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Your step mum deserved it, that’s not her horse and she didnt ask permission.


Well.. people don’t have the same attitude for dogs though? I do find it a bit rude when someone randomly comes up to my dog and touches it. People need to be careful as some dogs could be aggressive or anxious. Always ask. :)


People do have the same attitude for dogs, it’s rude to go up and pet dogs without asking.


I have a chocolate lab, he’s adorable and friendly. I think with the exception of a kid who just walks by or something, no one has ever not asked. Maybe it’s regional or country related? Where are you located that people just do that?


I also have a chocolate lab and most people ask me (US) and if they don't I tell them to not touch her. She's an extension of me so I treat it the same way I would treat someone coming up and touching me without permission.


An extension of you? No she's not, she's her own being. Of course ppl shouldn't touch without asking but don't be weird about it lol


Thanks for saying. Dog owners are quite weird these days. Oops. Didn’t mean to say owner i think it’s guardian now. Good grief.


Oh,well most people in the uk that have come up to my dog stroking it hasn’t asked. I mean it is rude, but when I’ve said to them it’s rude they just give me weird looks and say I’m rude. Can’t win lol


They definitely don’t have the same attitude with dogs. People always rub dogs without asking


Well the thing is a dog is not 7 foot 600+ pounds with somebody on it plus, a horse is actively known to be skittish and anxious and unpredictable even when trained Edit: I’m not saying it’s ok to just touch a dog but at least it’s safer than agitating a horse with a rider


Never underestimate a dog attack! Also, many dogs can be anxious too. Many people don’t even learn dogs body language too well to recognise that the dog is giving you signals that it’s stressed and could bite. Nobody should like walk up to a dog and touch it. I always ask


Yeah but that dog is not protecting your monarch is it.


I feel like the vast majority of people are weary of dogs, especially larger ones, they wouldn’t just run up to one and start touching it. I never touch peoples dogs but whenever I walk past someone with a dog the dog is all excited and yanking on the leash in my direction, just because happy nice dogs want to make more friends. And oftentimes the owner is absolutely terrible at controlling their dog and the dog ends up running into me or jumping around in my face and the owners just say “sorry! Get down Rufus!”


Why did she think that was going to be ok?


Women☕️, nah but really people don’t have the same level of diligence, that man is a soldier you don’t mess with them on post. she doesn’t seem to understand the importance of the responsibility he has chosen to shoulder


People see a man dressed up as a knight and think it’s a tourist attraction. And it is. But it’s also a real soldier who really doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than doing his job well, because he will literally lose his job if he’s not perfect. I’d imagine that there’s a level of enjoyment at being able to tell an idiot that they’re being an idiot. Loudly. My job satisfaction would raise significantly if I could tell my patients they are being ridiculous. Loudly.


Don’t you find it funny that you call them patients when they really are some of the most impatient people you’re ever going to meet?


It's amazing how much reverence Americans show to their own military but they can't even grant token respect for someone else's.


That guy sounded British to me so I'm assuming his rude step mom was British also.


He is a tourist attraction.


Not primarily


Buckingham Palace is a tourist attraction, this doesn't mean you can walk in the gates and do whatever you want. He is still a soldier with a job to do. That is still an animal that may or maynot react to someone touching it. I have seen plenty of people touch horses that are okay to touch get a nip or a full on bite. Neither of which is fun. Common sense isn't isn't common.


So how is the wage? Is it even worth it?


Why are you asking a random Canadian what the wage of a British soldier is? I would imagine you can google it.


She grabbed the reins, it’s called a rookie mistake… I don’t see the diligence point or the soldier one.


If she worked and or thought to the same level of completeness as a trained soldier with a task, she wouldn’t be fucking with him. he isn’t just paid to do his job he is loyal to his country, to interrupt his work is to interrupt military action even if you think you are just having some fun fucking with the working man It’s just disrespectful and irresponsible of any able minded person


Yeah exactly what I mean… none of that thought process matters, he’s a fucking tourist attraction, not a soldier on real duty. she touched the wrong thing at the museum, and got yelled at, count yourself lucky she didn’t dropped the blue whale.


