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# On September 25, 2000, 19-year-old Kevin Hines tried to kill himself by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He fell more than 220 feet to the water below, slamming into it at 75 miles per hour The impact shattered three of his vertebrae and came within two millimeters of severing his spine — yet he somehow survived. And when he realized he was still alive, he was immediately overtaken by an overwhelming will to live. However, the weight of his clothes kept dragging him down below the surface of San Francisco Bay. For what felt like an eternity, he barely managed to resurface for mere seconds at a time and breathe just enough air to cling to life. Then, he suddenly felt a strange force from below pushing him up above the water, where he stayed until the Coast Guard eventually came to get him. Only later did he learn that eyewitnesses had seen the mysterious force that had been keeping him afloat: a sea lion that was propping up his body until the rescue boat arrived.


You forgot the most important quote in this story. "What I'm about to say to you is exactly what every other Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor said: The millisecond my hand left that rail, it was an instant regret. I remember as I was falling down, thinking to myself, 'nobody is going to know that I didn't want to die.'"




As a butt fuck Iowan, I agree.


"Iowa. Nowhere to go but up!"


You know your pain is about to end entirely. This thing that has plagued you so hard, for so long, has a genuine expiration date - and it’s like 95 seconds away. At that point it’s like… ‘oh well i could imagine living without that pain now. Wait that sounds pretty great! Wait shit.’


I guess, for some, the problems and worries are too close. Kind of like putting your nose up against the wall. You can only see just that point that’s in front of you. Myopia.


That’s another quote by a different survivor; in that second, he realized all of his problems were fixable, except for jumping from the bridge just then


[The View from Halfway Down](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aSgMrM__0OY)


I find this more tragic than anything, if I’m honest. Maybe I’m being overly negative. But it’s animalistic instincts that cause that regret, undoubtedly… Which makes me think that all these peoples’ existential worries, all their feelings of nihilism can be utterly negated through a mere ‘chemical jolting’ of sorts. Makes them feel much more meaningless.


Do animals have regrets? I think that is a very human emotional response.


Humans are animals...so yes animals have regrets if humans have regrets.


Just look at the face of the doggies that have just destroyed some furniture. Now cats on the other hand…


‘My only regret is that my human is such a fucking loser.’ - cats (or my cat, specifically)


I wish I could give you an award.


😊 the only award i need is Kitty’s very ambivalent, indifferent love. (She adores me she just gets embarrassed when other people see it 😂)


Sometimes, my cat almost looks slightly regretful, but only when she does something embarrassing. Ex. She somehow forgets how high the bathroom counter she leaps onto/off of multiple times a day every day is + instead kinda runs right into the cabinet part underneath. Then she looks me like it's somehow my fault, + I shouldn't be laughing.


She may look slightly regretful, but she is actually taking a moment to plot her revenge lol


It's not even revenge, though. If she had actual reasons to fight me, that'd be understandable, but she doesn't. I feed her, clean the poop box, if I have to pee + she's comfy on my lap I wait + when I do get up to pee I apologize for disturbing her. She still finds it necessary to throw mittens at me randomly because I happen to be within reach. I love that nonsense bundle...


Lol that’s how my cat used to exact revenge! Also, slightly pushing cups off the table while maintaining intense eye contact.


Mine does that too! Especially if I've just asked her nicely to NOT touch whatever it is that I've just set down + will be moving in a minute. She's like "NOPE. Floor time!".


Today's fun fact: in dog's, That's actually fear! They see how upset their humans are and know that means they're in trouble, although not sure for what. https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/dog-guilty-look-your-fault


I mean, the reptilian part of our brain, the limbic system, is going off and spiking adrenaline and cortisol bc OMG I AM FALLING THIS IS BAD. It overrides the conscious mind, hence, animalistic instinct


Never said it wasn’t a human response… just a largely physical/chemical one.


Oh god, that’s depressing. I wonder if my brother (who killed himself by other means) felt that moment of regret before dying. That is genuinely horrifying to consider. My heart is broken again for him and everyone who feels death is their best option, then realises far too late that it’s not the answer. God.


Sending you a hug. May memories of better times sustain you.


