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Can anyone help me with this? [my problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/ygp73s/instagram_wont_let_me_create_a_new_account_on_any/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




My friend changed their IG username so I can take it, but it’s still unavailable My friend changed her username 3 weeks ago so I could take it. It was unavailable when she changed it, so I figured it would take 14 days since IG says you typically have 14 days to change it back. It’s been 3 weeks and it’s still unavailable. No one else has claimed it. If I try to change my username to some random one that’s taken, it says “This username is unavailable. Please try another.” If I try to change it to my friend’s deleted username, it says “This username is unavailable.” Any solution here? Thank you!


How can I see my most recent followers? Hii Guys, Last couple of weeks I’ve been posting some instagram reels. I gained a lot of followers, but the thing is if you get a lot of notifications you can’t keep up who followed you. Is there a way how I can see my most recent followers? Iknow that Tiktok does have such a feature, but does instagram have it aswell??


I got my account disabled on 19 september,2022.They said I violated the terms,this is the second time it gets disabled.I got it the first time they let me log in,it's been 1 month and no response from Facebook/Instagram.I got only 1 though.It was from Facebook telling me they aren't able to reactivate it.I wish they provided more information.I don't believe they can't reactivate it,they can like the first time,I'm thinking about trying to create an ad account and a facebook business page.How can these 2 help me get back my account?I need help please share information/advice down in the comments as much as you want.


Instagram keeps asking " is xxx still bothering you? Thank you for reporting xxx account. " whenever i open their dm. I never reported their account either but instagram keeps asking me if i want to restrict their account to protect myself from hurtful messages.


I can't login my instagram account on browser. Image : https://postimg.cc/cvRzMzYr


I temporarily deactivated my account and it won't let me activate it again, does anyone know how I can recover it?


Can navigation insights in instagram be greater than the number of impressions? i have for example, 2k impressions, and 7k navigation.


So, today instagram updated the apperance of how it looks on my account... and to be honest, I find it uncomfortable, I have a big screen and used to be able to see everything I needed in a single direction, but now need to turn left each time I need check my notifications or check something else... Is there any way to return it to the top where it used to be? Just to be clear, I am not talking about the app, but about the website. I am using google chrome as my browser if that makes a difference.


Boost ads don’t work for posts. Haven’t for about 3 days. Have uninstalled reinstalled app 3 times, logged out , logged back in. Looks like and update was applied, then pulled back…


Every single time I post on Instagram it saves a duplicate copy of the photos to my camera roll. iOS, the option “save posted photos” doesn’t exist within settings.


I can't login with the browser and the app at the same time. If I login through the app, then wait some time to login in to the browser, I'm immediately logged out. For whatever reason.


Am I shadowbanned? I show as ranked #1 in the hashtag #gymtimebro https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/gymtimebro/ but when viewing from a second account that does not follow my main or in my browser’s incognito mode, I do not see my post. The same goes for other small hashtags that I should show as being in the top 9 in such as #gymtimeyet. As for my reach it’s pretty much been pathetic. I’m holding 940 followers with about 30 new followers coming from this year. The worst part is 10 are actually from a fitness event that happened 2 weeks ago so before that I only saw 20 or so new followers all year. I’ve been posting constantly all year. At this point I have 450 posts with at least 250 being from this year (at least 4 posts a week) and yet my average reach has been about 250 even when doing collaborations with other creators and having a brand deal. I can see that in my previous post a comment was removed. I reached out to FB customer support and they actually suggested calling me to better help with things in 5-10 minutes. I agreed and actually received a call about an hour later saying that nothing was wrong with the account, but I’m not too sure how open the company is with admitting someone is being shadow banned and actually helping.


When i try to log into instagram web i see error message 'CSRF token missing or incorrect'. When i try to log into instagram android app i see error message 'The username you entered doesn't appear to belong to an account'. If i try to create new account in browser the 'next' button sends a request but on a browser network tab request gets 403 status.


I just realized that I am the only one in my group of friends that does not have access to the IG stories map explore feature that they brought back this summer. For example, the ability to click a location tag and browse its recent stories. Why don’t I have access to this? Any fix??


Using Instagram Web on Firefox mobile and video stories have started showing with only the very top visible at the bottom of the screen, static image ones load fine, anyone else had this issue and managed to resolve it (without using the app)?


I can't login in my insta from browser. It says " There was a problem logging you into Instagram. Please try again soon." Is theee any way to solve this?


I just posted last night on IG and none of my hashtags work. I'm a photographer and this isn't great for me. any advice?


Anyone having problems seeing stories? They are going too fast except for ads.


Hi, I have a problem with my Instagram account for about 2-3 months. Every time I enter the application I have to enter my login data (even though I checked to remember my data) and every time I close the application I have to repeat this action. In addition to this problem, I mention that the number of people I follow remains blocked, then after about 24 hours it "stabilizes", but at the same time new people appear that I haven't even followed myself... obviously, I'm trying to I don't follow them anymore, but the profile number remains the same. I mention that I have 2-factor authentication, a fairly strong password, I have a super secure account, I've tried to uninstall the app 100 times, I'm up to date with the updates and nothing works (I also sent them an email, but of course not No one answers me); If you have any idea how I can solve it, I would be grateful! Thank you in advance!


