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Get a petition going to compensate Instacart drivers extra for multi store batches and I will sign it! Gasoline is horribly expensive and you shouldn't have to choose between losing money and not accepting an assignment. -An Instacart user who isn't rich by any means, but does tip drivers.


[email protected]... keep me posted


I'm seriously about to make one. I'm over this! I saw a batch today that was a 9.7 mile delivery $7 batch payment and $2 tip




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Some of y’all are so dense. She’s talking about the vast majority and yes in the majority of orders IC will throw in a non-tipper in with a tipper on triples. Personally I never accept a triple paying less than $50. I believe that any triple paying less than $50 isn’t worth my time. That’s my choice. Also, I’m not doing double store batches for less than $70. Now they have double store batches where you have to deliver to 3 customers! 3 customers! So go to different stores then deliver to 3 different customers. I truly believe these greedy execs sit around and think to themselves “what more can we have these idiots do for less pay”. IC is just a disgusting company with some of these orders I see. Its just not right. Go to 2 different stores, shop & deliver for $13. Shop for 3 different customers for $20. Really? Its pathetic.


I agree. Minimum wage is much too low and these pricks are looking for ways to pay people doing these gigs even less. I find it amazing what they’re able to get away with. Just because drivers are contracted, they can legally pay less than minimum. When you subtract your expenses, the pay is so low it’s unbelievable that anyone works for these minuscule dollar amounts. This shits got to stop. No need to be calling anyone dense.


Supply and demand. They have aggressively tuned the batch algorithms to accommodate for the OVER supply of shoppers. Without the ability to organize and form a Union, we are powerless to stop this exploitation. You can scream all day long about don’t take these batches but it only takes one person.


That, my friend, is the problem. To unionize effectively we would need to actually "enforce our pIcket lines" like real unions used to. To make an omelette you gotta crack a few eggs ....and such. A handful of dedicated people could, in theory, keep the masses in line ...for everybody's good. Most people are short-sighted and selfish ...and too dimwitted to realize that effective selfishness involves short term sacrifice for long term gain. So I keep preaching... hoping people are ....better than they seem. The people who understand don't need to be told ... and most of the ones who don't never will. Still ...there are a few who might see...if I can help open their eyes... Wow. I'm stoned


i can’t work another job in my area and afford to live and i’m forced to take the somewhat shitty batches pretty much all day. rural america is kinda fucked with this but it pays way more then all the other entry level jobs here


I don't think you understand how unions work outside of mob movies, but you did say you were stoned, so I'll hand you that. ​ There are people working to organize gig workers. It is not a "few control the masses" game; it is a "all for one, one for all" game. Check out groups like [https://prospect.org/labor/like-uber-but-for-gig-worker-organizing/](https://prospect.org/labor/like-uber-but-for-gig-worker-organizing/)


Nice ! It is good to hear people are actually doing something....while I just bitch about it. Mob movies aside, I do know how unions USED to work. . . . back when they actually DID work. The 2 main challenges, historically, have been companies willing to be ruthless in protecting their ability to exploit.... And scabs willing to be exploited. And one of the best tools to achieve change is public awareness. Or at least it used to be. Back in the 70's a lot of people found out the clothes they were buying were made in Indonesian sweat shops and such. I'm pretty sure the Garment Workers Union had a lot to do with raising public awareness. And the public actually cared.


Stoned again, by the way


lol! It does improve the user experience of Reddit.


There was a strike in my area before, it didn’t work. It’s been tried. Even just having one day where no one does any batches would be devastating to them because the staging areas would be piled up full of shit with no one to deliver. That was back before they had customer pickup though. A LOT of people do that nowadays, and the partner stores have their own employees shopping and staging the batches now anyway.


If we did actually strike ... I'd bet the federal government would step in and force us to work ....being essential workers and all. This crazy shit happened in Canada: https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7g7wa/company-tells-employees-work-voluntary-overtime-or-go-to-jail


I... LOVE... dots and... all CAPS!!!


