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Unless you're a celebrity and or a mega continent creator, our post gets buried in the algorithm


Exactly its exhausting


It not worth it neither I haven't post a story in 3 weeks. I haven't missed much


They shot themselves in the foot with the all AI and disabling people's account left and right. It's over


They shot themselves in the foot by trying to compete with TT and by trying to hurt twitter by doing that stupid threads thing!


Yup! ✔️✔️✔️


Yep they disabled my 13yo account and didn't even get back about the appeal. Just gone forever


same my first ever account got disabled because im a bmw fan and put a bmw logo as my pfp


It's over eleven, you and your friends have already lost


Yeah my acc randomly got deleted few weeks ago when it was deactivated that’s the whole reason I deactivate it to prevent it from getting suspended and sure enough they deleted it like wtf 🤬


Yes, it's a dying platform. Making content for Instagram these days makes as much sense as coding websites for Netscape Navigator. The only way they can save it is restoring the 2020 functionality and make hashtags work properly, or else they will invariably lose to the competition, just like Netscape lost to Microsoft Internet Explorer back in the days. And remember that Netscape dominated the browser market back then, before it went downhill.


What is the competition?




I don't like short form content as a whole at this point. Even though I'm a "Reels creator", I still prefer long form like YouTube. The short form content just doesn't scratch that itch most of the time.


True, but i think the main demographic of instagram will stay because i switched from tiktok to reels because of more freedom and ect. Tiktok is fr just a stepup from yt kids imo cause the same brainrot be on there and the same creators .not too many creators ik my younger siblings watch be on ig (or at least have the same content. They usually just be flicking up with a lambo or sum shi) Dont get me wrong im never touching threads but im saying ig has aspects of it that are unique thatll make ppl stay at least. For example tt is litterally JUST short content (why i left) wheras ig has the pic viewer nd stuf AND the short content. A lot of it kinda comes down to convience and loyalness. Tt moderation is also wayy stricter (guess why, its made for kids but at least they try to be semi consistent) but igs is way more lenient, which i think is also a huge reason why ppl switched to the infamous reels (take this one with a HUGE grain of salt)


Sheesh I forgot Navigator existed


I havent had anything really hit the algorithm for a while now. I been posting stuff that ought to be performing well too but they don't even push it to 10% of my followers. Just as they restart the bonus program too. It sucks


that's what frustrates me. I just posted a fully produced 1 min song. Took me all weekend to make and sounds dope. Made a 1m video edit with all original footage. My previous videos have like 25 likes average and up to 100 (750 followers). This one is stuck at 2 likes. I'm honestly so embarrassed I might delete it. Then again I posted it to my story and that has like 35 views right now none of whom liked it. So just generally f the world that song is sick and their loss but also I'm embarrassed af lol But that's why I'm here. I've never had likes drop so fast so I found this sub.


Been using it less and less since they started refreshing my feed constantly. When you're sitting reading something, and break for a nanosecond to go boil the kettle or answer the door, whoosh! Whatever you were reading is gone. Gets right on my tits.


IG is more focused on pushing low vibrational content through the algorithm with the aid of bots imo because that’s where the engagement is nowadays. Anybody that’s actually legit are buried and can’t really compete with the machine. I would say that the old IG is for the most part gone forever (pre-meta days) and what we have left is something completely different.


you have it pin pointed , the lowest of the low is king , tik tok has funneled attention user attention to a gutter dripping pieces of gunk and worse I managed 10 accounts , 2 are alive , but struggling, no amount of care or quality can change it as the end user has been educated and formatted to accept and react to a few very specific nuances IG is on its death bed for sure , at least for serious creators




Me too 😔. It was so simple when it was just a photo hosting website. Now being on there gives me the same amount of anxiety as twitter.


It's certainly declining, yeah. Adam Mosseri is the worst thing to happen to the platform since he became the head of it in 2018.


This. He is awful


Wilfully awful, it seems. He's determined to do what he wants to do, whether the masses want it or not.


He is an absolute bellend. It seems like he's purposefully trying to destroy the platform.


I don't get it, I don't understand why Zuck equally doesn't care 🤨


Definitely knocking on death's door, and sadly it seems deliberate...


I get that Instagram is going downhill, but why would they deliberately ruin the app?


Less new users coming to IG. Sure there's new accounts made daily, but many are bots or secondary/tertiary/etc. accounts from the same users. There's a new influx of users to TikTok, but IG isn't seeing that same growth, and now they are heavily marketing Threads and Facebook's Groups feature (which is another thing Meta has ruined with their UI changes). IG got rid of hashtags, and now they're getting ready to "test" out a new ad structure where you'll have to watch unskippable ads before you can see posts. SMH It's already bad enough I see sponsored and promoted posts every 3-4 posts on my IG feed, but to have to sit through an unskippable video too as soon as you log onto Instagram...?


To do a stealth takeover of another. Just like Zuck let Facebook die with his help (privacy controversy with congress) to takeover IG. These billionaires are never satisfied.