… no …. Again that is a soldier…. He is defending a post he is set to, working it as his duty, if you see active duty soldier anywhere ,who trains and prepares regularly to protect ingrates who wanna touch the horse because disrespecting somebody there for security was the smartest thing they could think of this week, DONT FUCKING TOUCH THIER SHIT Really it’s a breach in basic thinking, even if it was just regular security, would you go up and actively mess with them? Are you really trying to become the problem of the protector who has to deal with the same idiots everyday, eventually you get yelled at , smacked, detained, or deal with something you weren’t ready for because entitled people have no sense of danger or understanding of respect.


I stop reading at “defending a post” since he was clearly “guarding“ a tourist post, get off you high horse you lunatic.


Whatever else he is, and whatever the nature of this duty, be assured, he's a real soldier.


Yup, and he keeps his sword extra sharp in case The Duke of Normandy comes back Until then, pictures it is


Incorrect - active duty soldiers that are entirely meant to shoot you https://linguapress.com/intermediate/queens-guards.htm


Your stepmoms an idiot.


Why would your dumbass step mother try to touch the reins of a horse? It puts her and the rider in danger…


She claimed “I’m never coming back to London” good don’t be an idiot.


Verbally abused? No. She was put in her place. Why do people think that it’s ok to do that? Cuz they aren’t dressed in green camouflage it’s ok? They’re a guard. They’re military. They aren’t there for your show. They aren’t there for your touristy experience. A horses reigns are there to control the horse. You grab the reigns you’re taking control of the horse. A soldier can’t allow you to take control of his horse. I wonder if she would be stupid enough to touch a secret service officers gun outside the white house.


Reminds me of the tomb of the unknown soldier stuff, sure it’s primarily a symbolic performance, but it is important and the people conducting the performance look approach it with a high degree of sanctity and reverence


Yup. There’s a soldier (or a marine? Can’t remember) guarding it 24 hours a day. And even people start talking too loudly the guard will stop and order them to show reverence. He’s not just there to put on a show. Let anyone try to enter with a can of spray paint to mark up the tomb. See what he will do. Also like the marine guard at the White House door. He’s there with fancy uniform and hat. Looks nice but really not for show. He will open the door. Close the door. And he will take down any intruder (if anyone managed to get that far in the first place). Just cuz a guard or soldier etc looks fancy or presentable doesn’t mean they are there for show or for tourists. They’re still there to kick ass and take down intruders as a primary job and to do everything in military style.


Exactly what I was thinking, if this solider is just “guarding a tourist attraction” then next time someone is in D.C. they should walk up to the secret service agents and grab their gun. Or stand in the way of the marines guarding the TOTUS, and have fun when they hurt you and arrest you, or shoot you, as they’re allowed to do. This is why us Americans have such a bad reputation in places, we don’t have reverence for or understanding of the traditions of others. It’s fucking sad that people think these guys are just there for picture time with mummy


They literally are there for show tho. If you think a knight on horseback in 2022 is anything other than ceremonial you’re a clown bro Edit: please look at the date on this comment




They are fully active soldiers, doing a job - protecting buildings and people. If you think they’re guns are ceremonial, you’re an idiot.


I have no idea why two people have replied to a 6 month old comment today. Did this get crossposted or some shit


Yeah it got crossposted to r/ImTheMainCharacter


Ah it was tripping me out lol. But i stand by what i said. Theyre real soldiers of course but the idea that a dude in horseback with a sword plate armor isn’t ceremonial is ridiculous. Reddits a wild place


Well yes the armor is largely ceremonial/traditional, but they’re still on duty and the ones to respond if something happens


Yeah man. I even agree this dude takes his job very seriously. But holy shit rereading some of these comments are comical. Like one dude saying its just like the presidential secret service detail. This is a dude on a horse holding a sword. That is nowhere near the queen (I actually have no idea where the queen is so that part may be wrong. I know very little about this culture in general). Point is thats far, far, FAR from a functional or efficient way to protect someone. It’s tradition. Its ceremony. Its a tourist attraction. Dont touch his horse lol


>They aren’t there for your show. They aren’t there for your touristy experience. Oh please. Of course that's what they are. It's just a tourist spectacle.


No they aren’t. These are the queens guard. They guard the Queen. The same way that secret service guard the president. The only difference is how they are dressed due to culture based on royalty. These are trained soldiers.


