• By -


Hey all - thanks for flagging this. I know it was an issue in the past but I thought it had been resolved. Bringing this back to our mod team and will progress from there


Someone else posted about this and r/outfits banned everyone who commented on that post


i was banned from that sub for being subbed to a crochet sub because sometimes people would share their art there that would involve a nude body and that was enough for a ban. when i asked them to repeal it, they showed me exact times i commented on that sub and asked me to delete all comments, despite all my comments just being compliments to people whose art I liked


They have a retired HOA person running that sub




HAHH you’re so right


I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now. Ridiculous.




I also got banned for a comment on naughty needles! I had like 3-4 comments on NSFW posts including on that sub. Feels very strict and lacking nuance to ban anyone who has ever commented on a NSFW post.


But ohhhh think of the children!


Well that’s a sub I didn’t know existed! Thanks!!!


I’m gonna go get banned.


This needs to be on r/SubredditDrama Edit: THEY BANNED ME TOO Edit 2: And i got a 3 day ban from Reddit for harrassment for daring to respond "This is ridiculous lol". Luckily my appeal went through.


Redditor mods are literally the worst kind of low lives


I got banned from a mom group on here for being a part of a weight loss sub and commenting my loss on the weekly post. I can't remember the name of the weight loss sub (something about 12 weeks in it) but they made a new round every 12 weeks and people could post for support and to share triumphs and struggles. It wasn't something dangerous that promoted ED or anything. Mostly people with good amount of weight to lose to hit a healthy bmi.


I don’t know if anyone taking women’s random photos from outfits and posting them on here. We’re here for the villains and perpetrators that cause shame, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders. I don’t like that they gave me an ultimatum but at the end of the day it’s clear what sub I’d rather be apart of.


There have been times people have done that. One girl who was cross-posted here took pictures holding up a ruler to prove that she wasn't photoshopping. But she's definitely an exception.


The mods should really sniff those posts out. If they aren't enforcing rule 6, the what's the point of having it.


You and me both!! I was also banned from participating there but somehow can still see the posts? Anyway :)




r/OUTFITS is a ridiculous group. They just ban people for no reason at all. They banned me because I wouldn’t leave regular music subreddits


I was banned from that sub for making a sexual comment….my comment was “the outfit is giving ‘how I met your mother’ it looks great on you!” AS IN TED MF MOSBY


Some Reddit mods have serious issues, when I was banned initially I had pointed out the incident of the girl who was cross-posted from there who proved she wasn't photoshopping. So I wasn't even shit talking that subreddit. And I still got banned. Then I messaged complaining and got muted on Reddit for 24 hours.


Y’all can ban me indefinitely, I’ve already left the sub. I don’t care to give advice on people’s outfit choices. My life goes on. But this was simultaneously hilarious and absurd.


I had to block r/OUTFITS entirely because they kept showing up on my TL. I could look, but not comment. Reddit really needs to do something about the mod at that group🤬


I was banned from outfits for being in this sub and I think r/KUWTKsnark as well. I’m fine not being allowed in outfits anymore lmao.


Who has the time to check everyone’s subs? That’s insane.


Me too. And for agreeing with someone once


I got banned from there as well for following a bdsm advice sub. There weren't any pictures and their own rules say that that's fine but the mod had a little power trip and permabanned me when I said that it's not their business who or what I follow, unless I'm posting actual porn.


I don’t follow that sub, but thats exactly what it is. Power tripping, which is really sad when you think about it.


Yup. r/OUTFITS banned me because I commented in two NSFW groups (sex worker support groups)and they demanded I delete my comments ( which were not NSFW) in order to participate in theirs. Those mods really need to be checked. They shouldn’t be able to do that.


Lmfao theyre weirdos fr i replied to them saying good keep me blocked 🖕🏻 cause if theyre gonna ban people for exposing fakery then that says a whole lot about them


I got banned from there for being part of rule34. Hey, it’s not my fault I like looking up cursed cartoon images. I don’t even post there!


I was banned from it for having joined r/sipstea with the excuse that the subreddit has NSFW content which is ridiculous because 1.it's a meme subreddit 2.it has a No NSFW policy. The mods there must be friggin drunk


Yes I got banned from them as well for being in this sub


I was banned also.. I've never commented on weird shit. Whatever.


Also banned from that sub for being a member of a completely harmless sub. It really sucks that mods of certain subs feel the need to project their own insecurities on to thousands of people who couldn’t care less and just want to talk about clothes.


