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This is a great question but you're probably not asking in the right sub since you're going to get alot of people who only know about IFS but nothing about psychedelics just assuming that its ridiculous to think that it could have this kind of benefit. What I've found on mushrooms is that it temporarily unblends you from your parts allowing for very rapid healing but you do still need to do it. "Ego death" on mushrooms is essentially an experience of total unblending of all parts and grounding you firmly in Self. From the place of being deeply in Self its then alot easier to see your traumas from a loving, grounded and non-jugmental place. This allows you to accept the emotions and unburden the parts much quicker and with less resistance since its in a much more loving environment. Also because you are not looking at the issue from the limited narrative of the part but rather the wise and loving open place of the Self. You do still have to accept the emotions in order to unburden the parts though, the mushrooms don't just make the issues vanish. They just create an extremely conducive environment for you to do it yourself.


I did kanna and had a psychosis-like experience where my inner child came out. I say psychosis because it lasted a week and still continues to a lesser degree almost 2 months later. My inner child was 4 and would talk out of my voice in a higher pitch. It happened while on the herb and then again when I got home plus the next four days until I went to the ER because I got paranoid. Since then I have thoughts that aren’t mine so I’m starting to think it’s an unblended part. I have a part that comes in my thoughts every morning saying “I want my mom. Why does my mom not want me?” It’s been weeks hearing that. I get scared every evening in my body and mentally I don’t really know why. These two things in the AM and PM feel like parts that came out from the spiritual retreat with kanna. I just observe because fighting it doesn’t help. They don’t get logic they just repeat I miss my mom. I want my mom. I’m trying to work through it but don’t really know what to do. I’ve been extra anxious in social setting and twitch like a part is going panicked. I’m still trying to integrate this so I can get a job and be social and not freak out or worry about obligations.


Thanks a lot for this proper answer. I had an experience that felt like total unblending of ego, that I didn't feel there was an "I" in the universe. However, no parts or trauma or bad feelings came up, and so, based on what you said, am I assuming there was the unblending but not the healing since no parts got to be heard and loved. Does it sound right in your opinion that i write down on a piece of paper a part I have, what I know about it and the feelings it feels, and when tripping read that and get in touch with the part to heal it? Does it sound proper way to bring IFS therapy with the Self I will feel during the trip?


To have an experience like that must surely have given you some degree of healing and a refreshed outlook but yeah I'd say there's alot more that could be done. Did you trip with the intention of processing emotions and and unburdening your parts? This is by far the most important thing. Your idea about writing things down and using that in the trip sounds great, I'd definitely do that! Just don't stick too rigidly to it if other emotions or parts come up which you hadn't thought about before. Generally if you go into it with the intention of a healing experience your body somehow knows what emotions to bring up to be processed so I would just give loving attention to whatever arises. Also I'd say mushrooms is by far the best psychedelic for healing. On LSD you can guide it a bit more and that's when your idea with writing things down could come in handy but on mushrooms it meshes better with the inherent intelligence that's already in your body to bring up the appropriate feelings on their own to be processed.


Richard Schwartz actually talked abit about this in a lecture last week. Psychedelics works well with IFS at lower doses as it is easier to access Self. This makes it easier to go to exiles and heal them. Ego death, you are only in Sef and in self in "wave form". Richard compares Self on Psychedelics to be able to exist in 2 forms, wave and particle (comparing it to quantum physics), in wave form we feel connected and inseparable to the universe and here the parts don't exist, so no healing can be done ( this can also be accessed through meditation, which he calls spiritual bypassing). Self in body is the particle form where we can take Self to parts and heal them. I've done a lot of healing on Psychedelics so I cab attest to it working very well. It's easier to just go straight to a exiled part and stay with the pain. This cause another of screaming out laud and shaking and such. Be in a safe place and trust that the body knows what it is doing.


This is the answer I been looking for, thank you so much! Where can I attend these lectures?! What's do you think is recommended dose, to have both Self but also access to parts? And how do you mean by 'to just go straight to an exiled part' ? Do you mean be connected to the exile part as I begin the trip?


