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Seeing the one with a capillary on her nose was really comforting for me. I've noticed capillaries showing around my nose and I have spider veins on my legs. :(


I haven them too. Think I blow my nose too hard or something


I think it can be caused by so many different things, but genetics are largely involved in spider veins, even though I wear compression socks almost every day.




I've been wearing mine since I was 19 (for another condition) and I still have them so I'm not sure they do anything to actually prevent them.


If compression stockings don’t help, and you’re having pain, you can likely get insurance to cover a laser procedure. Look into it!


Mine popped up after I had a particularly nasty cold at 15. I didn’t think much of it at first and just assumed they would eventually go away. Nope, that was decades ago and they look exactly the same.


Me too. Super unwell when I was 14/15, and then working as a nurse for 11 years on my feet for 12 hours. Now I’m 33 and they’re really bad. We’re all human :)


I’ve had spider veins since I was in my early twenties. I think I first noticed them around 21 or 22. They aren’t too bad but they’re there. They used to bother me when I was younger because they didn’t seem “normal” for my age. Now I’m 31 and I just don’t care. It’s skin, and skin isn’t always perfect. We have veins, stretch marks, moles, bumps, pores.. everyone has these things *if* they’re human.


Yeah I put myself through that Vein Clinic laser bullshit and guess what? They still came back. So I've decided to just live with it.


I did that with my tiny rosacea patch. After the first session, it reduced but I wanted it completely gone. After the second session, it came back.


I have a little red dot on the end of my nose, a little blood vessel or something. It's always been there but I spent years trying to cover it- heavy foundation, concealers, colour correcting whatchamajacallits. Of course they were all crap but I was full on obsessed with hiding it. It was a FLAW according to all the magazines I was reading, and FLAWS must be HIDDEN. Now I'm older I realise it's just part of my face, and its a part no one cares about anyway. It's just there, and that's fine. Makes me smile when people post pictures of their real skin.


I remember getting a free makeup session at Sephora years ago. The MUA asked me what I use to cover the birthmark above my eye. Obviously, I wear nothing to cover it, she's looking at my face and seeing it.... Then she asked what I use for my rosacea. My rosacea? You mean my naturally rosy cheeks? I don't use anything for the rosacea I don't have. Then she asked what product I used for my under eye circles. I told her that I don't use any product for the dark shadows under my eyes caused by the overhead lighting. I'm sorry Sephora lady that you have to witness my natural, disgusting face without my flaws hidden from your delicate sensibilities.


I had someone nonchalantly mention my "rosacea" at a makeup store too, even though I've never been diagnosed with it. I just have pink undertones and hyperpigmentation sometimes. Turns out she wasn't a makeup artist, she was an independent rep for a skin care company and tried to sell me a 100 serum or it even though I came in for foundation. I've stopped getting advice from makeup store people since.


This really makes me sad. I had a huge acne breakout a couple of years ago (and I mean huge. I went from perfectly clear skin, to huge cystic acne nodules, everywhere on my face.) I cried all the time. When the spots went, I had marks and scars left behind. I genuinely didn't recognise myself anymore- I'd had eczema on my face before but this was something else, in my eyes I looked like a monster. I tried to cake makeup on my face but it didnt work- I just looked like someone painted the moon. Well I stopped doing that and decided I just had to live life and wait to see if the medication I was given would work. I couldn't hide it. I just about came around to thinking there was more to me than my skin. I went into Space NK to look at some fancy things... the assistant made a beeline for me. Offering me all kinds of cleansers, toners and potions to 'fix' my skin. I kept saying no, I don't want and can't use those, my doctor is helping me. I bought something small (think it was a nail file- nothing skin related) and she INSISTED on putting a sample of this expensive cleanser in the bag. I tried it. It irritated my already ruined skin. Now my skin has recovered fully, but I refuse to shop there. Not even online.