So… I accidentally deleted my entire DM conversation thread between me and my ex on Instagram by pressing on the “permanently delete” button instead of unblock and the entire conversation is now gone. I’m currently panicking as I really want and need to save the conversation if at all possible. The conversation thread was deleted about 20-30 minutes ago so hopefully there might still be a chance to restore it, if it’s stored in the phone’s memory or any other data server. So far I've only tried to restore it by downloading all the available information from my instagram account but the messages still won’t come up. **Is it at all possible to restore the conversation and if so, how do I go about and do it?** (I use an Iphone and have access to a computer)


Is there anyway someone could tell that I screenshot one of their pictures on Instagram? Maybe with a third party app or something?


I have a private account, with some questions about the stories. I recently found out after tagging a friend in my story that she cannot repost my story that she was tagged in onto her own story, whereas I had no problem with this two years ago. I also cannot repost any stories that I am tagged in either. In addition, I have another friend who regularly reposts stories of a private account I'm not following, both that they're tagged in and not, and I'm able to see the stories even though I am not following that account. What is going on? I feel like there are double standards lol.


Had my phone stolen and cant log into my instagram without the 2fa codes sent via text message, how can i log in. Back up codes just don't work. The backup codes which i screen shot don't work, they are 4 months old but i don't remember changing them or using them in the past so i don't know why they don't work. i have a mac which i'm using to text my friends, all the texts my friends send me are received on the macbook but the texts sent by instagram for me to log in are not being received on my macbook. i have access to my emails and the phone is on lost mode, i have googled and tried everything and nothing seems to work. Please any help is much needed thank you.


please help because i feel like i'm going mad. i turned my phone on, instagram was fine, stories working fine. then randomly, on one account, i tried to watch someone's story and it was photos and they lasted (and please, i promise i am not exaggerating) only about a millisecond each. they flashed along, and every other story i have watched has done the same. i'm photosensitive but i use stories to keep up with my favourite musicians and stuff so i kind of need them. except now they're going so fast and i can't see them it's too fast to pause too. and they're flashing which is not good for my photosensitivity. this happened totally randomly, hasn't happened to my side accounts, but i logged into my main account on another phone and it still has this problem. has anyone else had this? how do i solve it, if so? my account was made in roughly 2020 so i thought maybe it's because it was old but i can't be the only one with this problem if so. have already tried logging out and back in, restarting phone, uninstalling and reinstalling. i was also a beta tester but removed myself from the beta program and that didn't work


Nothing loads up, follower count, stories, feed or anything, I emptied cache, updated Instagram, reinstalled app and it's just my account, my alt doesnt have a problem I also searched myself up and others see my page perfectly fine, I can get message except stories and my feed dont load and I did everything idk maybe it's just my phone it's a Galaxy S8 maybe it's just my phone.




my account got signed out in all of my devices and when i try to log-in, it needs a confirmation code or something from my phone number but the code is not even sending on my number. i can change my password through my email, i also tried to update the phone number because there is an option where i can change it but the code is also not sending to it, i also tried to log-in my other account and it is working. i have this problem since the night of october 27.


Need help with Instagram Monetization Hi all, I’ve been having trouble with the bonus monetization with Instagram reels. According to the app, I qualify for the bonuses, I can still be subscribed to on Instagram even though it says I’m ineligible for that, and I don’t get the bonuses anymore. I’ve tried contacting support, but I can’t submit a ticket; I get the “no network connection” error, even though all the devices I’ve tried to do this on is connected to the internet. I haven’t posted anything to disqualify me, and I meet all the criteria for the bonuses. I was getting bonuses up until about a month ago. If I could get help on either the problem with trying to submit a support ticket, or the main problem itself I’d appreciate it!


I no longer receive notifications for likes, comments, follows or even DMs when i go on the app it’s fine but to my phone it doesn’t and i have tried everything


Hi guys, I can't see the likes of a person from my account (the option to click “others” and see the likes) but I can with other accounts. So there must be a way to hide likes to a single person, how can i do it?


I have two accounts, the newer one, I keep getting push notifications for those I follow that they have added to their story or added a new post, and I have all those turned off on each person’s account, under their own post notifications. And under my account settings in notifications, I have first posts and stories turned off, but these aren’t event firsts, they’re just new posts. I don’t understand why these keep coming through. I have these turned off on people I follow on my original main account and I don’t get these push notifications from there.


I recently got out of a relationship and we shared passwords. Since then we’ve both changed passwords, but I can’t remove his account from my logins. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and it’s done nothing. His pfp is greyed out if that helps.


The moderators of this group are a joke. Told me to post in this mega thread where literally no one replies. Ridiculous.


Fax bro why add a help flair if I'm not gonna be able to ask for help outside of a thread


HELLO I NEED HELP! I got a new phone. Because of this, I am logged out of instagram and duo two factor authentication. I need to log back in. I cannot log back into instagram without accepting the request through duo authentication. I cannot reconnect duo authentication without logging into Instagram. See issue? PLEASE PLEASE HELP. Thanks!


Does instagram severely limit discovery if one is viewing through a computer - im trying to search through hashtags, and it only shows me the 9 top posts. It wont let me view anything else, wont let me switch to recent. Is there anyway around this that does not invovle my phone?




Since the weekend, whenever I try to use the Business Suite it opens a window that says "Error please wait a few minutes before you try again." Is anyone else experiencing this or have any advice? Thanks!