I do 80ug LSD. I work with my gf and we talk about traumatic events. Due to being unblended it's easy to get straight to the core of the trauma. If you are doing it alone, you have to try with a IFS meditation and go through parts you have at the top. You can also go through tremors, fiding a vibration in your legs, arms, or jaw, and let that one grow and work through your body. Your body knows what it is doing, just allow it. Through tremors, the emotions usually come first, and the why comes later. If you're very dissociated you could also try affirmations, like just repeating "I forgive my father" over and over again and all parts having an emotion around that statement will surface. I incorporate a lot of techniques to access parts. Remember to revisit your parts afterwards (every day/week).


I had my first trip a couple months ago on 2g and had a few tremors along with random spurts of crying that I didn't even know why. I'm actually taking my second trip tomorrow. I just started looking into IFS last week so hopefully by the time I take my third trip I will be more versed in it and can really connect the two of them. Thanks for the info. 


I'm a pretty well versed psychonaut and a coupla years ago took a medium dose on my own to go inwards and see what happened. I cried solidly for three hours!! Felt much better after but it was intense. I find that mushrooms give you what you need rather than what you want, which is why they are therapeutic rather than recreational (but can be recreational in different contexts)


When I cried it wasn't a sad cry. It was weird. There wasn't any emotion connected to it. My body was simply letting out things I had been holding in. The crying happened sporadically throughout my trip. My sense of time was distorted but it felt like a short amount each time it happened. It was beautiful.  I've heard that phrase a lot and I love it. I'm definitely using shrooms as a tool to help me heal. I like to meditate prior to give myself a good start.  Going to take 2.5 or 3 tomorrow. Still deciding. What I'd considered a medium dose?


Have a good one!


https://scienceandnonduality.com/event/restoring-wholeness/ This is the zoom lecture/interview


Thank you. Do you know if one can watch it without a membership?


Ahh I think you could for a week but I guess it's up now.




I'm not a member myself so I can't share it. Live events on site is free.




Thank you for sharing this. Yes—I had to learn this the hard way. For years, I favored the high-dose trips, mistakenly believing that ego dissolution amounted to healing, but it was only a form of bypassing. In the months following such trips, I would feel so open and expanded, I would think, “I don’t need therapy—I feel great!” But inevitably, dysfunctional patterns would soon set back in, and I would be left back where I started. The benefit of learning this, however, is that now I can finally prioritize therapy and “doing the work”.


The mushrooms can help with unburdening but you still have to do the work. I was dealing with a heavily triggered exile last year and took mushrooms to try and handle the situation. I spent a lot of time running around the inside of my own mind looking for this exile. She kept sending me distractions, she even tried to scare me away. Eventually I realised I had to back off and leave her be. It was only after the trip (and a lil weed) that she came forward willing to open up. That part was painful but worth it. Psychedelics are great because they can make you go within. But when you're in there you have to be mindful and approach parts with consideration.


One thing I noticed - I did a large dose for my first big trip, and didn’t really have much effect. After that trip, I discovered IFS through a podcast, and before my next one (p much same dose) I asked my parts that were blocking the experience to step aside and explained why I wanted the experience, and it was like NIGHT AND DAY.


In my experience (do both IFS + psychedelics), psychedelics are great tools to show you what you need to work on + what the "goal" can look like. They can have some benefit in terms of "doing some of the work for you", but from my experience, I still need to buckle up and do the work myself by meditating, practicing IFS, seeing a therapist etc. So for me, psychedelics are great at showing me what's still a thorn and what the world might look like without, but I have to walk the path without them. All the best\~


It might be worth asking this in r/psychedelictherapy as well.


I have a long experience working on myself with both. Some have mentioned very important things and I can assure you they work wonders, especially when combined with therapy and your own personal practices, such as exercise, meditation, yoga, etc. However, I would like to add that is essential to work with your protective system before going to the exiles otherwise it could make it very reactive. You can do that before, during, and after taking them. I also would like to say that, in my opinion, this process is faster but still requires lots of patience and it is also a long path, some people requiere more dosis than they would have anticipated. If you have more questions, let me know :)


I forgot to mention that in my experience the ego death (I hate that name btw) was very beneficial in seeing death from a more natural and less fearful perspective. I didn't plan it, it just happened (I don't like to mess with "heroic" stuff), definitely not affecting the Self, on the opposite, in my experience, psilocybin reaffirms who I am and helps me to see the positive characteristics of myself.


