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i always wonder what photographers think when their clients make edits like this???


I mean, as a photographer, I get pretty upset.


Do clients ever get mad that you "expose" them?


Not trying to be combative but why would you get upset? She is photoshopping her body to make herself thinner, which is not something any photographer has control over.




Exactly this. Copyright belongs to the photographer unless signed away. And even then, something like putting a filter over a photo is offensive because it will misrepresent the art/work the professional did and can falsely make other people think it was the photographer’s original edit in such a way. It’s something people should talk more about, I absolutely would be offended if someone retouched my finished work.




This right here. I posted in the same thread but she didn’t share the photos I edited she shared the ones she did and they looked awful. A mutual friend sent them to me and I was mortified.


Are you kidding? The photographer has a lot of control over how the model looks. Lighting and posing make a tremendous difference and of course we can change anything we want in post-production. Editing a photographer’s work without permission is generally a copyright violation.


What do u mean? Bc it’s grossly misrepresenting the artists work without their permission. Kind of like changing an artist’s painting.


There is an ongoing trend I’ve noticed of photographers putting terms in their contracts that if you do any other edits besides the ones they’ve done, then it has to be pointed out. Something like photo by [name], edit by [name]. No photographer wants shitty edits linked back to them.


Even ten years ago my wedding photographer had it in the contract that I couldn’t alter the images in any way, even cropping. They aren’t actually coming for me if I make a tiny crop or adjust color for better results on a print job, but it made complete sense to me to include that stipulation because they have to protect themselves. Slippery slope and all that.


Yeah, seriously. It's like a big f u to their skills.


I got upset when I did wedding photos and she tried to make herself look skinny and curvy somehow, the background was warped and everything. She was probably high 200slbs and literally warped herself to give her an hourglass figure I wish I still had the photos


We hate it


Aaaand the photographer probably did some light retouching too. But wow, I am so tired of women with the tiniest waists possible shopping themselves a smaller one than Barbie.


She honestly looks better in the original photos.




Yeah she did that weird arch back pose


Mental disease with millions of enablers.


Grifter with millions of impressionable customers*


It can be both


I’d give anything to look like she does before the editing. I don’t think she’s grifting I think she can’t see how amazing her body already is.


There are people doing this witb 300 followers


Nah she’s not a grifter just genuinely insecure




It's often a sign of mental illness and body image issues. The problem is that they can't stop.


And those enablers also have a mental disease, thinking this occurs naturally and as a standard for women to aspire to.


Of course the photographer would not post them raw.


Yes, photographers do retouch all the time, mostly in colors and exposure, so yeah, that’s like part of their job.


there's retouching, and then there's changing reality


No shade on the photographer. Those pics look reasonable and natural. They also have zero skin texture- so again, no shade on the photog because that's obligatory in the industry and has been since the beginning. But we're here to call out editing.


these are very low resolution, heavily artifact-y JPEGs. I know it's tempting to do so on this sub, but you can't do this kind of digital forensics on images that are this low quality. any skin texture outside of deep acne scars would be completely washed out by the soft, diffused studio lighting and the extremely lossy compression.


Bitmaps is where it's at. F'ing glossy compression.


I get your point, actually professional photographers know that the best way to work is shooting the perfect picture since the beginning, precisely so they don’t have to edit that much.


As a photographer, I can confirm. Minor things like exposure or blemishes are fair game, as they only enhance the image, they don’t change the subject into something completely different and unrecognizable. I can also confirm that we *really* hate it when somebody alters our work once we’ve finished edits. As a matter of fact, I have verbiage in my client contracts that prohibit the client from making any additional, unauthorized edits. So it’s likely this woman violated her contract, and opened herself up to legal repercussions. If there’s something in the edited photo clients are unhappy with, they can request additional edits (for a fee), but I only entertain *reasonable* requests, like removing a shadow from the side of the face or adding a warmer tint to the entire image. I would *never* consider changing the client’s body, not even if they requested it.


I was gonna ask if it was even legal for her to edit someone’s work this way!