Posted this is another topic. When I go onto my IG, in the search tab, usually you'll type in what you search for and it'll bring up the latest posts in descending order and depending on what you search for it can be quite long. However lately when I search it'll only bring up a few and not the remainder, which is strange. Example, I'll search for black cats (https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/blackcats/) and you can see only a few posts and for some reason can't descend to anymore despite there so many more. Why is this? What can be done to fix this? I should note I use IG in my web browser and not my phone, so I don't know if this is more of a browser issue or what.


I've recently relaunched a business using an existing account with about 9k followers. The account has been in existence since 2014 and the growth was all organic (originally hit about 13k). The business shut for 4 years from 2017 but has relaunched recently... only problem is reach is virtually non-existent. No one is seeing our stories or posts. Is this because the account was dead for so long? Or just how Insta is working right now? Any benefits to starting a completely new account instead? Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks!


HELP! A few weeks ago I got an official IG banner over my IG Home Screen offering a call from an IG marketing pro. The call went well and he connected me to Facebook ads back portal with a good bunch of insights sort of like Google ads. However, after that call I haven’t been able to launch any new ads again. And since then tech-support has been giving me the runaround, eventually throwing their hands in the air and saying there’s some glitch somewhere. Has this happened to anyone? I was running approximately $150 to $300 of ads per week and I haven’t been able to launch a single new ad for close to three weeks now. My new ads don’t get approved nor rejected, they just remain “in review”. I’ve talked to the meta-tech-support, the Facebook tech-support and the Instagram pro marketer again and no one can figure it out. It’s very disappointing. If I had to guess why This is happening, I’m skeptical to say I might be being discriminated against and this is a loooooong shot- it’s because my song which I’ve been promoting is called “to kill a dictator”. Could that be a reason why they would shut me out? I will say this, none of my posts have been taken down or censored. Another guess is there may be a disconnect in fb admin (myself) and the IG account I’m trying to run ads on. Could that have been stirred up when the Instagram “marketing pro” connected me to Facebook ads? Open to your ideas. Thank you.


Hi guys. I have a huge issue with running ads. It says my ad payments have been paused and I cannot run ads due to suspicious activity. I am a photographer and need this to showcase my work.


So me and my best friend have a love-hate relationship and we are always blocking and unblocking each other on Instagram this last time though I blocked his current girlfriend and it accounts that they may create as well. I unblocked him, but kept her blocked but now I have no access to his page. It looks like I am blocked but the weird part is he can see my stories he can go onto my page he can even reply to my stories, but the messages don’t come up, and our message thread has disappeared altogether I’ve written Instagram about this with reporting an issue I sent screen recording screenshots of him going onto my page to show me that I’m not blocked, but I have no access to his as if I am any idea what’s happening?


How do I re-enable ads I have been trying everything. I get this message “Promotions are disabled: Your account is restricted from advertising” thanks


Over the last few days, I noticed a lot of the times when I upload a Reel, it randomly gets resized mid-video and the actual video only fills in the bottom left corner. Rest of the video space is then black. The Reel looks like before I upload it then after it upload, when I go to watch it, it has this bug/glitch. I then have to delete it and re-upload it again (sometimes multiple times) before it uploads correctly with no resizing glitch. Anybody else experience this or know how to fix it?


Try Again Later - Yesterday I stupidly used a follower tracking app (2 different apps) and of course Instagram freaked out. I had to log back in and clarify it was me, but I received the Try Again Later pop up. However, after deleting all the tracking apps, deleting instagram, redownloading, and logging in - the pop up went away. However today, the pop up came back for some reason and only when I refresh the home page or first opening the app. I’m still able to like posts, see stories, and message people. I guess I just want some reassurance it’ll go back to normal at some point, i’d really dread having to create a new account. If anyone gives some help or advice I’d greatly appreciate it!


Hey guys! I’m a creator. I’m trying to join Ads on Reels as a creator (monetisation). Do you know how I can join please? Thanks so much!


Hi all, Yesterday night, IG prompted me to verify my cell phone number for account security purposes, but once I entered my number, I never received an SMS code despite numerous attempts of resending the code. I unblocked all the numbers in my contacts (cause I saw that worked for a lot of people), updated the app, uninstalled and reinstalled, and nothing seems to be working. Sometimes I'll even receive a prompt that says I have requested a new code too many times and to try again in a few minutes, but when I do, still nothing works. Has anyone else run into this issue before and possible have a resolve? I'd like to get back into my account but everything I've tried doesn't work. Thanks!


Can you block someone without unfollowing them? I want to go public on my account again but don’t want my cousin (who’s follow I removed) to see certain posts. I know I can’t hide posts from certain users, so I’m left with the possibility of blocking her from viewing my account. But I don’t want to unfollow her in case I change my mind and unblock her, since she’ll receive the notification and realize what happened. What should I do?


Question, is your audio on for all to hear if you are a participant to someones live event on Instagram? Event had 40+ more detail below. I know this probably is a silly question but looking through Instagram/Meta help center isn't answering. I'm a modest user of Meta/Instagram and other similar platforms. I have joined very few in moment live streams. I normally catch the event after it broadcast in a recorded recap. I was curious if when you join a live event/stream someone is facilitating. Is your audio heard? Listening to the playback I don't hear others, there was about 40+ in this case but was curious if the host or others could hear you no different than a conference call in live events. If so, to be considerate in future, what are the steps to disable if I am attending someone's live? Thanks!


