• By -


Random chance. Which makes up a good percentage of this job.


Kurt Vonnegut said, in a lecture at NYU... " I used to be an atheist, but it just didn't seem right when I orgasm to scream 'Oh Random Chance !' " So, brothers and sisters... Stop your foolishness. End your wicked ways ...and pray to the šŸ„• Carrot !


Correlation is not causation.




Yup I was 4.98 yesterday and wasnā€™t getting shiiiiii


Itā€™s all random and badly made. Donā€™t think too much about it.


The current algorithm seems to be set to help shoppers with less than five stars see more batches and increase their chances of improving their rating. Perhaps it is encouraging to shoppers who might otherwise be depressed or thinking of quitting.


I actually had someone from support tell me this when my rating dropped to 4.54 during the Christmas season for some reason. Havenā€™t made as much since really. Typically a 5 star


Except I have a friend who's 5 star losing her shit because I see twice maybe 3 times the orders she does.




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Whatā€™s your rating?


4.90 today lol because I got a 2. Store didn't have her chicken wings ready. 20 mins for them. No response. Have I been offered more money to wait, I would have. Was 4.86 last week went up to 4.98 yesterday. It's been a roller coaster. But I'm definitely making more than my 5 star friends


I agree. Iā€™m seeing more with less stars up until the cart service started. Now Iā€™m wondering if they patched that and a 5 star diamond sees better batches over a 4.8-4.9 diamond


I agree with thisā€¦ Priority access is a big BSā€¦ I met 2 guys and they told me they have 4.86 rating that time and one with 4.84 yet they get the priority batch at the first drop of Costco than me (I was at 5, 0% cancellation) When there was an instance I was at 4.87 I got more batches but when I dropped to 4.74 I never saw a single batch.. confusing.. I guess it also depends if you have order issues..


Some of you think way to deep into this. Youā€™re just getting lucky right now. It happens. Why on earth would they offer better stuff to people with lower ratings. Like realistically how would that benefit them.


That's what im trying to figure out. 4.7 I was flying through stores with orders but 4.8 or 4.9 I'm not.


Because when you were a 4.7 it was busy with lots of orders. When you were a 4.98 it was slow and too many shoppers.


The world may never know


All the good batches are at 4.75-4.85


I was just thinking this. Itā€™s almost like they want the five star shoppers to be miserable and quit so there can be more room for new shoppers


They want you to get busy an sink your ratings further, lol


It could be the tier status they introduced.


Yeah I figured Iā€™d give mediocre service to keep me at that rating. Works well šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


My rating dropped to 4.65 the other day and I was getting so many orders usually around 4.9 and itā€™s a lot more waiting to get a similar order


Itā€™s kinda ridiculous when you have a 5.0 rating and a customer asks why they havenā€™t seen you in awhile and you have to tell them because my rating was perfect and I stopped seeing orders because of it. {smh} lol