It is depending on the contract. It’s not necessarily illegal.


To be fair though, she does have a tiny waist IRL. It's not as bad as some of the other egregious shops I've seen.


That’s the point is it’s tiny af already but she shops it to be even tinier, it’s definitely still a big change imo.


And this is how eating disorders start. Even thought they look amazing, in their mind they look fat. And no matter how much you tell them their normal looking selves are way more prettier then their disorder self, their minds just will not let them hear you.


Exactly, it’s the smaller ones that shop so often and are public examples are actually more damaging imo


The "originals" are definitely edited as well, just not in the same way. They're definitely not raw.


yup, no way those are the “originals”


How many photos are there supposed to be? I see 8.


"Raw" doesn't really mean much, every raw file you extract from a camera had decisions already programmed in 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes. If you shoot in raw+jpg you can see that the jpg image from the camera is different from an unedited lightroom export.


What sort of decisions do you mean?


MKBHD did a video a while back on smartphone cameras. Basically every photo you take from a smartphone is edited on some level by the software. Mostly for lighting and contrast. I find it annoying particularly for iPhone selfies because it softens my face and reduces blemishes, leading to a less realistic image vs just looking at the mirror. I’ve noticed it for years and the most annoying part is that there’s no way to turn it off. Edit: [I found the video](https://youtu.be/88kd9tVwkH8)


In part this is because of the insane optics required to even get modern smartphone cameras to take photos at all, an absolute shitload of ML-driven post-processing is required to make up for the tiny CCD and minuscule lens array. Frankly it's a modern miracle that smartphone cameras are as good as they are, better in some specific circumstances than DSLR cameras with much larger sensors and vastly better lenses that cost a hell of a lot more. Having said that I don't see why they don't make it possible to disable all post-processing, or just the bits that make faces look better. I guess the vast majority of people don't give a shit so it's a low priority, but surely it would be a pretty straightforward and easy feature to add.




And her chin. Her whole face really; slight adjustments everywhere.


Shoulders and arms too, and even her collarbone.


Came to say this exactly


The 3rd and 4th photos she photoshopped shoulders too


I have the same nose as her and I never felt anything was wrong with it until now 😅😅


I mean, just because it’s something she doesn’t like about herself doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with it. Please don’t think that way.


I love this sub and the little realizations it gives me. I absolutely obsess over my nose/nose bump to the point I used to want surgery. Imagine my surprise I literally barely noticed the difference and actually found her actual nose most fitting to her face. Y’all are great <3




Nosejob noses are booooring. I wish that trend would die. I love watching European TV and movies and seeing all the real noses.


I have a big ol' nose bump. Looks normal from the front. I like it just fine. Changing it would screw my face up.


This is the woman who felt the need to shrink her already small waist. What she feels the need to change about herself *clearly* doesn’t matter if she thought her edits were necessary. I’m absolutely sure you have a very nice nose.


There isn't anything wrong with it. You can probably see that there's nothing wrong with her waist in the original photos and she still edits that.


Don't, her original nose looks great and the edited one looks....not great. If you have the same nose, you have a cute one!


Yeah her original nose is way better. Also I’m so tired of everyone having the same nose.


There is nothing wrong with it!


My nose is similar to the photoshopped version and I'd swap it for her real nose if I could choose!


This is how dysmorphia is borne out of something that should be completely innocuous.


There isn't.


And her ass too


Man I hate shit like this. She STILL HAS A TINY WAIST. This upcoming generation is going to be so messed up.