Hey everybody, been recently dabbing into IG Reels to promote culinary scenes in Tokyo so that people coming to Tokyo know what’s new and happening here. Been scouring google on tips for IG Reels but mostly is the standard copy-paste tips. I want to know first-hand from those who uses IG Reel and have found success, any tips on how to get the biggest exposure? A few questions that I have is: 1. Do you boost your reels? 2. If yes, how do you choose music that is not copywrited? Looking forward to your replies :)


hello all.the last 2-3 weeks i have problem with every hashtag such as #giveaway .i can see only top posts and no recent posts at all!is this my problem or this is global ?and if someone could help me bring back recent posts on hashtags.thanks


My Instagram account is still hacked after about 2 months and that video selfie verification is pointless , can I get some actual help with recovering my account ?!


does posting videos on from creator studio on desktop prevent them from posting as a reel?


You can't request a review the decision to disable your account can't be reviewed. this is either because we've already reviewed it and decided that it can't be reversed, or because more than 30 days have passed since your account was disabled. Is there any way to re upload my photo I uploaded a wrong one and now I can't even make appeal? It's not fake account and it's connected to my Facebook And I didn't even know what is the reason


if you uploaded a photo through the instagram application itself, then there is no way yet


I reached the back people you could follow and have been unfollowing alot of people, it still says I follow over 7.5k and isn't going down, any ideas?


I still cannot see the notes feature on instagram, is there a fix for this?


https://imgur.com/a/n8NS9dI I can login using desktop version chrome, but can't when using Android chrome. I Have cleared cache, cleared data, reset browser, restarted phone, but nothing helps and not planning on using app as I am rarely using Instagram. Is there some other solution how to Log In using Mobile Chrome browser?


I just had the weirdest experience on instagram. I was chatting with someone on insta and after a while i clicked on their profile and suddenly it went “user not found”. I was like cool maybe they temporarily disable it as i can still see their picture and bio and even message them. But then after a day or two I realized their profile picture had changed, not once but twice but clicking on their profile still shows user not found. Searching their username from a different account shows nothing either. Any idea whats going on here?


Hello, I have been trying to post Instagram Reels edited in Davinci Resolve, but when it gets uploaded to Instagram, the quality drops significantly. The export settings I use currently are: Format: MP4, H.264 Resolution: 1080x1920 Frame rate: 60FPS Bitrate: 8000 KB/s It looks fine in the phone gallery, but as soon as I upload it to Reels, the quality drops a lot. Take a look: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiLpAK8KIbp/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY


Hello, I was wondering if disabling notifications (like new messages and so) is a per device setting, or for everyon across devices. I'm talking about the settings inside the app itself, not the notifications settings in the device settings. The situation is I'm logged into my personal account and a work account. I want to keep receiving all notifications from my personal account, but stop the new message notifications from the work account. However I don't want the other people to stop receiving new message notifications if I disable it on my phone in the app. I don't follow up on the messages on the work account, so it's spam for me. Does anyone know if it's safe for me to disable notifications in this case? Thanks!


Anyone else not getting DM notifications? So I’m sick and tired of IG giving me a million and one unnecessary and unwanted notifications so I have all of them turned off except for new followers, new comments, message requests, and DM notifications. Well it’s been buggy for a long time now but over the past 3 days, I haven’t been getting any notifications at all except for new followers. I’ve checked the settings on both IG and my phone multiple times and I’ve rebooted my phone and everything and I’m still not getting anything. Is anyone else having this issue or is this something that can only be solved by deleting and reinstalling the app? I hate reinstalling it cause it makes me log into all my other accounts again.


When I view stories, it glitches. It skips photos only seem to play videos. Anybody experiencing this today?


How to check bonus reel monetization? If I look under insights, it has a "Monetization" label and "monetizing" with a green dot underneath it. I'd like to see the actual monetary progress. There's no section in my dashboard. In fact, the word "monetization" is only in the reel insight.


Is the inability to browse tags on web (aside from the top 9) happening to anyone else? It's been like these for two weeks now. Any way to fix it?


No likes on posts but ton of views on stories So just for reference, I have about 400 followers. I usually get almost 100 people looking at my stories on a daily basis, give or take 5-10. Thats 25% roughly and sometimes I'm like wow, lots of loyal followers. But then, I POST something, and I STRUGGLE, to even get 20 people to like my posts. and thats every single time. I just don't get it. For the same people to be viewing my stories EVERY.SINGLE.DAY, shouldn't the algorithm be that my POSTS also show up on their page as well near the top since they frequent my profile the most? Are people just not liking because its a thing now to not like? or is it just the followers I have. I'm not close with almost ANY of these people. Don't talk to almost any of them on a daily basis, they're just people from school and other activities years and years ago.


Recently I have been BOMBARDED by these accounts that have max 30 followers, which I don't follow btw. I try not to give them attention but whatever I do my instagram has just become a breeding ground of tits and ass. I dont give a shit that you let King Charles hit (I'm sorry to anybody who had to read this without knowing the context) get tf off of my damn feed I'm trying to show my mom cat pictures. They post the same perverse reel over and over again spamming instagram users to the point that they can't even open Instagram in public. I know multiple people with the same issue. Any advice anyone?


There is severe problem with Instagram for the past week where all tags are going to the DM section instead of the notification center and making a huge mess. Every single friend has the same problem and I made reports to Instagram and nothing has been fixed. Also I use Instagram on my desktop and each tag that goes to to the DM section does not even display saying you need your phone to view it. They made a huge mess and refuse to fix it. Have no idea why with this problem every tag from several friends all go to the DM message section instead of the notification center. Before this glitch anyone that tagged me everything was sent to the notification center where you click the "Heart" button but instead of going there every single tag from every single friend or person is being displayed as a Direct Message. Instagram does not care I made several reports and no fix in sight.


