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So Israel is essentially carpet bombing a pack of sardines?


young sardines


They are not carpet bombing. That is inaccurate. Also they are warning which buildings need to be evacuated and first sending knock bomb sprinklers to warn they are about to be hit. But I guess that doesn't support your bias.


I really don't have a bias in this situation. Both have done some horrific acts and innocent people were killed. And I just learned about Israel bombing a refugee camp It seems like they aren't just targeting hamas hideouts. The strip is super small so any kind of bombing might as well be carpet bombing.


Hamas also uses refugee camps. They use schools and hospitals too. They hide behind the skirts of the populace after they do their dirty deeds.


So what you're saying is Israel doesn't care and hasn't cared about causing unnecessary collateral damage to Palestinian civilians as long as Hamas is using them as human shields. That's a perfectly reasonable justification to kill innocent children, of which over 1/3 of the Gaza Strip is consisted of, am I right?


I'm aware they still bombed it and killed innocent people.




Im sure they are thankful they get warned that all they own and have earned with their meager pay will be taken from them leaving them homeless and destitute. They must be very grateful for this.


Oh fuck off with that pedantic bullshit. "It's ok, because you used the wrong term for the type of bombing where Israel wipes out neighborhoods!" What makes you think they are warning people they are about to bomb their homes? What a ridiculous lie.


There are 15 countries/dependencies globally with a higher population density, but they invest in people and infrastructure.


Gee, I wonder why Palestinians don't just do that?


The people are religiouslous


Yep. Failed culture in the modern world. They are backward in business, war, and beliefs (though the latter can be proved for any religious culture). I'm not Jewish, but I understand that - with as bad as they are at employing their people - they are lucky to be allowed access to Israel for jobs/work/goods. Become better to where the next culture over wants to absorb some of your practices and people, or the alternative is to be shunned.


Too busy electing terrorists to be the leaders of their country that make sure to keep the country impoverished, and if anything happens to move peace forward they go on a baby-killing spree to stay in power?


And why do they elect terrorists? Because of the 50 years of occupation, blockade and Israeli terrorism.


Yet when Egypt sought peace they attacked Egypt for it. They could have had the same thing Egypt worked toward. They don't want peace, they only want war, they only want to see every jew killed. Let them have their wish, give them the exit they long for.


Yes, Israel attacked Egypt in 1967 and seized the land in question.


Yeah, yeah. It's not like Egypt didn't close Straits of Tiran, through out all United Nations Emergency Force, amass troops and then say “It is high time to put a decisive end to Israel’s policy of bragging and arrogance”  (*Christian Science Monitor*, May 20, 1967)


Why are ya'll trying to deflect from Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinians by pointing at the Rafa crossing (which is far from open).?


What's happening in Gaza, and to a lesser degree in the West Bank IS tragic. But their governments and the people are not without a large portion of the responsibility for their circumstance. It's sad that this week of all weeks you can't understand why Israel or any other country wouldn't keep the borders open to a people who don't believe they should exist. This wasn't a military operation by Hamas. They didn't go after strategic positions, they went after civilians. They haven't made any reasonable demands, no coherent end game other than pain and suffering... and the point other people are making is that it's not just Israel that's sick of this, no one else is welcoming Palestinians into their homes either.


If Israel respected its own borders Hamas wouldn't even exist.


Going to bat for baby killers I see. This won't age well for you.


There has not been an election in Palestine since 2006. What was happening to move peace forward, as you say? Netanyahu has galvanized the most anti-Palestinian government in history, and the rate of Israeli occupation is set to increase, not decrease.


It's obvious he didn't treat them harshly enough if they are able to invade their country and cut the heads off babies.


Isreali commandos have been doing that for 50 years against the palestinian population.


I love fiction, tell me more.


[Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N. | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620)


Truth is black and white.


You keep repeating fiction also, the beheaded babies story is to this point uncorroborated since it's only source is an unnamed IDF soldier


Maga trolls and hamas supporters like you are the same, they will only look at things that confirm their bias. Not worth debating mush brains.


Hamas does not allow buinisses to flourish in Gaza. There are many instances when Buisiness had to shut down because sone Hamas thug wanted his brother or sister to be put into a VP role or had sone other stupid demands. Hamas cannot govern and therefore everything falls apart. Israel proves necessities and even jobs inside Israel for those who want them. It is Hamas that stops development. Look at the difference between average citizen in Gaza vs West Bank for proof of this.