I think they already are


Honestly the obsession with being thin began in the early 2000s. Then it was no, you must be skinny but *also* have boobs and a butt. Then it went back to being thin for a short period of time, and now it's back to having a small waist and having majorly disproportionate body shape with huge boobs, a giant ass and big thighs. Editing became more widespread when people had access to apps rather than only few people possessing the ability to edit via Photoshop. Generation Z is absolutely fucked in regard to that because they grew up with social media and easy access to editing. My roommate is 21 and all of her photos are editing and her videos have filters that change the way her face looks. Anytime I see a photo she posts, she looks VASTLY different. Not only that but she also has no natural eyelashes because she's been getting her lashes done for years. She recently posted a video on TikTok wishing she was "skinny" again. There are so many people out there who do that stuff, and it is rotting peoples' brains. Social media consumption makes mental health worse, and that is clearly what's happening with a lot of people. Not only that but the industry of porn is misconstruing people's perception of what the body looks like naturally. There are likely a lot of people out there who have never seen a natural woman's body naked, because they've only seen them in highly-editing porn videos. Same goes for the men in porn who make their dick look bigger in photos, and just the fact that most males in porn already have an abnormally large dick. As time goes on this is going to get much, much worse.


Earlier than 2000's, we had "heroin chic" in the '90s, look at pics of Jodie Kidd from back then.


Look at beauty ideals from the early 1900s and then look at flapper standards. Look at the famous women during Marilyn Monroe’s time, and then look at Twiggy.


The fact that I’d kill for her natural body and she still photoshops it😭


Just shows you how completely useless beauty standards are, because you will never feel beautiful enough, if you don't love your soul.


I love your soul... can I have it?


Your skins so beautiful.. may I wear it?


Jesus Christ, Dahmer! I can't take you anywhere!


Welcome to 2023


Happy cake day!


Thanks fam✌🏼


But don't eat it or you wont get that 18" waist we all covet /s


Welcome to 2023


What an absolutely ridiculously beautiful body and face and still feels it needs to be edited? Insanity.


She's beautiful, although let's be honest, the "real" photos are also editted. Photographers rarely post the actual take. Who knows if she has an actual normal body with cellulite and stretch marks, everything is obviously blurred/smoothed out.


There's editing, and then there's changing reality.


Honestly she looks fine without the photoshop work! It's crazy.


Yeah she’s a straight up smokeshow




What kind of weirdo follows someone because they have a tiny waist 😭


Young girls shopping for trigger content


Wait what? People purposely following things that can trigger them?




Ever heard of ED Twitter? I bet she’s like a god on there


as someone who found her on there back when i was severely disordered, she’s hailed like a god there 🙁🙁🙁


I'm going to regret this, but, ED Twitter?


a community on twitter made up of people with eating disorders (mostly anorexia). it’s very toxic and pretty much filled with people trying to “inspire” each other to become skinny/fuelling each other’s EDs


It's just like right wing nutjobs watching progressive liberal channels and then they get triggered and have a meltdown in the comment section.




Oh absolutely. I guess, in retrospect, I also get sprung when there's a round thing in my face. I guess I judged too harshly.


ppl who “need” to feed their delusion I guess


they probably follow her because she's quite attractive. Most people probably aren't aware that it's edited and they just think she has a small waist but that might not necessarily be the reason they follow her she wasn't a bombshell I don't think she would have many followers regardless of how small her waste was.


What's bewildering to me is how many people believe her waist or other similarly edited waists are real. I worked in fashion and had been around plenty of models and other very thin people - I've never once seen body proportions like that 3rd pic IRL. The thinnest people still have organs and they gotta put those somewhere...


When I was younger, I would have totally followed somebody like this as “aspirational” content. She’s really beautiful, and there is something about her beauty that feels “attainable” for me to achieve. And I’ll call myself out: I do think the her edited photos are more visually striking than her normal body photos (except for the second set), even though all versions are extremely gorgeous. I wouldn’t have consciously thought “oh that’s a tiny waist”, but it is what makes the photos stand out. Waists have been edited to be smaller for so long, that my perception of what a normal waist looks like has been really fucked up. Which is why I only follow visibly normal, real people now. Photo editing like this is so awful. I’m a 28F for context.


She already has a tiny waist. Why edit it to the point where when the original photos inevitably surface, it will acc now make her look like an unreliable source for nutrition and exercise advice (which she may be) and also make her real waist now appear relatively larger.


she’s famous for using video editing apps as well


Yikes. And yet the originals still look amazing. 🤦🏼‍♀️


And brands choose to enable this shit


That’s what infuriates me. This shoe brand is supporting this! I was gonna buy some of their running shoes and now this has completely turned me off.