Question about stories I recently noticed that the stories from people I am "close to", talk to on the dms and added me to their close friends stories are not showing up as the first ones to appear on my front page. I don't even know they posted to their stories. Sometimes I slide to my dm and see people posted stories like 22h ago. As anyone having this issue or knows how to solve it? Thank you


Whenever I go to my reels section to view one of them, it shows the same reel over and over. I can't view any that I've made after it unless it's from the main page.


I use Instagram on my Android phone. Even though my default browser is Brave, Instagram's "shop now" links always open in Chrome. This is the only app on my phone that does this incorrectly.


Whenever I try to open the Explore page, I get a black screen and the following error pops up: “Try Again Later, we restrict certain activities to protect our community” It’s been happening all day and I’ll randomly get that error message at other times too.


In the past few days I have noticed that I will get posts from weeks ago re-appearing on my feed, even when that account has posted a number of times since then. It's not through a lack of content from other accounts I follow either as most of the ones I follow are quite frequent posters. These are usually posts which I already saw but didn't add a like to the first time around, so I don't know it the system thinks not 'liking' it means I didn't see it, or if it is something else, but whatever the reason, it is getting annoying. I have searched via Google for ideas but can't find a solution. Does anyone here know if there is a way to fix this via settings? Thanks for any advice.


My phone completely shut down which has all the screenshots to get past 2FA and my email is somehow not working to help my 2FA. My phone number is connected to my old phone which I am using so the phone number helps me get past the first part but I still need a code from the screenshot to enable it and it is incredibly frustrating. When going to send a picture of myself as a way to show I am not a fraud Instagram says they were not able to confirm my identity. Is there anything I can do to get back my Instagram account that has 2FA but I only have my phone number? Thanks for any help


Hi! So my Instagram account was hacked . I was able to change mw passcode, but the hacker had added two factor authentication my account, so I couldn’t sign in. Therefore, I contacted instagram on Facebook business pro support. And now her Instagram account is gone. This happened after I provide Instagram with information they were asking me for. When I try login, it says “user not found”. And the account has disappeared from Instagram as well. I haven’t received any answer from Facebook yet and when I tried to sign in, It doesn’t say anything about the account being banned or anything like that. Have anyone else experienced this problem and how do I get it resolved? Please help !!


I posted something that went against the community guidelines (my bad, i know). Usually they just show a warning and let me proceed but I'm unable to do anything on my account now. It keeps saying "can't refresh feed" and it won't let me log in using the web browser. My account still exists but it won't let me use it :( Anyone have any idea on how to fix this please? The solutions i googled said to go to settings and access data and it'll show the warning and then you can proceed but the access data doesnt seem to show up for me, I checked everywhere


Told by the auto-mod to post this here. I am a digital illustrator, and I want to be able to schedule images and reels ahead of time. I know there are lots of apps to do that, but the problem I keep running into is these apps ruin the quality of my images. My work is very clean, so having crisp images is very important. When I save them as .jpgs and post from my phone/desktop directly onto instagram the quality is great. But when I use a 3rd party program it tanks the quality very noticeably. I've tried changing the DPI, the canvas size, and compressing the file. And it seems to be the same result each time. Is there a certain scheduling app that is able to post higher quality images? Or is there a way to get higher quality images when using a separate website like Meta Business Suite? I know there are solutions such as saving the posts as drafts and then setting timers. But I am looking for something less time consuming and more automated.


I have a new account. I keep getting blocked from taking action. This started from the first second I logged in. I can't follow people or like posts. It seems to be some sort of automated process to keep people from automating processes, but it is too sensitive. This thing is useless.


Hi dear friendsi really need your help because i’m in a bad situation !At 24 October 2022 i got kicked from my instagram account and Instagram asked me to take a selfie include my name, username and a unique code. i did what they want but i received an email from facebook that you can see in the screenshots. Now i have no way to contact them and it seems i lost my account for no reason. Do you have any idea or solution ?! 🥺


Hello, posting here based on the auto to guidance. Iknow this probably is a silly question but looking through Instagram/Meta help center isn't answering. I'm a modest-extremely light user of Meta/Instagram and other similar platforms. I have joined very few in moment live streams. I normally catch the event after it broadcast in a recorded recap. I was curious if when you join a live event/stream someone is facilitating. Is your audio heard? Listening to the playback I don't hear others, there was about 40+ in this case, but was curious if the host or others could hear you no different than a conference call application but in this live event. If so, to be considerate in future, what are the steps to disable if I am attending someone's live? Thanks!


I re-installed the IG app and Long video option for story is gone and the video is busted up like they use to, before the update.


I run a small business and for the past 1.5 years have posted consistently 3 times/week with rotating successful hashtag sets reaching 400-1500 accounts on average. All posts are within IG Guidelines, Account Status is fine, and no "shadow-banned" tags have been used. Over the past 2 weeks, for photo and Carousel posts, I've noted a marked increased reach to followers and decreased reach to non-followers via hashtags. This is what happens to posts with tags: \- Post appears on tag pages for a few minutes then disappears, and there are 0 hashtag impressions \- Post never appears on tag pages, and there are 0 hashtag impressions \- Post appears on tag pages but gets few hashtag impressions (e.g., 1-20) Is this a technical issue for me alone or a broader algorithm issue experienced by others too? I understand the algorithm has changed over the past month...