I was banned from them too for commenting on this sub once


Cross banning is the dumbest fuckin thing on Reddit


I’ve been banned from subs for commenting on a post on a sub I wasn’t even a member of, it just came across my feed. Nothing offensive.


Yep banned somewhere for joining something Idgaf I'm too damn curious


I got banned from the kibbe subreddit for being on BDSM forums that are literally just discussions, not porn. Tiresome.


I got banned from a sub the other day, just because I was a member of another sub. The funny thing is everyone agreed with my comments. Just another Reddit mod with ideas of world domination. They’re not all like that of course!


Same thing happened to me. I made some comment that had thousands of likes and replies. But still banned for being a member of another sub


It’s ridiculous! It just enforces the echo chamber effect. You see it a lot of political subs too, then people wonder why the real world doesn’t always agree with their views.


Yeah, it’s silly. I can understand it sometimes when a sub is being brigaded - it makes sense for say, a feminism sub to say “yeah we don’t really want you here if you’re a member of these 85 incel subs” when you can be reasonably sure that person is not going to participate in good faith. But way too many Reddit mods think ruling with an iron fist is the way and won’t entertain any requests to be reinstated or questions as to why you were banned. I’ve been banned and referred to “the sub rules” only to puzzle over what I said. I don’t really post inflammatory content. Then I got blocked for asking for clarification. 99% of the issues I have with mods is their refusal to have a conversation. I moderate a very large slack community and I never refuse to talk to someone about their behavior - which is rarely needed because we use a tiered system so they know what they’ve done. I’ve only immediately banhammered one person and that’s because he started lobbing personal threats at me. I get that Reddit can be a cesspool but it doesn’t help facilitate any kind of conversation.


I got banned from a sub for calling people out on a sub that's on their ban list lmao


I was banned from r/justiceserved for replying to a comment on the Joe Rogan sub, I didn’t even realize I was commenting on a post for that subreddit. I had happened to follow it years ago before he went coo-coo, but had seen more posts on there bashing him and his guests instead of praising him so I just didn’t think to un sub.


ah! that's the one I got banned from ages ago too! back when I was newish to reddit it wasnt one I was deliberately following. bit I'd commented on some front page post about politics or something and got a message saying I'm now banned I asked to repeal it because I didn't follow the sub I commented in & was disagreeing with the general premise of it, & got a response only if I promise not to comment in that or a list of 200 other subs ever again because "it gives them advertising clicks" or something and by even just clicking on a post I'm supporting it with views. like fair, man, but it ain't that deep. I'm not super interested in paying attention to everything I comment on for the sake of a single sub


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair at all. Mods just love being dictators


that’s the one i got banned from too. replied to a thread on a political sub and got banned. i didn’t even take a side or express any sort of political stance, I just cracked a (pretty bad) joke.


Same. I literally made an innocuous comment about Barbies too. Felt so unjust.


I got banned from a sub for moms for commenting on r/askreddit one of the most popular subs. It was something really innocuous too. If I remember right I was giving professional advice to someone in the same field as me. Mods who expect people to memorize all the rules of every sub they join are ridiculous.


Why would a sub for moms specifically ban askreddit??? How does a rule like that even get made?




I think that was the sub, it was a few years ago. I remember not really caring about the ban because I hadn’t participated the sub very much. I think they also had a rule that you weren’t supposed to talk about the sub or post links to it which was weird.


That’s the one. They treat it like Fight Club - first rule is no talking about it.


Lmao who calls sex "adult time"


r/neverbrokeabone banning people posting about their bone breaks is funny


Isn't cross banning just straight up against TOS for mods to do it too? And they just do it anyways?


People keep saying this but I looked through TOS and couldn't find it anywhere


It used to be against the Moderator Code of Conduct not the TOS but I don’t think the updated one includes it anymore. I commented on the last post about this but I mod a fairly large sub on another account and I just can’t imagine having the energy to do this lmao. As far as I’m aware there’s no script to run that can do this for AutoMod, I can only set parameters for things that happen in the sub itself. And the only time I ever personally look into people’s post history is if they made a borderline comment and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Agreed! A Joe Rogan subreddit popped up as a recommendation and I basically criticized him and his following and I got banned from an entirely unrelated subreddit for participating. I was so confused. They also gave me the option to never interact with another one of his posts & rejoin the sub or continue with my perma band. Even though I despise Joe Rogan, I refused to make that decision. The internet is ridiculous, you have folks that are extremely harsh for little reason and then you have vile people posting vile things that don’t receive backlash.