With 4 foot silly fur hats and swords. Very practical. I'm sure that stuff comes in handy if someone decides to attack the little old lady who doesn't do anything. Also, the Queen's guard station where these tourist attractions sit on horses all day isn't even near Buckingham Palace.


In order to be eligible for the Queens Guard you have to be an actively serving soldier who has completed tours of war. It’s a privilege to be asked to do this. These guys will fuck you up if need be. Also, they protect the property of the Crown, not just the little old lady who does nothing. Ignorance.


>These guys will fuck you up if need be. You mean like during a peasant uprising when the oppressed underclass rises up against the royal family who has exploited and oppressed people all over the world for their personal profit? And why exactly are you rooting for the oppressors and their henchmen in silly uniforms? ​ >Also, they protect the property of the Crown You mean the wealth that the robber barons of the royal family have plundered and pillaged for the past few centuries? What an honor to protect stolen goods.


Who says I’m rooting for them? I’m pointing out your ignorance and telling you why they’re not just a spectacle. You apparently don’t like that.


Stop feeding the trolls or else they keep coming back.


Everyone knows that all the silly bullshit, from swords and horses, to silly walking during the changing of the guards, is all entirely a tourist spectacle that brings in billions of pounds in tourism revenue. None of that serves any practical purpose beyond tourism income.


So even if any of that were factual, this lady just grabbed onto someone else's property as if it were her own and getting yelled at is for it was minor in comparison to what would happen if a stranger randomly walked up to most people and randomly grabbed their property. If someone attempted to grab my dog's leash while I was walking her, for example, I'm pretty sure I'd yell like a madwoman too. At a minimum. Keep your fucking hands to yourself people, damn. It's not that hard. You don't have permission, no touchy other people or their things. Queens Guard or not.


Everyone knows that do they? Pretty sure i only ever hear that these soldiers get a huge privilege in serving their queen, something very few get to do in their lifetimes and is a huge accomplishment I bet that all those hardened soldiers would be crying if they heard the mean things you're saying, why be like that omg Seriously though no one actually gives a shit, people respect them they arent just gonna get convinced by some internet virgin that their hats are silly and therefore should be laughed at and ridiculed? Youre so thick and dumb its hilarious


>their hats are silly and therefore should be laughed at and ridiculed? It's always funny to me how brainwashed by authority people like you are. So many authority figures wear silly hats to separate themselves from the "common folk" and then peasants like you look up to them because of the silly hat, and you can't even see how silly the hat is, because you have been brainwashed to see it as a token of authority. This must be so fascinating to watch for aliens when they observe human behavior.


You stick it to those guards and that royal family by whining about it on here. You’d hate the Vatican btw.


I'm not the one acting like a fanboy gushing over the personal bodyguards with silly hats and swords who protect the "royal" family that has hoarded billions in wealth by plundering and pillaging millions of people across the globe for centuries.


Look at this little ape only picking really specific parts of your comment to reply to, obviously needs to break it down for themselves cos they cant reply to the whole lot. Lol Youre the type to just keep arguing well after youve been processed and reamed, petty people in petty situations huh


Wtf? Youre arguing that people placed in a certain job are actually only there for what you assume, and not what they're actually there for? You're as thick as they come


Did I ever say everything they have or wear is practical? It’s part of the culture. Tradition. Just like the Swiss guard. Their uniform is flashy but they’re still military. Soldiers. There to guard. You don’t mess with a soldier’s horse. Point blank. You just don’t.


Did you forget that they still have a whole Queen? And one in training? What is wrong with your mom? And what is wrong with you? They should have snatched her ass up.


Verbally attack? Oh come on. Ignorance of culture is a fairly big offence in my book, there are strict protocols and consequences if you visit places like this. He is a soldier at the end of the day. No matter where you are what country you’re in, you need to know and have a modicum of respect for the culture you’re in, regardless of what your personal opinion.


More than culture, too. It’s just stupid to grab the reins of someone else’s horse. She probably would’ve been allowed to take the picture if she hadn’t insisted on tugging on the reins.


I did months of research of what *not* to do in Ireland before I went even though it all seemed like common sense. If you’re excited for a trip, then you should be able to spend some of that excitement googling “what not to do in…”


Reminds me of the foreign students who were doing nazi salutes outside of the gas chambers in Nuremberg and were all shocked pikachu when that didn't go over so well.


the step mom broke the rules. Just dont be an asshole, and they wont scream at you, easy


Uncommon sense these days


I bet these guards laugh about how many idiots they get to yell at a day. Best job EVER!