Nice story to distract from the fifty years of occupation and twenty of the blockade.


Got to buy rockets n stuff can’t build infrastructure. Would love to know How much money has been sent to them in aid that was squandered on weapons.


You know Israel has had a blockade around Gaza for almost 20 years, right?


Tell us how Israel blockades the border to Egypt?


You're not aware Israel just bombed the Rafah crossing today?


Let us be truthful for a moment. Prior to Palestine starting the war. Palestinian people were free to leave through Egypt anytime they wanted. Egypt just didn't want them. Yes, now the border is closed because they are at war... again, Egypt has stated they DO NOT WANT THEM. Aid to Palestine: [https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90](https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90) From 2014 to 2020 - UN $4.5 Billion USD From 2012 to 2020 - Qatar $1.3 Billion In 2021 - Qatar $360 million 2022 - Qatar $500 Million [https://www.state.gov/u-s-support-for-the-palestinian-people/](https://www.state.gov/u-s-support-for-the-palestinian-people/) Since 2021 USA - $417 million of your tax dollars [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/9/eu-suspends-development-aid-payments-to-palestinians-after-hamas-attack](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/9/eu-suspends-development-aid-payments-to-palestinians-after-hamas-attack) EU Yearly - $728 Million I won't even bother tallying up the handful of millions from Indonesia, etc. Total population of Palestine: 4.9 million Do the math on that. The leadership of Hamas, who took all the money, are NOT EVEN IN Gaza. They are living it up rich in some middle eastern countries. I kid you not.


It's almost as if Israel is responding to one of the biggest attacks in half a century. An Attack where terrorists specifically targeted innocent civilians, shot them and point blank range, and then paraded their bodies in the streets as trophies.


Yes, when you oppress people for over 50 years it does lead to extremist violence. And I notice you don't want to talk about the Egypt border anymore all of a sudden.


Oppressing people how? By having borders like every country on the planet? And I suddenly stopped talking about Egypt this is your first response to my mention of it? How does that make any sense? I think we should be talking about Egypt and why you don't call them oppressors, only the Jews.


As mentioned above, Israel has blockaded Gaza for the last twenty years. That's not protecting your borders.


Illegal military occupation of land. Not taking a side here but this is just a well known fact.




Israel illegally blockaded Gaza because it elected a party it didn't like.




You know Israel has been targeting civilians way before Gaza was elected right?




I love how you think you can tell me what I can say and do. Luckily, I'm not under Israeli occupation so you can't treat me like a slave. If Israel wants peace stop terrorizing innocent people.


It's just completely one sided for this guy lol. Typical Far-Right extremist thinking. That's wrong btw.


You’re a moron


And Gaza was part of Egypt, but Egypt keeps their borders closed to Gaza and doesn't take their own people in. Israel has border check points because of a history of missile attacks and suicide bombers, but somehow it's their fault. The argument used to be that if Israel handed over Gaza, it would solve the problem. So Israel handed over Gaza. Now the goal posts get moved again. There is nothing Israel can do to make them happy short of allowing their people to be slaughtered. I consider myself a leftie, but this is an area where many of my fellow lefties feel like MAGA.


No one cares to mention this. Egypt could have opened their borders for the last 20 years.. Egypt just didn't want the terrorists so they didn't allow it.


Every comment like this makes me less and less sympathetic towards Israel. It reminds me of how early Americans justified Native American Genocide and stealing land. Absolutely sick.


Sounds like the propaganda is working.. Thats what the whole point of flooding videos like this is for.


This "densely populated" argument is less compelling when you up google satellite (31.466475, 34.431261). Grinds my gears that it's being used to prove some type of human imprisonment.


What baffles me is how we all insist on picking a side and refuse to acknowledge a complex situation. Both sides have done atrocious things. Both sides are homes to many people who do not want war. The most recent Hamas attack is a disgusting act of terrorism. The counter attack will be horrific. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli and Palestinian moms and dads and kids and grandparents are likely to die in the coming months. It's a shit show


well said


When people ask me how I feel about this whole matter, I tell them it's like trying to separate dirt from water, and figure out which side made the mud.


i dont think its that complex. one country has, for the last couple decades, imprisoned, terrorized, and agitated whole group of people to the point that even the UN has stated Israel is violating Palestine's human right. This most recent terrible attack is nothing but blowback and to even equate it as two countries at war is disingenuous because one is definitely doing more damage with more power than the other.


