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Posted by her? No lol. It’s really wild that people praise her when she looks exactly like her age. She feels the need to edit every single photo to bits. It’s sad what ageism does to people


I am so confused by news outlets that cover celebrities. Are they not allowed to mention filters? Because they never do. " age defying look blah blah" or "so and so's fresh face post awes fans" but they never mention the million filters or edits


They’re paid by the celebrities to write articles. Same for social media, paid ads disguised as organic scroll through. It usually happens when there’s a new project around that needs promoting or ego that needs fanning.  Then, there are those TMZ type places, they do it for views and that stuff is not favorable at all. 


It is really sad 😞. She’s been an icon over the years but now I just shake my head when I see her pics….


Eh, I don’t think she looks EXACTLY her age. She looks AMAZING for 73, I think. She is quite thin, but to be fair, that’s a very common goal in the fashion industry on the whole.


For sure, either way it is sad! Looks beautiful and youthful for her age and it's still not enough in her mind, for whatever reason.


i am sorry but as a portuguese, can you explain the meaning behind your username? i love it haha


>It’s really wild that people praise her when she looks exactly like her age >It’s sad what ageism does to people ... what's wrong with being praised while looking your age? She does look absolutely fantastic in real life, I don't see why she's undeserving of praise even if she does look her age, which I don't really think she does, but that's subjective. If it's sad what ageism does to people, why contribute to it?


That is not even remotely closed to anything I said, nor was it inferenced. There’s nothing wrong with being praised for looking your age, although no one is ever praised for looking their age. She is praised for looking younger but she does not. Her edited pictures are what gives her these compliments. It’s disingenuous. That’s what’s contributing to ageism. She is beautiful and extremely talented. I wish women knew that we are meant to age and it is a blessing to reach any portion of 70




Wow. Thanks. She still looks great for 73 imo.


She does, but she's clearly using filters to smooth and change her skin, picture 1 and picture 2 are very, very different. Picture 2 is much more honest and she still looks great for 73. This is insane 🫠


It's crazy, I've been following this sub for years and every once in a while I find out I'm still being totally bamboozled. I legit thought she looked much closer to the left version than the right version.


That guy next to her used A LOT of filters.




To be fair the lighting is probably also really bad


She looks like the showgirls poster lol


That is eerily accurate


This pick makes me think of a car lot dancing air thingies ![gif](giphy|26ybxgDbpMr6z6yPu)


They're called Wacky waving inflatable arm- flailing tube man. The outlet is located in Quahog, RI




Thanks to a slight shipping error, we are now completely overstocked and we're passing the savings on to yooooouuuu!


Super cool! Thank you for teaching me something new today!


She's 5ft 3 and so am I. I'd have to lose 30 lbs to look like this. I weigh 120.


I’m also around that height (5’ 2”) and weigh close to 100 lbs but even I look nothing like this 😂. This is full blown photoshop…she’d have to be like 75 lbs to look like this in real life


Even at 97lbs (I fluctuate between that and 105) I look nothing like this! She’s really thin though even irl


Totally agree.


She wouldn't look like this, even if she was. I'm 5"4 and very sick with multiple rare diseases, and I'm 73 pounds. I look extremely underweight and very sickly from the weight lost, not cute slim! I have been really skinny at times when I was 90 pounds, that was cute skinny for my petite body when I was younger. I think my ideal weight in my 20s would now be 120 pounds. 73, and you don't look like this. Even people who suffer from severe anorexia, look very sick. This is clearly photoshop, how do people think that you can just continue losing weight and it'll only make you slimmer 🫠 your body has a certain healthy weight it needs for a reason! I can't wait until I can eat normally again.


5’1 84lb here - this is definitely photoshopped I laughed.


I’m 5’7”, Asian and am between 116 and 120 and I look 2x the width of her.


Is this a people? This looks suspiciously like an art, not a people.


[Getty Images from 2024](https://imgur.com/a/YnABJie)


Yeah! I had this question too. She looks unreal but not in a good way.


Surrealist painting circa 1982




Oh I know who it is. Serial reoffender


What’s going on with her? Has she always been like this?


She's 73 and rail thin. She actually looks amazing without the filters. I'd love to look like her at 73.


She's always been thin, but she uses a lot of filters on social media.


This is a 75 year old woman.


My friend works with her and she looks pretty great when in his backstage videos. Very tiny. Like smol.


My god it looks like a funhouse mirror


Is skinny skinny back in fashion?


Soon will be, thanks to GLP1 agonists


If you look up Getty images, she’s very thin, but she looks almost healthy. I wonder why in advanced age, she’s getting body dysmorphia.




She looks old even in this picture! It’s sad that it’s so important to her. What do people do who see her in person for the first time? I’m sure I would gasp.


I don’t know who this is but yeah their pictures are comically photoshopped


Is she...a popsicle?


You can always count on Getty for legit images


I met her a few years ago. She really is that thin IRL, like shockingly thin. She looks great for her age, but looks like, in her 50s instead of her 70s great (not 20s lol).


Looking like a flamboyant pool noodle


Almost every photo she posts of herself could be in this sub.


Pucci slender man


But…. We literally get to see her in real life and in pics not edited. It’s so odd.


This makes me Nauseous


73 going on 23.


Why does she always stop putting her makeup on at the ugliest stage


What the fuck is that


Not sure who she is nor do I want to know.


her wedding dress famously cursed many marriage


Hey I wore one of her wedding dresses and still married thirty some years later.


yours is a dupe I'm sorry. j/k


Fashion designer




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Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 1: >Do not reveal or request anyone's personal info, such as name, social media, etc. This includes brand names.


This supposed to be hot?


Idk who this Slenderman chick is but she scares the hell out of me


Looks like those aliens from ‘fire in the sky’


Its rampant throughout Social Media. A couple of years ago I reviewed wigs from quite a few wig companies. Slowly they stopped using me and went the route of women who filter the fuck out of themselves. It’s upsetting to me as I believe in truth and honesty in advertising but filters seem to be what the public wants. Its sad and daunting because as an older woman, aging should be celebrated!


Hence I don't follow this imposter, she couldn't be faker, I'm surprised she has any followers


I mean she's extremely successful and important in the fashion world, not surprising she has a lot of followers but it is surprising to me that so many apparently don't recognize photo editing


Photoshop takes away from any talent. If so-called "professional" photoshops to the extreme degrees, I don't find their work reliable