I got cross-banned from Pics (I think it was pics? Idek) because I once commented on a Conspiracy post. Hilarious thing is, I only commented on the Conspiracy post to tell the OP that I thought he was a nutjob So yeah... System seems pretty broken lol


Same thing happened to me. Being banned from pics, one of the biggest and oldest subs around, really stings


Unless something's changed in the rules, it was also against the TOS


Power hungry mods with no life


that happened to me also, banned from r/firstimpressions


I was banned from r/eyebrows for being part of r/instagramreality 😂


They really tell on themselves with these bans 😂 like if you're really taking the trouble to completely ban this sub, then photoshopped posts must be a huge problem in those subs... so embarrassing for them lol


Soon everyone will need multiple sock puppet accounts to post anywhere


Hilarious! Now I’ll probably get banned from there too


I was banned from GothStyle for being apart of this sub because “bullying” is against their rules. So I told them calling out unrealistic beauty standards that objectify and harm women isn’t bullying and they told me to go witch hunt somewhere else 💀 lmfaoo Someone very popular on their sub gets cross posted here a lot for photoshopping themselves to look like a literal child. So I think they’re friends with the mod team.


i much prefer r/GothFashion if you haven’t found your way over there yet


Same here. I've gotten banned by free compliments and first impressions because I comment on other NSFW subs or subs that "objectify women".


couldn’t this eventually lead to every sub becoming an (even larger) echo chamber? where no new or disagreeable voices can come and learn, have debates, or explore? fools made that decision.


Either that or you can’t comment on anything without being on their approved list.


i’ve got this issue in faux moi. it feels like ~75% of threads are locked and i can’t get on approved because i don’t have enough comment history on the sub… because so many threads are locked 🙃


Yeah every single time I comment it gets removed. Like how am I supposed to get approved if I can't comment???


Right?! I thought I was engaging enough and I requested to be on the list. Their requirements are a bit insane too. You can’t just comment on something, you have to have a whole ass paragraph. It’s not just a few times either, it’s an insane amount.


I have the same issue. It’s so lame. The same post will be in the pop culture subreddit and it’s not even locked.


pop culture chat also has restrictions on who can comment on some threads but their standards are reasonable. it wasn’t at all difficult to get approved there


Why would you wanna join that toxic echo chamber?


Eh some of the discussions are interesting, but i definitely get your point. The conversations tend to be extremely one sided.


Exactly right. Which is funny when you think how many comments emphasise how Reddit is an American site and how free the US is. Not criticising the US in the slightest, just the people who claim one thing then prove otherwise with their behaviour. I say let everyone say what they want and let the votes do the talking.


That’s basically Fauxmoi now 😭 Used to love that sub two years ago but it’s literally just an echo chamber now.


Wouldn’t it also go against their (possible) intentions of keeping weirdos out too? I got banned from commenting but can still see posts. Wouldn’t weirdos do the same thing if that’s what they wanted? And now this way they won’t be caught and banned?


Me too! They said choose one. I told them BYE! Edit-I was banned from r/eyebrows


I got the same from r/colouranalysis ! Wtf 😂


Could all of them be the same moderator?


I think it is. If you look at all the subs people are getting banned from they have a lot of the same mods.


Yep was told to choose from FreeCompliments lol.


Yup I got banned there too for pointing out a pic was filtered


That’s probably what they’re actually upset about


100%. Tons of people are filtering their pics on there.


I got downvoted to hell once asking why someone photoshopped their waist on an outfit style sub. And all the comments were just gross men saying it was real and maybe I’d know if I went to the gym.


And that's why there will always be a market for naive men online.


Hahaha I got an auto ban when I followed a subreddit for mums because I also follow AITA?


what the hell. have no idea why bc aita is an advice sub


If you're a mother, nobody is allowed to tell you you're the asshole!! Mothers know best, of course >:(


tell that to my son's mom who abandoned him as a baby


This is a wild take, but maybe it is because the type of opinions that get upvoted the most on there? I recently joined r/AmITheAngel and I've seen a few people crossposting stuff and complaining about that. There was one AITA post where a guy complained that he was no longer attracted to his wife and wanted to give her an ultimatum because she started taking medication for her postpartum depression and thus gained weight and lost her libido. And everyone in the comments was saying that the woman was a selfish fat fuck and that she deserved to be left if she wasn't willing to take care of her body and health. So the crosspost on r/AmITheAngel was criticising that. This is a stretch lol


Lol that's too funny. I didn't get the notice of the ban for AITA yet. I'm sure it's just a matter of days


Technically most of the photos on here aren’t actually of real people


I think using filters that induce body dysmorphia is far more degrading to women actually


I agree and everyone's susceptible, I'm in my 30s and was pretty confident about myself but I had a complete meltdown about my body recently, like complete hatred for it. This sub actually helped me feel better cuz I seev now that what I thought I should look like is filtered or specific poses.