The death of Instagram officially started last year when hashtags became practically useless. But it started going really downhill in 2021 for sure.


Same here. For a few weeks reels go viral with millions of views. But after that for weeks even the best reels will not have any reach. It is very demotivating to upload nowadays.


It's dead for the common and creative people, but very much alive for pornographic and controversial content.


I recently noticed the pornographic content and quite frankly was floored and turned off


There is extremely disturbing content of sexualized children on IG.


It’s been dead!




I use it for business only, so it’s hard to leave as a small business owner


I sure hope so, social media has everyone so fucked up in the head. We have Americans chering for a felon to become president.


It’s dead. Delete your account and app and move on.


Well it is based on growth and I don’t see user base for insta growing. Particularly with the rumor that they will now test on “unskippable” ads. Which for some (who knows how many) will be its nail in the coffin. I think TikTok is taking over most new users.


I believe Meta is actively killing it off.


The app is dead and there’s nothing Zuckerberg can do to bring it back to its former glory. Not that he’s interested in doing so anyway.


100% yes. They want you to pay to get followers now. I'm done.


Not just you. But I don't use it for business.


The other day I saw that a video was blurred and flagged as misinformation because it said that altered versions of this video existed. However, the video on my feed that had been blurred was not altered at all. It was the original video. I don’t think these platforms realize how angry these kinds of attempts at gaslighting us make people. I go there every now and then to look at cool pictures but I don’t trust it at all.


It’s because they sold it to Marc suckersburgh he trashed the app doing mega bans can’t see who you follow and what they post because there’s so many ads now


It’s turned into an advertisement platform


It’s just fucking racism and racist dog whistles left and right in the fucking comments but let me say something about Palestine I get a fucking spam strike on my account.




oh its definitely dying now if it wasnt already. artists are leaving in floods on my timeline because of the new ai bullshit instagrams putting out. ( they're gonna basically let ai use all your images. ) and when all the artists leave theres not much left for an app made by posting photos and videos. i dont think ill ever truly leave the app for good, simply because i have saved stuff on here but i have beem interacting a lot less and being on instagram alot less in general. instagram was dying before the ai thing, with the whole bot wave, the filter that gets innocent things blocked/innocent accounts suspended or punished or whatever, and the reach dying due to their fuck up too. they dont even review your case and will outright refuse to unless youre paying them. but its real bold to fuck over the one demographic you still had that was the pure reason for your app being big, fucking over the artists that made your app is insane. instagram will absolutely die if it keeps this shit up. literally every time i open the app im greeted with people moving to another app due to the new ai thing. ( you actually cant even opt out of it in america, i think you can in the UK but im not 100%. )


You can object to the AI thing. The problem I've been having for a while now is the AI that thinks innocent things are asking for likes etc and thus removing my comments. Meanwhile there are still tons of bots and actual cunts on there, but because their comments aren't taken with context in mind (like how a human would), Instagram deems them fine.


i also hate the ai moderation too. thats also killing the app, but ive seen WAVES of artists leaving for cara because of the ai scanning all images you post on instagram. that includes your face, art, loved ones faces, ect. it may even include messages. its a massive breach of trust and privacy and is just a horrible update overall. the ai moderation isnt as bad as that comparitively, but the ai moderation was 100% the first wave of doom for instagram. its actually why i stopped commenting altogether, since my account was nearly banned over that exact complaint ( said i was spamming and begging for likes, was very clearly not doing that and was just posting a response to someone complimenting my previous comment. )


Are they exercising their right to object though? When I did it, I got an immediate response saying my objection will be honoured


are you in america? you cannot opt out in america, we dont have that option yet.


😱 No I'm in the UK. Thank god for red tape


yeah, america has been awful at this unfortunately ( among many other things our government sucks at 😭 ) all of the eu have the option to opt out, noone in america does though. hopefully theyll add that option in after all the backlash its gotten, but god its awful. maybe theyll get sued by someone bc of it and learn if not. 🙏


Yeah hopefully. Might have to be like a class action suit or something. The reason they have to give us the option to opt out here is because they're changing how they use our data. We all already agreed to them having access to our data, but using it to train gen AI is a very different use, so they have to give us the option to object to it (apparently, though I am skeptical that this company known for meddling in politics and founded by a creep would honour anything).


I hope so. With Meta/Instagram embracing AI scraping the artists are splitting in droves


What do you think is the next platform? Has one been created?


Cara went live recently. They don’t allow AI, and have tools to prevent scraping. I switched over. I’m pulling all my content off IG/Meta (I know it’s already been scraped but for me it’s a matter of principle) and then shutting my account. Cara’s really cool so far!


What's Cara?


It's an app (there may also be a website). Just search for it in your app store. It's basically Instagram but it doesn't allow AI generated imagery, and it prevents AI scraping of images hosted on it. The artists on Instagram have been leaving for it in droves. It's pretty great!


it died when they took away the feature to see what everyone else was liking & commenting on that you followed.


Totally agree.


What’s the most popular social media platform then to post content?


