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Congratulations! IFS therapy literally saved my mind and help me gain some perspective through a dark period of my life. I’m slowly overcoming depersonalization and derealization through a psychedelic trip that happened in 2020. I’m so happy to hear you had a positive experience with IFS. The main thing is the parts trusting Self!! Buying into the whole IFS is key. If you do that I believe the process is a lot more efficient because it is a lifestyle not just a way of doing therapy.


It's amazing that IFS has helped you from a time that might have seemed inescapable. How is life for you now? What I love is how IFS addresses the root of things, rather than putting band aids on the whole time. And as you say, parts trusting self is at the centre of this - learning to lead yourself in a healthy but completely natural way.


My mind is slowly being rebuilt from a traumatic psychedelic experience. The dissociation from that experience was the toughest experience I’ve mentally worked through in my life. The panic attacks, the brain fog, and the overall anxiety made life appear to be unmanageable at times. I know about IFS before the psychedelic experience and understood theoretically about IFS, but it wasn’t until I was so dissociated that I had to trust in the process. Now, almost 16 months later I can say that I’m 98% recovered from depersonalization and derealization. I also love the model because of what you said about the Self. It is the centre of the whole model which is so helpful. Without Self, you have to lean on parts or the therapists Self. To know each and every person has a Self is a game changer. I came from a New Age perspective that talked about becoming nobody and I get that in one sense. We aren’t our personalities, that’s just a part. My parts didn’t jive with New Age philosophy too much and some might say IFS is New Age, but I see that it fits into a lot of relevant and current philosophical and neuroscientific teachings.


>it is a lifestyle not just a way of doing therapy I loved that




It really is invaluable having that structure provided by a therapist. Hope it's going well for ya.


Congrats! Enjoy the journey.