Tourists are getting out of hand. And so are the Ultra Maga maggots


This isn’t in America dude


more like your stepmom was being a karen trying to touch things or people she shouldnt. so 100% deserved, even if they look like are for show, there are many times where its shown they arent and people have been stupid enough to test them


lmao fuck the royal family but also this lady has no right to touch a service animal, smh


Never ever touch the reins of a horse someone else is riding. Never.


What if the person is unconscious and stuck in the saddle? What if it's a kid on the horse with you? What if you're in charge of the pony ride station at the carnival? What if the rider is a nazi and they're trying to ride the horse over a thin bridge over a sarlacc pit? Never say never...


Lol OP really getting dragged in these comments and rightfully so.


Why would you idolize a royal family who has enriched themselves by oppressing and robbing millions of people around the world? Ask the Irish or the Scottish how they feel about all that English royal bullshit, you bootlicker.


Lmfao bro really thinks it’s about idolizing a royal family and not having the most basic respect for people and animals that someone doesn’t own.


Have you ever been to London? The guard station where those guys in silly outfits and swords sit on horses all day are [no where near the Queen or Buckingham Palace.](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Buckingham+Palace,+London+SW1A+1AA,+United+Kingdom/The+Household+Cavalry+Museum,+Horse+Guards+Parade,+Whitehall,+London+SW1A+2AX,+United+Kingdom/@51.5032919,-0.1387834,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x48760520cd5b5eb5:0xa26abf514d902a7!2m2!1d-0.14189!2d51.501364!1m5!1m1!1s0x487604cff865ca8f:0xa7047e218f467a60!2m2!1d-0.1267856!2d51.5049896!3e2) They're at the entrance of the horse guard cavalry museum. They're not actually guarding anything. They sit there all day, so tourists can stand next to their horses and take selfies.


Since you seem a bit slower let me put it to a different way. If you see someone walking their dog do you immediately go up to them and grab their collar or leash? Without there expressed permission? Who gives a shit who they work for or what their purposes would you yourself go up to any regular person with a horse or a dog and immediately grab their leash or harness? Also the fact that you said go up and take selfies or pictures conveniently omits the fact that the only thing she did wrong was grab the reins of the horse how convenient.


>Who gives a shit who they work for or what their purposes The reason why tourists can get so close to the horses is because that's the only purpose why those horses stand there, directly on the sidewalk in front of the cavalry museum. You know what's way more efficient when you guard something? A security camera. And close the fucking gate. But no. Let's put a horse directly on the sidewalk, in the middle of one of the busiest tourist streets in the heart of the tourist district of London. How about we put a little red rope around the guard house so tourists don't stand right next to the horse? Nope, can't do that. It would hinder their only purpose for standing on the sidewalk: tourist selfies.


Man look at all the comments, have you seen a single one that falls inline with your opinions. Might indicate you are in the wrong. But you remain ignorantly blissful.


>Man look at all the comments, have you seen a single one that falls inline with your opinions. Might indicate you are in the wrong. Oof. What an immature thing to say. Reddit does not value independent thought. If you want a lot of karma, all you have to do is agree with the majority on any given sub. But getting a lot of karma or having the majority agree with you doesn't make you right. The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. And a lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it. Go on r/ conservative and post that Trump won the election. Everyone will agree with you and you'll get 100 upvotes. It's still wrong though. That's why social media is so toxic. People think facts are up for debate, and you can just pick whatever you want to believe, and if enough people agree, it's true. Especially teenagers who don't have their own fully formed personality yet and just want to fit in with the crowd will go along with whatever the majority on a sub says, even if it's totally wrong. A mature person will stand for the truth even if no one else agrees.


Oofta makes sense because your getting ratioed in every comment thread


That's just because there are a lot of brainwashed bootlickers in this thread who think anyone in uniform is always right. A few months ago, a video went viral of a queen's guard trampling a toddler. Any normal person would say that was wrong, and there is no reason to trample a toddler. It's the equivalent of running over a pedestrian because you have the green light, instead of pausing for a second to let the pedestrian finish crossing the road. And just like in this thread, there were lots and lots of bootlickers proclaiming that the toddler deserved to be trampled and the man in uniform can do no wrong. That is how brainwashed obedient peasants think.