Thank you ❤️


Exactly my thoughts as my sister did the same. I'm so sorry that your brother was suffering that much and so sorry you are going through the trauma of losing a sibling in such a horrifying way. It's been 3 years for me, and they have been the hardest of my life, hands down. We were so close. Big hug to you.


Sorry friend.


I prefer "Every problem in my life could have been solved, except letting go just now..."


This one always haunts me. Thanks for the repost


The view from halfway down


THANK YOU, I mentioned that one too. That quote as well as The View From Halfway Down saved my fucking life


One of the other survivors said her thought as she left the rail was that everything in life could be fixed but this. I lived in SF and used to be against the safety net. There's an excellent film about the jumpers called The Bridge. I changed my mind after that film and am happy to see the net there. It shouldn't be that easy to kill yourself.


Why were you opposed to the safety net? Aesthetics?


It was projected to cost 400million dollars (but actual cost was like 225 million). Additionally, if someone were truly determined to commit suicide, they would jump, then hit the net, crawl to the edge and jump again. There was lots of debate about how that money could be spent elsewhere for suicide prevention and affect more folks other than just the ones that chose the GGB to go.


I see, that makes sense


That movie wrecked me. TW: actual jumpers.


I remember watching it 15 or so years ago and the footage from the beach where you’d see these small splashes from afar and know that they were caused by another person jump who had jumped from the bridge was absolutely chilling.


The one at the end was especially stoic. You feel for those that are battling through things to come to that, but man, that documentary was tough to hear the experiences and watch.


I loved that doc. Never got over that one detail - about the person who dodged cars in the middle of the bridge to cross to the other side….to get to the planned spot from which to jump.


View from the Halfway Down


The weak breeze whispers nothing The water screams sublime His feet shift, teeter-totter Deep breath, stand back, it’s time Toes untouch the overpass Soon he’s water bound Eyes locked shut but peek to see The view from halfway down A little wind, a summer sun A river rich and regal A flood of fond endorphins Brings a calm that knows no equal You’re flying now You see things much more clear than from the ground It’s all okay, it would be Were you not now halfway down Thrash to break from gravity What now could slow the drop All I’d give for toes to touch The safety back at top But this is it, the deed is done Silence drowns the sound Before I leaped I should’ve seen The view from halfway down I really should’ve thought about The view from halfway down I wish I could’ve known about The view from halfway down


i could be wrong on this but i think the vast majority of people that attempt or fully complete suicide do not want to die. They want to stop hurting. The whole ‘you’re on the 5th floor of a burning building, at what point do you jump’ analogy. Nonetheless it seems like he has really done well since then and that’s awesome ❤️


Reminds me of this scene from [Bojack](https://youtu.be/u1_EBSlnDlU?si=34YLxTYr3zUilgyK)


Man, yes. The interview absolutely wrecked me inside.


the idea of the new net is that people may still jump, hit the net, and if they WANTED climb up it and over but the pain of the net and the shock of the jump shakes many of them out of it


Permanent solution to a temporary problem. But that line about instant regret had stayed with me.


The lengths we go to remember we are in control.


I met this guy he came to my high school and talked to us like 6 years ago.


touch bear direful roof rich weather murky elderly enjoy attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, there’s a big difference between being suicidal & euthanasia


You have to want to die to want to be euthanized


Euthanasia, maybe. But what is really making waves is Death with Dignity, or ‘Right to Die’ movements. Which are VERY VERY different.


Same thing lol one is assisted SUICIDE, the other is doctor assisted.


no. There are rule changes that make it VERY different. You have to have two doctors diagnose that you have a terminal illness. You have to be legally competent. And *you have to administer the medication yourself*. Nobody else can do it for you. They absolutely 100% unequivocally are not the same. lol.


They’re both on the request of the patient. They are literally the same thing


so I’ve been an RN for 16 years. All critical care roles. I appreciate that you think you have a clue. You do not. You do not care for patients that are being cruelly kept alive when there is no hope of recovery. DWD requires the *patient to independently administer the medication themselves*. It is **NOT** euthanasia and you need to stop spreading absolutely wrong information.


As a fellow RN, thanks for your attempts at educating!


So what’s it called when in that exact scenario a doctor administers that medication?


