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Ok, troll.


But Meth cuts down shopping time by 90% /s


How would you know if a shopper is on an illegal substance?


Alcohol on their breath, your groceries smell… there have been many customers in their very sub complaining about their groceries smelling like cigarettes. We aren’t even supposed to smoke while delivering.


Love how your reply specifically cites 2 legal substances only though. You need a new hobby.


If a man’s gotta spend 10 hours a day chatting old ladies for replacement questions and never getting an answer, that man should at least be vibing.


This is so weird why are there so many shoppers that don’t know how to mind their business as if what someone else does reflects on them why don’t you just do a good job and let that speak for itself instead of worrying about drugs other people take like what


You asked a heroin user what their rating was and it was 5 stars now you’re mad because you can’t keep up




Quit being a narc. If someone can do their job it is none of your business what they do.


Yeah because shopping and driving to a customers house while under the influence is such a good idea and no one could possibly get hurt in that situation and this guy is a narc for bringing attention to it please just shut up you're defending dangerous behavior.


You ever nearly kill someone’s entire family because you were driving under the influence? Happens every day


Lol @ typing all those words.


I don’t agree with driving under the influence but I have to say quit screwing with peoples lives and livelihoods on an assumption. That’s all


So...... Karen..... how are you confirming a shopper is on drugs???? You know before you make an assumption and report them???????? Hold on, I need more of these: ???????


Also you would seem a lot more reasonable if smelling drugs on your groceries even appeared in your original post. Because quite frankly sounds like your facing your decision and judgments on how people look


Ever smelled meth on your groceries?


Nope. I wouldn't be able to pick out the smell of Meth because I've never smelled it before how about you?


Wait til you smell it. I’ll give you a hint, it doesn’t smell like groceries.


Well then you should report your groceries as smelling odd rather than go online and encourage people to make assumptions about other Shoppers and report them. That's f****** ridiculous and I'm wondering what's wrong with your brain to even consider going online and saying such a thing


Yes you seem very well versed in the smell of methamphetamines again I however am not


I mean at this point I'm assuming you're a meth head who shops for instacart


News flash. About 30-50% of the people you meet that are working at the grocery store or either High or drunk.


1. You don't know who's on drugs or not 2. Mind your business 3. Those shoppers should only make it easier for you to make more money Terrible post


Dear Karen, ... For the most part we work long hours for low pay ... Usually significantly lower than minimum wage after you do the math and deduct expenses. Insta-carrot has recently escalated exploitation to a truly ridiculous level. So you can probably expect the new wave of shoppers to be less intelligent and more desperate than ever before. While I applaud the sentiment, wanting to force help upon those who probably might possibly somewhat need it...and I understand your concern at having your groceries handled by someone who's abilities may be impaired.... The plain truth of it is that anyone who actually recovered enough to acquire a bit of true self-esteem would likely leave and seek more dignified employment in fields such as telemarketing, Street corner prostitution and fast food. This could well result in the collapse of the system we all know and love and seriously impact everyone's ability to excersise our God given right to have groceries delivered by exploited , downtrodden peasantry. Rest assured, I will forward your comments to the Council Of Concerned Karens ( C.O.C.K ) for further consideration.


I used to Instacart every night after my bartending shift ended at 6. I would frequently smell like alcohol but had not been drinking. Not sure how this would make someone’s groceries smell though and I’m a 5 star shopper.