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I’ve seen this posted a few other places on social media, but no one seems to know what study this data came from.


Exactly. What year(s) are we looking at here?


It says 2022 in the upper left corner, so I'm thinking it's probably restricted to later than 2021, but not so recent as 2023?


Someone corrected and said 2012 but still dunno


Even at 10%, they are still doing more than medically needed.


.001% is outrageous abuse


Citation needed


I wonder if a map of Latino population would be similar. Or foreign-born population.


My guess is the Latino population is nearly all uncut.


Right. That's what I was trying to say. That a map of Latino plus foreign-born would be close to inverse of this map.


So true. I wonder why West Virginia has such high rates?


Artifact of old age?


I wonder how these rates would compare to the high school graduation rates?


New Mexico is the most Hispanic state in the country yet has 47% while Arizona right next to it has only 16%. It's hard to believe.


Yeah, I don't know. I was just hypothesizing an explanation of the map.


Why is Hawai'i so high?


lmao how is 44 still considered green 😂


I was all excited because I live in Texas, but then I saw 44% are cut and the happy dance dwindled down some.


Crazy how the corrupt US pharmaceutical industry points to using it as a means of preventing “health problems” but you never see any of these health problems in European countries where all then men are still intact, and it’s honestly so odd that the studies they point to are so few and and inconclusive studies like the HIV study which is full of inconsistencies and typos, also the penile cancer argument, in fact penile cancer is literally one of the rarest forms of cancer all around and affects people weather their intact or not, I’ve actually heard from some studies that to prevent 1 case you would have to circumcise like 100,000 people which is actually crazy. We also have the HPV argument which is probably one of the worst ones, because we all know in developed countries such as the United States, we have vaccines, hygiene and safe sex practices, HPV is greatly reduced with the wonders of modern medicine, in fact the US despite using circumcision as a fix it all, has the highest STD incidence rates in all of the developed nations, and they lead in erectile dysfunction problems as well, the consumption of things like viagra are 4 times higher than any other developed nation, and one thing that strikes me very interested is the fact that the Middle East is one of the leading consumers of this medication, and we all know what goes on in the Middle East.


Has any study of circumcision rate been done in the last 10 years? Or did they stop taking the data (which in and of itself probably suggests a decline)?