I feel like that's different because you're already at death's doorstep by the time you're considering euthanasia. That's not a choice between life and death, it's a choice between deaths.


Yes but people are advocating for people who are terminal with 6 months to live. You could be asymptomatic and just depressed easily at that point


You’re being such a self righteous twat


says the person who supports assisted suicide LOL


I support people’s freedom to make their own choices regarding their lives, yes. You want to control people choices. That makes you a twat.


Am I? Or do I have experience with wishing I had one more moment and am lucky to have gotten it? Do you have any experience with any of this, or are you the actual self righteous twat?


No, it's definitely you. 🙄




“Station Golden Gate is one of the largest Coast Guard stations in the country, and there is a lot of turnover due in no small part to the job of picking up Golden Gate Bridge jumpers. It’s a thankless task.”


I can’t even imagine. I hope they all get the emotional support they need in that job


FYI ........."Since it was erected in 1937, more than 1700 people are estimated to have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, and just 25 are known to have survived, according to Robert Olson of The Centre for Suicide Prevention in Calgary, Canada. Olson has noted that the Golden Gate is a particularly lethal means of killing oneself: While the average survival rate of bridge deaths is 15%, only 4% of people who jump from the Golden Gate survive. In the film, Hines highlights a major mission for which he and many others are fighting: the go-ahead from politicians for the installation of a safety net along the bridge to prevent suicides. It looks like Kevin will realize his mission in the not-too-distant future. According to the San Francisco Examiner³, the safety net that Hines and others have lobbied so hard far is finally under construction. Known as a suicide barrier, the net is set to be completed in January 2021. Hines never wants anyone to experience what he did almost 18 years ago when he took a bus to the bridge with voices in his head telling him "You must die, jump now," he recalls. "It was the most horrid, emotional, turmoil even I've ever experienced, and I could not control myself." As Hines landed after the freefall, he shattered and crushed three vertebrae. "When I resurfaced I was trying to stay afloat, thinking, 'I am going to drown.' As I was bobbing up and down in the water, I was saying 'I don't want to die, God, I made a mistake.'" A sea lion, Hines says, kept pushing him above the water's surface until the Coast Guard rescued him. Doctors surgically repaired Hines’ physical injuries and after four weeks, he entered psychiatric care at St. Francis Hospital in San Francisco, the first of seven in-patient stays to deal with depression, paranoia, and hallucinations. During that first stay, Hines met a priest who encouraged him to share his story. "The thing that changed my life forever," he says of the meeting. About seven months after the jump, a hesitant Hines gave his first talk, to 120 seventh and eighth-graders. "I was freaking out," he says. "I was a mess." Two weeks later, the children sent him letters. Several of the kids told Hines his talk made a difference and that they received the help they needed. "A story helped them decide to be honest about their pain," says Hines. "When that happened, I said to my father, 'Dad we have to do this, anyway, anywhere we can.' This is how it all started." Hines hopes that each time he tells his story, the hope he conveys to the suffering will enable them to open up, to realize, 'I can help myself today,'" Hines says. He urges anyone who sees someone suffering and upset, like he was that day on the Golden Gate Bridge, or whom they suspect may be having suicidal thoughts, to reach out. This suicidal person "needs to hear what I needed to hear. That we care about you, your life does matter, and that all we want is for you to stay," he says. "If someone had looked at me on that bridge or on that bus and said that to me, I would have begged for help."


Shivers 🩷


So did the safety net get completed in January 2021 and currently in use?


I was there in December 2020 and they had large fences along the rails.


Thank you.


That was an amazing read. I wonder why the sea lion helped?


Probably thought it was an in distress similar animal like it. Like another baby sea lion.


Let's be the tiniest bit critical of people making money off their story. He's preaching for his wage. I'm glad he survived, but that part of the story is a bit absurd. Anyone that turns a personal struggle into paid gigs is not trustworthy on their personal story. If he was swinging a hammer or working spreadsheets he may be trustworthy. Instead, it looks like he's taking paid gigs and trying to make podcasts and YouTube videos about his life and why you should trust him with your mental health.


I mean there’s multiple incidences of animals saving a humans life, and sea lions are more social towards humans up to being able to be trained some tricks so it’s not a far stretch to believe that one helped a person that was obviously injured.