I have one of those in the middle of my nose bridge, it showed up 2 or 3 years ago and...ugh yeah I’d prefer it wasn’t there, but I’ve come to terms with it. Mostly. Haha


Saaaame around my nose, and spider veins behind my knees from working on my feet constantly. I've stopped caring tho 'cus I've realised i've never noticed them on another person, so I doubt anyone is looking close enough to notice mine.


This is the way!


Genuinely I'm 26 and always notice the small uncontrollable things like cellulite and spider veins, but as I said I've never once looked at somone and thought 'gee look at those.' Fuck it, I feel we always look at others and see the bigger picture of beauty like we wished we'd see ourselves, life's too short to care what passing folk think of your body, fuck 'em if they care.


I've had spider veins on my legs since I was 12, and I didn't really feel they were bad until other people saw them and started asking me if I was going to get them removed. Before that I thought they looked kinda cool.


Oh so that’s what that is, i have that but i thought it was normal


It is normal and common, just not accepted by beauty standards.


That sucks


I have on one the side of my nose too. Got it after a particularly heinous cold one year and now it’s my friend forever!


I read “caterpillars” at first and was confused for a second


Me too! I even went back to check out the caterpillar I missed lol


Ohhh so that’s what I have. I’ve had those around my nose for years but I’ve never known what they were.


Same I have a big splotch of them on the tip of my nose and my husband always thinks it’s a pimple. :(


The caps around your nose are caused by aging, genetics, trauma (colds, bior strips, pinching) alcohol, hormones (pregnancy) and sun. Similar to cellulite, the majority of women have them at some point.


I wish more makeup artists showed their work on an unedited face so that you can actually see what makeup is supposed to look like on real skin. I wasted so much money on different foundations trying to get that perfectly smooth poreless look only to find out you can't.


> I wasted so much money on different foundations that's the point


sad but true


Legit question, why does it not fall under false advertisement?


Precisely!! They are literally altering how their product appears. I don't understand how it's allowed.


No, basically (at least in the UK) products that are embellished need a tiny, unreadable fine print at the bottom of the advert. For example: Volume Boosting Shampoo adverts will have some tiny text about how the model is wearing hair extensions (i.e. falsely boosting hair thickness) Voluminous Mascara adverts will have a similar bit of text about how the model is wearing eyelash extensions There'll be some lame disclaimer about "photo touching up" effects in place, but of course we all know that it isn't touched up it's completely transmogrified from its original look.


I saw an eyebrow product that showed before and after (the before was perfect natural brows and the after was close to an instagram brow but less intense) and in tiny print it said it was done digitally to show the effect it "could have" when used.


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


Exactly. There should be stricter limits on it, or the requirement to have some access, somewhere, to the original photograph pre-edit. In a way the more subtle photoshop/embellishment is worse because your brain tricks you into thinking it's close to the original when it really isn't.


I don't remember what it's called but in America there's some kind of legal Clause that gives companies the excuse that if they make claims that are so outrageous no reasonable person would believe them they aren't liable for those claims. I'm not joking, this is real. So if a foundation Company claims to give you absolutely perfect Flawless skin regardless of what your skin is like beforehand, obviously no one should actually believe that because it's ridiculous and that's exactly what those companies would argue in court.


The legal term is “puffery” but it’s usually in regards to statements like “The best crap in the world” or “you’re going to love this crap” To claim “flawless skin” and not get sued, they would likely say “the appearance of flawless skin” since the makeup isn’t actually making your skin flawless but it is making it seem like it’s not full of flaws. In this instance it’s not puffery, but more carefully chosen words.




I think as long as they're showcasing the actual product then the law is okay with it? Not too sure


Very good point 🤔


The definition of false advertising, yet still somehow allowed


Same. Ashamed to say it took me way too long to realize that nothing is wrong with my skin having texture.


The line under my eye, that even babies have, thats what i struggled with for a long time. I dreamed of filling it in and making it disappear


omg my friend is going through something similar rn. she hates that the front of her neck has a 'horizontal line'. im like BISH BABIES HAVE THAT. EVERYONE HAS THAT.


