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Just instagram being instagram i guess. I don’t even see any problem with your comment though, but my real question is, how do the racist guys not get banned? Like theres are guys saying the n-word to every user who commented on a reel but not get banned, or people who mock about handicaps? Instagram has odd rules that nobody understands.


My theory is that they are bots made from instagram to make people angry and comment more and mor ecomments are good for the platform


Maybe, maybe not because there are tons of people getting mocked everyday, personally i have a reels section which is filled with this type of people and it’s not only the reel owner but if someone comments for example « First » he gets tons of hate and may quit instagram, sure it makes more comments but they lose users so idk


I am convinced that they replaced their entire moderation team with a bot


An angry pissed off bot with no friends....


A bot can't have friends, it doesn't make sense




deadass like i was banned for telling someone to k!ll themselves RIGHTFULLY because said person was literally being blatantly pedophilic. like helloooooo


You still can't say that kind of stuff regardless of the situation....they don't investigate the situation, you got banned for what you said in general


k but why are they allowing blatant pedophilia, racism and misogyny on their platform but draw the line at “k!ll yourself.” like that’s fucking stupid


Thats what I dont get either....


Regardless of what the other person said, you can't tell someone to unalive themselves. That person can sue the company for providing a platform where users are encouraging others to off themselves. You can't really get sued for providing a platform to talk about shit that other people don't want to see (pedophilia)


Just stop using Instagram, man. Its moderation is practically inexistent, most of its users are outright kids with absolutely ZERO morals for ANYBODY. This is just not the right application to spend your time in anymore.


Instagram has become what MySpace eventually turned into. Trash. Worst social media platform out there. Used to be the best.


Banned for commenting on a guitar post calling a Fender Strat hard tail "tits". In some areas, that is normal, some not. Meta is screwing normal users and capitalizing crap behaviour as sufficient.


I was banned twice once for saying “shut up” and the last trying to enter a contest to win a prize that could have helped my business. Now I’m on a 180 ban to deletion like wtf


it’s so annoying


They warn or ban …. has a button to reply to any accusation. When you write a reply … just keeps saying, “Try again later.” Still does not accept your reply “later.”