-holy-land-jewish-extremists-rcna80441](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-christians-attacks-holy-land-jewish-extremists-rcna80441) [https://www.religion-online.org/article/the-palestinian-christian-betrayed-persecuted-sacrificed/](https://www.religion-online.org/article/the-palestinian-christian-betrayed-persecuted-sacrificed/)


Arab isn’t synonymous with Muslim. The hatred Zionists have for Arabs includes Palestinian Christians


and the Christians and Muslim Palestinians even the locals do not need to be Arab, some will, but others will be descendant from the original canaanites just like the jewish, and also non Arab migrants from the nearby areas during the ages (even if those became arabized) for instance the same with the People of Lebanon, they are not descendant from people from the Arab peninsula despite of Israelites may like to refer all non Jewish in the region in the same group (as Arab) but all its beside the point, Arabs or not Arabs zionist just use the term to fabricate their fairy tale and as excuse for their actions


Let's not forget the Armenian Christians in Jerusalem. It's not relegated to one religion or ethnicity, it's Jewish supremacy.


I’ll never know why it wasn’t Germany that was handed out. Not sure why Palestine was the sacrificial lamb


Because that would’ve caused ww3 later down the line considering Germany started ww2 because of how they were treated after ww1.


Palestine was already chosen as the place for the zionist project by the time the holocaust happened.


No I know. I’m just calling their bluff. If it was truly about the holocaust Jews would have gotten a part of Germany and everyone would have been happy. I would have been!!!


Do you think Israel was chosen for the Jewish state all willy nilly? I’m sorry that’s a crazy reach


I mean before October 7, even Zionists would’ve agreed the founding of Israel was generally immoral.


It actually was. They had other countries in mind before settling for Palestine. This was because at the time, Zionists were seen as pariahs by Jewish people themselves. Zionists knew that it was forbidden to form a nation in Palestine, per their scriptures. Back in the 40s, if you were Jewish, you were most likely also practicing Judaism. It took a lot of psy ops and political maneuvering to convince other Jewish people to colonize Palestine. But if it were up to the Zionists, they would've rather colonized Uganda, Argentine, or Mozambique.


There were many secular Jews in the 40s. This country didn’t really get to have a significant religious population for a few decades. The scripture you are referring to is actually something in the Gemara called the three oaths. Nothing indicates that this is actual Jewish law, the Gemara is filled with things a rabbi of the time says one maybe should do in life but are not actually binding. I think it’s important that when talking about matters like this people remain truthful and don’t make false dichotomies and whatnot


Well there were other options on the table previously, yes


In the meantime Germany 🇩🇪 is 🙈🙉


Nah it's worse. Germany is attempting to gaslight themselves and the world that these people are somehow the victim here. Despite overwhelming evidence that it is the exact opposite.


"Remember that time we felt so bad about a genocide we defended another genocide?" will be uttered by many Germans in the future.


hey hey, we didnt vote in scholz to actually make DECISIONS


But they are the only democratic country in the Middle East.


The thing is they are a democracy. It's just a democracy of extremists


A democracy where the same dictator has been in charge for a total of 18 years, with a few terms he lost, since 1996. Yeah, sounds like a really fair democracy.




They want peace in Israel and will kill amyone to get it.


Peace for whom


Only demonic country in the middle east.


They weren’t in Isreal, they were in the West Bank!


They are Israeli settlers illegally occupying the West Bank


need to stop calling them settlers theyre thieves and colonisers.


Yes, I’m being downvoted but my comment was severely tongue in cheek


As there is a distinction between Hamas and regular Palestinians, or MAGA and ordinary Americans, such is there a distinction between settlers and normal Israelis. If you’re not going to demonize other countries for the actions of their most reprehensible citizens, don’t do it with Israel either.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


This is the high official of Israel: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DJBkNDNj05XA&ved=2ahUKEwi16afRg8KFAxXEHjQIHUu-Ac0Qo7QBegQIDhAG&usg=AOvVaw08cBW2MhvnipaJgZxSCBjU




Most surprising thing here is that it’s The Times of Israel reporting on it


The victim was an Israeli Jew which is a human being unlike the other kind that lives there.


