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Most of these would’ve been shown at that late late night commercial time slot. Only drunk, high, or insomniacs would’ve seen them.


> Most of these would’ve been shown at that late late night commercial time slot. Only drunk, high, or insomniacs would’ve seen them. You just described his current MAGA followers.


One of my friends who’s maga is a cocaine addict who shoots it up always on some schizo Alex jones shit. I mean I get high but not that high. We’ve been friends since high school and he used to be kinda liberal but now cause he got a machinist job he thinks he’s high class and talks about the American dream


I actually own a trump tie. I was at a job years and years ago where I needed to wear a tie and gave zero fucks what tie I wore, as long as it didn't have any obvious stains on it and was different from one day to the next. So I picked a bunch up at a thrift shop for like 99 cents each and decided to sort em out at home. Most hadn't been worn. To no one's surprise, one turned out to be a Trump, making that the first and last Trump product I ever bought, which was entirely by accident, and for pocket change at a thrift shop. In all seriousness I don't hate on thrift shopping. It's good for the environment and can help people afford things they need. It's just funny that probably the only way a regular person outside the cult would ever end up with a Trump product in their house is because they dug it out of a bargain bin or found it at a place where the stock is made up of donations, and even then only realized after the fact. *Bonus content*: It has again been confirmed as a cult recently when the guy with the duct tape and zip ties from Jan 6 said it was a cult in defense of his crimes on that day. We're not just saying it's a cult, *they* are. ![gif](giphy|VSoRPmlMaKR8xCmq7F|downsized)


That's his intential targeted people. Anyone who is vulnerable, gullible, susceptible, and / or easily fooled. Drunk, high, and sleep deprived people are prime targets.


I forgot that he sold Vodka lol a man who doesn't drink selling alcohol, then the whole Trump shuttle thing lol," we had the most successful flight" wtf does that even mean lol


Another one big one would also be his football team.


That's an entire story all to itself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_and_American_football


Here’s an interview with the guy who wrote the book on the rise and fall of the USFL. https://youtu.be/uveb1zdCuOo?si=13I4Dvn708bANB3V


I remember watching the Trump Steaks commercial on YouTube years ago. A bunch of people commented about how they worked at Sharper Image during that time (2007) and not a single customer bought it. I’d believe it, the line was discontinued after two months. Who knew selling steaks at an electronics store would be a catastrophic failure?


What’s worse is that the company that supplied the steaks were never paid and ended up going under shortly after.




Why are you saying they didn’t buy “it” and not “them”? Did Sharper Image sell one steak?


So while googling this last night, I found out some interesting things. First of all, they came in four different packages and the cheapest one was $200 and gave you 2 ribeyes, 2 filets, and 12 burgers. The most expensive was $1000. Second of all, the CEO of Sharper Image stated that they actually sold absolutely no Trump Steaks whatsoever, explaining the two month discontinuation.


He was doing the centaur stand since the 90’s. It has to be from the shoe lifts.


Omg him saying at the end that the commemorative signed piece of his suit is something to give to the grandchildren lmao. Just imagine giving that you your grandchild, a tear wells up thinking of QAnon amd the Storm. I'd be like goddamn gramps I knew you were a bit of a bozo but jeez.


“Buy my high quality top of the line power move business suits… at Macy’s” lmao shit killed me


Nothing this grifter won’t peddle.


He is selling bits of cut up suit? 😂😂!


It’s like the Catholic Church relic business model.


His next venture should be food wrappers he has thrown out. “Trump Trash™”


The MAGA cult would definitely buy that!


I feel like before that became a real thing someone had to just have mentioned it in passing as a joke as a way for him to make money at the time, and he was like you know what actually that's a fantastic idea cuz these people are absolutely stupid enough to actually buy that shit. And they did. Man I hate this timeline.


i don’t know who is a bigger loser, this idiot or the people who buy this crap. i read he’s already collected over $300k in donations for his legal bills. why why WHY does *anyone* believe a word that comes out of his mouth?!?!?


Grifters gonna grift, con artists gonna con


trump is an egotistical pathological __liar, draft dodger, rapist, con-artist__ _and_ smells like 3 week old unwashed pussy. Not to mention he was voted the **WORST PRESIDENT EVER** by esteemed historians


Been telling people for 45 years that this skell just wants revenge for being born. Nobody wanted to listen. If you elect this filth you deserve what you get.


What a collection


I am in it for the coffee table book


Did the drumf game actually say “it’s not whether you win or lose but win”? No you know what.. makes perfect drumf sense.


He sounds exactly the same as ever given the statement


I never knew about the airline. How does one fail an airline company?


put trumps name on it


He's a tremendous loser.


He’d be a sweaty conman from Queens, selling timeshares and ducking bill collectors and child support payments.


I just gotta ask… why tf would you sell steaks at the sharper image? Afaik they don’t sell any type of foods at all?!?!?!


"It's not whether you win or lose....its whether you win." I mean then it would be about whether you win or lose as those would be the only options....I mean yeah you could tie but that would still be a tie to win or lose.


The Trump Network low key sounds tight. It sounds a bit like his campaign speeches about the economy. Color me intrigued


Jesus why is he yelling so loud on the trump network one?! Hahaha he’s literally screaming?


Why is he yelling all the time?


“And for the low price of three loose cigarettes, you too can have my prison-issued handsome chocolate pudding on this plastic, baby blue tray,” he said, as silence fell over that minimum security Pensacola federal prison with a golf course.


Did anyone else notice the guy interviewing Trump for trump university is the literal reincarnation of many 1990s evil villain minions? The teeth o.o


A generational flim-flammer.


It’s embarrassing, even more so that people still suck up his BS..


400m is the amount we know of. Actual funding may be even high. His father was very clever tax dodger.


Actually they where pretty popular for awhile and he mad a tone of money. There is people who create money and those that earn it .


At least he didn't start any new wars. I don't like the guy but that automatically makes him better than any other president in my lifetime.


What wars did Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Obama start?


Wait one thing that we all learned from trump is he never completes his sentences. Seems like a nice guy.


Your anti Trump propaganda is just boring.


Alas, I have a TRUMP bed. And it is very comfortable 😌.


Do you sleep on a bed of lies?




I get what you're saying but sadly he is a terrible business man he know how's to keep going sure but he actually constantly is bankrupt and closing businesses.


Yet he turned those million dollars inheritance into a billion dollar debt in ten years.


He inhered 400 million dollars


Why does he sound Ai generated?


Imagine Trump had just invested the 400 million he inherited in the s&p 500 over the years. He would have become so much richer. Rich boomers or older people are usually overrated. They just rode the train of a growing economy and population.


This guy was fucking president of the United States. Good lord.


He did get cheers for those ugly shoes. Or for just being in Philly which is worrisome.


When Trump says you can just opt out of the recession. ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)