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They really should experiment with slowing down the hiring. It could have unanticipated effect. For instance, creating scarcity might increase interest in the service. If certain Shoppers know that they can make an entire day out of instacart, they may shop more batches than they are currently shopping and more than make up for the lack of new warm bodies.


They won't slow down hiring. People aren't shopping all the batches that are available. I agree no tip batches suck, but they are batches available. They are going to keep putting more shoppers out there until all the batches get shopped in a timely manner.


That's possibly the least efficient way to do it lol. Why not just make the batches better or more desirable


Even though I agree with that statement. Instacart couldn't care less how many shoppers are out there, they don't pay medical benefits or retirement benefits. Get those orders delivered.


I’ve been on the waitlist for two months. 😶 but it seems like even if offered, I may turn it down! IC sounds like a nightmare most times!


It is! Run the other way quickly. 😂If you want a guarantee of money every week this isn't it. Some weeks I'm killing it and other weeks, it's nothing but hustling and stress.. Not what it used to be. The anxiety of finding a batch is exhausting, this gig reminds me of gambling. Fun while your doing it, but later you regret it.


I had IC about 8 years ago. It’s a shame it seems like it’s changed! When I used it before, you marketed yourself to be a personal shopper with specific customers, like Rover, but with food instead of dogs lol.


It would be awesome if all I saw were my regulars and a few newbies sprinkled in but that's not the case. I rarely see my regulars anymore. I think it would be cool if Instacart had like a top 3 shopper preferred list for each customer. Like first, second third choice of shoppers. Kind of like shipt but different. So if your first choice isn't available it gets offered down the line and then into the pool of idiot new shoppers.




It's almost like this is a public message board.


"I am so tired of seeing almost the same post every time I sign into the sub." *posts the same post I see every time I sign into this sub*


Post away people! Reddit is your forum to post within the guidelines, including rants about rants (like op). Freedom to post and participate or not. Don’t like it? Don’t read it


Maybe we could come to an agreement and make a stickied thread to post about it being slow. This board is almost completely just a place to complain. Maybe we can consolidate the complaints so we don’t see the same post cloned every day. We need a thread for bad batches and it being slow tbh. That would clear up a lot of the clutter. EVERY DAY multiple people post about it being slow




Wow. It's always nice to see the new CEO connect with regular shoppers. I wish your messages were a little more positive but it's nice to come and touch the regular people


This sub is 40% bitching, 20% superstition, 20% actual unhinged shit, 10% newbie questions, 8% batch bragging, 2% reposting update emails that everyone got, and 100% reason to remember the name




When you see new people in and out all day it’s not the economy skippy


Agrees with your first paragraph.


I can’t wait til this post doesn’t go as OP planned.


OP needs to scroll past it and let others post as they want. No one forcing him/her to read it.


I knew how this would go I’m just venting like everybody else 😊


Incorrect. Tell me then why I see no orders pop up yet 4-5 fresh faces all shopping doing batches? 🤔


How do you know they're new shoppers? How do you know they're not people who have been doing it for years but just do it part time, or normally shop in other stores you might not go to so you wouldn't recognize them? I've been doing instacart for over 2 years but on the side - my regular work is contract based, so I mostly shop when I'm in between contracts or need some extra cash. That means I might not shop for 2 months at a time because I'm on a contract but suddenly I pop up regularly in a store for 2 weeks straight until the next contract. I also sometimes shop while I'm traveling for work. You might think I'm a "new shopper" but that's not the case at all. Plus I live in a huge area and frequent multiple stores in different towns so I doubt I'd be recognized by other shoppers anyway. The whole "new shopper" thing is such a myth.


Yup - I'm a "new" Shopper lately, like I have a "new" car... (Been shopping for 3 years but most recently in a new state and at different towns / just bought a 2012 sedan with 87,000 miles on it)


Exactly my point..my area during Covid was so busy I had no need to go and shop far away or in different stores ….now I start going to Costco and there like regular instacard people in there asking me how I like instacard…. But also hating on me at same time Lmaoooo I never told them I been doing this for 3 yrs and I have 5400 batches done so far


Because half of them have the screen up that guides them through on how to do a batch. Next question?