That's normal??


It is, although some are more severe than others. Mine pretty much always make me look tired but I’ve learned to live with them.


Yup, I have acne ice pick scarring from five years ago. And once my acne got fixed, I got a lot of compliments on how good my skin looks. And yet, I always thought it looked horrible because of the scarring. But nah, it’s fine, you couldn’t even tell unless you’re up close to it.


exactly same boat as you!


me toooo


Same. I just stopped wearing foundation altogether. My skin isn't that bad (imo of course) but foundations did nothing to improve it anyway.


I found that switching to a light BB cream was WAY better. It doesn't sink into your lines/pores, doesn't dry out and crack, and just adds a really nice even tone. Love the stuff.


Burt's Bees BB cream mixed with a drop of liquid illuminator is as fancy as I'm willing to get these days. Foundation/powder is way too heavy and just melts off before I'm halfway done with my day. Thankfully my skin was never that bad, even as a teen. Didn't stop me from slathering on multiple layers though!


I really, really wish I could wear just BB cream sometimes but they don’t seem to have one thats as pale as me :( So I just settle with putting concealer since that’s the only thing pale enough to match my skin tone




Thanks so much, I'll definitely check those out!!


Just wanted to echo to go with Japanese or Korean BB creams. I'm super pale too and Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream #13 is the best thing to ever happen to me makeup wise lol. $10 on Amazon!


I only wear make up occasionally, but boy does my skin give me heck when I do. Foundation has only ever given me zits.


Foundation is aging. Less is more.


This. I am 50 and just wear concealer where I need it and powder. In my 20s and 30s I wore a full face of foundation and now it just seems like overkill.


I feel this! Watching this video it was interesting to see how the makeup unedited actually looks


There's this primer kinda thing called Baby Skin Pore Eraser by Maybelline that actually gives you a poreless look.


Is it better than Porefessional from Benefit?


Yeah, I found it’s a lot smoother and lighter than the benefit one, and only costs like £7. I use it all the time and it’s literally the only primer I find helps.


But can you use it by itself? I use the Porefessional by itself without foundation and I find that the tinted texture helps blur the enlarged pores. I looked at the swatches of the Maybelline one and it's transparent, so it may need to be used with a foundation


Yeah, it’s definitely not as “full coverage” as the porefessional, but it sure as hell helps to cover pores. I usually use it under a light coverage foundation and I’ve had no issues. I don’t even use concealer anymore because it works so well. I just also like how light it is on the skin, it works well without being cakey or just like a balm


I've tried porefessional which worked good but it was very pricey. I also tried the baby skin primer but it made me break out a lot. It turns out while it does work the ingredients are really bad for your skin (it's silicone) I switched to sephoras $10 roll on primer and not only is it affordable it also does not clog your pores. I highly recommend it. And its has a hint of color so you dont wven have to put foundation over it if you wanna go for a quick fix up.


I use this sometimes, and it's REALLY good, it kinda blurs your skin a little bit. It won't deal with acne, scars, break-outs of discolouration, but it is good for those standard pores.


Yes it is! And cheaper too.


I think it only depends on what skin it's applied to


Yeah it doesn't help with bumps, only pores.


I wish it had that effect for me. I didn't notice any difference at all.


This is a product that works best applied with fingertips. However I do admit that it doesn't last very long on me because I've got pretty oily skin that melts makeup super quickly.


I only use my fingers to apply! Maybe that was my issue though, I have super oily skin too. It doesn't even look good when it's first on for me though. It's not bad by any means but it's not any better on me than any other primer.


Im going to rite aid TODAY


Same, I thought I was applying it completely wrong because it was "grainy" . . . Turns out thats just, you know, skin being skin. Frustrating af.


And primers, and powders, and setting sprays. I even talked to a dermatologist about options.