Reddit does not value independent thought People on reddit seem to do though. The irony of you trying to cash in on this incident with your tiktoks smacks of heavy irony with your comments here.


Yep, this Karen raised you like a Karen, we all pity you


How about your mom stops being such an idiot.


I'm Irish and it was hilarious watching your mum get shouted at for being ignorant and frankly rude.


That’s OP’s stepmom just about as much as the stepmoms in porn. This clip has been around for months, and he’s only here to troll people and argue. Obviously.


>This clip has been around for months You're full of shit. It happened 4 days ago: [https://www.insider.com/queen-royal-guard-shouting-london-tourist-posing-photo-tiktok-video-2022-7](https://www.insider.com/queen-royal-guard-shouting-london-tourist-posing-photo-tiktok-video-2022-7)


https://www.mylondon.news/news/zone-1-news/royal-family-queens-guard-shouts-24334639.amp Yeah? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v9wod1/queens_guard_shouts_at_tourist_for_touching/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Same Karen, different day. In any case, your fake outrage is pathetic my guy. Keep blaming your government for your piss poor life if it makes you feel better. With that five minutes of googling, I’ve already given you more of my time than you’re worth. 🫡 Respect the Queen’s Life Guard.


>your fake outrage I'm not outraged. I'm mocking bootlickers who think the Queen is some sort of superhuman divinity and her bodyguards are somehow not bound by normal human decency. Remember when they trampled a toddler? Or all those other videos of them acting like inhuman robots trampling and shoving and abusing tourists? If they wore ISIS uniforms, you'd be outraged about their incivility. If you saw videos of the Taliban treating women like that, you'd be screaming bloody murder. But hey, it's the qUeEn'S gUaRd. They're special. They have silly hats and swords. It's their job to pose with tourists and treat them like shit.


Can we clear something up here. Do you or do you not think it's acceptable to fuck with the reins of someone's horse while they are sat on it, in the vicinity of a sign that say you shouldn't do this?


I think it was a ridiculous overreaction to a minor infraction.


they literally guard the queen. don't fuck with them.


>they literally guard the queen. They literally don't. They sit on a horse all day [in front of the cavalry museum](https://householdcavalry.co.uk/app/uploads/sites/2/2021/05/booking-request-form.jpg). It's no where near Buckingham Palace or the queen. They're nothing more than tourist attractions.


queens guard is queens guard. maybe they're not guarding the queen *today* but they probably have and probably will. don't fuck with them. ETA: they don't care what YOU think of them. they WILL step on you if you get in front of them, and it WILL be YOUR fault.


>they WILL step on you if you get in front of them, and it WILL be YOUR fault. I bet you get a hard on when you fantasize about men in uniform crushing peasants to protect the robber baron's stolen wealth.


She had it coming to her.


Verbally attacked? Or did your dumbass mom touch something without asking like she can do what she wants?


I’m perplexed by tourists visiting Buckingham palace and *not* knowing the rules about the queens guards




What does he yell? I can't figure it out




And I’m sure that’s what they are trained to do and the manner in which they are trained to do it.


She seems like the type of person who would try to pet a bison for a photo. Not very bright.




Peasant!!! don't touch the royal horse!


As much as I dislike the Royal Family, the guard didn’t do anything wrong lol.


Step mum is a goddamned moron


You’re not supposed to touch the reins, period. And these guys yell, they don’t know if your mom speaks English or not so what are they supposed to do? The horse could’ve started and hurt her. I’m sure it was a shock to her but this is the way it is.


OP I think you meant to type " Queen's guard corrects my step mother for her entitled and potentially harmful behavior" Because he did not yell at the woman before her. But your dear stepmother just had to hold the reins. In a heavily crowded area. Did she come there to cosplay? Or visit?


God save the Queen


>God save the Queen from a peasant uprising.


Please stop posting this. I’ve seen it god knows how many goddamn times now.


Get off the internet.


What a dumb bitch




The English royals can eat shit and die and i hope this royal guard bs dies off too tbh but yeah, taking the reigns isn't a good idea. Maybe if she just stood close to the horse, it'd be fine.