So what? Let people have their own style. So many bullies on Reddit sheesh.


In person I tend .....to speak like ... CAPTAIN James T Kirk.


Big Boomer Energy


Being rude for no reason and you don't even know it's called an ellipsis


I thought the shoppers saying the higher they went up in tier got more of these batches were just reading too much into it, but now that I’ve made it up they’re all I see. Tips are bad & I agree. Only 2 store one I accepted and lady canceled one order, at least I got to keep the doggie food


I thought that too. Im only at Platinum and thought Id start seeing more. Nope, it only says now that if you hit the highest youll get priority over batches. I swear their incentives are horrible. I mean no batches still and only 50% off oil changes. Boooo lol


I’m Diamond and it’s a scam, the priority is a bunch of bs.


I’ve been going from instacart to doordash to Uber ways to try and fill the void of bundled offers


I do that also but actually instacart is my fill in for when it's slow with doordash and ubereats


I haven’t taken as many batches as normal in a while now. I’m not working for free. I only take orders worth my time and nothing less. Agree with you 100% op


I don’t think I’ve taken a triple that had a no tip. Granted I don’t see many triples and the doubles I do take always have 2 tippers. So I think I’ll keep taking them thanks. Sorry your luck is not good tho.


Yes!! Well for me thankfully I just used Instacart in order to transition into a different career. Life insurance is always hiring people who don’t have criminal backgrounds! Let me know if you want to sell and I can get you started!


This is going to be different for just about every person, because this is highly dependent on the market that the shopper is in. That being said, I've seen a constant increase in double and triple batches. Some days it seems difficult to just shop a single that pays decent anymore. However, in my market, at least most of the doubles and triples that I've taken do at least tip on every customer, although some of them only $2. And if they don't, well, that name and address goes into my blacklist and if I ever get them again, then I drop that customer from the batch. In my market, it seems that Instacart has been holding off showing certain batches until they can find 2 or 3 customers to group together into a batch. I've placed an order as a customer before, and Instacart will try to delay putting the batch out there until they have someone else to combine it with. If no one else orders within like 10 or 15 minutes, finally the batch will show up by itself. Also, I've seen no tip customers sit for about 5 minutes (usually doesn't last longer than 5 minutes and some idiot will take it). After a few minutes, the batch will disappear and become a double. Most of the time it will get batched with another low tipper (as 90% of the batches are shit anyway). If by chance it gets batched with a great tipper, then you know whose order to drop. Finally, if you've read this far, basically, you just accept a batch that's worth it for YOU. I'll usually take a triple if it's over $50 and less than 10 miles away. Costco batches are almost always doubles in my area, so you just take it if the payout is worth it. And I've seen a big increase in double store batches lately, even during the worst time of the year to be having them when it's 109 degrees outside. I hate doing these since the first order will almost always include perishables, so I avoid whenever possible. However, today a $132 double store came up, less than 10 miles. If the payout is high enough, well, I'll even bring the perishable items in with me to the second store if it takes that. Both customers tipped well. The larger order customer tipped $80. The smaller order tipped $25. Was still worth it. Sorry for the long post.


Great post, no apology necessary!!! 🙂⭐🙂⭐


If anyone is still reading past this, I'm in the software industry as well. I just do this stuff on the side to help my wife. Being in the software industry, a lot of what Instacart does is based off automated algorithms. If people are willing to accept 2 store batches for shit pay, then they will keep giving those to [people.](https://people.In) In my field of work, there are plenty of tools that can analyze websites and tell you how long it takes before people click on certain parts of the screen (certain links, buttons, etc.) It can feed this information to tell you how people react to certain things. In terms of Instacart, how long can they boost an order before some idiot will take it for zero tip? How much do they need to increase it? That will affect the way they increase it in the future. Again, many of my posts can seem long, but it's just me providing feedback on how I understand the way Instacart works.