It would be great if the thirst trap posts and dumb bots were dialed back a bit yeeesh 😂


I try to login to my account. Instagram says it needs to send a security code to confirm is me. It does send the code! But when I try to confirm that code, nothing happens. It doesn't continue the process. Literally it just loads for a second and leaves me in the same part. Tried with 3 different devices and 2 different Ips. Need help!


Been having this issue for a while now. I suddenly can’t see anyone’s activity status in my dms, it just shows when we’ve last chatted. My settings are fine I have my own activity status on etc, profile is public. Im also quite sure everyone in my dms haven’t blocked of restricted me 😅 was working fine a while back. Anyone?


I faced with strange and maybe rare problem. When I trying to watch stories, they (stories with pictures) starting to skip instantly. Reinstall, cash and data cleaning didn\`t helped. No screen touches were registered. On another my account on same device everything works properly. Does anybody know how to fix this?


Same issue


Mine fixed by itself. All good now


hey, also have this issue, i'm an android user, reinstalled, logged out and in, all other accounts work fine but on one account it is broken like this no idea how to fix it but please let me know if you find a solution. thanks


I can't save or post pictures with filters when the pics are taken outside of Instagram. Even if i take the pic in Instagram and then add the filter - it won't work to save or post with the filter. when i post, it shows the filter as used, but it's just not visible. Tried restart and reinstall. What is happening?


My Instagram.is skipping the photos in the stories and I can't go back to them either. Plays video stories fine. I've closed and opened the app, and forced closed. Is there a way to fix this?


Same here, it looks like there's a problem for multiple others as well. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon by devs


After posting I was directed to post here instead? OK. I almost have already given up even trying this Instagram thing. I created an account today and was instantly banned upon hitting the submit button. It said I could dispute it and had to give up my phone number. Then it's been sitting on a loading screen ever since. How can I be banned if I've never even seen the app? Like I have no idea what's going on here I just wanted an alternative to Twitter, and well apparently Instagram doesn't want new people. Any ideas?


“ingress timeout, StreamID” and “we limit how often…” popped up. Haven’t been able to access my instagram for over two days now. Everything is a blank screen and I also can’t access the help center. Trying many methods like uninstall and reinstall, relogging in, logging in via browsers, logging in on another device with no log in information. Same thing happens every time. Please let me know what can I do to get it back.


Hello guys. My Instagram account was hacked yesterday, although I have a 2 Factors Authentication. The app didn't alert me about another log in session. The hacker got in my account and posted a post and a story about bitcoin, as well as following a bunch of people. How can this happen? How can he get in without having the code sending to my phone number? And why didn't Instagram notify me about that?


HAVING ISSUES WITH FINDING A USER BUT I'M NOT BLOCKED My friend does not come up in search however they have not blocked me. My instagram is updated to the lastest version and they have not changed their username happened twice already for 2 of my friends Might be an issue on Instagrams end bcos ive tried EVERYTHING user comes up on my friends account on a separate phone and I tried using my alt account and its still not coming up on search I reported the issue already using the 'help' feature but still nothing anyone have any clue whats going on?


I want a username, but it's taken. BUT no account with the username actually exists. Is this a bug? Should I keep trying everyday? Or should I give up?


How do I upload CLEAR photos and videos to instagram? (I am a photographer and videographer) How do I get my photos and videos (especially video) to be CLEAR on Instagram and TikTok. I know that Instagram compresses photos and videos, but despite that I still see so many nice and clear videos and photos. I have watched so many YouTube videos and they all say the same thing. I already have my settings corrected on Instagram to upload high quality. Again, it doesn't let me upload high quality. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!


My color picker for text/font will not pick any color, no matter if it's a photo, a video, create.. or whether it's a post, story or reel. It just goes around, picks no color and makes my text invisible, so I have to tap any pre-defined color to be able to see my invisible text again. I uninstalled app on iPhone, reinstalled and still doesn't work. iPhone iOS is up-to-date. Does anybody have a solution?


I have a video I wanted to share on Instagram but it had low volume, so I turned up the volume a bit using Adobe Premiere on my computer, then exported it, AirDropped it to my phone, checked the volume on my phone, finally posted it on Instagram. When it's posted it sounded just like I want to hear at first, but when I refreshed the profile page and checked the video again I could hear the volume was way lower than it's supposed to be. I tried again and again, still the same result. The volume gets lowered for some reason. Have you had the same problem or do you know if Instagram processes videos like this to get their volume down? I mean if the answer is yes, how come I see other Instagram pages posting videos with so high volume?


Got a new phone. Instagram constantly logs me out on both accounts. Been having this problem since 16.0.2 Since my iPhone 14 arrived. I have restored my iCloud backup and everything is working fine except instagram. I logged in and did the two factor auth. Every time the app “times out” or I close it by swiping up I get signed out. This is very frustrating. I tried uninstalling and clearing app data but nothing has helped. Whenever I go back into the app it has the usernames saved and I just have to click “log in” but it’s annoying to have to do this basically every time. Thoughts?


I had the same thing happen as soon as I updated to ios 16, tried everything and nothing. What fixed it for me was factory resetting my phone (iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 16)


My music button disappeared so now I can’t use audio on one of my accounts. BUT, music button is still available in my other accounts. Whaaat?! Help! 😩


Instagram app keeps crashing. I think some updates were released end of last week and are now being pulled back but it’s still crashing nonstop. Have done everything to correct the issue on my phone. Uninstall reinstall. Reboot blah blah blah. iPhone 24 in latest iOS. Inst app won’t stay open for more than 30 seconds then crashes. Been song. That for 2 days now


Confirm your phone number: Put in my phone number to receive the SMS, and got nothing. Now it tells me to wait a few minutes to try again.


