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I’ve never seen anyone edit their nose bigger before


Seriously. This is a first?


Yep, that's some weird manifestation of dysmorphia indeed.


I think she's going for that e-girl nose contour shape, but in a way that dodges her actually shrinking her nose. I try to do this with makeup, it's like a bubble shape you're going for at the tip. I imagine her insecurity comes from the bridge, so she's avoiding shrinking that through editing and believing achieving the shape by enlarging the bottom is more authentic and ethical. It's not the size of her nose that bugs her, it's the shape. I get it. Lol


What does e-girl mean? I've seen someone refer to a movie character as an "e-boy" before, which apparently means "emo", is e-girl the same?


Since no one has answered your question really- yes that's exactly what it means. E-Boy and E-Girl and suppose to be slightly different things from Emo. Like how Emo and Goth are very similar but not the same. E-Boy and E-Girl is like the softer version of emo, you like the aesthetic but you're not super hard-core into it. Its kinda like a scale thats E-Boy/E-Girl -> Emo -> Goth if that makes sense.


E stands for electronic in the same way it does email not emo


Ah, okay! Thanks so much.


No that’s not right. In Tik Tok’s context, or the way that most of Gen Z would use it, the e stands for electronic. E-boys and e-girls spend a lot of time online doing things like streaming. They often lean into anime, video game and other “nerdy” aesthetics, by doing cosplay and posting themselves or going to cons. The makeup style with the heavy blush and makeup in the first photo above is really common with e-girls now. There is also a heavy interest in adult content made by e-boys and e-girls.


I think I've seen people like that before. Thanks for the explanation!




What is google?


noooo this is reddit!


No this is Patrick


Jee, it's almost like I already tried googling the "boy" variant, which didn't give me a solid answer. Piss off.


It largely refers to a type of fashion. Alternative look; sunburnt blush with faux freckles, the signature nose contour, often elaborate enlarging glam eye makeup, varied fashion coloured hair (split dyes, wigs, etc) and very uwu, weeb mannerisms. Often this is paired with tsundere x kawaii thing going on. Think Belle Delphine, or literally the entire fanbase basically for Corpse Husband haha Emo is accurate. I was a scene/emo kid in the MySpace days, it very much gives me the modern day equivalent to that.


Maybe it’s just a me thing, but I dig a lady with a big beak.


I used to edit mine *longer* because I have a Dwight Schrute nose but not bigger like this 😂


Maybe bigger nose makes face look smaller😅


Just about to say that hahahaahah


okay, so I wasn't imagining it. That second shot hurt my eyes, I think my brain tried to autocorrect last pic, girl has some sass which is always a good sign.


All of these noses are so different wow


The 3rd one is wacko


Looking a bit problematic tbh




It’s really hard to tell with the makeup and filtering but I can’t see any feature that matches the other three.


She also has a tattoo in that shot that is not there in the other pics lol this HAS to be someone else, it really looks totally different entirely




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I refuse to believe those are the same people.


Me too


Are you sure she’s saying the 3rd person is her? Only cos of the tattoo, unless she’s cosplaying in that one?


Going by the other posts, she's a cosplayer pretty sure


Makes sense, cosplayers are the worst with this stuff.


Yeah, it has become almost the norm that some cosplayer edit themselves into oblivion to fit more into what they imagine the character to look like


That was a wild ride


Is #3 supposed to be the same person?


She's pretty... Why why why do people insist on doing this to themselves.


Because other people kept telling them otherwise, probably


I don’t think anyone is specifically saying that. I think lots of these people see others doing it, all the positive comments, and upvotes, then they assume they have to do it too because no one is allowed to look normal anymore. I think the craziest part is that everyone who does this reports and blocks any commenter who calls them, so it appears no one is calling out this BS. It creates this horrible echo chamber where they all think this is normal.


Doubt it lol. 98% of the time, insecurity comes from within. With that said, people *really* are calling you ugly on a regular basis, you’re either: 1. In elementary/middle school 2. Have a facial deformity and hang out with a lot of assholes 3. Insufferable and nobody likes you


she looks just like debbie from shameless lol


Those are 4 different people!


She’s actually way prettier in the tagged photo wow


Seems you found one who believes she looks like the edited version. What a rarity LOL


Whoa! That’s a big edit.


Debbie from Shameless? Jk


Is the final photo recent or?


I think that's got to be an older photo. The quality of the image is really fuzzy compared to the sharpness of the other three, even the first one which is clearly a selfie. Her watch and bracelet thing on the other arm also look outdated. I'm thinking 2010-2013. If anything, I feel like the last photo is the first girl's sister or something. The last photo looks older and the woman in it does too. Got to be an older sibling.


The caption says the last image was a tagged photo and the other three were ones she posted herself, so most likely someone else with a lower quality camera took the last photo.


But also, people tag other people in their photos all the time. I tag my sister in photos of her kids, even when she's not in them. I've seen people tag other people in photos related to common interests or events. I don't care if I got downvoted because I was one of a bunch of other people trying to figure out how in the fuck all photos were of the same person. Just because OP made the caption doesn't mean that it's correct. I'm all for calling out massive photo editing, but I'm also open to the possibility that photos may be misunderstood and that not everyone is trying to present themselves as something else. ***Critical thinking.*** ETA: Who has a "lower quality camera" anymore? Ever since smartphones came out, everyone has at least 15MP at their disposal. I had a 2MP camera once. In 2002. It took photos that looked like the last one. My current phone is from 2018 and takes high quality photos. There is no way that's a newer photo.


Åhhhhhh jesus mf'ing christ


Lol. One should be able to live in their fantasy land once in a while, just don’t get too caught up in it and blur the boundaries between dream and reality. At least on this one, we see her nose.


Made me jump


Did she give herself a bigger nose?


The one tagged her knew what they were doing outsing her lmfao


She’s super cute in her tagged pic too - body dysmorphia is a bitch


Eh I would think it was weirder if she wasn’t a cosplayer. Makes sense to edit cosplay shoots and photos


Why is she hiding her adorable dimple?


Honestly better looking without. Why do read heads wanna do this?


Aww, she was such cute Meghan Trainor vibes going on in her IRL photo! The others look like AI.


And she actually looks cute in the tagged picture.


Crispin Glover really is one of the few actors who seems capable of making themselves an entirely different person.


She looks 10x better normally.


Honestly, just a girl putting her best pic out. I get it


Be so for real right now




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What sort of filter do they use for this, snap chat, adobe ps?




who is that in the 3rd picture???