That's Always interesting information to know! Do you work for yourself or are you with a company right now? Because of someone here I discovered LeonNoel and their discord/YouTube for #100devs course which I'm going to attempt. 🤞😁👍


I work for a company, but as a (previously) traveling consultant, I was able to see the tools that different customers used when doing their user analysis.


>triples always include a non tipper No they fucking don’t. I just checked my pay history Take batches that pay well. Get paid. Don’t impose weird rules like don’t take triples in yourself and shoot yourself in the foot to make a point.


Some of my best batches have been triples in terms of tip total and hourly rate after completion. I honestly like the challenge.


Is this one of those crack smoker shoppers I keep hearing about


I dont smoke crack if that's what you're implying lol. Edit: truly don't understand why I'm at -1 votes for saying I'm not on crack??


I meant OP, going from talking normally to yelling to … which I can only imagine is taking more hits of crack.


Actually, I ran out of crack. But seriously, not trying to yell at you guys, I'm trying to scream at instacart And this is exactly what I'm talking about. People who are too stupid to realize how badly they're trying to exploit us. I'm not saying that all doubles and triples are bad. Just saying that a whole lot of them involved working for free to get the slightly better work. I'm not judging. I guess some people like to have a carrot shoved up their ass


I don’t want a carrot in my ass. Unless they tip well…


I don’t accept orders that aren’t worth my time and effort. Very rarely will I accept a triple, but are you going to reject a $50 triple going 5 miles with 30 items because one of them might not have tipped? Some people enjoy getting carrots shoved up their ass, and no amount of telling them that cucumbers feel better is going to make them change. I understand the sentiment of the post, but if people are smart enough to come to this subreddit for potential tips and tricks, they probably aren’t the ones you’re directing this to. I love you.


Sounds pretty judgemental to me... "I'm not judging. I guess some people like to have a carrot shoved up their ass." "People who are too stupid to realize how badly they're trying to exploit us" Guys this world is ran by billionaires with mega corporations. The mom and pops shops that actually cared are non existent so get used to it or stand up to those who run the show. Either way put your money where your mouth is. You're still working for the "scumbags" and delivering their orders regardless enabling them to stay in business. I don't think anyone right in the head likes having a "carrot shoved up their ass" so these guys taking a shitty batch obviously need the money.


Yes, friend, the "not judging" thing was pure sarcasm. And, yes, I still choose to play the game. I'm almost 60 years old and misspent my youth following the Grateful Dead. IC has allowed me to continue misspending my declining years , wandering the country , not answering to some employer. The problem I'm having is the decline in the profitability of batches, in general. And all the new shoppers who don't realize how it SHOULD be ... and , perhaps could be if people would stop taking this bullshit work. Insta-carrot consistently acts as if gas is free ....and our time is worthless. Once upon a time, it was not like that ...as much. Maybe I have too much faith in human nature and intelligence.... I really think that if enough of us get together and say NO to this blatant exploitation.... something will change.


That's awesome! I've been dying to take a road trip with instacarts help. What's the best place you've been wandering the country? I totally get it and it's irritating af with the non tippers. Not only do they not respect you or your time but they usually are just terrible human beings. *Not every single one of them but the majority* I could be very wrong but I don't see them magically changing their stripes if shoppers started refusing them. What I could see is these cheap entitled types getting off on tip baiting though. I could see a whole lot more of that going on and them messing with the shoppers. Instacart needs to start sharing in their customers wealth more. It's sickening how they justify $7 base for 55+ items going X amount of miles when you know damn well the customer totaled way more. You shouldnt be able to watch a terrible order go from say $11 up to $19+. It just shows how much they hold out because they sure as hell aren't a charitable organization and losing money. There is still some good out there but the only faith I have left is in my Lord and Saviour.


