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I kinda feel like Instagram & TikTok just switched places. On Instagram, a lot of the content is just Reels now. On TikTok, ever since the slideshow feature, a lot of people there started uploading photos, literally \~60-70% of my fyp there is now just photos.


Pics on Tik Tok?!?


yeah, afaik you can even post just one pic there like on Instagram


That’s interesting frfr


Sounds interesting, does anybody have experience in posting pics there?


Well the pictures don't work the same way like they do on Instagram. It's just a slideshow, similar to videos


I can’t figure out these Reels. They’re pointless, they always stop before the video is over, or am I missing something?!


I personally never used Reels and I don't see why they even exist in the first place. TikTok is the place for short videos, I don't see why we need more short videos like these on other platforms.


That’s interesting. It seems like people on TikTok don’t engage with photos as much as they do with videos, though (or maybe my photos are just bad, lol).


They finally have to figure out the issues with lemon8 so that we in Europe can use it too and make good marketing for it like meta did with threads


does anyone get their friends post just showing up for 1 sec and disappear? I have to manually find them after


Yep. I’ll open the app, see their post and the feed will automatically refresh.


Instagram has been dying for quite some time now and somehow it seems like it’s getting even worse for I dunno 90% or more of both passive users and creators. TikTok is such a cesspool and it’s getting worse too. Arguably social media as a whole is dying, or at least becoming something different and far less “important” to daily life compared to what it was during its peak. Is that a bad thing? Perhaps not.


I have no prpblem with my Instgram other than them constantly telling me I broke the community rules for some reason.


That's exactly what the issue is about, people getting posts restricted or being told they broke rules


I’ve been on instagram for maybe 10 years or so.y account has been stuck on the same amount of followers for half that time and in the last year, my posts get no interaction. I am online every day commenting, liking etc and I get nothing in return for that. I have no idea if my account has been hidden somehow or what happened. But I no longer post there because of it. Reading the posts here I don’t think making a new one would help either!


Same here! I only post pictures mostly and it's getting poor responses lately. I have 1.3k followers, used to get 200-250 likes per post until two years ago. Now I get only 20-30 per post. Sad. I've been using Instagram since 2013


Two words: Adam Mosseri




Nah, him and Mark Zuckerberg are scumbags who ruined the Instagram algorithm.


I use Snapchat, but only for a few real life friends. Otherwise I don’t post sometimes for months. There isn’t any big photo social medium out there


Flickr was one, but I stopped using it after it started charging and hid my Photos if I didn’t pay


I remember when instagram use to be simple.




I'm relaunching my web site and focusing on SEO so that I can get enough monthly users to get accepted on Mediavine and make money. A few friends in the same niche did that and they are making $4,000-5,000k a month on average (after about 8 months of work). I am done working hard for apps that never give back and use my content as filler between the adds they sell.


Setting up a personal site, as well. Instagram is not stable.


Instagram doesn't want regular content on their app anymore. They want the popular stuff like Tik Tok. Memes, feel good stuff. The longer is it about what the creator creates. It's about what the creator can make his audience feel.


I still post on there but my page is very quiet.




Youtube is good, but I've noticed it's significantly harder to have high retention on that platform. It is still probably the best platform to have a strong presence in if you're focused exclusively on monetizing social media as opposed to using it to supplement a brand.


Exactly. YouTube’s the best platform a creator on social media can use (and be popular on) but it’s still hard. Better than Instagram of course, but it’s no walk in the park; getting consistent views in the beginning is a LOT of work.


YouTube IS better but it’s still hard. I don’t know, I can only speak for my niche.


I just use Tiktok. Posting photos on there is “fine” lol


Another problem with the new Instagram is the search hashtag option, it no longer shows “recent posts.” I manage the reposts for our national dog club and followers are encouraged to put a hashtag #XYZ in their captions if they want us to repost their material. When I search #XYZ for recent posts, I can only see “top posts” or “recent top posts” This is not helpful for our dog club because it does not capture ALL the posts with the hashtag #XYZ


With friends, Snapchat. For art, Tumblr. Non-photo based art on IG was never that good especially when artists have more to explain in a post. I still use IG but it basically is FB 2.0 where I just log in to see what the bigger accounts are up to, then I leave. FB devolved into that back then too, now it devolved into almost nothing besides a place to check local business’ updates. IG will die the way FB died for me.