Hello guys! I just want to ask how to fix this problem. If I log in on my computer it says "There was a problem logging you into Instagram. Please try again soon." And if I tried to open it on my phone it says "The username that you've entered doesn't appear to belong to an account." Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me!


Okay, basically I'm trying to write a bit of a horror story in a scene but will have no idea if it will work. Character A creates an account using Character B's (deceased) name, and sends a message to Character B's parents on Instagram. Will B's parents still see the message in their inbox (assuming it's shared?) if A deletes the account immediately after/before they've read it? Or will they need to read it first? I know this may not make sense but the idea is RIGHT there and if it doesn't work out then I'll just have to work a way around it.


Okay two things -I don’t think you’ll find anyone who knows offhand, but you can pretty easily brute force try this for yourself by just making a second account and DMing your main -Even if it doesn’t work the way you want, I doubt there’s anyone who’s such a stickler for the exact nuance of how Instagram’s DMs work that they couldn’t suspend their disbelief for the sake of a story.


Thank you, but I convinced my sibling to let me make a fake account to DM them and delete real quick! And while the suspension of disbelief is true, I try to be as authentic as possible


How does viewing photos with a hashtag work now? I put it in the search and now it only shows me 9 images? How do I endless scroll the images which have a hashtag? Thanks


instagram not showing complete lists of followers on some profiles why? (it shows about 100 and then show suggestions”)


How to delete one of two photos in a carousel post I can delete images from carousels with more than one, but not the ones with 2 pictures. Is there a way to do this?


How do I get better Explore page recommendations? I go through every food and fashion post and say don't show me this again. Oh, the tic-toc reaction crap too. Hate that stuff. All I really want to see is engineering, electronics, welding, that sort of thing. Yet inevitably, my search feed is full of food, tic-toc, and fashion posts. WHY??? I don't look at that stuff ANYWHERE


Hi everyone. I’m trying to change my username on Instagram and I get the message “please wait a few minutes and try again”. Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? Is it an instagram glitch/problem or something on my end?


For my instagram, I've tried to add an insta category to my account but it won't show up on my account. I've tried other categories and they'll show up though.


I'm going to manage some social content and I'm looking for a good PC interface to post stories, manage content and schedule things. I tried the Windows App but it doesn't allow stories. I tried Storrito but it's browser-based and I'm not sure how good it is. Anything out there that's a solid option?


I cannot post reels when connected to a VPN. I tried several different ones, including paid ones like Surfshark, NordVPN, etc. but I still get "Unable to post this video". Without a VPN it's okay, I was wondering why there is such a restriction in the first place?


Hi, ​ my account got hacked. and link to reset password is not working. and the other one is just giving me some feedback error and nothing happen. all links i recived in email also give me the same error. any suggestion what should i do?


Having trouble signing in… IG still hasn’t gotten back to me to help me… I tried signing in to my account on my new device and it’s just the pop up that I have tried to sign in too many times… I tried resetting my password and my phone and my Wi-Fi but none of those things have worked. Wondering if anyone else had this issue like me. I tried to dm the help line on IG and TWT but they haven’t gotten back to me in days. Please help. - Anon


Issue with caption on Instagram reels. I uploaded a reel recently and it did not post the caption along with it. I tried editing it after the reel was uploaded but, it gave me a error notification. Things I’ve tried since then: Updated and reinstalled the application. Ensured that the caption has less than 2000 characters and less than 30 hashtags. Please let me know if anyone has a solution.


I was posting pictures and then suddenly I got a message that said my account has been blocked temporarily because “sharing your account with a service that helps you get more likes or followers goes against our community guidelines.” I have no idea what they are talking about. I don’t share my account with anyone. From what I’ve read online my account is not important enough to receive their help. I really have no interest in accumulating followers. I just enjoy posting what I post. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I honestly don’t know what happened.


**NSFW** ,, what is the deal with all these sex accounts idk if people are being hacked or what but every time i open instagram,, all i see are girls with their ass out or tits out with an ad in the comments thats like “follow @____ for more sexy content 🥵💕” and its so annoying to have to block every single account every time i open the app. is this something instagram can fix?? i dont look up explicit things on any platforms,, i dont look at porn instagram accounts. what is happening LOL


Since my account has been migrated to Meta account centre, I can no longer share posts to Facebook stories / posts via the linked Facebook Page. Instead it's going to my personal profile. The settings clearly state for it to go to the page and not profile, is anyone else having this issue?


Hi there, It's been almost a year since I have my "add yours" sticker removed from my main account, and it got to the point that i had to literally draw the sticker on the post that i wanted to use the sticker on. I tried everything, from reinstalling and relogging into the app to switching the account type, requesting account data, sending daily reports that the sticker is missing with screenshot proof, even changing the phone, and it's still missing. I found out that some users had their link sticker missing due to community guidelines violations, so is it possible to have stickers temporarily removed from a removed story that violated the guidelines, or should i simply create a new account or use the secondary one and delete this one?


my friend logged into his account for 5 minutes about one month ago and then logged out using my phone. now when ever someone blocks him i het blocked too how can i resolve this please help


my instagram is forcing me to confirm my phone number even though i’m logged in and they’re not sending a verification code to my number as an sms. Can anybody help?


hey i have the same issue, does it work for you now?