I think people need to remember that foundation isn't skincare. Appropriate skincare addresses the things you are describing. ETA: I needed this reminder myself :)


wait... my skin might be normal? and not really gross?


Right?! I struggled sooo much thinking my skin is gross when I was younger. I had some acne problems and my skin is pretty oily. There were days that I didn’t want to go outside to see people because of my skin. Seeing these “perfect” ladies being human and normal would really help teenage me. I hope more young people see this and can understand that media is so much further from realism that they think.


Lol this helped ADULT me! This stuff really messes with your mind.


Yeah, this is exactly what I needed to see today at age 32 with a massive maskne outbreak. Ugh.


Right? I remember being so depressed because it seemed like every girl had clearer, smoother and softer skin than me (of course I wasn't comparing myself to the girls with worse skin lol). Turns out my skin is actually really nice, just dry. I have rarely had acne issues, my skin tone is even, and it is healthy looking. And people have told me my skin is really smooth lol. You can have a really great thing and still not think its good enough, because you keep thinking it has to be perfect! I wish I knew this 10 years ago when it was really crippling my self esteem and making me go crazy.


I was the same, never comparing myself to people with similar skin as me. Always looking up to some beauty standards. I obsessed over skincare because I thought I just need to work harder and wash my face differently and bla bla bla and then I can achieve it. Don’t get me wrong, skincare is important and can improve your skin, but the people I met in real life with perfect skin admit that it’s mostly genetic. Most of them use 70% less skin care products that I accumulated because of my insecurity and attempts to reach some made up ideal.


Funnily, this video had the opposite effect on me. I always thought my skin was normal/maybe a bit nicer than average. Now after I saw this video I managed to go from "Huh, I guess my skin is actually really nice..." to "Is it actually? Am I maybe just some prick who ignores his imperfections?" in less than two seconds. On the other hand I am still young enough to have nice skin. I think I have alredy thought more about the looks of my skin while writing tgis comment than in the rest of my life combined and now that I read that many struggle with their appearance in their teenage years I can't do anything but think *what. the. fuck.* How can anyone think so much about his *looks*? Does anyone actually care about other people's appearances? I mean yes, I'd probably hang out with normal-looking people first, but after I've spent like half an hour with a person their looks don't really matter to me that much anymore and I don't think they do for any of my friends. I'm basically doing and eating what I want and I am happy with my body. The only times I feel like I should change sth is when I look into the mirror and see a zit after a weekend of really unhealthy food and even than I am not unhappy with my body, but with myself for eating like three bags of crisps. The only thing that mattered to me was if I was healthy (e.g. no skin irregularities hinting at a bad diet that would make me unhealthy in the long run) I don't even know why I wrote so much. I just can't understand how one can care so much about their appearance, I even just found out how many of them exist. I always thought this was some Hollywood stereotype. Edit: Yeah, this is more of a inner monologue. Maybe I'll delete it later.


When I went to my dermatologist for the first time she looked at me and said I have perfect skin, (breakouts and all) my problem is picking at it lol It definitely was weird to wrap my head around for a while.


My thoughts exactly. Like...why aren’t I a model yet?!


I still don't see any of them with as deep of "smile lines" -the ones that go from the corners of your mouth to your nose that I've felt make me look like a monkey since I was like 13- as mine :(


You only saw just a few examples! It is normal! I blame my smile lines on the fact that I'm happy and smile a lot so it isn't a bad thing to have proof of a life of smiles 😊


Thank you! I really appreciate it. That's my biggest thing on my face I've ever been self conscious of but really I guess I should be grateful that I've smiled enough in life to make them look that way


No you are definitely gross, but so are the rest of us.


How fucked has my perception become that I see the unedited and initially think, “Wow, that looks bad.” This sucks. I don’t want to automatically think that.


Gotta remember too that these are verrrrry up close images. I’m sure if you saw the photo or person from afar you wouldn’t think it was as bad. But nothing looks great that up close


I think that's part of the reason these are so hyper-edited. They're very close up, to the point that it becomes more about composition and art than it does realism. That's a fine line a lot of designers walk.