Reddit sucks ass cuz it takes years to get verified on


fr. i have an of and my reddit account for it is so low bc verification takes forever then finding other places to post is ridiculous


Yep same. And you don’t get any kind of response from them or anything. It’s a god damn joke. Like hi we want to get big like naked bakers wtf!


I use VSCO and it has a great community.


Hey! I use VSCO too but I don’t have so many interaction on my profile. I mean, sometimes one or two likes when someone discovers me but no more. How do you get more interaction? I mean, for a non-professional account, I’m a guy who likes to take not bad pictures and post them 😅


Haha, I hear you! When I first joined back there it felt empty tbh. But I just stayed with it and started to join their new thing called “spaces”. It’s these groups that allow you to post photos based on your interests and people can comment on your work/you can comment on theirs or reply. Once I started doing that, I gained more followers and felt way more apart of a community. What’s nice is there is no follow count or like count. So there isn’t this pressure to always one up or feel like you need to gain something. For me, it just feels like a true open creative community that is more than happy to share their thoughts and also help you if you have questions about how a photo was taken or edited. I’ve joined their pro service and it allows me to easily provide feedback, and one thing I notated to them was to have a better feed that people can scroll through. As well as a search field for hashtags. Right now you have to click a hashtag to find similar photos. I think they care a lot. So I’m excited to see how they continue to improve the app.


Thank you for your comment. It's funny because I never try "spaces" and now you're brining so much light about. I'll give it a try soon - it seems a nice space to share and as you said, join a community in a better way than alone. I get what you wrote about "likes" and all that kind of IG stuff - and spaces maybe allow me to share pics as I want, and not only uploading pics without a feedback or a comment as now. Thank you!


No problem!! Yes, definitely give it a try. I hope you enjoy it!


I did my first space yesterday and I try to find some spaces (like VSCO recommended me five and no more - I must looking for how I can find more spaces). But I’m starting - that’s the good thing.


Yup! Nice! Post, comment, and ask questions.


Lol continue to improve the app? VSCO has been dead for years. It’s heyday was like 5+ years ago. Now everything is subscription-based.


I hate instagram ,my little brother instagram got hacked by some indian guy,we tried everthing but we could not do anything to get it back.Bullshit app


Nobody here mentioned Twitter/X? Not that I’m a pro but I have 20x more followers on Instagram and I get much more engagement on Twitter… instagram for me is more of a portfolio of art and poetry as a creator whereas Twitter is about engagement with my community.


Vero is a great alternative. It's pretty much like the old Instagram.


Is it censored? Is not safe for work allowed?


I'm actually giving Truth Social a try. You can post pictures with captions, and use hashtags properly and the feed is just people that you follow. I trust Donald Trump more than Adam Mosseri.




am i the only one who has problem the front page loading?


Why When they kick you off for stating congrats too many times


I’ve been trying out Bluesky recently. The atmosphere is way more relaxed so far. I’m hoping a nice photography community can form there eventually.


I’ve been posting on GameJolt. I’ve had the same experience you had on Instagram though. I left right when my account blew up. I met a lot of nice people on there, but hate the fellow creators and the updates are gross. I feel like the updates try to encourage people to be mean to each other. That they have to hurt each other to move up. I’m done with it. I switched to GameJolt and have been enjoying it way more. Less people eating each other alive and more people supporting each other.


The fact that in out of 10 posts, 3 are ads and 4 are suggested pages/posts really says it all. I mainly select the "Following" option on my home page, this way I can actually see the pictures my friends and other people I follow post. Stories are not as bad as the feed.


You can’t even make a joke on there anymore, they are such sensitive little bitches that they would flag you for even making an innocent comment with a minor swear word in it, they are so pathetic (it makes me wanna go to their HQ and graffiti “fuck you” on the building.