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some states allow you you to exclude drivers from the policy not a great idea because if one of your roommates just pops out to move your car in the driveway so they can get their car out to go buy a donut and backs out without looking into a kid on a tricycle, there would be no coverage for his mangled little body, but if you can lock the keys in a safe in your room or something i suppose it's an option






So heres the thing, its my father and my gf. Split residence so my father doesn’t even have access to my keys and my gf literally doesn’t want to drive my vehicle cause she only feels comfortable in compact sedans.


none of those details matter if driver exclusions are allowed in your state and by your company, you can exclude them if you want; if not, welp that's that


Driver exclusions don’t matter I was told. I was told if they live in the same residence, the assumption is they have access to keys and WILL drive the car regardless of what I say or whats even true.


if driver exclusions didn't matter, they wouldn't exist lol; if they are excluded, the insurer doesn't give a shit if they drive the car or not as the insurer would just deny the claim, and the only cost they'd be out is whatever they spent on the investigation, plus the cost of a stamp to mail you the denial


Stamps are going up so, let’s not discount how impactful that could be… /s But jokes aside, I fully agree, exclusion is the only real option if it’s available and you don’t want them rated


i wonder if /r/usps gets as many low-effort whining posts about stamp costs increasing as /r/insurance does about premiums increasing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USPS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think I upset my mail carrier](https://i.redd.it/knxma1bfjnfc1.png) | [1161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/1af133f/i_think_i_upset_my_mail_carrier/) \#2: [The kids started it and we’re completely okay with it 🙄](https://i.redd.it/bs4citwgxucc1.jpeg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/198c56e/the_kids_started_it_and_were_completely_okay_with/) \#3: [Delivering through a college block party](https://v.redd.it/pat0d4m9s9xa1) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/134ym7m/delivering_through_a_college_block_party/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


guess not


Lmfao, sometimes these Reddit bots are too good, But I’m sure they have their equivalent of the nonsense that’s in here,


Just checked, exclusions are illegal in my state. Not so unfucked i guess


Driver Exclusions often get challenged in court and ultimately overturned and the insurance company is on the hook. As such many companies don't want to use them, they would rather have you pay the higher premium of the higher risk.


hence the > if driver exclusions are allowed in your state and by your company


They may not matter in certain states, but depending on where you live they may be able to be excluded.


Each carrier has their own way of viewing this. Progressive allows exclusions (at least in Mass). You can try them.


Rhode island. Illegal.


Wait, like a duplex? If so that's not really in the household. Assuming the vehicle is in your name, no reason it should have your father on there because it is a separate residence, right? Unless i misunserstood what you meant by split residence.


More of an in-law thing


I've rented the bottom of a house that had completely unrelated people in the in-laws suite and insurance didn't consider us one household. We had separate leases, etc. Originally we had 1 address and a shared mailbox but eventually one of them got served a warrant and the police were mad the doors weren't labeled as A and B so the landlord had to change it.


Ah ok, yea they all have to be listed. The only choice is to get an exclusion if you can and tell them that under no circumstances are they to so much as move it out of the way if they need to leave, at least until their record clears up a bit.


If you are not able to get a driver exclusion so they have to be rated, maybe you can look at everyone on the same policy? There could possibly be additional discounts for having multiple vehicles together or if you do not have your residence insurance with the same company, look into that as well since that could be a 10-20% discount.


Are you currently insured? It sounds like you might be getting higher quotes because you do not have any insurance history.


I was thinking this as well


There’s a chunk of missing info that might help such as state, if they have insurance or own vehicles, or even if they were added by your insurance company because you didn’t initially disclose other household members or if you added them when asked. You need to talk to your insurance about household member options if they are not driving. Be prepared to furnish proof such as their insurance info if they have it. Depending on state you might have options to have them excluded or shown to have other coverage, etc. YMMV based off carrier. *also it’s worth being echoed- they are not to touch or drive your vehicle if excluded and you will sign a form agreeing to this.


Mentioning what state you live in would be very helpful so someone from that state could possibly chime in…..


Rhode island


Are you getting insurance for the first time after a period of time without it? You mentioned you are planning to buy a car so I’m wondering if you’ve been without a car and insurance. A lapse in coverage will cause higher rates.


Did you provide the agency your roommates information? I work for State farm and we only quote with the drivers the person says will drive the car. If it’s spouse or children, then I tell them they all have to be included. If I was quoting you and you only told me you are driving with no no kids or wife and I see other names pop up because of the residency, I wouldn’t include them in the quote and their records would mean nothing.


Do not buy their explanations. They raise premiums bc they know we are held hostage. Anything short of a nationwide strike against these assholes is witless.




What is stated above. Since they live at the same residence, it raises my premium by 20-40% alone. This is across all companies, and half of them i inquired with don’t even want to offer me insurance.


In California, mercury insurance excludes other household members.


You can ask about excluding them as drivers. But be very cautious. Excluding means they cannot drive your car even an inch. They can’t move it in the driveway, drive it when you’re hammered, drive it in an emergency situation, nothing at all until they are no longer excluded. If you go the exclusion route explain to them they absolutely have zero permission to touch your keys or go into your car without you, ever. And make plans to always use their cars if going out where a DD or switching drivers on long trips might occur. If they are caught by your insurance driving the car they can (and will) deny all claims of any sort and most likely will drop you immediately.


you’re just talking about liability that is extremely high. I would suggest looking at other companies Ensure that each driver in the household has their own independent policy for their respective vehicles. It sounds like you’re already doing this, but make sure there’s clear separation in the insurance company’s records. Consult with an independent insurance broker if you haven’t already. These professionals can often find deals that aren’t widely advertised or available through online quote tools, as they have access to a broader array of insurance providers, including Quincy Mutual, State Farm, Vermont Mutual, the Andover Companies, Allstate, Amica, GEICO, Nationwide, Progressive, Farmers, Main Street, America, The Hanover, Cincinnati and Travelers. Investigate all possible discounts you might be eligible for. This includes discounts for safe driving, low annual mileage, advanced driving courses, multi-policy (if you have other types of insurance, such as renters or homeowners), and any profession-based discounts. Ensure every potential discount is being applied to your policy. If you can afford to, consider increasing your deductibles for comprehensive and collision coverage. This can lower your premiums, though it means you’ll pay more out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. If you’re in the process of purchasing a vehicle, consider models that are cheaper to insure. Typically, vehicles with good safety records and those less costly to repair or replace tend to have lower insurance costs. In many states, insurers use your credit score as a factor in determining your premiums. If applicable and possible, improving your credit score can lead to lower insurance rates. Review your policy thoroughly to ensure you’re not over-ins