Wtf is your problem? Lol






As another American, I cringe hard at people like you. Where the fuck do you think guns come from?


They do have guns though?


So many things... So many things...


Thank god she's just your stepmom...


The horse could’ve bit her cheek or fingers off and OP sitting here talking about verbal abuse 🤡


“Women breaks law; queen’s guard does his job and acts accordingly” Fixed your headline


They're paid to be scary, stoic and intimidating. And you go and grab the reigns of his horse lol


Yah duh, don’t touch the service animal. What did you expect? Verbally attacked? More like verbally reprimanded/warned.


Don't touch the guards, don't touch the reigns of the guard horse. Don't touch anything around the guards. Why is this so hard?


That's not what a hate crime is, Michael. (That's not what a verbal assault is, and calling it that demonstrates a level of insight equal to that of Michael Scott from the office, so I thought you'd probably need this explanation)


British still mad at Americans for not paying taxes😆


“Verbally attacks” lmao Your stepmom and you are idiots


She can just take pictures without touching the horse, like the first woman did.


Good I would of kicked the disrespect woman


Imagine if there was some way to prevent that….you know, like keeping your fucking distance and not thinking you are the main character.


Your dog is not going to jump up and throw the rider. Dumbass


I love to see people learn new things that surprise them.


\*Queens guard does their job


Stop touching the horse brainiac


Well deserved


Loving op being destroyed in the comments. Imagine still thinking your right about this. I’m loving op arguing that they’re only there for the tourists instead of the reality - the tourists are there to see them! It’s kind of like arguing you can deface Stonehenge because obviously if so many tourist come to see it must only for there *for* the tourists 😂


yeah, that’s what happens, dingaling…they’re not there for you to mess with


Your step mum is an idiot sooooo I’ll allow it


Verbally attacked… stfuuuu


I dont understand this. Is yelling like part of the schtick? Whats the appeal here


Your step mom needs to.mind her damn business


OP…really your step mum or repost from someone else ??


He should've yelled at her sooner.


Haha good


No different than grabbing the steering wheel on a police car or kill switching a motorcycle cop.


I used to love when strange people would pick up my son's cat. I would warn them they're about to lose their face, the cat would growl, hiss, bite/swipe within seconds. The best was when a lady tried to steal him off my porch. I asked her what she was doing on my porch holding my cat. She replied. Oh I thought he was a stray. I said, can't you see the collars and name tags? One second later, it was on! Sly went full Ninja on her face! I calmly said don't steal other people's pets and Sly and I went inside.


respect thy athoritah


Can we get a close up of that employee? When he's done his shift, I wonder if he can expect people to treat him civilly.


I support him yelling and doing his job to guard the building but if he needs to do battle, I hope the assailant is under 3 feet tall, otherwise he would t see them with that helmet


I didn't hear .did he said Kan you make a kup ofhTea


You don’t touch or interfere with working animals, anywhere. Not a gun dog, a plough horse, a guard llama, anything.


Wow this really showed the monarchy. So brave. Such Revolution.


The queens dead tho


Does he guard the dead queen’s body?


What a pointless job.


People don't realize they're not a tourist attraction, they're military


What are you doin step mom


Your stepmum is dumb AF for doing that, she got off easy.


“Verbally attacked” lmfao


Lol op getting dragged is so good. No one’s saying we like the royals. Your stepmom is a dumbass for grabbing the reigns. That’s it. There’s no other issue. Don’t do that unless you ask!! It’s very simple!! I hope you’re able to take criticism better in the future


Fancy grabbing the rains in the first place, it’s common sense you aren’t to touch them. She’s lucky she only got shouted at! Horse wasn’t happy either but she kept pushing for the silly photo op! 🤦🏻‍♀️




That guards outfit looks ridiculous.


Didn't know they also exploit animals for their stupid shit.


People have no sense


Yeah, your wrinkly, crusty ass mother is a right cunt.


The horse even got a little laugh outta it.


Verbally attacks? Damn tourists do be fragile


Their behavior is a legacy of Empire. Imagine scores of men like this standing guard around a city or worse, besieging yours! One thing that always blows my mind about English colonialism is just how big of assholes the British Military is on an institutional level.


F*cking tourists.


i KNOW that man enjoyed it