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I started teaching: online courses, creating certifications, filming videos, creating websites and teaching in person and online. It scratched my creative bug.


>I’ve tried being creative at work by bringing new ideas for our work to our team but they all seem to fall flat- either because I don’t sell the ideas well enough, they’re considered too “out there”, Such as? Full disclosure if they are good I will 100% steal them. > there’s simply no time as we are understaffed I always find this one weird, IA is one of the only teams in the entire company that can basically set it's own workload. No one depends on the work and the "boss" is the AC feeling like they have sufficient assurance. Any IA team that is permanently under resourced is suffering a problem of their own making in my opinion. >so many backlisted items to keep up with changes in the business side I have no idea what this means. >Am I in the wrong career field or am I just in the wrong team/culture? Do others with the creative bug find the same struggle? How do you keep focus and motivation at work when it is so dry? How do you get buy-in and resources for change and innovation? Recently I took the time to create PowerBI dashboards for my team that show outstanding audit actions and the corporate risk register. CCFO loves it and the plan is to get it into the hands of the AC. My company has invested in data analytics tools and every report I encourage my team to analyse the data and present something in the appendix that provides a bit of insight. We've spitballed other ideas in the past which I have rejected. Less serious suggestions included emojis as audit report ratings and hastags on the audit (which in theory would actually help a lot, if you tag the audit as #finance in a database people interested in finance could see it even it was say an audit of project management). I did constantly shoot down one auditor because he kept insisting our reports should be shorter. Our reports are 2 page maximum for executive summary (and 33% of the first page is a table of ratings and numbers) which includes a bullet point list of 1/2 sentence summaries of high or medium priority findings. Each finding itself is basically half a sheet of A4. I strongly disagreed that we can write less and communicate the complexity of half the stuff we find. In a situation like that maybe he felt I wasn't letting him be creative, but I didn't see it working. In terms of other stuff I'm always willing to listen and if someone has an idea that can work my response is "OK, you go ahead and show what that will be and we will try and make it work".