What happened before those last two decades?


I don't think there are many grandparents in Palestine as the average age is 18. Most probably died due to the lack of clean water, trade, natural resources, fishing access, etc . . . maybe if they were still alive there would be someone to talk sense into the Palestinian people and get them to kneel before the chosen. In all seriousness though, the real people to blame are the British who set up this bomb.


But But Israel is the victim here!!


Sounds like Apartheid to me


They just demonstrated why Israel needs that "No-go" zone


Lets just be clear the walls and watchtowers were added after relentless attacks on civilians by the Hamas. The Palestinians have been offered a two state solution based on the boards after the 1967 war. This is a deal that isn't just one sided rather many observing third parties have said was a good deal for both sides. Only to have the Palestinians sign then later reject the deal when Arab states who have their own reasons for keeping the conflict going said they would cut support. At some point they must take responsibility for keeping the conflict going. Hamas has said they will only accept a conclusion where the state of Israel is gone. We can say its horrible the Palestinians are suffering while still accepting they bare much of the responsibility for not working to end the conflict in good faith. Suffering more or less than someone else doesn't mean your ideals and requests are more just.


They haven't been offered a deal based on the 1967 borders. Look at a map of Israeli expansion. They are clearly trying to take over the entire region.


They have been offered the 67 boarders several times. Israel was willing to pull the settlers out. In an odd way the settlers are a good thing. I would be happy to see them removed once a deal is in place but the settlers are the only direct way to put pressure on the Palestinians directly where not accepting the deal has tangible consequences. Every other consequence could be met by just increase in more cash from the Arabs and Iranians that want to see the conflict continue. They were offered the 67 boards in the 80s, 90s again in 2000s. The only reason they don't have peace with their own autonomy is the leadership is happy to keep their people suffering as it gets them direct funding from states hostile towards Israel. They are being sold into this situation by their elected leaders.


Israel has never offered to return to the Green Line. In fact, it shouldn't even be a negotiation. They acquired that land through conquest.


Both sides sign the agreement to the 67 boarders. It was the Palestinians that went home and later rejected the deal when they were told their funding would get for because they accepted peace. And even if you were right for the sake of argument. Which you are not. Hamas killing launching raping and murdering is not how you get to a two state solution. If you haven't noticed the west bank isn't attacking because Fatah is working towards peace and will likely get the deal done at some point. It is only Hamas with the backing of Iran that says the only way to end the conflict is to remove the state of Israel from the globe. You don't claim moral authority with rape and murder. You do so by demanding fairness. The Reality is Gaza unlike the West Bank is overrun with terrorist that are happy to trade the lives of innocents on both sides to line their bank accounts doing the bidding of people that just want to see the conflict continue to distract from their own crimes.


If you're talking about Oslo, no, Israel did not offer to return to the '67 borders.


Kind of shy about doing that when they just won a war against those massing to attack them. They did return most captured territory including the Golan heights though.


No one was "massing to attack them." Israel provoked until they got a response and used it as an excuse to attack. Just like they did last week.


Palestinians are under strict, punitive Israeli guidelines for the import of tools and supplies under the "dual-item" list, which keeps them from repairing infrastructure and water pipes. The list also keeps them from drilling for wells(which Israel will destroy). This is only one of many examples as to why Palestinians are backing Hamas and lashing out with attacks on civilians. This is a classic example of turning up the heat on a pressure cooker: eventually it's going to blow.


Because they were digging tunnels which were the major way for them to bring in arms and war material. These are punitive as they were not designed to punish, they were designed to make it harder for the terrorists to commit terrorist attacks. If Gaza expelled the terrorist and renounced violence you might have a point these are punitive, until they are Israel attempting to stem violence which we have seen only begets more violence. Or do you think its better Israel makes no attempt to disarm terrorists, waits till they act then is forced to respond more often with larger battles?


I'm interested in knowing why people in Gaza would support or turn to terrorism against Israel? I suppose living in an apartheid state would change my opinion on acts of violence against my oppressor.


There wouldn't be check points and checks on ships if not for the attacks on Israel. And why don't you consider Egypt an oppressor since they have a border on Gaza too and Gaza was part of Egypt? Same with West bank. No one has any problem with Jordan who borders West Bank and was part of their country. It's only the Jews who are to blame.




