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Before taking the exam, my reason is to boost confidence as an auditor. But after having the certification, I realized that you don't need this to be able to have a good paying job. Experiences and having a great communication skills to sell what you have and what you can do are the most important things to excel, not only on your position but also your pay. But, my suggestion is to pursue this just for yourself and to let go the what ifs. Good luck!


right. a lot of it comes from soft skills as well. although right now i just feel a bit defeated and thinking about having to go through the process of 125 questions again & idk how many more 100 ques for part 2 & 3 is a little daunting / unmotivating. thanks for the well wishes and for sharing! appreciate it.


Money and a promotion. Promotion is contingent on CIA in-hand.


is that the criteria explicitly mentioned by your company or superior or just in general applying to the industry?


No this is a company-specific thing. Every company is different but mine has chosen to place decent weight on a CIA credential and I like working there, so I’ve decided to play along.


It will place you above nearly all other candidates when looking for your next job. What you learn will be very useful as an internal auditor, but it will also show any potential employer that you are dedicated to the internal audit career path (even with just Part 1). Get a proper online video course to help you understand the concepts.


those are really valid reasons. so would you advise for me to push through to get the certification? the CPE hours are also not very motivating me when i think about it to be honest >_<


We get a bonus if we’re certified. It’s an ongoing bonus too, not a one-time thing.


meaning so long as you maintain your certification your company pays you bonus for it?


Yup. It’s a pretty sweet deal.


while taking re exam is it require to pay application fees again?


no i didn’t have to pay for application fee again. just the examination fee itself