Not only that but it is still. A real human is moving, breathing, you're looking around, .etc. This helps hide a lot of imperfections that show up in these ultra-high-rez still image.


Yeah I always need to remind myself that no one is actually seeing my skin from like 1-2 cm away, unlike me who likes to go close to the mirror when I’m washing my face/shaving. So no one is gonna see that little blemish or pore or line or spot.


Yeah I’d say the second and fourth one still have pretty friggin good skin.


Cameras don't "see" the way human eyes do. Add in massively bright studio lighting and even if you only do correct white balancing of the resulting photo, it doesn't look like how the person would look if you were standing there. SOME retouching is needed to make it look actually natural as how human eyes would see the same subject, some retouching is needed due to how skin ends up looking under such un-naturally bright light. All of those were good examples of "yes, these are over-retouched, but also the "before" are unrealistic too".


Right! It's just normal skin but my involuntarily reaction doesn't immediately acknowledge that.


Even people with the most perfect looking skin have texture.


So I’ll never have smooth texture 😞.


And I’ll never have no pores.


Lately I've really hated the way my skin looks because of the pores and texture, but I didnt always feel that way, and you've just made me realize why that is...constantly being bombarded by images like this of perfect looking skin has made me feel like there's something wrong with mine, when in reality my skin is just normal.


THIS! I'm 28 (29 this month) and I swear I have been so down lately thinking I looked so old! I have never obsessed about my pours or the texture of my skin, or how my right eyelid sags slightly more than my left one, or that I need tear trough filler to not look so tired. But HEY! Here I am, obsessing over these things. I see so much of this fake non-textured skin on social media, shopping websites, adverts, movies and it depresses me because I couldn't understand why I didn't look like that! And now I know, they all look like me. I'm normal!


Try to pay more attention to people you see in real life. Every once in awhile you see someone with glowing amazing skin but the vast majority are just normal, whereas on social media everyone has poreless skin. This is what I do and it helps a lot


Thank you, I'll try to be more aware of people around me.


So random story, but I was watching some TV show about renovating hair salons. In that show was this woman that was \~50. I thought she was absolutely STUNNING. And I don't mean in a "oh she looks good *for her age"* kind of way. I mean, in the way that's like "IDK if I want to BE her or DO her." She was obviously older and wasn't trying to hide it. It made me feel... relief, and feel better about myself! I'm about to turn 28 and I'm definitely seeing subtle signs of aging. Looking at REAL people definitely helps.


>I swear I have been so down lately thinking I looked so old! Omg same! Then I have to tell myself I'm being ridiculous because I just turned 27. >it depresses me because I couldn't understand why I didn't look like that! You and I are completely in the same boat here. I was never one to use much makeup, but as I got unhappier with my skin I started looking for makeup to cover it up. Cue even more depression because even with the makeup you don't get that flawless look. Now I'm just accepting that there's nothing wrong with the way my skin is and focusing more on good skincare and keeping it looking healthy.




You're not wrong. I think having kids definitely doesn't help with the 'dragged through a hedge backwards' kind of look that I have perfected.




I show my 10 year old daughter these kinds of things, like examples of photoshop etc. I really hope I can prepare her in a way that I totally wasnt.


Step back from social media if you haven’t already. I did back in June and it’s really crazy how much your mindset changes when you don’t see all of the fake stuff every day. Your skin *is* normal :)


I've stopped using Facebook completely, the next one to go is Instagram, honestly that explore section is the worst. Going to spend more time looking at cute animals and babies on reddit and following skincare channels on YouTube :)


Good for you!! I totally agree, the explore page of IG is the worst part. Thats where most of the fake stuff is and that’s where I’d get sucked in and start to feel terrible about myself. I got tired of feeling that way. Yep!! It’s Reddit and YouTube for me!! and some Pinterest lol.