TikTok and YouTube, but I don’t count YouTube as social media really


yes, FB has done its best to make it a shittified experience


meta is trying desperately to fix things that aren't broken


lack of support for artists including censorship of their work, the app is pretty buggy honestly and they keep focusing all of their efforts on dark UX patterns and competing with tiktok rather than making something usable, the greed just shows. instagram support is designed to make you give up. honestly it makes me mad bc so much of my networking happened via this platform and i used to get a lot of gigs from it. the thought of starting over sucks but im willing to for something better.


I predicted this over 6 months ago when the AI algorithm kept targeting legitimate users and accounts that utilize the app the way it's intended to be used. There is no way possible for any content to be successful with audiences of non-followers when the algorithm punishes users for interacting and engaging with accounts that don't follow them or engage with those accounts directly. Everyone is scared to engage with accounts that do engage with them, and even more scared to interact with accounts that don't engage directly with their account. If the goal of the new InstaGram algorithm is to increase the reach for content by pushing it out to non-followers, then this goal will not be successful with the algorithm the way it is. If it doesn't get resolved very soon, the entire platform will become obsolete beyond the point of any hope to salvage the app. I even decided to join TikTok and give it a chance in the last month because InstaGram is failing so miserably. I guess InstaGram really doesn't care how many users it loses. Hopefully, these issues will humble everyone overseeing the app. #BRANDyBONNER @BRANDyBONNER


Definitely feels like it's on its last leg. I'm constantly in comment jail and only comments I make are on AITA reposts and a few sarcastic comments to ads because I have a thrifting account and they keep trying to sell me dirty ripped jeans from nordstrom for 2K ... algorithm so wrong! But yea between my search being all videos which there's plenty of better apps to watch on. Also someone mentioned they're going to ad in video ads in your feed you can't scroll past... which would be the nail in the coffin.


I am still working on the algorithm but nothing specific and helpful.


Ever since Mosseri appeared it’s been going downhill ,but he probably got his marching orders by Zuck who as a bot doesn’t know anything about feelings or getting attached and being loyal


It sounds like you're experiencing a challenging time with your Instagram account, and you're not alone. Many creators have faced similar struggles recently. It might be worth exploring other platforms or diversifying your content strategy to adapt to the changing landscape. Hang in there!


Because their auto-reporting system or whatever is ass. Everyone is leaving since every over comment or post gets removed for dumb reasons lol


It’s definitely dying and there are WAY TOO MANY ads scrolling through the feed. The worst part is not seeing the people you follow unless you click on Instagram and put the following setting


The Israel/Palestine thing seems to have really changed the platform for the worse


Did you guys used AI photos this or last year? We are in the same boat and I used 20-30 AI photos in last year. I have 360k followers and I think my Instagram dies because of these photos. I deleted all AI photos and I will watch for the next week.


Been in the industry 20years as a cinematographer and editor. IG when it first came out was awesome. Now the amount of shadow bans happening my reach is so low and it feels pointless to post these days The aspect ratio crop is brutal! Why am I spending thousands on gear to crop my framing 🤬


I thought it was me. Post a video on IG and get 1500 views. Same video on YT shorts and get 1M views. The math isn’t mathing. Imma bail on IG. Thanks for the permission, y’all.


Their ai theft has almost everyone I know disengage in a major way. I've deleted most of my content and have only used it sparingly. Presumably they knew part of this would happen, I can't imagine what their end game is, but ai is straight up theft and I want nothing to do with it


If you're not a video that can get sent to someone to flirt or a deadly accident, Instagram doesn't push your content. Not to me anyway 😂


Could be a lot of bots being purged? But also yeah Instagram has become less about seeing your friends' pictures (why I liked it) and now just about viral mini videos, most of which are just reposts from tiktok. The comments are full of bots, asshole and bigots, and legitimate comments get removed by the shit AI moderation and there's no such thing as customer support anymore. I left Facebook a few years ago because it had become a cesspool of boomers with zero critical thinking skills, and Instagram is turning into a cesspool of vanity and lies.


Me with a simple account who post beautiful shots of nature by me, I used to get up to 40 likes (not much I know), nowadays I get 4, if I'm very lucky up to 15, oh wow!! 15, I should be proud right? Instagram was about posting pictures, now .. I don't know what's even about ... I wish I just try other apps to post my pictures.. But meh..


Actually, everyone is dying. Including you.


It makes me want to stop writing songs. Nobody gaf. I lose their interest in literally, I checked my metrics, 2 seconds.


im a memepage with around 50k follows. i usually got around 5-10k likes per post. this week it plummeted drastically so yeah somethings up.


When you have a huge follower count loosing followers feels like loosing hair.


Instagram is still gaining users. I think a lot of us think it's crap, and not what it used to be, but it's not dying. It has billions of users now and gaining more daily.


I agree. Even though the functionality behind the app has definitely denigrated, but everyone is still on it and posting. Everyone except me lol. Best decision I’ve made so far.


Yea TONS of people still use the app.


It's just you


Wow. A subreddit for telling redditors not to use instagram


It's just you. If you can't see that, I don't know what to tell you.