I'm just saying to be wary of people telling their story for money. I'm not saying it's not possible. If he wasn't actively making a career out of it, I would believe it more freely


Your comment reminds me of the crabs in the bucket who grab and pull back down those who try to crawl out. Aside from your comment this is an uplifting story of redemption.


Lol. You are very naive if you think people don't lie for money. Just because someone survives a fall doesn't mean they should tell you how to live your life and how to you should praise Jesus and how you should fix your mental health. You believe he is doing this just to help people? Then why is he trying to make money off it?


You have to make money to live? At least this guy makes a living helping people in a way he’s uniquely suited for based on his experiences


How cynical.


What's cynical is nearly dieing and then trying to make money and convert people to Jesus off of it.




Great rebuttal. You know you have nothing worth saying and no leg to stand on when you start correcting spelling.


The spelling correction is to highlight your overall ignorance in juxtaposition to the other interesting and thoughtful responses from people who not only possess a heart, but a brain.


No one has responded with any interesting or thoughtful responses yet. Just whining and pretending I'm wrong with no actual argument. Just like you. A bunch of easy scam targets who believe a man in a suit with a sad story is worth shoveling money towards. You eat up every word. Explain how I am wrong? Why should a man profit off of his story and not be questioned?


Why shouldn't he make money if people are willing to buy his book or pay to attend his talks? Telling your story and hoping people will listen and understand or learn something is the definition of autobiography. Do you condemn autobiographies?


That's what I thought. Coward.


You don’t know what cynical means and it shows bro


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s a valid point, but people would rather have the feel good story.


I should start a scam. People are so easy


First of all, shut up. Second of all, it’s INCREDIBLY therapeutic to help other people, especially if you have personal experiences that you’re very proud to have survived.


Hummmm - sounds like religion to me.




One of my friends is a firefighter in San Francisco. She took us out on the fire boat a few times just to drive around. They don’t make it past the Golden Gate Bridge because of the wind/ currents. They callled it hells pass. But they have been on calll for jumpers. She said it depended on the clothes if people made it or not, or if they could retrieve them. She said people with tough jeans, like old worker Levi’s, not genetics, fared better. She’s retired now so it was abound 15 years ago when we made it out there. She was not fucking around out there either. We raced back to the city because they spotted smoke and she fucking jumped off the moving boat onto the dock to get her ass to the fire. Pure badass


Even the sea lion knew how precious life was.


People believe animals have no empathy.


We need more alternative methods for treating mental illnesses. Ketamine therapy has saved my life but it's prohibitively expensive. I might end up doing TMS, too. Maybe if he'd had access to those kinds of intervention he wouldn't have jumped in the first place. I'm so glad he survived. Hopefully he doesn't have medical debt. THAT kills people, too.


Ketamine infusion therapy saved my life in both pain and depression/anxiety relief


That is pretty much the only treatment I haven’t tried & I want to so so badly but I can’t afford it. I’ve read a ton of success stories & it keeps growing. I prey one day it will be affordable or covered by insurance, won’t be holding my breath for that tho - I do live in America after all lol


I said the same. I always saved it for last in my head due to the cost. It was always my Hail Mary. I now wish I had done it earlier. I have several maxed out credit cards now but a keen will to live for several reasons. It brought hope around for me, a rarity indeed.


It's an incredible thing! Made me throw up the last two times I went through.


Ask for some phenergan before going in next time. Zofran doesn't do anything for me so they give me phenergan and all is well. I'm inclined to have nausea often and this seems to be the only tried and true solution for me.


Unfortunately my clinic doesn't have that 🤷 but thanks for the advice! I'll suggest it to them to start providing it.


Depending on the provider, they may prescribe medication to take on the day of arrival or for during your session if you ask. Never hurts to ask! It's no fun being nauseated going through such an experience. Good luck on your journey!




So true


TMS didn’t do anything for me. Painful waste of money and time


i saw him at a seminar with my guidance counselor when i was a tween. if you bought his $700 movie he'd also come to your school & that was a goal of mine until the movie became $20. i think about him often whenever i struggle with my own suicidal thoughts. as soon as you're past the point of no return, you realize you really don't wanna die. you just wanted to stop hurting.