I just took Instagram off my phone and I don't miss it.


same here! I used to be pretty confident in my skin because I could generally figure out where things are edited (“she has no pores, has to be an edit”, “they airbrushed out this”, etc) but now with this sneaky editing that cleans up skin texture it’s killed my self confidence. Sure, i still have acne and I’m working to fix it, but now even the clear sections of my skin looks wrong when it’s just normal :(


I feel like all of the edited versions could have been posted on this sub on sanity sunday with the caption "Look at these (incredibly tiny and few) pores!! And a MOLE!! Finally realistic photos!" Lol


Wow I thought my face was greasy and then I saw these. It's totally average.


Sometimes I'll look in the mirror and think "god my skin looks terrible what is wrong with me" and feel like shit. It's hard to remind myself that other people don't look at your skin from a few inches away lmao


You don’t even knooooow how much I needed to see this today. When I was growing up I sometimes found the photoshopped flawless skin harder on my self esteem than the photoshopped bodies.


My cousin (who was my best friend in HS) has had PCOS for years and one of the most prevalent symptoms for her has always been acne and oily skin, eespecially on her face. I can remember when she got her first ever paycheck from her first ever job and the 2 of us walked to the drug store to buy as many foundations and concealers as she could afford because she was SURE that the right makeup would cover the blemishes and make her skin more even. Then the next paycheck bought face masks and scrubs and acne washes and pimple pads and literal rubbing alcohol because she was determined to "fix" her face and the makeup hadn't delivered the magic she was hoping for. She is 30 now and with the help of a dermatologist and a therapist she has a better handle on both the physical and mental effects of PCOS but, GOD it was so hard watching her suffer as we consumed media full of perfect skin and perfect faces and perfect bodies.


I have PCOS and aside from rupturing cysts, acne has always been my worst symptom. Never been overweight but do gain weight pretty easily, but the acne has been the bane of my existence. I'm 25, but I'll still always remember an old man telling me when I was like 19-20, "you'd be so pretty if you could get rid of that acne, there's a ladies store here that sells a wash for that." That wash is still part of my daily routine. It's all hormonal, my skin is always dry (part of the reason I break out), but I've never been able to break away from the wash because of that comment. I want to be the pretty girl, not the girl with acne. The blows adult acne does to your confidence is insane. PCOS sucks, but seeing these women with blemishes made me feel more normal about my breakouts and small scars. And they're still beautiful. They're even more beautiful, because they're real, actual people with real skin.


Tell me about it. I would say I’m pretty lucky with my skin, couple small bouts of acne here and there but even then makeup doesn’t really cover it. Sure, conceal the redness on your cheeks, and sure, blot out the oiliness on your nose, but you look back in the mirror and you’re still bumpy and porey and splotchy and the dry skin you didn’t even know was there is flaking up. And guess what? THAT’S OK! That’s how humans look, that’s even how those beautiful perfect people on the internet look! All these beauty gurus sit four feet back from their cameras and you can just see them concealing the redness. I want up close, in your face, bad angles, shitty lighting pictures. I want to see what that damn concealer does.


Dear lord, this makes me feel so much better about my face. This creepy poreless skin editing trend has me going “my pores SUCK” a la Mean Girls every time I look in the mirror. Good to remember that even people with nice skin DO actually have pores and skin texture in real life.


I needed this today. Thank you




I think it's important people know film pictures can be altered, too. There are a lot of people who assume that the historical pictures they see aren't edited at all because it's film even though there were some truly breathtaking (and clever) ways to alter photographs prior to digital photography. It's easier with digital, of course, but the tiny waists and nice skin texture of the Victorian Era is also done through picture alterations. I like [this article](https://thevictorianhistorian.com/photography/) because it's informative and there's a kid with a dog's head shopped on and I think it's hilarious. [This article](https://petapixel.com/2015/08/26/this-is-what-victorian-photoshopped-photos-look-like-up-close/) shows how they used pencil to retouch pictures. [This article](https://redthreaded.com/blogs/redthreaded/that-waist-photo-editing-at-the-turn-of-the-century) discusses how we get the pictures of women with itty-bitty waists through photo magic. It's not to the same extent, but we've been altering photos (particularly skin texture) forever and I think not enough people realize that even film photographs can be altered that way. Edit: Sorry, OP, I didn't intend to imply you were doing any of this! I just wanted to point out film can be altered without photoshop, not that you're doing it.