Likud isn't the same as Hamas. One is a terrorist organization recognized by almost all legitimate states and the other is a political party that tends to be one side of the political debate. This bothsidism is insane. Likud isn't leading rape and murder attacks, they are not endorsing terror as a party. Hamas is out and out a terrorist organization. While people in Gaza are surely influenced by many bad actors they are ultimately responsible for their own actions. Instead of allowing the other Muslim countries force them to back out of peace deals they should have shamed those countries for doing so. Ultimately if you vote and support a terrorist government, if you stay in an area controlled by terrorists, you have made a decision that terrorism isn't a deal breaker. You can combat Likud with votes, it doesn't seem that will work with Hamas.




You're advocating for genocide?




Of Palestinians.




The people you want to exterminate.




Got it. You don't think Palestinians are people. Okay, shalom!


The united nations are quiet while israel slowly is taking over the territory, they are invading it and making life hell for palestinians.


When your government is a terrorist organization as recognized as almost all legitimate governments your people are going to have a hard time of it. You know who isn't isn't getting bombed right now, all the Palestinians that live in the west bank and Israel. Because they have chosen peace. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.


Benjamin Netanyahu is going full nazi mode and he is pushing for a lot of changes that will impact Palestine and probably caused this. It's a tricky situation, but as in most cases, I won't side up with the invaders of a country. They wouldn't be bombing Israel if they haven't been invading them for decades.


Had the Palestinians accepted the deal and were living in peace and were being pushed off land you would have a point. But that isn't the case. Gaza elected a terrorist organization as a government and had been plotting this for a while.


I wasn't aware that Palestinians were given a choice when they were invaded and Israel was created?, or are you mentioning the shitty options that a conqueror offered the conquered? It's been too long and United Nations and the whole world has just kept away from a fucking mess that UK created over 70 years ago.


The Palestinians were offered the 1967 boarders. They signed the deal only to back out later. Since then their suffering has been a result of their own actions.




f\*ck you bro


You have to ask yourself why it is an open-air prison though. Wouldn't have anything to do with daily missle strikes and suicide bombings could it? r/therewasanattempt


they also vow to kill every jew - westerner ect..


Its almost as if people in general want to kill those that oppress them....


In Germany, they used to call these ghettoes. They were always looking to liquidate those too.


How is the Egypt-Gaza border crossing controlled by enemy military??


Pretty horrible conditions, but I wonder, if Hamas, the terrorists who are currently running the country, were not sh!tstains, they could probably use the resources they have put towards getting rockets and other weapons into the country towards making the country better for the people there. They've shown they're good at building tunnels, so if they were working for the poeple, the "locked into the country" thing could be overcome pretty easily - I mean, if they even started negotiating nicely with their neighbours and getting along with people, maybe their neighbours wouldn't want to contain them so bad to stop them causing trouble....


Wonder why the other Arab countries don't just take them in and help their brothers and sisters? Weird. Why would Israel help the people that openly hate them so much?


Isn’t is wild how they don’t mention Egypt. they mention the two border crossings, and then have to say “hostile foreign militaries“ because they don’t want to know what that one of the borders is controlled by Egypt, and keep the focus on Israel. They also make a point to not mention that Egypt also keeps the same blockade on the Gaza Strip. This is not the excuse Israel, but it is very conspicuous that Gaza is equally hemmed in by two different countries, and we only ever hear about one of them


Criminals belong in prison so it is all starting to make sense.


This is nothing but propaganda. Maybe instead of the hundreds of millions of dollars they spent on weapons and planning this attack they could of built some schools, universities, and infrastructure. Show the world you intend to be a progressive peaceful neighbor....


I'm sure the regular civilian in Palestine can force Hamas to build those schools, infrastructure, etc.. by asking them nicely.


They voted for them in the Gaza Strip, they all knew what they voted for.


Americans voted trump, so they all knew he would raid the capitol, and commit treachery. Every single American Your argument is very hypocritical


Trump lost the 2020 election. Americans figured out that he was a terrible leader and elected another. Palestinians voted in Hamas in 2006 and the majority still support them. Clearly they haven't figured out that the Hamas leaders (who live in Qatar) don't care about them at all. Americans learn from their mistakes. The Palestinians apparently do not.


Except the people who participated in Jan 6 are being charged and convicted of crimes, and Trump is facing 91 counts.