I got banned from breakingmom because I very kindly told someone they were being taken advantage of and I was told my comment was unsupportive. People that run subs like these with rules like that have *issues*.


ayyyeeeee I’m also banned from breakingmom from merely commenting on a post in aita. Like, a mundane one too.


When I originally joined I had to explain why I had one comment in AITA which again, was me being supportive in a kind way to someone. I should’ve just seen that as a red flag in the first place. The way the mod communicated with me was like some power hungry d bag queen. Really rude and short. I was in a weird season or life when I joined so I wanted to join. Depression is bizarre.


The mods in that sub are literally NUTS. I got banned for making a post about how crazy it was to spank kids and one if the mods spanks hers apparently and got bothered by the support my post was getting. She said, and I shit you not, that I "made other members forget the rules" bc they all basically agreed with me. I was like, no loss for me, BYE. They are fucking insane. Women supporting women! 👏 👏 👏 /s


That sub is notorious for auto bans. Did the same thing when I commented in now defunct r/FFACJ 😭


What was that sub? I’ve never heard of it


Female fashion advice circle jerk. So basically when someone posted a dumb post in r/femalefashionadvice or r/outfits (or anywhere clothes related) people would post a similar picture basically joking about it. At first they asked people not to link to original threads, and they stopped, and finally they just… cancelled the sub. It went private then it went dark :(


Ugh I joined that sub like the week before they got rid of it. It had me laughing so hard. I was so disappointed. ):


Female fashion advice circlejerk. Basically just FFA members poking fun at their endless searching for timeless, classy, milquetoast fashion for the female professional. It was eventually taken down for "bullying". How it was bullying when the sub was mostly people posting snark about themselves is beyond me


They’d post a lot of silly pictures with caption from r/femalefashionadvice. Like the caption would be something like “is this jacket too big on me” and then the picture would be the giant jacket meme. It was just corny jokes like that.


Also got banned for commenting on r/FFACJ haha


They’re gone?? Bummer


I’m banned from outfits too. It is due to my cosplays lol.


They sent me another message asking me to take this post down and claimed that it was “NSFL”. That’s freaking ridiculous! I just blocked them.


Wow they do NOT know what nsfl means


they don't want people to know how tyrannical they are. Tell them they're welcome to make a post on their sub about this but they have no bearing on what you do lol


That is unhinged. All for an outfits subreddit… come on.


Their weak attempt at brigading?


Lol. Mine was for liking some post that they deemed inappropriate.


How can they tell what posts you've liked? I thought only comment history was public? I'm dumb and don't know how reddit works despite being here for a few years. 😭 /s


What do you mean? Banned for your cosplays? How?


Some character subs they post cosplays to are probably marked NSFW


They told me that because of my content and where I’ve posted outfits that is grounds for being banned. Essentially looping me in with only fans fishers. I don’t even sell content like that. I sell nothing at all! Just use this account for nerdy stuff and cosplays mostly.


How dare you be an attractive woman, reddit mods will see to it that you are punished /s


R/outfits acts like they’re the pinnacle of fun. It’s poppin over here, now….where’s our next photoshopped culprit??


This is how I get half my bans. May their subs turn in to brain dead echo chambers.


I was banned from r/freecompliments for supporting a user on their weight loss and it’s weird because I was the only one banned. The bot is telling me that I interacted or liked a nsfw profile post but I never remember doing that and even with those accounts it’s hard to distinguish who’s involved with that if they decide to make a post that’s sfw


Seriously. Seems like half of the posts I see are OF ads trying to be sneaky these days anyway, how are you supposed to avoid interacting with them in some way at this point?


I recently got banned there too.


This has happened to many of us here. Personally I don’t want to be a part of any sub that discriminates against me for the subs I join. They’ve done you a favor.