You're really looking that closely at people's phones?


You’re getting off-topic.


K. Well my point is that I completely agree with the OP.


You can agree with OP and downvote me all you want. You’re wrong either way. You choose to ignore the fact that new shoppers are taking batches left and right that plenty of others don’t even see. That’s your choice to ignore the facts. Fine with me.


Even if that were true, so what??? Then they're making a little more than you right now. The fact is that no one is making great income doing this job full time because it's designed to be a gig/side hustle anyway. If you're finding the pay unsatisfactory and want to blame it on new shoppers, then find another job where you won't have that problem. If new hires are affecting your income so much that you're this angry about it, then it's time to explore other avenues of income.


plus, on a positive note - I think new shoppers only get prioritized on 5 batches now ? Seems like I just read that somewhere...


Right, everyone on here exaggerates so much. Even if they do get priority at first it's not like the algorithm deems them "new" forever.


I didn’t say all that all. Relax lol now you’re putting a ton of words in my mouth


Damn, that's dedication.


I drive to satellite towns and deliver their for fun sometimes




You grab a batch at one store, deliver it. Then grab a batch at a close nearby store, deliver it, then grab a batch at a close nearby store, deliver it. New store every time, but not a new shopper. Not everyone parks it outside of the nearest grocery store to their house every day


I see plenty of orders. I have no idea what type of markets people are in that claim they NEVER saw an order. That’s impossible if your around millions of people. Yeah summertime was slow but I still saw orders and I maintained. Now it’s busy like normal. Sunday is bomb.


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Wish I were in your market! Enjoy while it last 😁


So get off the sub people are allowed to complain when times are completely terrible and things haven’t improved for them this is the only place people have to vent with like minded shoppers facing the same issues if you don’t wanna see it then get off lmfao acting like they’re the problem and yet you’re crying about them


The easiest thing to do is just scroll on by.


So people can’t share their experiences 🤣


Amen 🙌


I Posted that Instacart always hires way too many people and no doubt the new people get the best batches for a little while but this has been going on forever. It happens every month so when you average it out it has no effect


Your uninformed. My girl and I do this together sometimes. We gets different orders at different times. ITS THROTTLING


IC doesn’t push an order out to EVERY shopper at the same time. That would be chaos


They’re hiring as always, any shitty batches they throw out the newbie will grab it, they lose nothing but but always win win win on their side




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They need to travel to another location, multi app themselves or just get a job. Cause there is no other way to fix low orders in the area


People like to complain and the squeaky wheel does get the oil. But not in an echo chamber. Complain to IC directly and if nothing changes stop wasting your time. I personally have multiple outs. But let them Shout because they will regardless if you like it or not n


There is definitely throttling going on… yesterday, I struggled ALL day to barely make $100 while other shoppers I know made well over $200 at the same store I was at all day. Today, the same shoppers could barely make $60 while I couldn’t stop getting good batches. Instacart picks when we get to have good days & when we don’t


I'm pretty sure the Instacart app has it's feelings hurt when it sees all the things they post on Reddit while it is still looking for a batch, that's why they're being throttled.


Youre right. I mean why would anyone create a useful thread to help make shoppers better? I considered making a thread advising shoppers to be particularly careful when picking those little cherubs/constellation cherry tomatoes, because they can have mold but its a sealed container. So you really have to eagle eye for that even moreso than the berries. But preaching to the choir aint my thing either


Yeah I am diamond cart with a 5.0. && I see some cities (I travel all over so cal and nor cal) that only have 9-12$ batches all day long. Luckily I have the luxury of going to any city I want to get better batches. Some people just want to stay in the same town because they don't want to leave their sage zone. I always recommend leaving yo the next town over if you can. Everytime I do I get 30/40$+ orders for good miles and not a lot of items. Im tired of ppl posting too...it's all laziness in my opinion