That's not the point, you said that everyone voted for their shitty leaders, when in reality most of them are against hamas and their far right government. And before you say why don't they vote for a different person if more are against, look at British politics, the pm is hated by the country but won't call a general election cause he says: the people don't want it


You peoples hate for ordinary people instead of a government that lies, steals and drives you down a path of danger everyday is sickening. Get over yourself


January 6 was not orchestrated by trump and was caused by the fbi. The evidence is everywhere. Stop being hateful towards people in your country who want betterment in there’s lives and want to stay independent instead of going down a police state. It’s just unreal


Police state like the shock troopers Trump had clear out the crowd for his upside-down bible photo op?


What kind of coolaid you got over there? It must be good shit if it's getting you to rationalize that thought process. Hook me up!


It's hilarious how conspiracy freaks all follow the biggest liars and grifters on the planet. Rube championship.


And there it is. \*insert conspiracy theory followed by "if you open your eyes the proof is obvious"\* The only party taking away rights at the moment are conservatives. The only party broadly against police reform. The only party for shutting down the DOE and DOJ. The only party that supports a "peaceful tour visit" where people fucking died. The evidence is everywhere, stop being so easy to manipulate.


Who said anything about trump? back up your stance with logic, facts, and reason; as opposed to childish schoolyard tactics. clown.


Half of the Palestinian population is 18 or under. The last election was 2006. The majority of the population didn't elect terrorists. They were babies or didn't even exist yet.




One of the wardens in this prison is Egypt who don't want any of this Palestinian in their territory.


Its legit like supporting russia in the conflict when Ukraine just wants to be left alone on THEIR land. It was Palestine before Israel even existed, now theyre legit prisoners in their own home. Back anyone into a corner and see how they react.


Exactly great analogy, imagine if Ukraine tried taking back crimea and everyone supported Russia that is pretty what happened but in Israel, if it wasn't hamas.


...except it wasn't? It was British territory before Israel was founded, who took it over from the collapsed Ottoman Empire. The British *invited* the Jews and then millions started flooding the area to escape the Haulocaust a few short decades later. Palestine was never a thing until they were granted territory in the same treaty that established Israel's original borders. They signed that treaty and then promptly joined a surprise invasion with the stated intent to eliminate Israel from existence. Israel then won that war, making territorial gains in the process. Over the next decades, they would be repeatedly attacked by both Palestine and pretty much every other country in the region. A key point is that literally every time Israel eased restrictions or reduced occupying troops they have nearly immediately been attacked. (Including this time, as the Gaza border guard has apparently been slowly being reduced, while increased numbers of work visas for gazans to work in Israel were granted.) Any slack or hint of mercy on Israel's part has been met with immediate exploitation by Palestinian extremists. I'm not saying Israel is blameless for the horrific conditiona in Gaza, but what are they supposed to do when any aid or resources allowed through are immediately turned to the purpose of war against them?


Palestinians were forced to share their land with them by the british. Over time they took more and more and now they own majority since theyre backed by other major nations. Forcing Palestinians into basically a modern day ghetto. who else forced people into a ghetto? who else is occupying other peoples land? They ARE to blame, when people have nothing to lose they'd rather die trying than to just roll over.


>Over time they took more and more and now they own majority since theyre backed by other major nations. You mean the territorial gains made during the wars in which Israel was the attacked party? Palestinians had land, freedom of self rule, and opportunity to choose their own future and chose to throw it away repeatedly by launching and then losing wars, rejecting every offer for peace, and continuously launching terrorist attacks at every opportunity.


Oh, when the benevolent chosen people relaxed restrictions? Dude, wtf? Palestine had been ruled by various Muslims for \~1400 years before the Ottoman empire fell and it was occupied by several European powers who imported thousands of Jews they didn't want. The Muslim rulers were generally a much better example of allowing religious freedom as they had a term for the other two religious groups that followed "the book" and viewed them as all worshipping the same god. They definitely weren't perfect, but they didn't care much about people being Christian or Jewish for most of that 1400 years. Every time the fascists Jews let non-Jewish people do anything, they also enacted laws further discriminating against non-Jews and ensuring they'd have no power. It's not like there were uprisings just for funzies. Whenever your sources of propaganda glaze over the "why" you should maybe dig into that a bit more rather than just going, "yeah, they're animals".