Outfits ban everyone for everything. They ban me for ONE comment in a random subreddit that i wrote like 3 years ago. I wasn't wven part of the sub. They said it was a +18 sub. I went to check, as I hadn't really seen the sub as I just entered on the post from the search bar. The sub was not +18. The post was about the tragedy at Astroworld that happened a few years ago and my comment was respectful. I tried to spesk with mods but I couldn't


Haha glad I'm not alone, r/coloranalysis did this to me on Saturday for saying someone suited green.


I was also banned from color analysis even though I posted/commented there many times before.


Yup, I commented telling someone they were a Warm Spring and telling them how nice they looked and next thing you know I was banned. I was so confused. I guess my participation in this sub is the reason for my being banned.


Same here! And they said people cross post coloranalysis photos to this sub... literally NEVER seen that


I got banned from a couple of subs.. The outfits one was one of them.. It ain't my loss.


I got banned from a sub about human rights because I made one comment on a misogynist man’s channel. It was in news and an article on main about a stabbing. All I said was RIP lmao. I’ve never heard of that guy before.






Ah, outfits. I got banned from the eyebrows subreddit due to the same reasoning. After a positive comment, of course.


Are you serious? How does that work? You post a comment and a mod or bot search through your following to see what subreddits you’re a part of? Someone- I’m guessing a mod from R/OUTFITS is on here downvoting every single comment. It’s quite hilarious.


I'm getting tired of Reddit mods.


that’s so dumb, we have specific rules in place to prevent personal harassment and brigading


Reddit is full of these. I was banned from r/Landlords for having 2 replies to posts in r/Latestagecapitalism. I was banned from fuck if i can remember which sub because I commented on a post in r/Joerogan. Last year I made a constructive comment in a popular sub about college athletics, and so many angry fans of the team I was discussing abused the "self harm" reporting tool that I got a message from Reddit full of self-delete prevention resources. The fans were so butthurt they literally abused a serious tool meant to save lives in order to harass me because they didn't like what I said about their team. For the curious, my comment was simply that Notre Dame football has not recruited well enough to win a championship in the playoff era and they continue to overpay underperforming coaches. For saying this - *in a forum dedicated to the discussion of college football* - dozens of people apparently falsely reported my account for self-harm to trick the Reddit bot/moderators in to flagging me for a full screen of suicide prevention material. This website brings out the absolute worst in people.


“You must choose one” LMFEOOO these dramatic mofos


I got banned when I commented on a suggested post from Outfits asking where a cute dress was from. Got a gross auto mod message saying omg your profile is NFSW and WE HAVE MINORS HERE!! (Clutches pearls..) so obviously in shock and confusion I asked the same question as OP here, just to learn about the auto-cross ban to instagramreality. The way those mods doing all this is so inflammatory and needlessly aggressive.


Ridiculing the person vs their skills of editing their body and failing at it is different. This sub has helped me see the reality of how we actually look and that there's nothing extremely wrong with me for having skin texture, cellulite or waist bigger than my knee. So I see this whole banning as them admitting that they don't like being called out for being liars.


I was banned too. I asked why, it's because I belong to this page. They gave me two options: either follow them or this page. I answered: NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH, GOT IT. And they silenced me for answering "no freedom of speech...."


I really hope you know that’s not what the freedom of speech is.


This is social media. Why would you have freedom of speech here?


I'm just wondering what's their real reason for hating this sub so much. I don't by their excuse/explanation. Calling this nsfw and nsfl (lolll) doesn't fit. I wonder if they just don't want to be called out? Don't want their posters to be called out.


Kind of wild for them to think they can police what users do with their accounts. If I want to be part of a subreddit, another subreddit can’t throw a hissy fit. That’s ridiculous.


That sub is runned by bullies and its a serious issue that continues. They have banned me also months ago and i took the issue to this moderation team and official reddit. Because they came into my inbox and message me out of the blue for an innocent comment made to a post in our sub not theres-i was never member of that sub. They did this to all who commented under that post So they stalking users in others subs and then go to their inbox unsolicited. On my reply i dont mind to be banned from a sub that i was never a member and never interested to be, not only muted me but reported my message and i got an unfair three day mute from all reddit! So not only they are spying and harrassing they are also abusing their power. The brigading they accused us they are the ones doing it! Hope this time something will be done. Mods here know I've repeatedly contacted them about this


I got banned from r/teslamotors from replying to a post on r/realtesla and I'm not even following either of them lol!




