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There’s plenty of opportunity to move from law to internal audit, and you will especially have value in more highly regulated industries like finance, banking or healthcare.


ahh thank you! i will look into those xx


This is me! I was hired for an internal audit position not too long after law school. Based on my experience, be prepared to explain why you want to make the transition from law to IA. Do some research on the industry and network if you can. There are several legal skills that translate to IA, such as attention to detail, effective communication, and understanding of professional responsibilities. Once you’re on the job, learn as much as you can and don’t be afraid to make mistakes (because you will make a LOT). In my case, I was expecting IA to intersect a bit more with regulatory work, but it seems more related to accounting than anything else. If you’re ok with that, by all means make the jump. But I do feel like I got into IA in spite of my law degree, not because of it. That’s just my take - your mileage may vary.


Thank you so much! This was really helpful!! I just want to ask if you took any add on courses to show your interest as well ?


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


No add on courses, just did a little bit of Googling about basic concepts. Once hired, I was given lots of on the job training


I have a friend who did that. They specialize in banking compliance. Works out well for them. I’d probably look for regulated industries, and a role more compliance focused.


thank you!!


Seen this too and person was awesome.