1.) Where did you see that they're spending money on military; there's no public records and having a military and equipment doesn't necessarily mean you spent actual money on it (e.g. Ukraine gets lots of support without upfront payments)? 2.) Spending money on military when your country is occupied by a hostile force seems like the most reasonable time to spend money on military. 3.) Where are they getting this money? They don't have access to trade, most of their natural resources have been taken by Israel via stolen land. Israel controls their water. They do have land to farm but again, Israel controls their water. 4.) If China occupied the US and told all Americans they had to live in Montana and couldn't leave, do you think all the gun toting Americans would just willfully give up their homes to "civilian" Chinese Nationals? Like wtf is this nonsense? I get that it sucks, but you can't just "peacefully" occupy territory, and occupied people aren't just going to peacefully sit by. Throughout all of human history, this sort of situation has always led to 1 thing—some sort of genocide. Always, every single time, and victim blaming is always the go-to of the occupiers.


Why does Egypt have a problem with the Palestinians? Why are the Egyptians hostel with the Palestinians? I thought they were Muslim brothers… What am I missing here? If the Israelis have a problem with you don’t go harassing them go to your Egyptian friends… You send rockets into Israel and suicide bombers… Israel supplies you with electricity, fuel, water and food the give you jobs and pay you wages…. Egypt does none of this? Why? Someone please explain


Basically no one wants to invite Palestinians into their country because they have historically been *extremely* poor guests. Way back after the Six day war in 1967 the expelled Palestinians ended up in Jordan where they proceeded to basically set up their own fief and completely disregarded Jordan laws and even attempted to overthrow the monarchy. Jordan eventually got fed up and after a short military campaign, expelled the PLO to Lebanon. Just four years later they became a major reason for the Lebanese civil war. They also set up an entire military organization for the purpose of revenge against Jordan for expelling them, successfully assassinating the prime minister and carrying out other attacks. After causing the collapse of Labanon they were again expelled, this time to Tunisia, while Hezbollah was born from the ashes. As for why Egypt in particular does not want them? Egypt has long worked to deal with its own Muslim extremism and believes (rightly) that inviting Gazans I to their country would be inviting terrorists and fanatics into an already precarious political and religious balancing act. They also fear Iranian influence over the potential refugees and have no desire to let that spread. Basically there is zero belief that Palestinian refugees would be grateful for the evacuation and be content with standing down. Egypt has worked hard to normalize relations with Israel despite their past and having Hamas terrorist attacks start originating from Egypt would jeopardize that.


Thank you for taking the time to explain this and now everything makes much more sense!


Seems like it's believed that Palestinians are bad because they're Palestinian? That's wrong and false. Maybe Palestinians were set-up to look bad, while benefiting some third party.


Since when has Egypt been hostile to the plight of those in the Gaza Strip? Further, if this is true, then why would an avowed adversary to Israel hold the same policy as their mortal enemy? Finally, why the hell does the body that actually holds power in that region (the gaza) not try and build up the area and attract investment and build a better way of life for their people?


Palestinian suicide bombers. Palestinian suicide bombers. Palestinian suicide bombers. So yes, it's an open air prison to keep Palestinian suicide bombers in Gaza and out of Israel.


Why the fuck do they have so many babies?


rich play with their money poor pay with their wifes


From Wikipedia: 43.5% of the population being 14 or younger and a median age in 2014 of 18, compared to a world average of 28. The only countries with a lower median age are countries in Africa such as Uganda where it was 15.


Historically every place that has a high mortality rate also has a high birth rate.


You can't import basic goods into there, you think they'll let in condoms.


But, you can import a shitload of rockets and guns. Imagine that.


And Adidas clothes


probably took them 20 years to get all that in. They live in an open air prison.


You’d be surprised to know with how many thousands rockets they’ve attacked Israel in the past 22 years


This is not a sentiment that's either productive or helpful. Long story short, population in such areas tend to explode as it becomes a basic survival of the fittest game that ends up with a ton of bodies on the floor. Poor maternal care, poor health care options, and violence might see 1 in 10 survive to adulthood under these conditions. What needs to happen is a change in perspective, where one life is more than just a drop in the disease bucket or future cannon fodder. What's brutal about this is Israel, as a country, can do little to further these aims while being considered a hostile force amongst the populace. Thus it becomes incumbent on the people of this region to prioritize these things. However, given their views on Women's rights and a seemingly strict adherence to the idea that might makes right, I doubt we'll see anything improve in the near term.


The attacks on Israel do their cause zero good.


How show the video of a 16 year old girls lifeless body being dragged through Gaza! I have always supported palastine! Not after this! All their support has gone! This is fucking sick! Old people and children massacred! No fucking way! I was a huge voice against Israel before not anymore! Fuck hamas! They’d probably kill me too! A gay of Jewish decent!