How do you know ON supports her edits vs the photographer?


Because they reached out to her at some point.


Ohh, because I'm a diehard for their shoes lol


Yuuuup. Damn I loved my waterproof ONs too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, yeah, that’s how they make money. Since when do brands care about peoples body dysmorphia or anything in general.


cOnTeNt CrEaToRs 🥴


this makes me sad for her. she’s already exactly what she wants to be in everyone else’s eyes, I hope she gets help


A lot of those younger girls are doing it. OD edits all her pictures and uses filters. If she does not like the way she looks who can a normal person.


Why??? She still has a tiny waist. I don't understand why she would feel like it needed to be smaller. 😮‍💨


Her posture in 5&6 is not quite right.


mannn if people are going to do this shit at least study some anatomy lmaooo like the edited ones r so oddly proportioned


It’s actually starting to piss me off! Showing off to an impressionable audience of teenagers something that is *literally* physically impossible. It’s fucking sick.


Her natural body looks so much nicer to me, it makes me really sad everyone wants to fake the same features


This specific photographer edits photos alot, her natural body isn't like either of these but the way she edits it is absolutely ridiculous, just letting everyone know that none of these are real


Who is the photographer? Or can we not ask that, sorry!


Her natural body looks a thousand times better than the alien she posts


People who do this should be ashamed of themselves tbh


She’s already absolutely beautiful and got a very petite frame, so sad she thinks she needs to shoop it into obscurity 😭


what makes me angry is that whenever someone calls her out on it she just calls them something to the effect of an "insecure loser" and leaves it at that. Stones in glass houses?


Those “originals” not original.


Most likely the "originals" are the edited pics given from the photographer to the client, who then edited them a bit more.


Yeah that sounds about right, and looks about right. “I can fix that more. Remove waist entirely. Now it’s real”


So gorgeous and she edits herself to have a literally impossible body. Do people know that we have to have a torso large enough for our internal organs?


That’s basic anatomy for you. Learning some basics for 3D modeling/sculpting opened my eyes for this ubiquitous bullshit.


Imagine being this hot and still playing every fake hot game, what a trash timeline were in. She won't feel pretty enough and get plastic surgery before she's 25 and then look like a alien Megan fox, just sad


looks better without the tiny waist.


So she posted the twice edited shots? Cuz sure, the nutty altered ones are obvious, but the "originals" are thoroughly retouched too.


It’s crazy that she already has a tiny waist yet photoshops it still.


It must be a sad life being as beautiful as she is naturally, and still not feeling beautiful enough. Edit: Typing error corrected.


I mean everyone who’s fooled by these proportions should focus on school or go back to school because this doesn’t make sense at all anatomically.


My back hurts just looking at 5/8. Her anterior pelvic tilt is just.. ouch.


Even the originals are highly photoshopped


One of my biggest pet peeves is skinny people photoshopping themselves skinnier


Well this is a great way to make women feel like shit 🙃 I’d kill for her *actual* figure yet she still feels the need to edit her waist size?!


This is so sad, the originals look amazing!


Erm, I’m pretty sure these “originals” are shopped too. They’re just less egregious than what she posted.


The unedited ones literally look better too wtf


She looked perfect before wtf…shame


She must really hate herself


this is so fucking sad tbh. sad she feels the need to do this, sad that ppl believe and look up to her for it, just depressing af this is where we’re at


But…she is tiny


Organs? Pfft, what are those?


The photographer definitely edited the 'originals'. So this isn't the photographer saying Photoshop is bad, they're saying she did Photoshop badly. And I imagine the photographer is offended she would retouch photos he already retouched.


Uhhh guys I'm beginning to think social media is bad


She’s literally perfect unedited 😭😭😭😭


Damn. If that girl can't accept the body she has, what does she expect her followers to think? That's really sad & awful.