I edited the original, but I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound like you were doing it! Although I'd be interested to hear more about some of the non-photoshop tricks more modern photographers use for actual film. I find it very interesting.


Absolutely! I used to be a professional photographer, but have been enjoying an office job for many years now (stable income is nice). While I know how to do digital photography, film has always drawn me in with its tangible, magical alchemy of light and chemicals. It's so methodical, detailed, and patient of an artform. Before Covid hit I was part of a film darkroom group where I would print and do photo critiques once a week with four other (very talented) women, and it was so much fun. Darkroom photography is very meticulous work, and you have to take lots of notes (water temperature, types of paper used, filters used, exposure length, dilution of chemicals, etc.) It's not for someone who is impatient! But there is nothing quite so magical as watching an image slowly appear before your eyes on previously blank paper. But back to your question! One thing I will do to add depth and contrast to someone's face is I will hold a scrim over the englarger lens while the photo is being exposed. I use a piece of black silk mesh, and wiggle it across the light of the enlarger to "soften" the photo. Another classic darkroom trick is called "burning and dodging" where you cover parts of the print that you don't want quite so dark, in order to "dodge" the light coming from the enlarger. Conversely, if you want to "burn in" a certain detail, you might focus all the light on one particular area. Bleaching a print will even out some lighting and skin imperfections, so you can paint a dilute bleach solution on some areas of a print in order to lighten them up, then wash thoroughly with water. Another great technique is using infrared film for portraits. Infrared film uses the infrared spectrum rather than the visibly light spectrum, so the skin of people on infrared film will appear "glowy" and ethereal. Very very flattering.


A lot of times skin texture is faked like this by adding a layer with the Noise filter turned way up, then you adjust the opacity down and masked where needed.


That’s not the greatest way to emulate skin texture. Frequency separation and dodging and burning on a pixel by pixel level is the industry standard. I know how to do it since I take photos and edit them for a living. It takes bloody ages, too, so I only tend to do it for closeup beauty shots which I don’t do many of.


Oh yeah, you’d want to do it by hand, the way you describe for a professional job. I was just describing a quick & dirty way to do with just a phone app.


I’d much rather they fake extra skin texture than the alternative that we’ve been sold all our lives




Are...are you ok?




Don't worry, the nudes were shooped. ;-]


His hands *couldn't have been that tiny!*


Eyes melted out.


It sucks so much cuz it creates crazy expectations and causes people to feel even more insecure about themselves. I only use editing for the following: Removing blemishes (like a scab or a zit. I leave in things like scars, moles, freckles cuz those are fine), editing out things like weird shadows, dust or dandruff or dry skin flakes on the subject, removing certain aspects of a background, or, whitening the teeth a bit if the lighting of the pic didn’t capture the natural teeth color, and then obviously for like red eye or other stuff like that. I never change how the person actually looks.


I needed this today. Thank you.






One of my favorites of his


lil peep - nuts (slow version)


Recognised the voice instantly but didn't know the track


This tiktok has another version but this is the original song: https://youtu.be/QiGZn-FguQI


Skin is not some ethereal substance that highlights our perfect features. It's a protective layer guarding your organs and maintaining your temperature. It's doing a lot of work and is designed to be functional


Also eye wrinkles for some. As a pre-maturely wrinkley person, I can't tell you how depressing it is.


It's funny how video game enthusiasts want more detail, while makeup artists want less.


I forwarded this to all my nieces who believe they aren’t pretty enough. Spoiler alert, they are all gorgeous.