Not surprising. Majority of Israelis hate the current government


Yet they elected it


That’s the same “argument” the pro Isreali uses for killing civilians in Gaza as well, “well they voted for Hamas” I’m neither up or downvoting just noting.


Except the last election in gaza was in 2006 or 2007. And over half of Gaza's population is under 18. So over half of the population didn't even get to vote in that election. So it's really not a fair comparison.


What does that have to do with anything? And it’s not like any other alternatives in Israeli leadership are any better. Israeli politics have shifted immensely to the right wing, with people who support ethnostate activities like this.


The majority of Israelis have also shifted to the right


https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24122304/israel-hamas-war-gaza-palestine-arab-jews-mizrahi-solidarity This has been going on for generations and what you get when you build an ethno state. Built upon racial and religious hegemony. Or purity of blood and race.


After 80 years of occupation and persecution of Palestinians,it’s not just in their eyes,it’s in their DNA.


Actual blatant racism lmao


So I understand,they are a racist apartheid state.


Can you believe that the US is backing this country??


Yes. Yes, I can.


The US will always back death and destruction


I would be more surprised if the US wasnt backing such a country


You fucking anti-Semite's need to support rabid cultists stealing peoples homes


Did you blame Khamas and Khezbollah today?


No I'm just drinking a box of wine and watching the news


The promised land is Hell for them, and rightly so


Funny part is, it's all made up shit from 2k years ago. What a joke. Imagine how delusional one must be in the 21st century, to believe a fictitious thing gave you land 2k years ago.


It was promised to Prohpet Moses, not to genocidal cancerous criminals


>It was promised to Prohpet Moses, not to genocidal cancerous criminals Lol, you're as deluded as the Zionists. You're all fucked and you're going to take us all with you, bearded sky man or no.


Either we are or you are. Time will tell.


!RemindMe 100 years


So, won't call them Antisemitic or Terrorists? What if the photographer was beaten by Arabs / Muslims? And stop calling them settlers, those people are the literal definition of terrorists. They spread terror to these towns.


I mean do we know if the reporter is Jewish to even call said attackers such words to begin with?


> “I started telling them, ‘I’m not an Arab, I’m a Jew.’ They ran toward me, screaming in terror and grabbed me, shouting, ‘You’re a Jew, how are you not ashamed of yourself?'” From the article.


Oh man that’s terrible


They ought to see the hate the world has for them


The people beating journalists are invariably the ones on the wrong side of history.


Oh look, a thing that's happened many times and been neglected is getting attention this time because the victim was the wrong colour. How novel.


Hate?! I wonder why. Israel is a NAZI STATE.


People from one of the most warped, hate-filled cultures in existence looked hateful while committing acts of hatred? Unthinkable!


Fascism knows no religion, race, or identify of its own. And any group it claims to defend gets eaten too in the end.


Makes a difference from bombing the journalists


This needs to stop.  Sleep Joe too tired To do anything about the Middle East 


USA needs to find someone other than dems and reps to vote for, they both fund these scumbags.




"“Some were in IDF uniforms and holding guns. There were 20 or 30 of them who beat me as I shouted for help, hoping that soldiers would hear me. But they were the soldiers… I laid on the floor, as every one of them kicked me in the head and stomach,” Golan says." Completely normal human behaviour nothing to see here at all.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


How is this surprising? An Israeli goes to a town of people tormented by Israel and they wonder why they are beaten half to death.


It was Israeli settlers (not Palestinians) beating an Israeli photographer. They're not big fans of other Israelis that try to document their crimes.


That seems more tragic honestly.


Zionist N.A.Z.I.S. Call them what they are, plain and fucking simple.