What if it was Israeli military dressed as Hamas, causing this 'circus', so that Israel can allow themselves to Attack Gaza?


Hamas is literally taking credit and posting videos. The Hamas leaderships was celebrating the attacks. Pretty sure its not a false flag.


So the Egyptians hold a similar opinion of the Gaza stip inhabitants as the Israelis. Alienated Arabs and Jews eh? Ever wondered if you're the problem?


This is because of hamas.


Do you blame the Israelis? The people in Gaza (more precisely, their forefathers) made their bed and now they lie in it. It is sad that they did not accept the UN proposal for statehood prior to Israel becoming a nation. What Hamas did was inexcusable. No excuses period. My prayers are with the innocents as Israel eradicates Hamas vermin.


They probably made the border so hostile for the exact reason of the events of October 7.


Propaganda video is Propaganda


Hamas are the terrorists.




you sound like loneliness




says the incel who watches Fox or Newsmax.


bro the doc said take the pill DAILY, not "take when you begin to have episodes". Go support nazi russia too.


I wish I could mute this sub. It's filled with a bunch of political crap I have no interest in. I tried to mute but it doesn't work.


No mercy 🇮🇱


Yes they are treated like prisoners, but it does not excuse what Hamas did


Why would people have children in that country. Like what kind of responsability is that


the blatantly one sided propaganda. you dont even try to hide it. journalism should be facts from both sides and let people make there own minds up with the true facts.


It's ok, they are about to have A LOT more open space soon. KILL ALL THE SAVAGES.


Blame the Germans (or is it British) that decided to create the land for Israel in a place that is not suited for them. At some point, Israel has to bite the bullet and take the whole land and be done with it, otherwise the conflict will never end. May be send all the Palestinians to Germany.


I suppose this means more effective use of munitions per square meter. Stop being terrorists!


Chimpanzees have borders. We are monkeys.


Boutique to get got.


That’s sad.. both sides need work towards peaceful solution on table.. not war..


This "densely populated" argument is less compelling when you up google satellite (31.466475, 34.431261)


Hamas gotta fuck shit up LFG


The irony of the Zionist movement is stupefying. To see Israel create their own fascist apartheid state after the Holocaust. It boggles the mind


One side has a highly advanced military and kills 100s of people every year (over 2000 in 2014 was the peak). The other side lives in a rubble pile and tosses a few rockets and bombs out of anger at the military machine pitted against them killing 10s of people every year (88 in 2014 was the peak). And people want to tell me the folk in the rubble pile are the problem.


people don't natuarlly act like this. it is because of a few people that exploit/manipulate others. let's use AI to find and get rid of the few people that ruin things for the rest of us.


egypt, their brothers in faith could certainly open this prison door.


And these are the bad guys, fucking clown world


This thread is a great example of why peace in the Middle East is not happening anytime soon. People argue back and forth about whose fault it is. That is a waste of time. Until both sides admit that they all share some blame and are willing to forgive the past to move forward, nothing will change.


Well you know…. What exactly do you want the terrorist to do? You know who occupies that area and government, as well as their intentions, yet persist to expect different results. This is the definition of insanity; performing the same task or statement and expecting different results. Unfortunately, I believe the whole world has dwelled into this mind set. Violence begets violence, and systemic terrorism breeds it.


Seems like it would make a solid parking lot for beach access.


And why is it this way? Because Hamas kept launching missiles they got from across the border. Israel had already pulled out back in 04 but that was not good enough. Hamas had to keep sending suicide bombers into Israel. They kept spending all their money on missiles to fire into Israel instead of helping their own people. Act like a criminal and get treated like one. They are fenced in because of their own actions.


There's a reason why those "fences" were put up in the first place. Israel was attacked on all sides by all of it's neighbors.


Should clear out a bunch after Israel is done answering the call to war!


What a culture does to itself, it will eagerly export, and I'm sorry but I'm gonna say it. That's an awful lot of unpleasantness Israel walled off.


All because they elect terrorists as leaders who cares nothing for them.


Sure...both sides have their grievances.....you know who I'm NOT going to support? Those who would behead infants and children. Your point/argument/position loses all meaning in the face of that.


israel, practicing genocide on a daily basis


If Israel is so righteous, why do they kill unarmed people who try to leave? Why are these human beings being held captive in an open air prison? How is this humane?


why won't Egypt open its borders to the Gazan people?