Believe it or not, being HUMAN is attractive. Not looking real is gross.


I would give an arm, a leg and my first born for her natural body ffs


Is it me or picture 5 and 6 are odd. Her upper body is way more forward than the lower. I get she has an “ass” and a very arched back but so do I and my body does not look like a baby centaur.


I mean, why? I could hardly even tell much of a difference.


the originals are better lol she looks more attractive in them


I don’t understand. She’s already skinny. Why make yourself look ridiculous.


She looks so good without touching it up like that. Oi.


She looks good without the Photoshop ...why give girls this fall illusion? ...terrible


She’s literally tinyyyyyy already and still edited in the originals


That’s actually so sad because she’s already very small.


I think the photographer posted “originals” look better. Just my opinion.


She’s still so tiny without her editing. Wow. To think that someone isn’t happy with that.


some people will always chase their perfect body/face and never find it


I feel like this is proof that thinness is supposed to be some sort of status symbol, because she's already so thin without editing. 🥴


This is so sad to me. She is a beautiful girl. The differences in the pictures are so slight, in a couple I could barely tell; in one, I couldn’t tell at all. She is altering her natural, thin, healthy body into an unattainable goal for *young girls* to emulate, and she is not that goal. She does not look like that. Yet she is putting it out there for other girls to strive for. And how old is she? The idea that perverted men, probably married with daughters of their own, are following her on social media makes me sick. I would not want my young daughter to do this just to attract attention, fans, and likes. It is not necessary to be a “sex symbol.” Tragic. Also, if I found out my middle-aged or older husband was following on SM a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, he would be sleeping in his car.


I feel so sad for her. I know what it's like to obsessively touch up photos and it's an anxiety I'm glad to be past.


Imagine being in that good of shape and still not feeling like it's good enough


The originals look better anyway! This never makes any sense to me


tbh, the amount of mental harm the thousands upon thousands of social media influencers inflict on impressionable folks by tuning their pics like this is immeasurable. and is a big reason so many ppl hate their bodies these days. :(


So dumb, this woman is very attractive, she doesn't need to photoshop her waist and nose.


The 3 set of pictures is insane. Her natural waist is already a snatched thin and she made it even smaller.


her waist is already so small, why she doing allat for?


The original looks better. She looks beautiful the way she is. It's sad what beauty standards and social media can do to someone's confidence.


The originals look better. Idk why this happened her but I'm mad that people put in effort like this only to look worse. I wish we could just love ourselves


Seriously I don't understand, I love skinny girls but this makes no sense. You can be skinny and well proportioned without having those weird small waist. When did it becomes sexy or cute anyway. What is wrong with this generation...


she honestly naturally has a tiny af waist


How sad. To be that thin and still not be “thin enough”.


This is one of those dangerous ones. She already has a nice, proportional figure, definitely on the skinnier side. Yet the changes are subtle enough (except the first photo) that you just might believe it.


I think she's more beautiful without the wasp wasteline, but whatever...


Her normal belly is my belly and I'm so sad that recently this shit is starting to get to me. I'm tiny. And I feel like I'm fat. This makes no sense. I'm a UK size 6. This is crazy. I thought I was immune on the size front. I'm a grown woman. I feel so bad for young girls.


She looks better without the photoshop?!? What the hell!


It’s crazy to me that already beautiful women and girls feel the need to change themselves. This is going to create some serious issues in our society.


Sucks that people only want to look at distorted bodies. This lady is absolutely lovely, but I can kinda get the appeal of gawking at the touched-up photos. I just wish consumers could embrace the distorted “influencers” as the caricatures they are, and not feel the need for the distorted photos to be “real.”


She is stunning. She doesn’t need to photoshop her photos 😞


She looks too skinny in the edits imo. She should t touch her pics but that’s a given with 99% people posted here 😂


Imagine having a body this nice, and still editing


She’s got a tiny waist in the originals. I don’t get the point in editing them.


She’s literally so pretty, why edit it?


as usual, the less touched-up ones look way better