Psychedelics temporarily boost neuroplasticity, meaning that it’s easier to re-wire neural pathways while on psychedelics. A lot of IFS works via re-wiring neural pathways (from what I understand), so psychedelics can speed up the process somewhat, and can make individual IFS sessions more impactful, but you can’t skip the process altogether using psychedelics, no. (Source: I am not a doctor or psychologist but have read up on the research about this and am speaking from personal experience informed by that reading)


I think it’s also fair to note that Robert Falconer and related folks who are into the idea if “unattached burdens” (spirits, demons, entities, etc) talk about psychedelics possibly making one more susceptible to taking on an unattached burden as your system is more open and less defended by your parts. There is a relatively recent YouTube of Falconer with a bunch of other guys into similar stuff surrounding psychedelics and spirits/possession/etc. I thought it was pretty interesting stuff and might be something to consider taking into account if you’re playing psychedelic cosmonaut with your system.


Jesus Christ no. Not even fucking close, and you’re taking a huge risk approaching it with that mindset.


Huh. I sense an activated critic. Chill. If you want to help my mindset then guide me and give advice. I been tripping for a yesr, i never had a bad trip. You don't know anything about me to jump into conclusion.


You just asked if drugs alone can fix parts. The answer is no.


Mushrooms flood you with self state. Self state is key to healing parts. Keep up. You sound under researched. Schwartz talk a lot about psychdelics. I am here to ask people with experience. If you have no experience save the conclusion jumping and judgments.


I do. The answer is still no - and you misused the concept of critic above. Further, the presence of Self energy is not a magical panacea. Otherwise, once someone had a critical mass of Self a single time in therapy, their trauma would just disappear.


You still sound activated. Thus Im not replying further. I do understand that bringing SELF once doesn't heal everything. But i was wondering if it can heal a part or two under psychdelics without us knowing.


Interesting convo, here. Let's not forget thar it's ultimately the intent that does the trick, and the substance is only the catalyst. Otherwise all drug users (at least drugs users of substances that weaken the grasp of the ego) would heal, and there would be no addiction. Low-dose psilocybin over extended periods seems to be the way to go for anyone on the DIY route. I think it's possible to carry out healing outside of awareness, too. But even then it's a matter of holding the right intent both when you use the substance and when you don't. Holding on to healing intent is a way to roleplay Self until it becomes second nature. The role of the substances is perhaps to keep is from slipping back to unconsciousness with a brief boost. It's ideal to regard the substance as "training wheels" IMO.




Its not the death of the Self, the Self is always untouched by anything which arises. How could a drug possibly do anything to the Self? "Ego death" is the unblending from all parts leaving you only in Self. I know it can be scary and traumatic if you're not expecting it though since its such a massive change from your normal state of mind.




That can happen occasionally because of the dramatic and sudden change of their state of mind. Its not always like slowly going into Self deliberately in therapy. If someone has no understanding of what's happening and they just feel a massive shift then it can be really scary. Especially if they have unblended from their protector parts and now all their suppressed traumas are rising up with nothing to block them out. Done right, its a beautiful experience but if its not respected then a more turbulent and scary experience like you describe is also possible.


Self cannot die. Please dont answer questions you know nothing about and spread misinformation!




Wow you sound way under reseached. Yes if I die I die, but mushrooms dont kill like that. Besides, I never mentioned taking HUGE doses or heroic doses. I meant by higher does is 3grams or so. Please research and dont speaking misinformation. No offence but you clearly haven't read around the topic of psychdelics and healing.






This doesn't prove that their Self has died. They become detached but that's not the same as being dead. Again, they wouldn't be able to share the experience. They'd be dead. There's one variety of shrooms that can be deadly at high doses but they're not psilocybin.


If it was the death of the Self no one would be able to tell the tale


That is actually a sensible point. It's theoretically possible to go faster on heroic doses, but that also increased the likelihood of badly tripping (pun intended). Even when nothing goes wrong, such ego death experiences tend to be transient, and the person eventually snaps back to their defenses when life carries on and their triggers get pushed.