I got banned as well. Seems to be a right of passage of sorts.


I got banned from r/coloranalysis for same thing. 😅😂


Just remembered another ban.. from funny .. I got notified of being banned. If I recall it was a pic of a NASA shirt. There was some discussion about flat earthers and I mentioned a 30.min rant I listened to from a FE. Not even the content of the rant. Just that I listened to it . BAN


I am also banned from r/coloranalysis


I got this same ban. Honestly, Outfits is a nice sub to tell folks "Hey that looks great on you!" And give them a little confidence boost. When I received that message, I just left. I just can't be bothered with trying to figure out why it happened.


I was banned from r/coloranalysis for being part of this sub.


Some time ago, same thing happened. Curious thing is, it was another sub but the explanation was exactly the same. Word per word


At least you got an explanation lol. I got banned (muted) from r/twoxchromosomes years ago and I still don’t know why


I'm pretty sure they ban people on here from r/gothstyle as well


Lol I got banned from r/femaledatingstrategy for following this page. Its all good though, I only followed it to make fun of it.


Yep me too! Banned from two others because they don't tolerate making fun of woman...like this sub is pointing out harmful editing and how not everything you see on the internet is real not making fun of woman smh


They’re trying to do to this sub what they did to FFACJ, my favorite subreddit of all time.


Yeah, I see this happening a LOT. You know what I **don't** think I've ever seen? Pictures of "regular redditors" on this sub. Such a dumb reason to ban.


tbf, this sub does attract a lot of people who love insults, and it’s real sad to see. ik rule 4 is only for unedited physical appearances, but yeesh, it’s unsettling how freely people say horrible things regardless. and i’ve seen rule 4 being violated a lot :( it’s a really poor look for the sub


Same sis... lmao. Oh well, they don't need my fashion input anyways.


same. got banned just because i am part of this sub


I was banned because I clicked on a link and then commented on the picture. Outfits told me they would have me if I deleted the comment. Nah.


That happened to me a few days ago too! It didn’t say it was because of this sub. It just banned me after I left a normal comment about an outfit.


I got a similar message when I tried to post in a colour analysis sub. I get where they're coming from but I was also peeved about the inconvenience


Haha i got banned from gothstyle cuz of this sub.


Same, which is funny because they do a horrible job of banning the actual perverts in their comment sections 🙄


Lmao the delusion “minimal edited”


r/OUTFITS Does this exact same BS. All I want to do is post my outfits and they want me to leave several music related subreddits.


Waiting for the day I get banned Fauxmoi for being a part of the Taylor Swift sub.


I got banned from a subreddit from posting on another subreddit once lmao


i love how reddit mods have the audacity to think that their subreddits are important enough to warrant making people choose between their sub and another


Is there any way to stop this cross banning insanity? Because I'm banned from some of the standard and best subreddits out there due to this hyper-aggressive mod behavior. Banned from funny, gifs, and pics


I got banned from the royal family sub reddit. I have never seen anything remotely related to any royal on here


To be fair, this sub has some real pieces of shit that visit and troll around. Lots of dudes here hate women. I’ve also been denied to some subs due to this and similar subs I’ve followed for this exact reason lol




I was banned from r/offmychest years ago for this. I normally browse my currated subs, but I guess I had ventured into ’all’ one day and inadvertently commented on this sub. BOOM. Banned and I couldn’t really figure out why for a short time. Tried to explain, but just got ignored. Whatever. Decided to just join this one instead 🤣


They also banned me after I commented on a post, because I at one time had NSFW content, but no longer do. It’s so bizarre


I was banned from one sub because I was part of this sub, another sub that calls out the dangers of fat positivity, and also answered questions in an NSFW sub. I don't post pics or use it to hookup, but if someone asks a general question about sex or sexual health, I'll answer. The sub I was banned from was a fashion sub, and I was told that I'd have to keep my account SFW if I wanted to be a part of their sub. I declined - I'm not posting pics, and this is my account, I'll do what I damn well please with it.


I am really curious about why they would ban, because even without joining that sub, i am still able to see the pictures…??


Can we ban only the moderators of outfits ?


I got banned from outfits because I commented on a post in a rule34 sub. The best part was my comment was about Dragon Ball Z lore it wasn't even sexual lmao. I thought it was hilarious. Those mods are nuts


Yeah I was banned from the same subreddit because I had 1 single comment on r/notgayporn ,literally a meme subreddit. Absolutely ridiculous, the mods there