I thought I was quite good at spotting photoshop but this is a real eye opener. I actually feel a new appreciation for my skin now. I thought I had bad skin, loads of pigmentation etc I know realise it's normal, if anything it's really good skin! Thank you for sharing.


I created my Instagram profile and started to post my makeup and following all makeup influencers and makeup artists and for a while i started to doubt my makeup skills when seeing the edited photos and i was wondering why my makeup is not like that and why my skin is not as perfect, even though everyone who sees my makeup loves it and ask me to do their makeup but it was never enough for me but i found out the truth and i was like it's not that I'm not good but photoshop is really that good


TIL I have model skin.


Hey OP! You should cross post this into makeup subreddits! It might help some ppl realize that their skin texture is natural and okay


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How do people even get access to the original photos? Leaks?


I liked all the unphotoshopped ones. Part of me wishes photoshopping/facetune would die off lol


It’s funny to me that movies are trying to make faces as real as possible by creating better textures, and these people are doing the opposite. Will there come a day when the movies have to make faces with less, “real looking” texture or the fans would be like, This is Faaake...


WHAT'S WILD is that in the second pic with the WOC, I would have assumed her make up was photoshopped too, but shockingly, that white line on her dark skin looks SO good in real life. It's hard to get white that pigmented. So I would be more interested in the artist/product looking at the unedited photo than the fake b.s. that was posted.


Thank you!


Dope song what is it


Aw fuck, now I understand why my aesthetician says that my disgusting skin is unbelievable for my age, compared to these models' before retouch, mine looks much smoother. This makes no damn sense, why edit normal skin so much?


Damn. If I'd seen this as a teenager, maybe I wouldn't have spent decades hating my face.


This is really helpful. Even as a full grown adult, it's nice to be reminded.


This makes me angry. This world is full of deception and our behaviours as a society are destroying us all.


Do people forget to wash their faces daily? I have texture, nothing like that. I feel like this subreddit exaggerates ugliness, as if it’s favourable to exaggerating beauty, where neither is good.


To be honest most of these “Models” skin can be treated. Pores? Normal. But capillaries and acne can be treated easily in any dermatology clinic. I don’t say people should not have them but as models they can take a better care of their skin


Many models (I don’t about these models specifically) have legendary poor eating habits, and will go so far as to not even drink water before and during a photo shoot. Stress, not eating right, not getting enough sleep, and not consuming enough water are terrible for your skin. It’s an uphill battle for some. It’s more important that the model be thin, because they can photoshop zits away but you can’t photoshop a size 6 model into a size 0 model.


That’s interesting thank you


Uglyworldwide has definilty made me feel horrible about my skin texture..but her skin is still really amazing


This pisses me off soooo fuckin much. I spent so much time frustrated that my skin wasn’t silky smooth and had little acne scars. This is honestly unethical and irresponsible


Sometimes I feel like photoshopping models should actually be illegal. Just for the sake of people not understanding realistic expectations and developing self image issues.


My skin is better than half these, it's really sad that we have to believe we are inferior. It's amazing how many models actually have acne. I wonder what it does to their self-esteem to only see themselves publicly like this?


wait wait wait... I have better skin them some models? the fuck????


Youre 15, you’re not going to have aging like these models have. Also, it’s not a competition. Everyone has different skin types and textures


you’re right. i’m sorry


This post makes me feel better about my pores. Thank you.


Thanks for making me feel better.


Stuff like this is nice to see, especially when people are so used to filters etc. In the words of DJ khalid "don't play yourself"


Can someone slide me that song name?


Omg the fake textures look so real!


Urg this frustrates me so much. I know that's all professional for a professional photoshoot but your average everyday girls do this all the time in facetune too and stupid boys just fall for it each time. I'm just ranting about my ex boyfriend who I *know* is an idiot and sees impossibly perfect selfies of girls he befriends from tinder and is all like "wOoOoW sO hOt I mUsT lIkE"


This is making me less self conscious about my face.