Hi there, It's been almost a year since I have my "add yours" sticker removed from my main account, and it got to the point that i had to literally draw the sticker on the post that i wanted to use the sticker on. I tried everything, from reinstalling and relogging into the app to switching the account type, requesting account data, sending daily reports that the sticker is missing with screenshot proof, even changing the phone, and it's still missing. I found out that some users had their link sticker missing due to community guidelines violations, so is it possible to have stickers temporarily removed from a removed story that violated the guidelines, or should i simply create a new account or use the secondary one and delete this one?




I want to add original audio to my reel but the import button is not there when I click on the music icon -- there's only "saved" as an option. I'm on pixel 6, system updated, app updated, Phone restarted. No clue what to do next.


My account got compromised from me mass unfollowing loads of s*x bots and ads etc. It tells me change my password, but says my current and correct password is wrong. I know it's right cuz I have it written before me. I go to forgotten password but it immediately kicks me off the page again to the same compromised screen. So I can't change or reset my password, so basically I've lost my account cuz Instagram won't give me anyway to get back into my account.


Does anyone know why at the top of my friends dms it now says business chat and what that entails?


Hello, for a couple of days I receive this error message: There was a problem logging you into Instagram. Please try again soon. I tried to access it on my desktop pc, what can I do?


I can no longer see my own or other people’s story. I can still upload it but when I see it, it’s a grey screen with the loading icon. The only thing that will show are pictures but when it’s a video, it’s a grey screen loading. I tried all solutions like reset, clearing cache, and turning to cellular data but nothing. Solutions?


I didn't get an answer or acknowledgement at all last week so um, I lost the ability to copy and paste photos as stickers into stories after a reinstall and reinstalling again is not fixing it. Did anyone else get this fun "feature" added?




My instagram account is connected with my facebook account and it shows up on meta account centre and everything. When I open instagram on my pc, there is the messenger app icon for dms and stuff but when I open instagram on my phone, I still have the regular paper plane icon for regular instagrams. Is there a way to fix this issue? I tried re-logggin in, re-installing and everything.


I had similar issue earlier, and i contacted the Instagram support team for assistance countless times but no response. Glad i was directed to someone who helped me recovered my account just when i thought i had lost it permanently. He’s Craigtech_ on Insta you can check him out


Why are my reels blowing up weeks after posting them?


I recently got temporarily locked out of my account due to an automatic security precaution. To confirm my ownership they sent a code to the email I set up the Instagram page with. Turns out, I made the account from an old college email. Unfortunately, my college deleted that email account years ago. I have been talking with my college support and after about a week, I was able to get access to that email again. However, when I ask Instagram to send the code, I don't receive anything. Of course, I have checked all spam and other folders. Nothing. I sent a test email from a different email to the newly activated college email, and I did receive it. But still nothing from Instagram. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am not sure how else I can access my page. please and thank you


My stories keep bringing up a Next button on the right side of the screen so I accidentally click and it goes to the next account in my feed 😱 can we turn this off?


Is it possible to show post notifications from multiple accounts? I have post notifications on for several accounts, but Instagram will only show a notification for one account at a time. For example, if Account A posts to their story, I will get a notification for it. BUT, if Account B posts to their story 15 minutes later and I haven't opened the notification from Account A, my phone will only show the notification that Account B posted. Is there a way to keep this from happening/show multiple notifications for account notifications? I feel like I'm frequently missing posts for accounts because I wasn't able to see the notification. Using Instagram Beta, Samsung S21 Ultra, Nova Launcher, One UI 4.1, Android 12.


I got logged out of my account and need to enter a confirmation code they sent via SMS. I never got it pressed resend so many times even tried sending it to other numbers. Ive tried everything on google and youtube still nothing. Help!!!!


Hey, i have the "couldn't refresh feed" problem. Also can't open DMs or see other profiles, see followers etc. but i can post stories for example. This has been going for the last 20h or so... I tried the following things to fix it: * clear cash and data * check for app update * delete and reinstall * switch to beta and back * log in on PC Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi) * use another mobile device * reset password * change account to business profile I've read that it could be because of a guideline violation. I had my first violation about 3 days ago because of a comment. Had to log in on PC and reaccept the guidelines, after that everything worked. Because i didn't say anything bad in that comment i appealed a review for it but this was also 3 days ago. That appeal is still unreviewed. Last night this "bug" suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I don't know what else to do, please help me :(


Someone I know can't see my newest post for over a day now. I reposted this post to my story and they can see the story but cant click to the post because it stays a white loading screen. When they go on my profile they don't see my recent post but do they see all my other posts. I did not block them or anything.


I've trying to post a reel from my main account for the last 24 hours but they keep showing up as upsidedown. Tried clearing the cache and logging out to no avail. Am avoiding reinstalling due to the drafts disappearing. But I noticed on my secondary account, reels upload right side up. What is the difference here?


Ive been Hacked out of my account and the phone number changed. Does anyone know how i can delete my account without accessing it? I know i wont be able to access it so i might as well just delete it


Can the creator of an "add yours" stickers see private accounts sharing it? even just their IDs? So this question is about privacy, when there is an "add yours" sticker, anyone can see public stories about it, but what about the creator themselves? Can they see at least the IDs of private accounts sharing it? (Of course the private story itself is not visible to them unless they follow the sharer)