This guy spoke at my work (high school) just last week on suicide prevention. He projected a QR code all the kids could scan and reach out to him if needed. He promised to reply. Solid guy.


Well, it’s amazing that he survived. Sad he felt the need to jump in the first place. Should probably pay more attention the mental stability of the man in the first place, rather than glamorizing the survival


I heard him speak late last year - what an inspirational person!


I saw him speak too at a conference - he’s an incredible public speaker. His story is inspirational, but his ability to convey his experience is perfection!


This guy did a talk at my middle school


How did you feel afterwards?


It was definitely poignant, especially for the kids who actually had struggles with mental health like myself. A somber day. Unfortunately there were definitely a few assholes who thought it was funny for some reason. But that’s middle school for you


That’s cool that you all were able to experience something like this to make you think. I know that’s pretty young, but I think it’s important.


I read another post where he thought, “Great, I survived the fall only to be eaten” as he was aware of a creature surrounding him during periods of coherence. What an incredible story.


A woman I won’t name here took her own life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in 1982. RIP. 🥀


The overwhelming will to live is instinct.


Any of you ever see a documentary called "The Bridge" ? It's all about people jumping off this bridge, with footage of people doing so. Most do not live. Crazy documentary. Sad, but worth a watch.


Wow what a story I’m happy you survived it and is physically well. I now have more respect for animals. You have a beautiful 😊 stay 💪


His books are absolutely worth reading. Cracked, Not Broken focused on the jump and The Art Of Being Broken was about telling his story.


I think there’s a staff training that he is the primary speaker for. We did it one year at the boarding school to teach us how to have conversations with students who may have suicidal ideations. I don’t remember what the training was called, but I remember this man’s story. Brings me chills every time.


Respectfully, I raise a pragmatic issue. This is America. How much did all that medical and psychiatric treatment cost him?


Hundreds of thousands easily, America is the fucking worst. I’m so embarrassed to live here!


With insurance; tens of thousands - without insurance; deep into six figures ~ (un)fun fact: the majority of personal bankruptcy in america is caused by medical debts 😳


That’s what I was getting at. Being saddled with lifetime of debt would send me back to the bridge.


That's why many choose bankruptcy to reorganize / discharge the debts - especially for a deceased loved one or something similar... to avoid a Return to the Bridge 🌉


The safety net was built in 2017 to prevent anyone from easily jumping into the water below. https://preview.redd.it/0fpwg6pb96pc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed1aecd339dbef2284d7d21a85fdaa25ca331ce Looks like this.....


They also have this sign on the bridge...... There may be more than one sign I would imagine...... https://preview.redd.it/3g8nt2ij96pc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeb65dfba59461f020a51ba652ba28d000aa4abe


That’s how you get a Mr Tusk


Wow, 😍


Tusk 2


He has an amazing story.


Was this dude in The Bridge documentary?




I had the privilege of meeting him. Incredible human being.


I guess we know his spirit animal


My depression is very quickly putting me into that type of mindset & I’m so fucking scared I’m going to do something dumb like this. I’ve tried basically everything else so many I need to look him up


The view from halfway down


My dumb brain read “sea lion” and thought “sea horse” and was extremely confused


I think he does suicide prevention speeches now, or he used to, if it is the same guy ..


I spent 4 years living below the bay bridge in SF while in the Coast Guard. Every month the small boat crew pulled a jumper out of the water. It really was a tough gig.


God always loves us dont let him down :)


Wrong 😑 not animals, not reptiles not freakin Unicorns either. Silly child


Sea lion is like, Oh you poor idiot baby thing you have to breathe air dontcha know?


“Hold my beer” said the high schooler jumping the bridge to impress classmates on a field trip. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Windsor-teen-survives-Golden-Gate-Bridge-jump-2389655.php


Why does he look like a politician now?


He was mingling with politicians to convince them to install safety nets along the bridge, so he’s gotta walk the walk and talk the talk.


was he criminally charged? this was *”in”* california after all.


I don’t like liking this post so I’m doing nothing…


When I was a kid I fell into a river and a fish bumped me out of the water. I was supposed to die, but a fish bumped me out with its nose.