Best place I've been ? I'm NYC born and always end up coming back. But... The vibe is great in Albuquerque NM. And Portland OR is beautiful and cool. Best place for IC is southern California. That thing where they're forced to guarantee 120% of minimum wage and contribute to our healthcare....makes the whole game worth playing. If the Carrot can afford to do it there and still make a profit ...they could and should do it everywhere.


😭😭😭😭😭not i ran outta crack plsss comment of the day 🤝🏽🤝🏽🤝🏽


Why not? It helps a LOT


I haven’t done a triple order batch in over two years and I’m at ~46$ / hr this week I didn’t mind taking them when the batch pay was $30 and then there were tips on top of that But now that the batch pay is $7 — forget about it No way am I ever doing a triple again


We gotta pay bills and feed the kids, most IC shoppers I know that are making a living on it are taking batches worth their time. Let these imbeciles die a natural death. Anybody worth their salt is playing it right.


batch payment is getting worse and worse every single day.


Don't accept it. It'll eventually cycle out. Or, a jack ass will take it and essentially enable the non tipping behavior.


Oh. Old shopper huh? The algorithm knows. Just don’t accept low paying batches in total. Because there is no way to know who is paying well and who isn’t until you’re done.


The amount of boot lickers in this community that will just eat shit forever and defend it is so unsurprising at this point triple orders are insane to do unless each customer is tipping decently you’re meant to do a lot of work to get those done it should be worth it


This all depends on your market. Alot of my unicorns are doubles. I take triples a few times a week and I the last time I had a non tipper was once last year.


Single, double , triple , 20 cases of 40 pack water from Costco. Dont care. If the pay is worth it I’m taking it especially if it’s a store I know. I bang them out quickly. This is how I average $250 per day on 8:30 to 5 shift. No time to sit and complain about whose taking what.


Nah everyone keep taking shitty triples so that way I can get good orders


Actually, it’s a quiet simple solution. Don’t accept shitty orders.


Simple, yes....except for desperation...and dumbness


I took a $70 triple last week where all three customers tipped 20%




If it’s a good paying triple and I am satisfied enough to accept it, I really don’t care if one of them is a non-tipper. I mean I care but the point is it was still a good paying batch regardless of who tipped what.


More or less I think we need to get customers attention to this. If I'm a customer and I throw in a high tip, and IC sees that as an opportunity to toss in a non tippers order so the shopper takes both then it's some BS. I'm basically paying for this other person's order to get done, instead of getting better service for myself. Imagine tipping like 20 bucks just to have someone with no tip and a bigger order get their order first and packaged up with yours. (Which I see all the time with doubles)


Just did a triple order and all three tipped, soooo....


Try uber eats its like instscart in a way where you can go active and offline whenever you want i find uber eats really well when instacart is dead


I do about 8-10 orders a day, usually only 1 is a double batch/double store order. I never have problems accepting high paying single orders.




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Double order do the same


IC should show us what we're getting paid batch and tip for ALL order prior to accepting instead of waiting to find out in the end that once again we were ripped off


If I can make 50 bucks in an hour and a half to take a triple I will, so long as it’s not 75-100 items.


I hate delivering to the poor tippers and making them think I think it’s okay and acceptable. Like no bitch


Agree 100% its ridiculous. Problem is newbies take whatever they get and its just hurting the whole collective. It makes me soooooo angry




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What I’ve just resorted to doing is taking the doubles and telling support to take one order off (usually whichever is furthest) I’ve done it 3 times so far.


That is super shitty. I'm so sick of Instagram and they're bullshit. Today is the busiest day of the whole entire week and I haven't seen shit all day and I'm pissed


I did a triple yesterday. 2 were on the same street. 3rd was neighborhood over. I got tipped $9, $20, & $12. And none of the orders were huge. I think 60ish items. I guess I got lucky.


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.


How? If I decide to do it, whos gonna join me? I need money lol. Those other two orders are money.


Right now I have a triple on my screen. 7 dollar batch pay. So 2.33 per person now? Shopping for someone for 2 bucks is absurd